2015.11.14 - 1.1.0 - cleanflight
- Support Cleanflight API 1.14.0.
- Minor GUI cleanups and fixes.
2015.11.11 - 1.0.0 - cleanflight
- Major GUI rework.
- Support flashing of boards that have USB directly connected to MCU. (Device Firmware Update/DFU support).
2015.10.31 - 0.66.0 - cleanflight
- Update servo configuration (requires firmware >= 1.10.0).
- Add some notes and help messages for common issues.
- Update sponsors panel and add links to new boards.
- Upgrade some JS libraries to latest versions (Three, JQuery/UI, D3)
- Allow stick input from UI (when using RX_MSP)
- Align servo numbering with firmware and documentation
2015.05.23 - 0.65.0 - cleanflight
- Support flashing of the SPRacingF3.
- Support manual baud rate configuration for flashing.
2015.05.20 - 0.64.0 - cleanflight
- Support In-flight adjustment of Pitch P/I/D and Roll P/I/D and Pitch/Roll rates.
- Manual serial port selection.
- Update sponsors panel.
- Update list of supported boards and add links to them.
- Minor firmware release listing improvements.
2015.05.09 - 0.63.2 - cleanflight
- Support cleanflight API version > 1.9.
2015.04.14 - 0.63.1 - cleanflight
- Fix for looptime backup/restore when migrating from firmware with api < 1.8.
- Update sponsors panel.
- Add link for T-Shirts!
2015.03.29 - 0.63.0 - cleanflight
- Configuration tab supports auto_disarm_delay and disarm_kill_switch (requires firmware >= 1.8.0).
- PID Tuning tab allows TPA Breakpoint changes (requires firmware >= 1.8.0).
- Correct Artificial Horizon Pitch/Roll views.
- Change logging time stamp to include date stamp.
- Support new firmware 1.8 serial port configuration.
- Move documentation and help to new tab.
- Add contributing section to welcome tab.
2015.02.27 - 0.62.1 - cleanflight
2015.02.26 - 0.62.0 - cleanflight
- Add flight indicators to setup screen tab.
- Add dataflash tab (requires firmware >= 1.8.0)..
- Add Cleanflight logos.
- Fix loading online flash files - github moved them to amazon aws.
- Fix to fallback 3D model.
- Add support for SPRacingF3.
2015.02.03 - 0.61.0 - cleanflight
- Support changing PID controller - three new PID controllers in 1.7.0 firmware.
- Support for LED thrust ring.
- Support for LED colors.
- Support for displaying sonar sensor reading on the sensors tab.
- UI cleanup - 'Welcome' and 'Firmware flasher' are now tabs.
- New Logo. (Tom McCullough)
- New 3D models (AkFreak).
- Update presentation of LEDs that have multiple functions.
- Add Documentation and Support panels to welcome tab.
- Add support for backup and restore of LED strip configuration.
- Fix for disappearing tabs in chrome 41 beta.
- Various other minor improvements.
2015.01.08 - 0.60.0 - cleanflight
- Add LED strip tab for LED configuration (requires firmware >= 1.6.0)..
- Replace motor order images (stronnag)
2015.01.08 - 0.59.1 - cleanflight
- Add support for Blackbox flight recorder feature (requires firmware >= 1.5.0).
- Update RSSI channel section to allow any channel.
- Implement configuration migration to aid with backwards compatibility.
- Allow CLI access when connecting firmware with an out-of-date API.
- Support 'release candidate' and 'stable' releases.
2015.01.04 - 0.59.0 - cleanflight
- Overhaul configuration tab.
- Allow configuration of GPS baud rate.
2015.01.03 - 0.58.0 - cleanflight
- Add new 'Ports' tab to allow configuration of serial ports.
2014.12.06 - 0.57.2 - cleanflight
- Force user to select firmware before flashing (pulsar).
2014.12.06 - 0.57.1 - cleanflight
- Latest firmware required.
- Merge latest baseflight configurator changes.
- Added support for choosing and downloading firmware via the github relases API.
- Added Armattan Quads as a sponsor.
- Various UI tweaks.
2014.12.06 - 0.57
- Firmware flasher now contains firmware builds picker
- Implement new and experimental review mechanism
- Support for new A-tail Quad craft type
- Firmware flasher flashing speed optimizations
- Add specific 3D models for atail/vtail quad (norem)
- Major bugfix for stuck UI after delayed port open procedure
- Bugfix for GPS distance to home not displaying
- Bugfix for backup/restore misbehaving (mostly on OSX)
2014.11.04 - 0.56
- Add hex plus, hex X, tri, y4, y6 3D models (jef79m)
- Bugfix for battery voltage saving sequence
- Bugfix for fetching development firmware
2014.10.31 - 0.55
- Minimum required Chrome version set to 38+
- Minimum accepted firmware version set to 2.31
- Support for flashing development firmware
- Setup tab performance improvements, faster 3D model
- Strongly improve amount of data stored in backups
- Improve flash on connect in firmware flasher
- Rearrange texts and options in firmware flasher
- Bugfix for corrupted minimum window size on Windows 7
- Bugfix for incorrect date & time in firmware flasher
- Bugfix for port handler firing before port being initialized
2014.10.06 - 0.54
- Backup files now also contain servo settings
- Pre 0.54 backup files are incompatible, save new ones
- Bugfixes
2014.09.30 - 0.53
- Enhanced 3D model (creyc)
- Fallback 3D model for canvas renderer (creyc)
- More predefined options for channel map
- Display motor/servo signal value inside the bars
- Bugfixes
2014.09.29. - 0.52
- We recommend upgrading to the latest firmware
- Simplified Initial Setup tab and renamed it to Setup
- Renamed Auxiliary Configuration to Mode selection
- Implemented new Configuration tab (check it out)
- Simplified meter UI in Receiver tab
- Channel Map is now configurable in Receiver tab
- Using new "real" 3D renderer for the 3D model
- 3D model for Quad X (creyc)
- Additional motor order diagrams (creyc)
- Updated MSP layer with new custom Baseflight commands
- Various optimizations and bugfixes
9.11.2014 - 0.51.3 cleanflight
- Add 'Adjustments' tab for configuring in-flight adjustment switches.
13.10.2014 - 0.51.2 cleanflight
- Requires latest firmware.
- Change default channel mode range to 1300/1700 to match MultiWii MID AUX checkbox.
- Use new experimental MSP_API_VERSION command.
13.10.2014 - 0.51.1 cleanflight
- Requires latest firmware.
- Update donation link.
- Update MSP IDs for Cleanflight specific MSP commands.
13.10.2014 - 0.51.0 cleanflight
- Requires latest firmware.
- Support mode ranges on auxillary tab.
2014.09.09 - 0.51
- Configurator userbase is over 9000 now :-)
- Small global UI revamp to utilize space little bit better
- Online Firmware can be saved locally
- Added missing model information for custom model
09.04.2014 - 0.50.3 cleanflight
09.04.2014 - 0.50.2 cleanflight
- Update default data filenames.
09.04.2014 - 0.50.1 cleanflight
- Ensure initialised data is not used when configuring aux channels.
- Update sponsors for cleanflight specific sponsors.
2014.08.31 - 0.50
- Small UI revamp for Firmware Flasher
- Added "Flash slowly" mode (bluetooth friendly)
- Bugfixes
08.25.2014 - 0.49.1 cleanflight
- Fix auxiliary configuration tab when using an rc system with 3 aux channels.
08.18.2014 - 0.49
- Motor indicators now display signal length in tooltips
- Additional motor order diagrams (creyc)
- Bugfixes
2014.07.27 - 0.48
- Configurator reached 6000+ users on 2014.07.26
- Added motor order diagrams (creyc, Curtisbeef)
- Flashing timeout bugfixes
07.31.2014 - cleanflight
- Fix auxiliary configuration tab when using parallel pwm.
2014.07.17 - 0.47
- Bugfixes related to Chrome 36+ release
- Various optimizations and behavior improvements
2014.07.11 - 0.46
- Application will display a spinner while waiting for data
- Bugfixes
07.06.2014 - cleanflight
- Servos tab updated to support Cleanflight's cleaner implementation of channel forwarding
2014.07.04 - 0.45
- Configurator reached 5000+ users on 2014.07.03
- Updated various text notes to make things clearer
- UI polish
- Various bugfixes
2014.06.27 - 0.44
- Added more scale factors in the motor testing tab
- If application closes without disconnecting motors should spin down
- Bugfixes for CLI, Motor Testing & Logging tabs
2014.06.26 - 0.43
- Experimental passthrough support for logging
- MSP_ANALOG support for logging
- Allow running motors (testing) while monitoring sensors
- Major UI changes in Motor Testing tab
- Tiny cosmetic changes
- Initial set of UI bugfixes for Chrome 36+
2014.06.16 - 0.42
- Added I2C Error indicator to status bar
- Optimizations & bugfixes
2014.06.01 - 0.41
- Configurator reached 4000+ users on 05.29.2014
- Support for new current sensing code (latest firmware)
2014.05.27 - 0.40
- Added Logging tab (log various MSP data into CSV file)
- Bugfix for CLI input area
2014.05.08 - 0.39
- UI enhancements for sensors tab
2014.05.08 - 0.38
- Bugfix for firmware flasher UI
- Updating libraries
2014.05.08 - 0.37
- Window can be resized and maximized
- Graphs will now properly scale to fill content area
- Small GPS UI rework
- Small UI polish on all tabs
- Bugfixes
2014.05.03 - 0.36
- Another bugfix for high dpi displays
- PID names will now match PID names in firmware
2014.05.03 - 0.35
- Configurator reached 3000+ users on 2014.05.03
- Polished Welcome screen
- Tiny UI bugfix for gps tab
2014.04.29 - 0.34
- Bugfix for wrong graph positions on high dpi displays
2014.04.26 - 0.33
- Bugfix for loading online firmware
2014.04.22 - 0.32
- Native application frame on Chrome 35+
- Dedicated application options
- Reworked Sensors tab (optimized graphs, new ui)
- Small ui changes
- Performance improvements
2014.04.11 - 0.31
- Bugfix for Sliders not properly updating
- Bugfix for CLI line feed on ChromeOS
2014.04.03 - 0.30
- Configurator reached 2000+ users on 2014.03.24
- Initial work on translation support
- Small UI rework in initial tab
- UI rework in receiver tab, new plot
- Bugfixes related to servo tab, ui polish
- Added info box in initial tab display voltage & RSSI
- Stability improvements, performance improvements, bugfixes
2014.03.09 - 0.29
- Motor Tab UI bugfixes
- Added support for variable plot refresh rate in Receiver Tab
- Bugfixes
2014.03.01 - 0.28
- Online Firmware now displays Github commit info
- Stability improvements & bugfixes
2014.02.27 - 0.27
- Sensor Tab UI bugfixes
- Firmware Flasher functionality improvements
- Added new "developer" functionality "flash on connect"
- Major Version checking added
2014.02.23 - 0.26
- Motor tab UI / functionality changes
- Backup settings IO bugfixes
- Receiver / Aux config tab command collision bugfix
2014.02.20 - 0.25
- Running on new serial API (Chrome 33+)
- Added Velocity in PID tab
- Added Profile select in PID tab
- Different scaling for raw sensor data
- Motor Test now support defining min/max values
- Added Master slider in Motor Test UI
- There should be no "garbage" in the beginning of CLI session
- Added Log window
- Print Operating System, Chrome, Configurator versions on startup
- Firmware flashing backend rework
- IHEX parser code rework
- Stronger input field validation (for most numeric fields)
- Added Battery warning / scale UI
2014.01.17 - 0.24
- Added Min Throttle, Failsafe Throttle UI
- Stronger Input validation
- Bugfixes
2014.01.04 - 0.23
- Various UI changes across the board
2013.12.29 - 0.22
- Added auto-connect feature (enabled by default)
- Bugfixes
2013.12.18 - 0.21
- Handle small screen resolutions more gracefully
- Bugfix for Servo tab save button & CAMSTAB
2013.12.16 - 0.20
- Minor iprovements & bugfixes
2013.12.09 - 0.19
- Added packet error counter in status bar
- Servos tab now also shows servos that belong to servo_tilt
- Potential bugfixes for STM32 flasher
- Minor iprovements & bugfixes
2013.11.26 - 0.18
- Removing Refresh button
- Ports are automatically pulled in the background
- Added Gimbal mixer suppor to Servos tab (experimental)
- Small UI changes related to connect sequence
- Added "error" user notifications if initial connect times out
2013.11.17 - 0.17
- Extensive work on Firmware Flasher & STM32 protocol
- Faster flashing speed (improvement of about 24%)
- Using separate thread for hex file parsing (multithreading)
- Bugfixes related to flashing gnu compiled .hex files
2013.11.14 - 0.16
- Minimum required Google Chrome / Chromium version is now 31
- Polished Firmware Flasher UI
- Bugfixes related to flashing rev5 naze boards
2013.11.14 - 0.15
- Added firmware flasher (currently supporting 2 modes)
- 1 - "local flashing", from a .hex file
- 2 - "online flashing", latest firmware is fetched from github.com
2013.11.12 - 0.14
- Re-Enabled Servos tab (hopefully with all problems sorted out)
- Added support for "Motor Testing Mode" in Motor/Servo Outputs tab
- Updated MSP
- Utilizing notification API to promote new app version updates
2013.11.10 - 0.13
- Disabling Servos tab until all bugs are ironed out
- Bugfixes
2013.11.09 - 0.12
- Bugfixes related to failing connect procedure
- Bugfixes related to GPS data types
- Implemented experimental Servos tab
- Updated MSP to the latest version
- Major MSP refactoring, improving reliability in some cases
- Initial notify implementation for critical errors
2013.11.02 - 0.11
- Debug values are now displayed and plotted in Sensor tab (dade)
- Command history in CLI tab (dade)
- Bugfixes related to GPS tab
2013.10.30 - 0.10
- AUX Configuration now shows current AUX channel state
- Polished couple of texts
- Added changelog within the app
- 3D view in Initial Setup now displays model type selected
2013.10.16 - 0.9
- Polished Auxiliary configuration tab
- Polished Raw sensod data tab
- Updated libraries