'use strict'; var SYM = SYM || {}; SYM.VOLT = 0x00; SYM.RSSI = 0x01; SYM.AH_RIGHT = 0x02; SYM.AH_LEFT = 0x03; SYM.THR = 0x04; SYM.THR1 = 0x05; SYM.FLY_M = 0x9C; SYM.ON_M = 0x9B; SYM.AH_CENTER_LINE = 0x26; SYM.AH_CENTER_LINE_RIGHT = 0x27; SYM.AH_CENTER = 0x7E; SYM.AH_BAR9_0 = 0x80; SYM.AH_DECORATION = 0x13; SYM.LOGO = 0xA0; var FONT = FONT || {}; FONT.initData = function() { if (FONT.data) { return; } FONT.data = { // default font file name loaded_font_file: 'default', // array of arry of image bytes ready to upload to fc characters_bytes: [], // array of array of image bits by character characters: [], // an array of base64 encoded image strings by character character_image_urls: [] } }; FONT.constants = { SIZES: { /** NVM ram size for one font char, actual character bytes **/ MAX_NVM_FONT_CHAR_SIZE: 54, /** NVM ram field size for one font char, last 10 bytes dont matter **/ MAX_NVM_FONT_CHAR_FIELD_SIZE: 64, CHAR_HEIGHT: 18, CHAR_WIDTH: 12, LINE: 30 }, COLORS: { // black 0: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', // also the value 3, could yield transparent according to // https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/BreakoutBoards/MAX7456.pdf 1: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', // white 2: 'rgba(255,255,255, 1)' } }; /** * Each line is composed of 8 asci 1 or 0, representing 1 bit each for a total of 1 byte per line */ FONT.parseMCMFontFile = function(data) { var data = data.split("\n"); // clear local data FONT.data.characters.length = 0; FONT.data.characters_bytes.length = 0; FONT.data.character_image_urls.length = 0; // make sure the font file is valid if (data.shift().trim() != 'MAX7456') { var msg = 'that font file doesnt have the MAX7456 header, giving up'; console.debug(msg); Promise.reject(msg); } var character_bits = []; var character_bytes = []; // hexstring is for debugging FONT.data.hexstring = []; var pushChar = function() { FONT.data.characters_bytes.push(character_bytes); FONT.data.characters.push(character_bits); FONT.draw(FONT.data.characters.length-1); //$log.debug('parsed char ', i, ' as ', character); character_bits = []; character_bytes = []; }; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var line = data[i]; // hexstring is for debugging FONT.data.hexstring.push('0x' + parseInt(line, 2).toString(16)); // every 64 bytes (line) is a char, we're counting chars though, which are 2 bits if (character_bits.length == FONT.constants.SIZES.MAX_NVM_FONT_CHAR_FIELD_SIZE * (8 / 2)) { pushChar() } for (var y = 0; y < 8; y = y + 2) { var v = parseInt(line.slice(y, y+2), 2); character_bits.push(v); } character_bytes.push(parseInt(line, 2)); } // push the last char pushChar(); return FONT.data.characters; }; FONT.openFontFile = function($preview) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', accepts: [{extensions: ['mcm']}]}, function (fileEntry) { FONT.data.loaded_font_file = fileEntry.name; if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); return; } fileEntry.file(function (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(e) { if (e.total != 0 && e.total == e.loaded) { FONT.parseMCMFontFile(e.target.result); resolve(); } else { console.error('could not load whole font file'); } }; reader.readAsText(file); }); }); }); }; /** * returns a canvas image with the character on it */ var drawCanvas = function(charAddress) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // TODO: do we want to be able to set pixel size? going to try letting the consumer scale the image. var pixelSize = pixelSize || 1; var width = pixelSize * FONT.constants.SIZES.CHAR_WIDTH; var height = pixelSize * FONT.constants.SIZES.CHAR_HEIGHT; canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (!(charAddress in FONT.data.characters)) { console.log('charAddress', charAddress, ' is not in ', FONT.data.characters.length); } var v = FONT.data.characters[charAddress][(y*width)+x]; ctx.fillStyle = FONT.constants.COLORS[v]; ctx.fillRect(x, y, pixelSize, pixelSize); } } return canvas; }; FONT.draw = function(charAddress) { var cached = FONT.data.character_image_urls[charAddress]; if (!cached) { cached = FONT.data.character_image_urls[charAddress] = drawCanvas(charAddress).toDataURL('image/png'); } return cached; }; FONT.msp = { encode: function(charAddress) { return [charAddress].concat(FONT.data.characters_bytes[charAddress].slice(0,FONT.constants.SIZES.MAX_NVM_FONT_CHAR_SIZE)); } }; FONT.upload = function($progress) { return Promise.mapSeries(FONT.data.characters, function(data, i) { $progress.val((i / FONT.data.characters.length) * 100); return MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_OSD_CHAR_WRITE, FONT.msp.encode(i)); }) .then(function() { return MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_REBOOT); }); }; FONT.preview = function($el) { $el.empty() for (var i = 0; i < SYM.LOGO; i++) { var url = FONT.data.character_image_urls[i]; $el.append(''); } }; FONT.symbol = function(hexVal) { return String.fromCharCode(hexVal); }; var OSD = OSD || {}; // parsed fc output and output to fc, used by to OSD.msp.encode OSD.initData = function() { OSD.data = { video_system: null, display_items: [], last_positions: {}, preview: [] }; }; OSD.initData(); OSD.constants = { VIDEO_TYPES: [ 'AUTO', 'PAL', 'NTSC' ], VIDEO_LINES: { PAL: 16, NTSC: 13 }, VIDEO_BUFFER_CHARS: { PAL: 480, NTSC: 390 }, AHISIDEBARWIDTHPOSITION: 7, AHISIDEBARHEIGHTPOSITION: 3, // order matters, so these are going in an array... pry could iterate the example map instead DISPLAY_FIELDS: [ { name: 'MAIN_BATT_VOLTAGE', default_position: -29, positionable: true, preview: FONT.symbol(SYM.VOLT) + '16.8' }, { name: 'RSSI_VALUE', default_position: -59, positionable: true, preview: FONT.symbol(SYM.RSSI) + '99' }, { name: 'TIMER', default_position: -39, positionable: true, preview: FONT.symbol(SYM.ON_M) + ' 11:11' }, { name: 'THROTTLE_POS', default_position: -9, positionable: true, preview: FONT.symbol(SYM.THR) + FONT.symbol(SYM.THR1) + ' 0' }, { name: 'CPU_LOAD', default_position: 26, positionable: true, preview: '15' }, { name: 'VTX_CHANNEL', default_position: 1, positionable: true }, { name: 'VOLTAGE_WARNING', default_position: -80, positionable: true, preview: 'LOW VOLTAGE' }, { name: 'ARMED', default_position: -107, positionable: true, preview: 'ARMED' }, { name: 'DISARMED', default_position: -109, positionable: true, preview: 'DISARMED' }, { name: 'ARTIFICIAL_HORIZON', default_position: -1, positionable: false }, { name: 'HORIZON_SIDEBARS', default_position: -1, positionable: false } ], }; OSD.updateDisplaySize = function() { var video_type = OSD.constants.VIDEO_TYPES[OSD.data.video_system]; if (video_type == 'AUTO') { video_type = 'PAL'; } // compute the size OSD.data.display_size = { x: 30, y: OSD.constants.VIDEO_LINES[video_type], total: null }; }; OSD.msp = { encodeOther: function() { return [-1, OSD.data.video_system]; }, encode: function(display_item) { return [ display_item.index, specificByte(display_item.position, 0), specificByte(display_item.position, 1) ]; }, // Currently only parses MSP_MAX_OSD responses, add a switch on payload.code if more codes are handled decode: function(payload) { var view = payload.data; var d = OSD.data; d.compiled_in = view.getUint8(0, 1); d.video_system = view.getUint8(1, 1); d.display_items = []; // start at the offset from the other fields for (var i = 2; i < view.byteLength; i = i + 2) { var v = view.getInt16(i, 1) var j = d.display_items.length; var c = OSD.constants.DISPLAY_FIELDS[j]; d.display_items.push({ name: c.name, index: j, position: v, positionable: c.positionable, preview: c.preview }); } OSD.updateDisplaySize(); } }; OSD.GUI = {}; OSD.GUI.preview = { onDragStart: function(e) { var ev = e.originalEvent; ev.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", ev.target.id); ev.dataTransfer.setDragImage($(this).data('field').preview_img, 6, 9); }, onDragOver: function(e) { var ev = e.originalEvent; ev.preventDefault(); ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move" $(this).css({ background: 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)' }); }, onDragLeave: function(e) { // brute force unstyling on drag leave $(this).removeAttr('style'); }, onDrop: function(e) { var ev = e.originalEvent; var position = $(this).removeAttr('style').data('position'); if (position > OSD.data.display_size.total/2) { position = position - OSD.data.display_size.total; } var field_id = parseInt(ev.dataTransfer.getData('text').split('field-')[1]) $('input.'+field_id+'.position').val(position).change(); }, }; TABS.osd = {}; TABS.osd.initialize = function (callback) { var self = this; if (GUI.active_tab != 'osd') { GUI.active_tab = 'osd'; } $('#content').load("./tabs/osd.html", function () { // translate to user-selected language localize(); // 2 way binding... sorta function updateOsdView() { // ask for the OSD config data MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_OSD_CONFIG) .then(function(info) { if (!info.length) { $('.unsupported').fadeIn(); return; } $('.supported').fadeIn(); OSD.msp.decode(info); // video mode var $videoTypes = $('.video-types').empty(); for (var i = 0; i < OSD.constants.VIDEO_TYPES.length; i++) { var type = OSD.constants.VIDEO_TYPES[i]; var $checkbox = $('').append($(''+type+'') .prop('checked', i === OSD.data.video_system) .data('type', type) .data('type', i) ); $videoTypes.append($checkbox); } $videoTypes.find(':radio').click(function(e) { OSD.data.video_system = $(this).data('type'); MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_OSD_CONFIG, OSD.msp.encodeOther()) .then(function() { updateOsdView(); }); }); // display fields on/off and position var $displayFields = $('.display-fields').empty(); for (let field of OSD.data.display_items) { var checked = (-1 != field.position) ? 'checked' : ''; var $field = $('
'); $field.append( $('') .data('field', field) .attr('checked', field.position != -1) .change(function(e) { var field = $(this).data('field'); var $position = $(this).parent().find('.position.'+field.name); if (field.position == -1) { $position.show(); field.position = OSD.data.last_positions[field.name] } else { $position.hide(); OSD.data.last_positions[field.name] = field.position field.position = -1 } MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_OSD_CONFIG, OSD.msp.encode(field)) .then(function() { updateOsdView(); }); }) ); $field.append(''); if (field.positionable && field.position != -1) { $field.append( $('') .data('field', field) .val(field.position) .change($.debounce(250, function(e) { var field = $(this).data('field'); var position = parseInt($(this).val()); field.position = position; MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_SET_OSD_CONFIG, OSD.msp.encode(field)) .then(function() { updateOsdView(); }); })) ); } $displayFields.append($field); } GUI.switchery(); // buffer the preview OSD.data.preview = []; OSD.data.display_size.total = OSD.data.display_size.x * OSD.data.display_size.y; // clear the buffer for(var i = 0; i < OSD.data.display_size.total; i++) { OSD.data.preview.push([null, ' '.charCodeAt(0)]); } // draw all the displayed items and the drag and drop preview images for(let field of OSD.data.display_items) { if (!field.preview || field.position == -1) { continue; } var j = (field.position >= 0) ? field.position : field.position + OSD.data.display_size.total; // create the preview image field.preview_img = new Image(); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // fill the screen buffer for(var i = 0; i < field.preview.length; i++) { var charCode = field.preview.charCodeAt(i); OSD.data.preview[j++] = [field, charCode]; // draw the preview var img = new Image(); img.src = FONT.draw(charCode); ctx.drawImage(img, i*12, 0); } field.preview_img.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); } // logo var x = 160; for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { for (var j = 3; j < 27; j++) OSD.data.preview[i * 30 + j] = [{name: 'LOGO', positionable: false}, x++]; } var centerishPosition = 194; // artificial horizon if ($('input[name="ARTIFICIAL_HORIZON"]').prop('checked')) { for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition - 4 + i] = SYM.AH_BAR9_0 + 4; } OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition - 1] = SYM.AH_CENTER_LINE; OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition + 1] = SYM.AH_CENTER_LINE_RIGHT; OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition] = SYM.AH_CENTER; } // sidebars if ($('input[name="HORIZON_SIDEBARS"]').prop('checked')) { var hudwidth = OSD.constants.AHISIDEBARWIDTHPOSITION; var hudheight = OSD.constants.AHISIDEBARHEIGHTPOSITION; for (var i = -hudheight; i <= hudheight; i++) { OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition - hudwidth + (i * FONT.constants.SIZES.LINE)] = SYM.AH_DECORATION; OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition + hudwidth + (i * FONT.constants.SIZES.LINE)] = SYM.AH_DECORATION; } // AH level indicators OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition-hudwidth+1] = SYM.AH_LEFT; OSD.data.preview[centerishPosition+hudwidth-1] = SYM.AH_RIGHT; } // render var $preview = $('.display-layout .preview').empty(); var $row = $(''); for(var i = 0; i < OSD.data.display_size.total;) { var charCode = OSD.data.preview[i]; if (typeof charCode === 'object') { var field = OSD.data.preview[i][0]; var charCode = OSD.data.preview[i][1]; } var $img = $('') .on('dragover', OSD.GUI.preview.onDragOver) .on('dragleave', OSD.GUI.preview.onDragLeave) .on('drop', OSD.GUI.preview.onDrop) .data('position', i); if (field && field.positionable) { $img .attr('id', 'field-'+field.index) .data('field', field) .prop('draggable', true) .on('dragstart', OSD.GUI.preview.onDragStart); } else { } $row.append($img); if (++i % OSD.data.display_size.x == 0) { $preview.append($row); $row = $(''); } } }); }; $('button.save').click(function() { var self = this; MSP.promise(MSP_codes.MSP_EEPROM_WRITE); var oldText = $(this).text(); $(this).html("Saved"); setTimeout(function () { $(self).html(oldText); }, 2000); }); // font preview window var $preview = $('.font-preview'); // init structs once, also clears current font FONT.initData(); var $fontPicker = $('.fontbuttons button'); $fontPicker.click(function(e) { if (!$(this).data('font-file')) { return; } $fontPicker.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $.get('/resources/osd/' + $(this).data('font-file') + '.mcm', function(data) { FONT.parseMCMFontFile(data); FONT.preview($preview); updateOsdView(); }); }); // load the first font when we change tabs $fontPicker.first().click(); $('button.load_font_file').click(function() { $fontPicker.removeClass('active'); FONT.openFontFile().then(function() { FONT.preview($preview); updateOsdView(); }); }); // font upload $('button.flash_font').click(function () { if (!GUI.connect_lock) { // button disabled while flashing is in progress $('.progressLabel').text('Uploading...'); FONT.upload($('.progress').val(0)).then(function() { var msg = 'Uploaded all ' + FONT.data.characters.length + ' characters'; console.log(msg); $('.progressLabel').text(msg); }); } }); $(document).on('click', 'span.progressLabel a.save_font', function () { chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'saveFile', suggestedName: 'baseflight', accepts: [{extensions: ['mcm']}]}, function (fileEntry) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); return; } chrome.fileSystem.getDisplayPath(fileEntry, function (path) { console.log('Saving firmware to: ' + path); // check if file is writable chrome.fileSystem.isWritableEntry(fileEntry, function (isWritable) { if (isWritable) { var blob = new Blob([intel_hex], {type: 'text/plain'}); fileEntry.createWriter(function (writer) { var truncated = false; writer.onerror = function (e) { console.error(e); }; writer.onwriteend = function() { if (!truncated) { // onwriteend will be fired again when truncation is finished truncated = true; writer.truncate(blob.size); return; } }; writer.write(blob); }, function (e) { console.error(e); }); } else { console.log('You don\'t have write permissions for this file, sorry.'); GUI.log('You don\'t have write permissions for this file'); } }); }); }); }); $(document).keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { // enter // Trigger regular Flashing sequence $('a.flash_font').click(); } }); GUI.content_ready(callback); }); }; TABS.osd.cleanup = function (callback) { PortHandler.flush_callbacks(); // unbind "global" events $(document).unbind('keypress'); $(document).off('click', 'span.progressLabel a'); if (callback) callback(); };