function tab_initialize_pid_tuning() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('PID Tuning'); GUI.active_tab = 'pid_tuning'; // requesting MSP_STATUS manually because it contains CONFIG.profile send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, false, false, get_pid_data); function get_pid_data() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_PID, false, false, get_rc_tuning_data); } function get_rc_tuning_data() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RC_TUNING, false, false, load_html); } function load_html() { $('#content').load("./tabs/pid_tuning.html", process_html); } function process_html() { // Fill in the data from PIDs array var i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .ROLL input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[0][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[0][i++].toFixed(3)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[0][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .PITCH input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[1][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[1][i++].toFixed(3)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[1][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .YAW input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[2][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[2][i++].toFixed(3)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[2][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .ALT input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[3][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[3][i++].toFixed(3)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[3][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .Pos input').each(function() { $(this).val(PIDs[4][i++].toFixed(2)); }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .PosR input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[5][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[5][i++].toFixed(2)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[5][i++].toFixed(3)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .NavR input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[6][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[6][i++].toFixed(2)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[6][i++].toFixed(3)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .LEVEL input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[7][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[7][i++].toFixed(2)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[7][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .MAG input').each(function() { $(this).val(PIDs[8][i++].toFixed(1)); }); i = 0; $('.pid_tuning .Vario input').each(function() { switch (i) { case 0: $(this).val(PIDs[9][i++].toFixed(1)); break; case 1: $(this).val(PIDs[9][i++].toFixed(3)); break; case 2: $(this).val(PIDs[9][i++].toFixed(0)); break; } }); // Fill in data from RC_tuning object $('.rate-tpa input[name="roll-pitch"]').val(RC_tuning.roll_pitch_rate.toFixed(2)); $('.rate-tpa input[name="yaw"]').val(RC_tuning.yaw_rate.toFixed(2)); $('.rate-tpa input[name="tpa"]').val(RC_tuning.dynamic_THR_PID.toFixed(2)); // Fill in currently selected profile $('input[name="profile"]').val(CONFIG.profile + 1); // +1 because the range is 0-2 // UI Hooks $('input[name="profile"]').change(function() { var profile = parseInt($(this).val()); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SELECT_SETTING, [profile - 1], false, function() { GUI.log('Loaded Profile: ' + profile + ''); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(tab_initialize_pid_tuning); }); }); $('a.refresh').click(function() { GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function() { GUI.log('PID data refreshed'); tab_initialize_pid_tuning(); }); }); $('a.update').click(function() { // Catch all the changes and stuff the inside PIDs array var i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.ROLL input').each(function() { PIDs[0][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.PITCH input').each(function() { PIDs[1][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.YAW input').each(function() { PIDs[2][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.ALT input').each(function() { PIDs[3][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.Vario input').each(function() { PIDs[9][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.Pos input').each(function() { PIDs[4][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.PosR input').each(function() { PIDs[5][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.NavR input').each(function() { PIDs[6][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.LEVEL input').each(function() { PIDs[7][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); i = 0; $('table.pid_tuning tr.MAG input').each(function() { PIDs[8][i++] = parseFloat($(this).val()); }); var PID_buffer_out = new Array(); for (var i = 0, needle = 0; i < PIDs.length; i++, needle += 3) { switch (i) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 7: case 8: case 9: PID_buffer_out[needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 10); PID_buffer_out[needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 1000); PID_buffer_out[needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2]); break; case 4: PID_buffer_out[needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 100); PID_buffer_out[needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 100); PID_buffer_out[needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2]); break; case 5: case 6: PID_buffer_out[needle] = parseInt(PIDs[i][0] * 10); PID_buffer_out[needle + 1] = parseInt(PIDs[i][1] * 100); PID_buffer_out[needle + 2] = parseInt(PIDs[i][2] * 1000); break; } } // Send over the PID changes send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_PID, PID_buffer_out, false, send_rc_tuning_changes); function send_rc_tuning_changes() { // catch RC_tuning changes RC_tuning.roll_pitch_rate = parseFloat($('.rate-tpa input[name="roll-pitch"]').val()); RC_tuning.yaw_rate = parseFloat($('.rate-tpa input[name="yaw"]').val()); RC_tuning.dynamic_THR_PID = parseFloat($('.rate-tpa input[name="tpa"]').val()); var RC_tuning_buffer_out = new Array(); RC_tuning_buffer_out[0] = parseInt(RC_tuning.RC_RATE * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[1] = parseInt(RC_tuning.RC_EXPO * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[2] = parseInt(RC_tuning.roll_pitch_rate * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[3] = parseInt(RC_tuning.yaw_rate * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[4] = parseInt(RC_tuning.dynamic_THR_PID * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[5] = parseInt(RC_tuning.throttle_MID * 100); RC_tuning_buffer_out[6] = parseInt(RC_tuning.throttle_EXPO * 100); // Send over the RC_tuning changes send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_RC_TUNING, RC_tuning_buffer_out, false, save_to_eeprom); } function save_to_eeprom() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE, false, false, function() { GUI.log('EEPROM saved'); var element = $('a.update'); element.addClass('success'); GUI.timeout_add('success_highlight', function() { element.removeClass('success'); }, 2000); }); } }); // status data pulled via separate timer with static speed GUI.interval_add('status_pull', function() { send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); }, 250, true); } }