var connectionId = -1; var configuration_received = false; var CONFIG = { version: 0, multiType: 0, msp_version: 0, capability: 0, cycleTime: 0, i2cError: 0, activeSensors: 0, mode: 0, profile: 0, uid: [0, 0, 0], accelerometerTrims: [0, 0] }; var PIDs = new Array(10); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PIDs[i] = new Array(3); } var RC = { roll: 0, pitch: 0, yaw: 0, throttle: 0, AUX1: 0, AUX2: 0, AUX3: 0, AUX4: 0 }; var RC_tuning = { RC_RATE: 0, RC_EXPO: 0, roll_pitch_rate: 0, yaw_rate: 0, dynamic_THR_PID: 0, throttle_MID: 0, throttle_EXPO: 0, }; var AUX_CONFIG = new Array(); var AUX_CONFIG_values = new Array(); var SERVO_CONFIG = new Array(); var SENSOR_DATA = { gyroscope: [0, 0, 0], accelerometer: [0, 0, 0], magnetometer: [0, 0, 0], altitude: 0, kinematicsX: 0.0, kinematicsY: 0.0, kinematicsZ: 0.0, debug: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; var MOTOR_DATA = new Array(8); var SERVO_DATA = new Array(8); var GPS_DATA = { fix: 0, numSat: 0, lat: 0, lon: 0, alt: 0, speed: 0, ground_course: 0, distanceToHome: 0, ditectionToHome: 0, update: 0, // baseflight specific gps stuff chn: new Array(), svid: new Array(), quality: new Array(), cno: new Array() }; var BATTERY = { voltage: 0, pMeterSum: 0, }; var CLI_active = false; $(document).ready(function() { console.log('Scanning for new ports...'); update_ports(); $('div#port-picker a.connect').click(function() { if (GUI.connect_lock != true) { // GUI control overrides the user control var clicks = $(this).data('clicks'); var selected_port = String($('div#port-picker .port select').val()); var selected_baud = parseInt($('div#port-picker #baud').val()); if (selected_port != '0') { if (!clicks) { console.log('Connecting to: ' + selected_port); GUI.connecting_to = selected_port; // lock port select & baud while we are connecting / connected $('div#port-picker #port, div#port-picker #baud, div#port-picker #delay').prop('disabled', true); $('div#port-picker a.connect').text('Connecting');, {bitrate: selected_baud}, onOpen); } else { // Disable any active "data pulling" timer GUI.interval_kill_all(['port-update']); GUI.tab_switch_cleanup(); GUI.timeout_remove('connecting'); chrome.serial.close(connectionId, onClosed); GUI.connected_to = false; // Reset various UI elements $('span.port-usage').html('0%'); $('.software-version').html('0.0'); $('span.cycle-time').html('0'); MSP.packet_error = 0; // reset CRC packet error counter for next session configuration_received = false; // reset valid config received variable (used to block tabs while not connected properly) // unlock port select & baud $('div#port-picker #port').prop('disabled', false); if (!GUI.auto_connect) $('div#port-picker #baud').prop('disabled', false); $(this).text('Connect'); $(this).removeClass('active'); } $(this).data("clicks", !clicks); } } }); // auto-connect'auto_connect', function(result) { if (typeof result.auto_connect === 'undefined') { // auto_connect wasn't saved yet, save and push true to the GUI{'auto_connect': true}); GUI.auto_connect = true; $('select#baud').val(115200).prop('disabled', true); } else { if (result.auto_connect) { // enabled by user GUI.auto_connect = true; $('input.auto_connect').prop('checked', true); $('input.auto_connect, span.auto_connect').prop('title', 'Auto-Connect: Enabled - Configurator automatically tries to connect when new serial port is detected'); $('select#baud').val(115200).prop('disabled', true); } else { // disabled by user GUI.auto_connect = false; $('input.auto_connect').prop('checked', false); $('input.auto_connect, span.auto_connect').prop('title', 'Auto-Connect: Disabled - User needs to select the correct serial port and click "Connect" button on its own'); } } // bind UI hook to auto-connect checkbos $('input.auto_connect').change(function() { GUI.auto_connect = $(this).is(':checked'); // update title/tooltip if (GUI.auto_connect) { $('input.auto_connect, span.auto_connect').prop('title', 'Auto-Connect: Enabled - Configurator automatically tries to connect when new port is detected'); $('select#baud').val(115200).prop('disabled', true); } else { $('input.auto_connect, span.auto_connect').prop('title', 'Auto-Connect: Disabled - User needs to select the correct serial port and click "Connect" button on its own'); if (!GUI.connected_to && !GUI.connecting_to) $('select#baud').prop('disabled', false); }{'auto_connect': GUI.auto_connect}, function() {}); }); }); }); function onOpen(openInfo) { if (openInfo.connectionId > 0) { connectionId = openInfo.connectionId; // update connected_to GUI.connected_to = GUI.connecting_to; // reset connecting_to GUI.connecting_to = false; console.log('Connection was opened with ID: ' + connectionId); // save selected port with if the port differs'last_used_port', function(result) { if (typeof result.last_used_port != 'undefined') { if (result.last_used_port != GUI.connected_to) { // last used port doesn't match the one found in local db, we will store the new one{'last_used_port': GUI.connected_to}, function() { // Debug message is currently disabled (we dont need to spam the console log with that) // console.log('Last selected port was saved in'); }); } } else { // variable isn't stored yet, saving{'last_used_port': GUI.connected_to}, function() { // Debug message is currently disabled (we dont need to spam the console log with that) // console.log('Last selected port was saved in'); }); } }); // start polling GUI.interval_add('serial_read', readPoll, 10); GUI.interval_add('port_usage', port_usage, 1000); // disconnect after 10 seconds with error if we don't get IDENT data GUI.timeout_add('connecting', function() { if (!configuration_received) { notify('Did not received configuration within 10 seconds, communication failed - Disconnecting'); $('div#port-picker a.connect').click(); // disconnect } }, 10000); // request configuration data send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_UID, MSP_codes.MSP_UID); send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS); // in theory this could be removed (MSP_STATUS is pulled in initial tab) send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, false, function() { GUI.timeout_remove('connecting'); // kill connecting timer // Update UI elements that doesn't need consistent refreshing $('.software-version').html(CONFIG.version); configuration_received = true; $('div#port-picker a.connect').text('Disconnect').addClass('active'); $('#tabs li a:first').click(); }); } else { console.log('Failed to open serial port'); notify('Failed to open serial port', 'red'); $('div#port-picker a.connect').text('Connect'); $('div#port-picker a.connect').removeClass('active'); // unlock port select & baud $('div#port-picker #port, div#port-picker #baud, div#port-picker #delay').prop('disabled', false); // reset data $('div#port-picker a.connect').data("clicks", false); } } function onClosed(result) { connectionId = -1; // reset connection id if (result) { // All went as expected sensor_status(sensors_detected = 0); // reset active sensor indicators $('#tabs > ul li').removeClass('active'); // de-select any selected tabs tab_initialize_default(); console.log('Connection closed successfully.'); } else { // Something went wrong console.log('There was an error that happened during "connection-close" procedure.'); notify('Failed to close serial port', 'red'); } } function readPoll() {, 128, MSP_char_read); } function port_usage() { var port_usage = (char_counter * 10 / parseInt($('div#port-picker #baud').val())) * 100; $('span.port-usage').html(parseInt(port_usage) + '%'); // reset counter char_counter = 0; } function update_ports() { var initial_ports = false; GUI.interval_add('port-update', function() { chrome.serial.getPorts(function(current_ports) { if (initial_ports.length > current_ports.length || !initial_ports) { // port got removed or initial_ports wasn't initialized yet var removed_ports = array_difference(initial_ports, current_ports); if (initial_ports != false) console.log('Port removed: ' + removed_ports); // disconnect "UI" if necessary if (GUI.connected_to != false && removed_ports[0] == GUI.connected_to) { $('div#port-picker a.connect').click(); } // update COM port list update_port_select_menu(current_ports); // auto-select last used port (only during initialization) if (!initial_ports) {'last_used_port', function(result) { // if last_used_port was set, we try to select it if (result.last_used_port) { current_ports.forEach(function(port) { if (port == result.last_used_port) { console.log('Selecting last used port: ' + result.last_used_port); $('div#port-picker .port select').val(result.last_used_port); } }); } else { console.log('Last used port wasn\'t saved "yet", auto-select disabled.'); } }); } // reset initial_ports initial_ports = current_ports; } var new_ports = array_difference(current_ports, initial_ports); if (new_ports.length > 0) { console.log('New port found: ' + new_ports[0]); // generate new COM port list update_port_select_menu(current_ports); // select / highlight new port, if connected -> select connected port if (!GUI.connected_to) { $('div#port-picker .port select').val(new_ports[0]); } else { $('div#port-picker .port select').val(GUI.connected_to); } // start connect procedure (if statement is valid) if (GUI.auto_connect && !GUI.connecting_to && !GUI.connected_to) { // we need firmware flasher protection over here if (GUI.active_tab != 'firmware_flasher') { GUI.timeout_add('auto-connect_timeout', function() { $('div#port-picker a.connect').click(); }, 50); // small timeout so we won't get any nasty connect errors due to system initializing the bus } } // reset initial_ports initial_ports = current_ports; } }); }, 100, true); } function update_port_select_menu(ports) { $('div#port-picker .port select').html(''); // drop previous one if (ports.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) { $('div#port-picker .port select').append($("