'use strict'; $(document).ready(function () { // translate to user-selected language localize(); // alternative - window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/([0-9.]*)/)[1]; GUI.log('Running - OS: ' + GUI.operating_system + ', ' + 'Chrome: ' + window.navigator.appVersion.replace(/.*Chrome\/([0-9.]*).*/, "$1") + ', ' + 'Configurator: ' + chrome.runtime.getManifest().version + ''); $('#status-bar .version').text(chrome.runtime.getManifest().version); $('#logo .version').text(chrome.runtime.getManifest().version); // notification messages for various operating systems switch (GUI.operating_system) { case 'Windows': break; case 'MacOS': // var main_chromium_version = window.navigator.appVersion.replace(/.*Chrome\/([0-9.]*).*/,"$1").split('.')[0]; break; case 'ChromeOS': break; case 'Linux': break; case 'UNIX': break; } // check release time to inform people in case they are running old release if (CONFIGURATOR.releaseDate > (new Date().getTime() - (86400000 * 91))) { // 1 day = 86400000 miliseconds, * 91 = 3 month window console.log('Application version is valid for another: ' + Math.round((CONFIGURATOR.releaseDate - (new Date().getTime() - (86400000 * 60))) / 86400000) + ' days'); } else { console.log('Application version expired'); GUI.log('You are using an old version of ' + chrome.runtime.getManifest().name + '. There may be a more recent version with improvements and fixes.'); } chrome.storage.local.get('logopen', function (result) { if (result.logopen) { $("#showlog").trigger('click'); } }); // log webgl capability // it would seem the webgl "enabling" through advanced settings will be ignored in the future // and webgl will be supported if gpu supports it by default (canary 40.0.2175.0), keep an eye on this one var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // log library versions in console to make version tracking easier console.log('Libraries: jQuery - ' + $.fn.jquery + ', d3 - ' + d3.version + ', three.js - ' + THREE.REVISION); // Tabs var ui_tabs = $('#tabs > ul'); $('a', ui_tabs).click(function () { if ($(this).parent().hasClass('active') == false && !GUI.tab_switch_in_progress) { // only initialize when the tab isn't already active var self = this, tabClass = $(self).parent().prop('class'); var tabRequiresConnection = $(self).parent().hasClass('mode-connected'); var tab = tabClass.substring(4); var tabName = $(self).text(); if (tabRequiresConnection && !CONFIGURATOR.connectionValid) { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('tabSwitchConnectionRequired')); return; } if (GUI.connect_lock) { // tab switching disabled while operation is in progress GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('tabSwitchWaitForOperation')); return; } if (GUI.allowedTabs.indexOf(tab) < 0) { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('tabSwitchUpgradeRequired', [tabName])); return; } GUI.tab_switch_in_progress = true; GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(function () { // disable previously active tab highlight $('li', ui_tabs).removeClass('active'); // Highlight selected tab $(self).parent().addClass('active'); // detach listeners and remove element data var content = $('#content'); content.empty(); // display loading screen $('#cache .data-loading').clone().appendTo(content); function content_ready() { GUI.tab_switch_in_progress = false; } switch (tab) { case 'landing': TABS.landing.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'firmware_flasher': TABS.firmware_flasher.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'help': TABS.help.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'auxiliary': TABS.auxiliary.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'adjustments': TABS.adjustments.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'ports': TABS.ports.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'led_strip': TABS.led_strip.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'failsafe': TABS.failsafe.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'transponder': TABS.transponder.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'osd': TABS.osd.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'setup': TABS.setup.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'configuration': TABS.configuration.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'pid_tuning': TABS.pid_tuning.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'receiver': TABS.receiver.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'modes': TABS.modes.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'servos': TABS.servos.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'gps': TABS.gps.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'motors': TABS.motors.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'sensors': TABS.sensors.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'logging': TABS.logging.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'onboard_logging': TABS.onboard_logging.initialize(content_ready); break; case 'cli': TABS.cli.initialize(content_ready); break; default: console.log('Tab not found:' + tab); } }); } }); $('#tabs ul.mode-disconnected li a:first').click(); // options $('a#options').click(function () { var el = $(this); if (!el.hasClass('active')) { el.addClass('active'); el.after('
'); $('div#options-window').load('./tabs/options.html', function () { // translate to user-selected language localize(); // if notifications are enabled, or wasn't set, check the notifications checkbox chrome.storage.local.get('update_notify', function (result) { if (typeof result.update_notify === 'undefined' || result.update_notify) { $('div.notifications input').prop('checked', true); } }); $('div.notifications input').change(function () { var check = $(this).is(':checked'); chrome.storage.local.set({'update_notify': check}); }); // if tracking is enabled, check the statistics checkbox //if (googleAnalyticsConfig.isTrackingPermitted()) { // $('div.statistics input').prop('checked', false); //} //$('div.statistics input').change(function () { // var check = $(this).is(':checked'); //}); function close_and_cleanup(e) { if (e.type == 'click' && !$.contains($('div#options-window')[0], e.target) || e.type == 'keyup' && e.keyCode == 27) { $(document).unbind('click keyup', close_and_cleanup); $('div#options-window').slideUp(250, function () { el.removeClass('active'); $(this).empty().remove(); }); } } $(document).bind('click keyup', close_and_cleanup); $(this).slideDown(250); }); } }); // listen to all input change events and adjust the value within limits if necessary $("#content").on('focus', 'input[type="number"]', function () { var element = $(this), val = element.val(); if (!isNaN(val)) { element.data('previousValue', parseFloat(val)); } }); $("#content").on('keydown', 'input[type="number"]', function (e) { // whitelist all that we need for numeric control var whitelist = [ 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, // numpad and standard number keypad 109, 189, // minus on numpad and in standard keyboard 8, 46, 9, // backspace, delete, tab 190, 110, // decimal point 37, 38, 39, 40, 13 // arrows and enter ]; if (whitelist.indexOf(e.keyCode) == -1) { e.preventDefault(); } }); $("#content").on('change', 'input[type="number"]', function () { var element = $(this), min = parseFloat(element.prop('min')), max = parseFloat(element.prop('max')), step = parseFloat(element.prop('step')), val = parseFloat(element.val()), decimal_places; // only adjust minimal end if bound is set if (element.prop('min')) { if (val < min) { element.val(min); val = min; } } // only adjust maximal end if bound is set if (element.prop('max')) { if (val > max) { element.val(max); val = max; } } // if entered value is illegal use previous value instead if (isNaN(val)) { element.val(element.data('previousValue')); val = element.data('previousValue'); } // if step is not set or step is int and value is float use previous value instead if (isNaN(step) || step % 1 === 0) { if (val % 1 !== 0) { element.val(element.data('previousValue')); val = element.data('previousValue'); } } // if step is set and is float and value is int, convert to float, keep decimal places in float according to step *experimental* if (!isNaN(step) && step % 1 !== 0) { decimal_places = String(step).split('.')[1].length; if (val % 1 === 0) { element.val(val.toFixed(decimal_places)); } else if (String(val).split('.')[1].length != decimal_places) { element.val(val.toFixed(decimal_places)); } } }); $("#showlog").on('click', function() { var state = $(this).data('state'); if ( state ) { $("#log").animate({height: 27}, 200, function() { var command_log = $('div#log'); command_log.scrollTop($('div.wrapper', command_log).height()); }); $("#log").removeClass('active'); $("#content").removeClass('logopen'); $(".tab_container").removeClass('logopen'); $("#scrollicon").removeClass('active'); chrome.storage.local.set({'logopen': false}); state = false; }else{ $("#log").animate({height: 111}, 200); $("#log").addClass('active'); $("#content").addClass('logopen'); $(".tab_container").addClass('logopen'); $("#scrollicon").addClass('active'); chrome.storage.local.set({'logopen': true}); state = true; } $(this).text(state ? 'Hide Log' : 'Show Log'); $(this).data('state', state); }); var profile_e = $('select[name="profilechange"]'); profile_e.change(function () { var profile = parseInt($(this).val()); MSP.send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_SELECT_SETTING, [profile], false, function () { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('pidTuningLoadedProfile', [profile + 1])); updateActivatedTab(); }); }); }); function microtime() { var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; return now; } function millitime() { var now = new Date().getTime(); return now; } var DEGREE_TO_RADIAN_RATIO = Math.PI / 180; function degToRad(degrees) { return degrees * DEGREE_TO_RADIAN_RATIO; } function bytesToSize(bytes) { if (bytes < 1024) { bytes = bytes + ' Bytes'; } else if (bytes < 1048576) { bytes = (bytes / 1024).toFixed(3) + ' KB'; } else if (bytes < 1073741824) { bytes = (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(3) + ' MB'; } else { bytes = (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(3) + ' GB'; } return bytes; } Number.prototype.clamp = function(min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(this, min), max); }; /** * String formatting now supports currying (partial application). * For a format string with N replacement indices, you can call .format * with M <= N arguments. The result is going to be a format string * with N-M replacement indices, properly counting from 0 .. N-M. * The following Example should explain the usage of partial applied format: * "{0}:{1}:{2}".format("a","b","c") === "{0}:{1}:{2}".format("a","b").format("c") * "{0}:{1}:{2}".format("a").format("b").format("c") === "{0}:{1}:{2}".format("a").format("b", "c") **/ String.prototype.format = function () { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (t, i) { return args[i] !== void 0 ? args[i] : "{"+(i-args.length)+"}"; }); }; function updateActivatedTab() { var activeTab = $('#tabs > ul li.active'); activeTab.removeClass('active'); $('a', activeTab).trigger('click'); } function updateTabList(featureSet, features) { if (features.isFeatureEnabled(featureSet, 'GPS')) { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_gps').show(); } else { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_gps').hide(); } if (features.isFeatureEnabled(featureSet, 'LED_STRIP')) { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_led_strip').show(); } else { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_led_strip').hide(); } if (features.isFeatureEnabled(featureSet, 'BLACKBOX')) { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_onboard_logging').show(); } else { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_onboard_logging').hide(); } if (features.isFeatureEnabled(featureSet, 'TRANSPONDER')) { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_transponder').show(); } else { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_transponder').hide(); } if (features.isFeatureEnabled(featureSet, 'OSD')) { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_osd').show(); } else { $('#tabs ul.mode-connected li.tab_osd').hide(); } }