var STM32_protocol = function() { this.hex_to_flash; // data to flash this.receive_buffer; this.bytes_to_read = 0; // ref this.read_callback; // ref this.flashing_memory_address; this.verify_memory_address; this.bytes_flashed; this.bytes_verified; this.verify_hex = new Array(); this.upload_time_start; this.steps_executed; this.steps_executed_last; this.status = { ACK: 0x79, NACK: 0x1F }; this.command = { get: 0x00, // Gets the version and the allowed commands supported by the current version of the bootloader get_ver_r_protect_s: 0x01, // Gets the bootloader version and the Read Protection status of the Flash memory get_ID: 0x02, // Gets the chip ID read_memory: 0x11, // Reads up to 256 bytes of memory starting from an address specified by the application go: 0x21, // Jumps to user application code located in the internal Flash memory or in SRAM write_memory: 0x31, // Writes up to 256 bytes to the RAM or Flash memory starting from an address specified by the application erase: 0x43, // Erases from one to all the Flash memory pages extended_erase: 0x44, // Erases from one to all the Flash memory pages using two byte addressing mode (v3.0+ usart). write_protect: 0x63, // Enables the write protection for some sectors write_unprotect: 0x73, // Disables the write protection for all Flash memory sectors readout_protect: 0x82, // Enables the read protection readout_unprotect: 0x92 // Disables the read protection }; // Erase (x043) and Extended Erase (0x44) are exclusive. A device may support either the Erase command or the Extended Erase command but not both. }; // string = string .. duh STM32_protocol.prototype.GUI_status = function(string) { $('span.status').html(string); }; // no input parameters STM32_protocol.prototype.connect = function() { var self = this; selected_port = String($('div#port-picker .port select').val()); if (selected_port != '0') { // parity and stopbit properties should be in chrome v30 or v31, {bitrate: 115200, parityBit: 'evenparity', stopBit: 'onestopbit'}, function(openInfo) { connectionId = openInfo.connectionId; if (connectionId != -1) { console.log('Connection was opened with ID: ' + connectionId); // we are connected, disabling connect button in the UI GUI.connect_lock = true; // start the upload procedure self.initialize(); } }); } else { console.log('Please select valid serial port'); } }; // initialize certain variables and start timers that oversee the communication STM32_protocol.prototype.initialize = function() { var self = this; // reset and set some variables before we start self.receive_buffer = []; self.flashing_memory_address = 0x08000000; self.verify_memory_address = 0x08000000; self.bytes_flashed = 0; self.bytes_verified = 0; self.verify_hex = []; self.upload_time_start = microtime(); self.steps_executed = 0; self.steps_executed_last = 0; GUI.interval_add('firmware_uploader_read', function() {; }, 1, true); GUI.interval_add('STM32_timeout', function() { if (self.steps_executed > self.steps_executed_last) { // process is running self.steps_executed_last = self.steps_executed; } else { console.log('STM32 - timed out, programming failed ...'); STM32.GUI_status('STM32 - timed out, programming: FAILED'); // protocol got stuck, clear timer and disconnect GUI.interval_remove('STM32_timeout'); // exit self.upload_procedure(99); } }, 1000); // there seems to be 2 unwanted bytes in the parsed array, we will drop them now (WHY ???) this.hex_to_flash.shift(); this.hex_to_flash.shift(); // first step if ($('input.updating').is(':checked')) { self.upload_procedure(0); } else { self.upload_procedure(1); } }; // no input parameters // this method should be executed every 1 ms via interval timer = function() { var self = this; // routine that fills the buffer, 128, function(readInfo) { if (readInfo && readInfo.bytesRead > 0) { var data = new Uint8Array(; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { self.receive_buffer.push(data[i]); } } }); // routine that fetches data from buffer if statement is true if (self.receive_buffer.length >= self.bytes_to_read && self.bytes_to_read != 0) { var data = self.receive_buffer.slice(0, self.bytes_to_read); // bytes requested self.receive_buffer.splice(0, self.bytes_to_read); // remove read bytes self.bytes_to_read = 0; // reset trigger self.read_callback(data); } }; // Array = array of bytes that will be send over serial // bytes_to_read = received bytes necessary to trigger read_callback // callback = function that will be executed after received bytes = bytes_to_read STM32_protocol.prototype.send = function(Array, bytes_to_read, callback) { var bufferOut = new ArrayBuffer(Array.length); var bufferView = new Uint8Array(bufferOut); // set Array values inside bufferView (alternative to for loop) bufferView.set(Array); // update references this.bytes_to_read = bytes_to_read; this.read_callback = callback; // send over the actual data chrome.serial.write(connectionId, bufferOut, function(writeInfo) {}); }; // val = single byte to be verified // data = response of n bytes from mcu (array) // result = true/false STM32_protocol.prototype.verify_response = function(val, data) { if (val != data[0]) { console.log('STM32 Communication failed, wrong response, expected: ' + val + ' received: ' + data[0]); // disconnect this.upload_procedure(99); return false; } return true; }; // input = 16 bit value // result = true/false STM32_protocol.prototype.verify_chip_signature = function(signature) { switch (signature) { case 0x412: // low density return false; break; case 0x410: // medium density console.log('Chip recognized as F1 Medium-density'); return true; break; case 0x414: // high density return false break; case 0x418: // connectivity line return false; break; case 0x420: // medium density value line return false; break; case 0x428: // high density value line return false; break; case 0x430: // XL density return false; break; default: return false; }; }; // first_array = usually hex_to_flash array // second_array = usually verify_hex array // result = true/false STM32_protocol.prototype.verify_flash = function(first_array, second_array) { for (var i = 0; i < first_array.length; i++) { if (first_array[i] != second_array[i]) { console.log('Verification failed on byte: ' + i + ' expected: 0x' + first_array[i].toString(16) + ' received: 0x' + second_array[i].toString(16)); return false; } } console.log('Verification successful, matching: ' + first_array.length + ' bytes'); return true; }; // step = value depending on current state of upload_procedure STM32_protocol.prototype.upload_procedure = function(step) { var self = this; self.steps_executed++; switch (step) { case 0: // reboot into bootloader mode console.log('STM32 - Trying to jump into bootloader mode'); STM32.GUI_status('Rebooting'); self.send([0x52]); GUI.timeout_add('reboot_into_bootloader', function() { self.upload_procedure(1); }, 100); break; case 1: // initialize serial interface on the MCU side, auto baud rate settings self.send([0x7F], 1, function(reply) { if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { console.log('STM32 - Serial interface initialized on the MCU side'); // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(2); } }); break; case 2: // get version of the bootloader and supported commands self.send([self.command.get, 0xFF], 2, function(data) { // 0x00 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, data)) { self.send([], data[1] + 2, function(data) { // data[1] = number of bytes that will follow (should be 12 + ack) console.log('STM32 - Bootloader version: ' + (parseInt(data[0].toString(16)) / 10).toFixed(1)); // convert dec to hex, hex to dec and add floating point // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(3); }); } }); break; case 3: // get ID (device signature) self.send([self.command.get_ID, 0xFD], 2, function(data) { // 0x01 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, data)) { self.send([], data[1] + 2, function(data) { // data[1] = number of bytes that will follow (should be 1 + ack), its 2 + ack, WHY ??? var signature = (data[0] << 8) | data[1]; console.log('STM32 - Signature: 0x' + signature.toString(16)); // signature in hex representation if (self.verify_chip_signature(signature)) { // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(4); } else { console.log('Chip not supported, sorry :-('); // disconnect self.upload_procedure(99); } }); } }); break; case 4: // erase memory console.log('Executing global chip erase'); STM32.GUI_status('Erasing'); self.send([self.command.erase, 0xBC], 1, function(reply) { // 0x43 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { self.send([0xFF, 0x00], 1, function(reply) { if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { console.log('Erasing: done'); console.log('Writing data ...'); STM32.GUI_status('Flashing ...'); // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(5); } }); } }); break; case 5: // upload if (self.bytes_flashed < self.hex_to_flash.length) { if ((self.bytes_flashed + 256) <= self.hex_to_flash.length) { var data_length = 256; } else { var data_length = self.hex_to_flash.length - self.bytes_flashed; } console.log('STM32 - Writing to: 0x' + self.flashing_memory_address.toString(16) + ', ' + data_length + ' bytes'); self.send([self.command.write_memory, 0xCE], 1, function(reply) { // 0x31 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { // address needs to be transmitted as 32 bit integer, we need to bit shift each byte out and then calculate address checksum var address = [(self.flashing_memory_address >> 24), (self.flashing_memory_address >> 16) & 0xFF, (self.flashing_memory_address >> 8) & 0xFF, (self.flashing_memory_address & 0xFF)]; var address_checksum = address[0] ^ address[1] ^ address[2] ^ address[3]; self.send([address[0], address[1], address[2], address[3], address_checksum], 1, function(reply) { // write start address + checksum if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { var array_out = new Array(data_length + 2); // 2 byte overhead [N, ...., checksum] array_out[0] = data_length - 1; // number of bytes to be written (to write 128 bytes, N must be 127, to write 256 bytes, N must be 255) var checksum = array_out[0]; for (var i = 0; i < data_length; i++) { array_out[i + 1] = self.hex_to_flash[self.bytes_flashed]; // + 1 because of the first byte offset checksum ^= self.hex_to_flash[self.bytes_flashed]; self.bytes_flashed++; self.flashing_memory_address++; } array_out[array_out.length - 1] = checksum; // checksum (last byte in the array_out array) self.send(array_out, 1, function(reply) { if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { // flash another page self.upload_procedure(5); } }); } }); } }); } else { console.log('Writing: done'); console.log('Verifying data ...'); STM32.GUI_status('Verifying ...'); // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(6); } break; case 6: // verify if (self.bytes_verified < self.hex_to_flash.length) { if ((self.bytes_verified + 256) <= self.hex_to_flash.length) { var data_length = 256; } else { var data_length = self.hex_to_flash.length - self.bytes_verified; } console.log('STM32 - Reading from: 0x' + self.verify_memory_address.toString(16) + ', ' + data_length + ' bytes'); self.send([self.command.read_memory, 0xEE], 1, function(reply) { // 0x11 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { var address = [(self.verify_memory_address >> 24), (self.verify_memory_address >> 16) & 0x00FF, (self.verify_memory_address >> 8) & 0x00FF, (self.verify_memory_address & 0x00FF)]; var address_checksum = address[0] ^ address[1] ^ address[2] ^ address[3]; self.send([address[0], address[1], address[2], address[3], address_checksum], 1, function(reply) { // read start address + checksum if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { var bytes_to_read_n = data_length - 1; self.send([bytes_to_read_n, (~bytes_to_read_n) & 0xFF], 1, function(reply) { // bytes to be read + checksum XOR(complement of bytes_to_read_n) if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { self.send([], data_length, function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { self.verify_hex.push(data[i]); self.bytes_verified++; } self.verify_memory_address += data_length; // verify another page self.upload_procedure(6); }); } }); } }); } }); } else { var result = self.verify_flash(self.hex_to_flash, self.verify_hex); if (result) { console.log('Verifying: done'); console.log('Programming: SUCCESSFUL'); STM32.GUI_status('Programming: SUCCESSFUL'); // proceed to next step self.upload_procedure(7); } else { console.log('Verifying: failed'); console.log('Programming: FAILED'); STM32.GUI_status('Programming: FAILED'); // disconnect self.upload_procedure(99); } } break; case 7: // go // memory address = 4 bytes, 1st high byte, 4th low byte, 5th byte = checksum XOR(byte 1, byte 2, byte 3, byte 4) console.log('Sending GO command'); self.send([self.command.go, 0xDE], 1, function(reply) { // 0x21 ^ 0xFF if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { self.send([0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08], 1, function(reply) { if (self.verify_response(self.status.ACK, reply)) { // disconnect self.upload_procedure(99); } }); } }); break; case 99: // disconnect GUI.interval_remove('firmware_uploader_read'); // stop reading serial GUI.interval_remove('STM32_timeout'); // stop STM32 timeout timer (everything is finished now) console.log('Script finished after: ' + (microtime() - self.upload_time_start).toFixed(4) + ' seconds'); console.log('Script finished after: ' + self.steps_executed + ' steps'); // close connection chrome.serial.close(connectionId, function(result) { if (result) { // All went as expected console.log('Connection closed successfully.'); connectionId = -1; // reset connection id } else { // Something went wrong if (connectionId > 0) { console.log('There was an error that happened during "connection-close" procedure'); } } // unlocking connect button GUI.connect_lock = false; }); break; } }; // initialize object var STM32 = new STM32_protocol();