// input = string // result = if hex file is valid, result is an object // if hex file wasn't valid (crc check failed on any of the lines), result will be false function read_hex_file(data) { data = data.split("\n"); // check if there is an empty line in the end of hex file, if there is, remove it if (data[data.length - 1] == "") { data.pop(); } var hexfile_valid = true; // if any of the crc checks failed, this variable flips to false var result = { data: [], end_of_file: false, bytes_total: 0, start_linear_address: 0 }; var extended_linear_address = 0; var next_address = 0; for (var i = 0; i < data.length && hexfile_valid; i++) { // each byte is represnted by two chars var byte_count = parseInt(data[i].substr(1, 2), 16); var address = parseInt(data[i].substr(3, 4), 16); var record_type = parseInt(data[i].substr(7, 2), 16); var content = data[i].substr(9, byte_count * 2); // still in string format var checksum = parseInt(data[i].substr(9 + byte_count * 2, 2), 16); // (this is a 2's complement value) switch (record_type) { case 0x00: // data record if (address != next_address || next_address == 0) { result.data.push({'address': extended_linear_address + address, 'bytes': 0, 'data': []}); } // store address for next comparison next_address = address + byte_count; // process data var crc = byte_count + parseInt(data[i].substr(3, 2), 16) + parseInt(data[i].substr(5, 2), 16) + record_type; for (var needle = 0; needle < byte_count * 2; needle += 2) { // * 2 because of 2 hex chars per 1 byte var num = parseInt(content.substr(needle, 2), 16); // get one byte in hex and convert it to decimal var data_block = result.data.length - 1; result.data[data_block].data.push(num); result.data[data_block].bytes++; crc += num; result.bytes_total++; } // change crc to 2's complement crc = (~crc + 1) & 0xFF; // verify if (crc != checksum) { hexfile_valid = false; } break; case 0x01: // end of file record result.end_of_file = true; break; case 0x02: // extended segment address record // not implemented if (parseInt(content, 16) != 0) { // ignore if segment is 0 console.log('extended segment address record found - NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!'); } break; case 0x03: // start segment address record // not implemented if (parseInt(content, 16) != 0) { // ignore if segment is 0 console.log('start segment address record found - NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!'); } break; case 0x04: // extended linear address record extended_linear_address = (parseInt(content.substr(0, 2), 16) << 24) | parseInt(content.substr(2, 2), 16) << 16; break; case 0x05: // start linear address record result.start_linear_address = parseInt(content, 16) break; } } if (result.end_of_file && hexfile_valid) { postMessage(result); } else { postMessage(false); } } function microtime() { var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; return now; } onmessage = function(event) { var time_parsing_start = microtime(); // track time read_hex_file(event.data); console.log('HEX_PARSER - File parsed in: ' + (microtime() - time_parsing_start).toFixed(4) + ' seconds'); // terminate worker close(); };