{ "error": { "message": "错误: {{errorMessage}}" }, "errorTitle": { "message": "错误" }, "warningTitle": { "message": "警告" }, "noticeTitle": { "message": "注意" }, "operationNotSupported": { "message": "您的硬件不支持此操作。" }, "storageDeviceNotReady": { "message": "存储设备尚未就绪。如果是 microSD 卡, 请确保它已被飞控正确识别。" }, "options_title": { "message": "选项" }, "connect": { "message": "连接" }, "connecting": { "message": "连接中" }, "disconnect": { "message": "断开连接" }, "portsSelectManual": { "message": "手动选择" }, "portOverrideText": { "message": "端口:" }, "autoConnect": { "message": "自动连接" }, "close": { "message": "关闭" }, "autoConnectEnabled": { "message": "自动连接:开启 - 地面站会自动连接新发现的端口" }, "autoConnectDisabled": { "message": "自动连接: 禁用-用户需要选择正确的串行端口, 然后单击 \"连接\" 按钮。" }, "expertMode": { "message": "启用专家模式" }, "permanentExpertMode": { "message": "默认启用专家模式" }, "rememberLastTab": { "message": "连接后重新打开最后使用的选项页" }, "analyticsOptOut": { "message": "退出匿名的统计数据收集" }, "userLanguageSelect": { "message": "语言 (需要重启应用才能生效)" }, "language_default": { "message": "默认" }, "sensorDataFlashNotFound": { "message": "没有找到
闪存芯片", "description": "Text of the dataflash image in the header of the page." }, "sensorDataFlashFreeSpace": { "message": "闪存芯片:空闲空间", "description": "Text of the dataflash image in the header of the page." }, "sensorStatusGyro": { "message": "陀螺仪" }, "sensorStatusGyroShort": { "message": "陀螺仪", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusAccel": { "message": "加速度计" }, "sensorStatusAccelShort": { "message": "加速度计", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusMag": { "message": "磁力仪" }, "sensorStatusMagShort": { "message": "磁力仪", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusBaro": { "message": "气压计" }, "sensorStatusBaroShort": { "message": "气压计", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "sensorStatusGPSShort": { "message": "GPS", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusSonar": { "message": "声呐 \/ 测距计" }, "sensorStatusSonarShort": { "message": "声呐", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "checkForConfiguratorUnstableVersions": { "message": "显示测试版本的配置程序更新提示" }, "configuratorUpdateNotice": { "message": "你正在使用旧版本的 Betaflight地面站 <\/b>。
版本$1<\/b>已经在网上发布。请到 发布页面<\/a>下载安装最新的地面站,
更新之前请关闭地面站." }, "configuratorUpdateWebsite": { "message": "打开版本发布网站" }, "deviceRebooting": { "message": "飞控 - 重启<\/span>" }, "deviceReady": { "message": "飞控 - 就绪<\/span>" }, "backupFileIncompatible": { "message": "上一版本地面站生成的备份文件和当前版本的地面站不兼容" }, "backupFileUnmigratable": { "message": "上一版本地面站生成的备份文件不能移植到当前版本的地面站" }, "configMigrationFrom": { "message": "正在移植地面站设置文件: $1" }, "configMigratedTo": { "message": "地面站设置文件 $1 已移植" }, "configMigrationSuccessful": { "message": "设置文件移植完成,使用设置文件 $1。" }, "tabFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "固件烧写工具" }, "tabLanding": { "message": "欢迎" }, "tabHelp": { "message": "设置文档 & 支持" }, "tabSetup": { "message": "设置" }, "tabSetupOSD": { "message": "OSD 设置" }, "tabConfiguration": { "message": "配置" }, "tabPorts": { "message": "端口" }, "tabPidTuning": { "message": "PID 调校" }, "tabReceiver": { "message": "接收机" }, "tabModeSelection": { "message": "飞行模式选项" }, "tabServos": { "message": "舵机" }, "tabFailsafe": { "message": "失控保护" }, "tabTransponder": { "message": "比赛应答器" }, "tabOsd": { "message": "OSD 屏幕叠加显示" }, "tabPower": { "message": "动力 & 电池" }, "tabGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "tabMotorTesting": { "message": "电机" }, "tabLedStrip": { "message": "LED 灯带" }, "tabRawSensorData": { "message": "传感器" }, "tabCLI": { "message": "CLI(命令行)" }, "tabLogging": { "message": "日志" }, "tabOnboardLogging": { "message": "黑匣子" }, "tabAdjustments": { "message": "调整" }, "tabAuxiliary": { "message": "模式" }, "logActionHide": { "message": "隐藏日志" }, "logActionShow": { "message": "显示日志" }, "serialPortOpened": { "message": "打开串口 成功<\/span> ID: $1" }, "serialPortOpenFail": { "message": "打开串口 失败<\/span>" }, "serialPortClosedOk": { "message": "关闭串口 成功<\/span>" }, "serialPortClosedFail": { "message": "关闭<\/span> 失败" }, "serialUnrecoverable": { "message": "串口连接故障<\/span>且无法恢复,正在断开连接……" }, "usbDeviceOpened": { "message": "打开 USB 设备成功<\/span> ID: $1" }, "usbDeviceOpenFail": { "message": "打开 USB 设备失败<\/span>!" }, "usbDeviceClosed": { "message": "关闭 USB 设备成功<\/span>" }, "usbDeviceCloseFail": { "message": "关闭 USB 设备失败<\/span>" }, "usbDeviceUdevNotice": { "message": "udev rules<\/strong>有没有正确安装? 请在文档里查询指引。" }, "stm32UsbDfuNotFound": { "message": "未找到 USB DFU" }, "stm32TimedOut": { "message": "STM32 - 超时,烧录失败" }, "stm32WrongResponse": { "message": "STM32 通信失败,错误的响应。应为:$1 (0x$2) 实际收到: $3 (0x$4)" }, "stm32ContactingBootloader": { "message": "尝试连接引导程序" }, "stm32ContactingBootloaderFailed": { "message": "引导程序通信失败" }, "stm32ResponseBootloaderFailed": { "message": "引导程序无响应,烧录失败" }, "stm32GlobalEraseExtended": { "message": "正在执行全局芯片擦除(通过扩展擦除)……" }, "stm32LocalEraseExtended": { "message": "正在执行本地擦除(通过扩展擦除)……" }, "stm32GlobalErase": { "message": "正在执行全局擦除……" }, "stm32LocalErase": { "message": "正在执行本地擦除……" }, "stm32Erase": { "message": "正在擦除……" }, "stm32Flashing": { "message": "正在烧录……" }, "stm32Verifying": { "message": "正在验证……" }, "stm32ProgrammingSuccessful": { "message": "烧录成功" }, "stm32ProgrammingFailed": { "message": "烧录失败" }, "stm32AddressLoadFailed": { "message": "定位选项字节扇区失败。很可能因为读保护。" }, "stm32AddressLoadSuccess": { "message": "定位选项字节扇区成功。" }, "stm32AddressLoadUnknown": { "message": "因未知错误,定位选项字节扇区失败。正在中止。" }, "stm32NotReadProtected": { "message": "读保护未启用" }, "stm32ReadProtected": { "message": "飞控板似乎有读保护。正在解除保护。不要断开连接\/拔出插头!" }, "stm32UnprotectSuccessful": { "message": "解除保护成功" }, "stm32UnprotectUnplug": { "message": "请拔出飞控并且以 DFU 模式重新连接飞控后重新尝试烧录!" }, "stm32UnprotectFailed": { "message": "解除保护失败" }, "stm32UnprotectInitFailed": { "message": "解除保护程序初始化失败" }, "noConfigurationReceived": { "message": "10秒<\/span>内没有接收到配置信息,飞控通信 失败<\/span>" }, "firmwareVersionNotSupported": { "message": "Betaflight configutator不支持<\/span>该固件版本 . 请更新到Betaflight 支持的固件版本$1<\/strong> 或者更高. 更新固件之前,使用CLI 来备份设置.具体操作信息请参考Betaflight文档.
如果不想更新到最新的固件,可以使用支持该固件的configurator 来设置使用。" }, "firmwareTypeNotSupported": { "message": "该固件版本的Betaflight configurator 不支持<\/span>,只能使用CLI模式." }, "firmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "飞控固件需要更新到新的版本,使用CLI 来备份设置。具体操作信息请参考 Betaflight 文档。
如果不想更新到最新的固件,可以使用支持该固件的地面站来设置使用。" }, "infoVersions": { "message": "操作系统: {{operatingSystem}}<\/strong>, Chrome: {{chromeVersion}}<\/strong>, 配置程序: {{configuratorVersion}}<\/strong>", "description": "Message that appears in the GUI log panel indicating operating system, Chrome version and Configurator version" }, "buildServerLoaded": { "message": "已从生成服务器加载 $1 的生成信息。" }, "buildServerLoadFailed": { "message": "从生成服务器获取 $1 发布版本失败,使用已缓存的信息。 失败原因:$2<\/code><\/b>" }, "buildServerUsingCached": { "message": "为 $1 使用已缓存的生成信息。" }, "releaseCheckLoaded": { "message": "从Github 载入 $1 发布信息" }, "releaseCheckFailed": { "message": "从 GitHub 获取 $1 发布版本失败,载入原版本信息。 失败原因:$2<\/code><\/b>" }, "releaseCheckCached": { "message": "使用缓存的 $1 版本信息" }, "releaseCheckNoInfo": { "message": "找不到 $1 发布信息" }, "tabSwitchConnectionRequired": { "message": "在查看任何页面信息之前,你需要先连接<\/strong>" }, "tabSwitchWaitForOperation": { "message": "不能<\/span> 执行当前操作,请等待上一个操作完成……" }, "tabSwitchUpgradeRequired": { "message": "需要更新<\/strong>到最新版本的 Betaflight 固件才能使用 $1 页面" }, "firmwareVersion": { "message": "固件版本:$1<\/strong>" }, "apiVersionReceived": { "message": "MultiWii API 版本 $1<\/strong>" }, "uniqueDeviceIdReceived": { "message": "唯一设备 ID: 0x$1<\/strong>" }, "craftNameReceived": { "message": "飞行器名称: $1<\/strong>" }, "armingDisabled": { "message": "禁止解锁<\/strong>" }, "armingEnabled": { "message": "允许解锁<\/strong>" }, "runawayTakeoffPreventionDisabled": { "message": " 预防起飞失控 已被临时禁用<\/strong>" }, "runawayTakeoffPreventionEnabled": { "message": " 预防起飞失控 已启用 <\/strong>" }, "boardInfoReceived": { "message": "飞控: $1<\/strong>, 版本: $2<\/strong>" }, "buildInfoReceived": { "message": "当前固件发布时间: $1<\/strong>" }, "fcInfoReceived": { "message": "飞控信息,识别名: $1<\/strong>,版本: $2<\/strong>" }, "versionLabelTarget": { "message": "飞控型号" }, "versionLabelFirmware": { "message": "固件" }, "versionLabelConfigurator": { "message": "配置程序" }, "notifications_app_just_updated_to_version": { "message": "程序已经更新到版本: $1" }, "notifications_click_here_to_start_app": { "message": "单击这里运行程序" }, "statusbar_port_utilization": { "message": "端口利用率:" }, "statusbar_usage_download": { "message": "下行: $1%" }, "statusbar_usage_upload": { "message": "上行: $1%" }, "statusbar_packet_error": { "message": "数据包错误" }, "statusbar_i2c_error": { "message": "I2C 错误:" }, "statusbar_cycle_time": { "message": "循环时间:" }, "statusbar_cpu_load": { "message": "CPU 负载: $1%" }, "dfu_connect_message": { "message": "请使用固件烧写器来访问 DFU 设备" }, "dfu_erased_kilobytes": { "message": "擦除$1 kB 闪存 成功<\/span>" }, "dfu_device_flash_info": { "message": "检测到闪存空间为 $1 KiB 的芯片" }, "dfu_error_image_size": { "message": "错误\/span>:固件文件大于飞控芯片的闪存。固件大小: $1 KiB,限制= $2 KiB" }, "eeprom_saved_ok": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存<\/span>" }, "defaultWelcomeIntro": { "message": "欢迎使用Betaflight - 配置程序<\/strong>,为简化固件升级,设置和调校飞控而生的工具。" }, "defaultWelcomeHead": { "message": "硬件" }, "defaultWelcomeText": { "message": "本应用支持所有能运行betaflight的飞控。在”固件烧写“页面查看所有支持的飞控列表。

下载 Betaflight Blackbox 日志查看工具 <\/a>

这里<\/a> 下载
这里<\/a> 下载

CP210x 驱动<\/a> 可以点击 这里<\/a> 下载
STM USB VCP Drivers<\/a> 可以点击 这里<\/a> 下载
Zadig<\/a>可以点击 这里<\/a> 下载
" }, "defaultContributingHead": { "message": "参与开发" }, "defaultContributingText": { "message": "如果你想帮助betaflight变得更好,你可以: