'use strict'; TABS.failsafe = {}; TABS.failsafe.initialize = function (callback, scrollPosition) { var self = this; if (GUI.active_tab != 'failsafe') { GUI.active_tab = 'failsafe'; } function load_rx_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RX_CONFIG, false, false, load_failssafe_config); } function load_failssafe_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_FAILSAFE_CONFIG, false, false, load_rxfail_config); } function load_rxfail_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RXFAIL_CONFIG, false, false, get_box_names); } function get_box_names() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOXNAMES, false, false, get_mode_ranges); } function get_mode_ranges() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_MODE_RANGES, false, false, get_box_ids); } function get_box_ids() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOXIDS, false, false, get_rc_data); } function get_rc_data() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RC, false, false, load_config); } // BEGIN Support for pre API version 1.15.0 function load_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BF_CONFIG, false, false, load_misc); } function load_misc() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_MISC, false, false, load_html); } // END (Support for pre API version 1.15.0 function load_html() { $('#content').load("./tabs/failsafe.html", process_html); } var apiVersionGte1_15_0 = semver.gte(CONFIG.apiVersion, "1.15.0"); // Uncomment next line for testing older functionality on newer API version //apiVersionGte1_15_0 = false; if(apiVersionGte1_15_0) { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, false, false, load_rx_config); } else { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, false, false, load_config); } function process_html() { var failsafeFeature; // translate to user-selected language localize(); // Conditionally hide the old or the new control pane's if(apiVersionGte1_15_0) { var oldPane = $('div.oldpane'); oldPane.prop("disabled", true); oldPane.hide(); } else { var newPane = $('div.newpane'); newPane.prop("disabled", true); newPane.hide(); } if(apiVersionGte1_15_0) { // generate labels for assigned aux modes var auxAssignment = [], i, element; for (var channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < RC.active_channels - 4; channelIndex++) { auxAssignment.push(""); } for (var modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < AUX_CONFIG.length; modeIndex++) { var modeId = AUX_CONFIG_IDS[modeIndex]; // scan mode ranges to find assignments for (var modeRangeIndex = 0; modeRangeIndex < MODE_RANGES.length; modeRangeIndex++) { var modeRange = MODE_RANGES[modeRangeIndex]; if (modeRange.id != modeId) { continue; } var range = modeRange.range; if (!(range.start < range.end)) { continue; // invalid! } auxAssignment[modeRange.auxChannelIndex] += "" + AUX_CONFIG[modeIndex] + ""; } } // generate full channel list var channelNames = [ chrome.i18n.getMessage('controlAxisRoll'), chrome.i18n.getMessage('controlAxisPitch'), chrome.i18n.getMessage('controlAxisYaw'), chrome.i18n.getMessage('controlAxisThrottle') ], fullChannels_e = $('div.activechannellist'), aux_index = 1, aux_assignment_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < RXFAIL_CONFIG.length; i++) { if (i < channelNames.length) { fullChannels_e.append('\
\ ' + channelNames[i] + '\
\ \
\ '); } else { fullChannels_e.append('\
\ ' + chrome.i18n.getMessage("controlAxisAux" + (aux_index++)) + '\ ' + auxAssignment[aux_assignment_index++] + '\
\ \
\ '); } } var channel_mode_array = []; $('.number', fullChannels_e).each(function () { channel_mode_array.push($('select.aux_set' , this)); }); var channel_value_array = []; $('.number', fullChannels_e).each(function () { channel_value_array.push($('input[name="aux_value"]' , this)); }); var channelMode = $('select.aux_set'); var channelValue = $('input[name="aux_value"]'); // UI hooks channelMode.change(function () { var currentMode = parseInt($(this).val()); var i = parseInt($(this).prop("id")); RXFAIL_CONFIG[i].mode = currentMode; if (currentMode == 2) { channel_value_array[i].prop("disabled", false); channel_value_array[i].show(); } else { channel_value_array[i].prop("disabled", true); channel_value_array[i].hide(); } }); // UI hooks channelValue.change(function () { var i = parseInt($(this).prop("id")); RXFAIL_CONFIG[i].value = parseInt($(this).val()); }); // for some odd reason chrome 38+ changes scroll according to the touched select element // i am guessing this is a bug, since this wasn't happening on 37 // code below is a temporary fix, which we will be able to remove in the future (hopefully) $('#content').scrollTop((scrollPosition) ? scrollPosition : 0); // fill stage 1 Valid Pulse Range Settings $('input[name="rx_min_usec"]').val(RX_CONFIG.rx_min_usec); $('input[name="rx_max_usec"]').val(RX_CONFIG.rx_max_usec); // fill fallback settings (mode and value) for all channels for (i = 0; i < RXFAIL_CONFIG.length; i++) { channel_value_array[i].val(RXFAIL_CONFIG[i].value); channel_mode_array[i].val(RXFAIL_CONFIG[i].mode); channel_mode_array[i].change(); } // fill stage 2 fields failsafeFeature = $('input[name="failsafe_feature_new"]'); failsafeFeature.change(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('div.stage2').show(); } else { $('div.stage2').hide(); } }); failsafeFeature.prop('checked', bit_check(BF_CONFIG.features, 8)); failsafeFeature.change(); $('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').val(FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_throttle); $('input[name="failsafe_off_delay"]').val(FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_off_delay); $('input[name="failsafe_throttle_low_delay"]').val(FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_throttle_low_delay); $('input[name="failsafe_delay"]').val(FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_delay); // set stage 2 failsafe procedure $('input[type="radio"].procedure').change(function () { var element = $(this), checked = element.is(':checked'), id = element.attr('id'); switch(id) { case 'drop': if (checked) { $('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').prop("disabled", true); $('input[name="failsafe_off_delay"]').prop("disabled", true); } break; case 'land': if (checked) { $('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').prop("disabled", false); $('input[name="failsafe_off_delay"]').prop("disabled", false); } break; } }); switch(FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_procedure) { default: case 0: element = $('input[id="land"]') ; element.prop('checked', true); element.change(); break; case 1: element = $('input[id="drop"]'); element.prop('checked', true); element.change(); break; } // set stage 2 kill switch option $('input[name="failsafe_kill_switch"]').prop('checked', FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_kill_switch); } else { // set FAILSAFE feature option (pre API 1.15.0) failsafeFeature = $('input[name="failsafe_feature"]'); failsafeFeature.prop('checked', bit_check(BF_CONFIG.features, 8)); // fill failsafe_throttle field (pre API 1.15.0) $('input[name="failsafe_throttle_old"]').val(MISC.failsafe_throttle); } $('a.save').click(function () { // gather data that doesn't have automatic change event bound if(apiVersionGte1_15_0) { RX_CONFIG.rx_min_usec = parseInt($('input[name="rx_min_usec"]').val()); RX_CONFIG.rx_max_usec = parseInt($('input[name="rx_max_usec"]').val()); // get FAILSAFE feature option (>= API 1.15.0) if ($('input[name="failsafe_feature_new"]').is(':checked')) { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_set(BF_CONFIG.features, 8); } else { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_clear(BF_CONFIG.features, 8); } FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_throttle = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_throttle"]').val()); FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_off_delay = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_off_delay"]').val()); FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_throttle_low_delay = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_throttle_low_delay"]').val()); FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_delay = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_delay"]').val()); if( $('input[id="land"]').is(':checked')) { FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_procedure = 0; } else if( $('input[id="drop"]').is(':checked')) { FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_procedure = 1; } FAILSAFE_CONFIG.failsafe_kill_switch = $('input[name="failsafe_kill_switch"]').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; } else { // get FAILSAFE feature option (pre API 1.15.0) if ($('input[name="failsafe_feature"]').is(':checked')) { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_set(BF_CONFIG.features, 8); } else { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_clear(BF_CONFIG.features, 8); } // get failsafe_throttle field value (pre API 1.15.0) MISC.failsafe_throttle = parseInt($('input[name="failsafe_throttle_old"]').val()); } function save_failssafe_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_FAILSAFE_CONFIG, MSP.crunch(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_FAILSAFE_CONFIG), false, save_rxfail_config); } function save_rxfail_config() { MSP.sendRxFailConfig(save_bf_config); } function save_bf_config() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_BF_CONFIG, MSP.crunch(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_BF_CONFIG), false, save_to_eeprom); } // BEGIN pre API 1.15.0 save functions function save_misc() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_MISC, MSP.crunch(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_MISC), false, save_to_eeprom); } // END pre API 1.15.0 save functions function save_to_eeprom() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, false, false, reboot); } function reboot() { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('configurationEepromSaved')); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_REBOOT, false, false, reinitialize); }); } function reinitialize() { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('deviceRebooting')); if (BOARD.find_board_definition(CONFIG.boardIdentifier).vcp) { // VCP-based flight controls may crash old drivers, we catch and reconnect $('a.connect').click(); GUI.timeout_add('start_connection',function start_connection() { $('a.connect').click(); },2500); } else { GUI.timeout_add('waiting_for_bootup', function waiting_for_bootup() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, false, false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('deviceReady')); TABS.failsafe.initialize(false, $('#content').scrollTop()); }); },1500); // 1500 ms seems to be just the right amount of delay to prevent data request timeouts } } if(apiVersionGte1_15_0) { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_RX_CONFIG, MSP.crunch(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_RX_CONFIG), false, save_failssafe_config); } else { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_BF_CONFIG, MSP.crunch(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_BF_CONFIG), false, save_misc); } }); // status data pulled via separate timer with static speed GUI.interval_add('status_pull', function status_pull() { MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); }, 250, true); GUI.content_ready(callback); } }; TABS.failsafe.cleanup = function (callback) { if (callback) callback(); };