{ "translation_version": { "message": "0" }, "options_title": { "message": "Application Options" }, "options_receive_app_notifications": { "message": "Receive desktop notification when application updates" }, "options_improve_configurator": { "message": "Send anonymous usage data to the developer team" }, "connect": { "message": "Connect" }, "connecting": { "message": "Connecting" }, "disconnect": { "message": "Disconnect" }, "autoConnect": { "message": "Auto-Connect" }, "autoConnectEnabled": { "message": "Auto-Connect: Enabled - Configurator automatically tries to connect when new port is detected" }, "autoConnectDisabled": { "message": "Auto-Connect: Disabled - User needs to select the correct serial port and click \"Connect\" button on its own" }, "deviceRebooting": { "message": "Device - Rebooting" }, "deviceReady": { "message": "Device - Ready" }, "backupFileIncompatible": { "message": "Backup file provided was generated for previous version of the configurator and is incompatible with this version of configurator. Sorry" }, "backupFileUnmigratable": { "message": "Backup file provided was generated by a previous version of the configurator and is not migratable. Sorry." }, "configMigrationFrom": { "message": "Migrating configuration file generated by configurator: $1" }, "configMigratedTo": { "message": "Migrated configuration to configurator: $1" }, "configMigrationSuccessful": { "message": "Configuration migration complete, migrations applied: $1" }, "tabFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "Firmware Flasher" }, "tabLanding": { "message": "Welcome" }, "tabHelp": { "message": "Documentation & Support" }, "tabSetup": { "message": "Setup" }, "tabConfiguration": { "message": "Configuration" }, "tabPorts": { "message": "Ports" }, "tabPidTuning": { "message": "PID Tuning" }, "tabReceiver": { "message": "Receiver" }, "tabModeSelection": { "message": "Mode Selection" }, "tabServos": { "message": "Servos" }, "tabGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "tabMotorTesting": { "message": "Motors" }, "tabLedStrip": { "message": "LED Strip" }, "tabRawSensorData": { "message": "Sensors" }, "tabCLI": { "message": "CLI" }, "tabLogging": { "message": "Logging" }, "tabDataflash": { "message": "Dataflash" }, "tabAdjustments": { "message": "Adjustments" }, "tabAuxiliary": { "message": "Modes" }, "serialPortOpened": { "message": "Serial port successfully opened with ID: $1" }, "serialPortOpenFail": { "message": "Failed to open serial port" }, "serialPortClosedOk": { "message": "Serial port successfully closed" }, "serialPortClosedFail": { "message": "Failed to close serial port" }, "usbDeviceOpened": { "message": "USB device successfully opened with ID: $1" }, "usbDeviceOpenFail": { "message": "Failed to open USB device!" }, "usbDeviceClosed": { "message": "USB device successfully closed" }, "usbDeviceCloseFail": { "message": "Failed to close USB device" }, "usbDeviceUdevNotice": { "message": "Are udev rules installed correctly? See docs for instructions" }, "noConfigurationReceived": { "message": "No configuration received within 10 seconds, communication failed" }, "firmwareVersionNotSupported": { "message": "This firmware version is not supported. Please upgrade to firmware that supports api version $1 or higher. Use CLI for backup before flashing. CLI backup/restore procedure is in the documention." }, "tabSwitchConnectionRequired": { "message": "You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs." }, "tabSwitchWaitForOperation": { "message": "You can't do this right now, please wait for current operation to finish ..." }, "tabSwitchUpgradeRequired": { "message": "You need to upgrade your firmware before you can use the $1 tab." }, "firmwareVersion": { "message": "Firmware Version: $1" }, "apiVersionReceived": { "message": "MultiWii API version received - $1" }, "uniqueDeviceIdReceived": { "message": "Unique device ID received - 0x$1" }, "boardInfoReceived": { "message": "Board: $1, version: $2" }, "buildInfoReceived": { "message": "Running firmware released on: $1" }, "fcInfoReceived": { "message": "Flight controller info, identifier: $1, version: $2" }, "notifications_app_just_updated_to_version": { "message": "Application just updated to version: $1" }, "notifications_click_here_to_start_app": { "message": "Click here to start the application" }, "statusbar_port_utilization": { "message": "Port utilization:" }, "statusbar_usage_download": { "message": "D: $1%" }, "statusbar_usage_upload": { "message": "U: $1%" }, "statusbar_packet_error": { "message": "Packet error:" }, "statusbar_i2c_error": { "message": "I2C error:" }, "statusbar_cycle_time": { "message": "Cycle Time:" }, "dfu_connect_message": { "message": "Please use the Firmware Flasher to access DFU devices" }, "dfu_erased_kilobytes": { "message": "Erased $1 kB of flash successfully" }, "eeprom_saved_ok": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "defaultWelcomeIntro": { "message": "Welcome to Cleanflight - Configurator, a utility designed to simplify updating, configuring and tuning of your flight controller." }, "defaultWelcomeText": { "message": "The application supports all hardware that can run cleanflight (SPRacingF3, Vortex, Sparky, DoDo, CC3D/EVO, Air Hero 32, Flip32/+/Deluxe, DragonFly32, CJMCU Microquad, Chebuzz F3, STM32F3Discovery, Hermit, Naze32 Tricopter Frame, Skyline32, Naze/32/Mini/Pro/Blackbox etc)

The firmware source code can be downloaded from here
The newest binary firmware image is available here, development builds available here

Latest CP210x Drivers can be downloaded from here
" }, "defaultContributingHead": { "message": "Contributing" }, "defaultContributingText": { "message": "If you would like to help make Cleanflight even better you can help in many ways, including:
" }, "defaultChangelogHead": { "message": "Configurator - Changelog" }, "defaultButtonFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "Firmware Flasher" }, "defaultDonateHead": { "message": "Open Source / Donation Notice" }, "defaultDonateText": { "message": "This utility is fully open source and is available free of charge to all cleanflight users.
If you found the cleanflight or cleanflight configurator useful, please consider supporting its development by donating." }, "defaultSponsorsHead": { "message": "Sponsors" }, "defaultDocumentationHead": { "message": "Documentation / Manual" }, "defaultDocumentation": { "message": "Cleanflight documentation is available in Markdown and PDF formats.

" }, "defaultDocumentation1": { "message": "The PDF manual appropriate to the firmware can be downloaded from the github releases page, here." }, "defaultDocumentation2": { "message": "The Markdown latest online documentation is available here - you can switch to the appropriate version of the documentation by selecting the tag." }, "defaultSupportHead": { "message": "Support" }, "defaultSupportSubline1": { "message": "Support Scources" }, "defaultSupportSubline2": { "message": "Developer" }, "defaultSupport": { "message": "For support please search the forums first or contact your vendor.

" }, "defaultSupport1": { "message": "RC Groups thread" }, "defaultSupport2": { "message": "MultiWii forums thread" }, "defaultSupport3": { "message": "GitHub" }, "defaultSupport4": { "message": "IRC channel on freenode" }, "defaultSupport5": { "message": "Join via WebClient" }, "initialSetupBackupAndRestoreApiVersion": { "message": "Backup and restore functionality disabled. You have firmware with API version $1, backup and restore requires $2. Please backup your settings via the CLI, see Cleanflight documentation for procedure." }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateAccel": { "message": "Calibrate Accelerometer" }, "initialSetupCalibrateAccelText": { "message": "Place board or frame on leveled surface, proceed with calibration, ensure platform is not moving during calibration period" }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateMag": { "message": "Calibrate Magnetometer" }, "initialSetupCalibrateMagText": { "message": "Move multirotor at least 360 degrees on all axis of rotation, you have 30 seconds to perform this task" }, "initialSetupButtonReset": { "message": "Reset Settings" }, "initialSetupResetText": { "message": "Restore settings to default" }, "initialSetupButtonBackup": { "message": "Backup" }, "initialSetupButtonRestore": { "message": "Restore" }, "initialSetupBackupRestoreText": { "message": "Backup your configuration in case of an accident, CLI settings are not included - See 'dump' cli command" }, "initialSetupBackupSuccess": { "message": "Backup saved successfully" }, "initialSetupRestoreSuccess": { "message": "Configuration restored successfully" }, "initialSetupButtonResetZaxis": { "message": "Reset Z axis, offset: 0 deg" }, "initialSetupButtonResetZaxisValue": { "message": "Reset Z axis, offset: $1 deg" }, "initialSetupMixerHead": { "message": "Mixer Type" }, "initialSetupThrottleHead": { "message": "Throttle Settings" }, "initialSetupMinimum": { "message": "Minimum:" }, "initialSetupMaximum": { "message": "Maximum:" }, "initialSetupFailsafe": { "message": "Failsafe:" }, "initialSetupMinCommand": { "message": "MinCommand:" }, "initialSetupBatteryHead": { "message": "Battery" }, "initialSetupMinCellV": { "message": "Min Cell Voltage:" }, "initialSetupMaxCellV": { "message": "Max Cell Voltage:" }, "initialSetupVoltageScale": { "message": "Voltage Scale:" }, "initialSetupAccelTrimsHead": { "message": "Accelerometer trims" }, "initialSetupPitch": { "message": "Pitch:" }, "initialSetupRoll": { "message": "Roll:" }, "initialSetupMagHead": { "message": "Magnetometer" }, "initialSetupDeclination": { "message": "Declination:" }, "initialSetupInfoHead": { "message": "Info" }, "initialSetupBattery": { "message": "Battery voltage:" }, "initialSetupBatteryValue": { "message": "$1 V" }, "initialSetupDrawn": { "message": "Capacity drawn:" }, "initialSetupDrawing": { "message": "Current draw:" }, "initialSetupBatteryMahValue": { "message": "$1 mAh" }, "initialSetupBatteryAValue": { "message": "$1 A" }, "initialSetupRSSI": { "message": "RSSI:" }, "initialSetupRSSIValue": { "message": "$1 %" }, "initialSetupGPSHead": { "message": "GPS" }, "initialSetupInstrumentsHead": { "message": "Instruments" }, "initialSetupButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "initialSetupModel": { "message": "Model: $1" }, "initialSetupAttitude": { "message": "$1 deg" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibStarted": { "message": "Accelerometer calibration started" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibEnded": { "message": "Accelerometer calibration finished" }, "initialSetupMagCalibStarted": { "message": "Magnetometer calibration started" }, "initialSetupMagCalibEnded": { "message": "Magnetometer calibration finished" }, "initialSetupSettingsRestored": { "message": "Settings restored to default" }, "initialSetupEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "configurationFeatureEnabled": { "message": "Enabled" }, "configurationFeatureName": { "message": "Feature" }, "configurationFeatureDescription": { "message": "Description" }, "configurationMixer": { "message": "Mixer" }, "configurationFeatures": { "message": "Other Features" }, "configurationReceiver": { "message": "Receiver Mode" }, "configurationFailsafe": { "message": "Receiver failsafe" }, "configurationRSSI": { "message": "RSSI (Signal Strength)" }, "configurationEscFeatures": { "message": "ESC/Motor Features" }, "configurationFeaturesHelp": { "message": "Note: Not all combinations of features are valid. When the flight controller firmware detects invalid feature combinations conflicting features will be disabled.
Note: Configure serial ports before enabling the features that will use the ports." }, "configurationSerialRXHelp": { "message": "Note: Rememer to configure a Serial Port (via Ports tab) and choose a Serial Receiver Provider when using RX_SERIAL feature." }, "configurationBoardAlignment": { "message": "Board Alignment" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentRoll": { "message": "Roll Adjustment [deg]" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentPitch": { "message": "Pitch Adjustment [deg]" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentYaw": { "message": "Yaw Adjustment [deg]" }, "configurationAccelTrims": { "message": "Accelerometer Trim" }, "configurationAccelTrimRoll": { "message": "Accelerometer Roll Trim" }, "configurationAccelTrimPitch": { "message": "Accelerometer Pitch Trim" }, "configurationMagDeclination": { "message": "Magnetometer Declination [deg]" }, "configurationAutoDisarmDelay": { "message": "Disarm motors after set delay(Seconds) (Requires MOTOR_STOP feature)" }, "configurationDisarmKillSwitch": { "message": "Disarm motors regardless of throttle value (When arming via AUX channel)" }, "configurationThrottleMinimum": { "message": "Minimum Throttle" }, "configurationThrottleMid": { "message": "Middle Throttle [RC inputs center value]" }, "configurationThrottleMaximum": { "message": "Maximum Throttle" }, "configurationThrottleFailsafe": { "message": "Failsafe Throttle" }, "configurationThrottleMinimumCommand": { "message": "Minimum Command" }, "configurationBatteryVoltage": { "message": "Battery Voltage" }, "configurationBatteryMinimum": { "message": "Minimum Cell Voltage" }, "configurationBatteryMaximum": { "message": "Maximum Cell Voltage" }, "configurationBatteryWarning": { "message": "Warning Cell Voltage" }, "configurationBatteryScale": { "message": "Voltage Scale" }, "configurationCurrent": { "message": "Current Sensor" }, "configurationCurrentScale": { "message": "Scale the output voltage to milliamps [1/10th mV/A]" }, "configurationCurrentOffset": { "message": "Offset in millivolt steps" }, "configurationBatteryMultiwiiCurrent": { "message": "Enable support for legacy Multiwii MSP current output" }, "configuration3d": { "message": "3D" }, "configuration3dDeadbandLow": { "message": "3D Deadband Low" }, "configuration3dDeadbandHigh": { "message": "3D Deadband High" }, "configuration3dNeutral": { "message": "3D Neutral" }, "configuration3dDeadbandThrottle": { "message": "3D Deadband Throttle" }, "configurationSystem": { "message": "System configuration" }, "configurationLoopTime": { "message": "Flight Controller Loop Time" }, "configurationCalculatedCyclesSec": { "message": "Cycles/Sec (Hz)" }, "configurationLoopTimeHelp": { "message": "Note: Changing this may require PID re-tuning." }, "configurationGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "configurationGPSProtocol": { "message": "Protocol" }, "configurationGPSBaudrate": { "message": "Baudrate" }, "configurationGPSubxSbas": { "message": "Ground Assistance Type" }, "configurationGPSHelp": { "message": "Note: Remember to configure a Serial Port (via Ports tab) when using GPS feature." }, "configurationSerialRX": { "message": "Serial Receiver Provider" }, "configurationEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "configurationButtonSave": { "message": "Save and Reboot" }, "portsHelp": { "message": "Note: not all combinations are valid. When the flight controller firmware detects this the serial port configuration will be reset." }, "portsMSPHelp": { "message": "Note: Do NOT disable MSP on the first serial port unless you know what you are doing. You may have to reflash and erase your configuration if you do." }, "portsFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "Firmware upgrade required. Serial port configurations of firmware < 1.8.0 is not supported." }, "portsButtonSave": { "message": "Save and Reboot" }, "portsTelemetryDisabled": { "message": "Disabled" }, "portsFunction_MSP": { "message": "MSP" }, "portsFunction_GSP": { "message": "GSP" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_FRSKY": { "message": "FrSky" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_HOTT": { "message": "HoTT" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_MSP": { "message": "MSP" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_SMARTPORT": { "message": "SmartPort" }, "portsFunction_RX_SERIAL": { "message": "Serial RX" }, "portsFunction_BLACKBOX": { "message": "Blackbox" }, "pidTuningUpgradeFirmwareToChangePidController": { "message": "Changing PID controller disabled - you can change it via the CLI. You have firmware with API version $1, but this functionality requires requires $2." }, "pidTuningName": { "message": "Name" }, "pidTuningProportional": { "message": "Proportional" }, "pidTuningIntegral": { "message": "Integral" }, "pidTuningDerivative": { "message": "Derivative" }, "pidTuningRollPitchRate": { "message": "ROLL & PITCH rate" }, "pidTuningRollRate": { "message": "ROLL rate" }, "pidTuningPitchRate": { "message": "PITCH rate" }, "pidTuningYawRate": { "message": "YAW rate" }, "pidTuningTPA": { "message": "TPA" }, "pidTuningTPABreakPoint": { "message": "TPA Breakpoint" }, "pidTuningButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "pidTuningButtonRefresh": { "message": "Refresh" }, "pidTuningProfileHead": { "message": "Profile" }, "pidTuningControllerHead": { "message": "PID Controller" }, "pidTuningLoadedProfile": { "message": "Loaded Profile: $1" }, "pidTuningDataRefreshed": { "message": "PID data refreshed" }, "pidTuningEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "receiverHelp": { "message": "Please read receiver chapter of the documentation. Configure serial port (if required), receiver mode (serial/ppm/pwm), provider (for serial receivers), bind receiver, set channel map, configure channel endpoints/range on TX so that all channels go from ~1000 to ~2000. Set midpoint (default 1500), trim channels to 1500, configure stick deadband, verify behaviour when TX is off or out of range.
IMPORTANT: Before flying read failsafe chapter of documentation and configure failsafe." }, "receiverThrottleMid": { "message": "Throttle MID" }, "receiverThrottleExpo": { "message": "Throttle EXPO" }, "receiverRcRate": { "message": "RC Rate" }, "receiverRcExpo": { "message": "RC Expo" }, "receiverRcYawExpo": { "message": "RC Yaw Expo" }, "receiverChannelMap": { "message": "Channel Map" }, "receiverChannelMapTitle": { "message": "You can define your own channel map by clicking inside the box" }, "receiverRssiChannel": { "message": "RSSI Channel" }, "receiverRefreshRateTitle": { "message": "Graph refresh rate" }, "receiverButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "receiverButtonRefresh": { "message": "Refresh" }, "receiverButtonSticks": { "message": "Control sticks" }, "receiverDataRefreshed": { "message": "RC Tuning data refreshed" }, "receiverEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "auxiliaryHelp": { "message": "Use ranges to define the switches on your transmitter and corresponding mode assignments. A receiver channel that gives a reading between a range min/max will activate the mode. Remember to save your settings using the Save button." }, "auxiliaryMin": { "message": "Min" }, "auxiliaryMax": { "message": "Max" }, "auxiliaryAddRange": { "message": "Add Range" }, "auxiliaryButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "auxiliaryEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "adjustmentsHelp": { "message": "Configure adjustment switches. See the 'in-flight adjustments' section of the manual for details. The changes that adjustment functions make are not saved automatically. There are 4 slots. Each switch used to concurrently make adjustments requires exclusive use of a slot." }, "adjustmentsExamples": { "message": "Examples" }, "adjustmentsExample1": { "message": "Use Slot 1 and a 3POS switch on AUX1 to select between Pitch/Roll P, I and D and another 3POS switch on AUX2 to increase or decrease the value when held up or down." }, "adjustmentsExample2": { "message": "Use Slot 2 and a 3POS switch on AUX4 to select enable Rate Profile Selection via the same 3POS switch on the same channel." }, "adjustmentsColumnEnable": { "message": "If enabled" }, "adjustmentsColumnUsingSlot": { "message": "using slot" }, "adjustmentsColumnWhenChannel": { "message": "when channel" }, "adjustmentsColumnIsInRange": { "message": "is in range" }, "adjustmentsColumnThenApplyFunction": { "message": "then apply" }, "adjustmentsColumnViaChannel": { "message": "via channel" }, "adjustmentsSlot0": { "message": "Slot 1" }, "adjustmentsSlot1": { "message": "Slot 2" }, "adjustmentsSlot2": { "message": "Slot 3" }, "adjustmentsSlot3": { "message": "Slot 4" }, "adjustmentsMin": { "message": "Min" }, "adjustmentsMax": { "message": "Max" }, "adjustmentsFunction0": { "message": "No changes" }, "adjustmentsFunction1": { "message": "RC Rate Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction2": { "message": "RC Expo Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction3": { "message": "Throttle Expo Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction4": { "message": "Pitch & Roll Rate Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction5": { "message": "Yaw Rate Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction6": { "message": "Pitch & Roll P Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction7": { "message": "Pitch & Roll I Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction8": { "message": "Pitch & Roll D Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction9": { "message": "Yaw P Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction10": { "message": "Yaw I Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction11": { "message": "Yaw D Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction12": { "message": "Rate Profile Selection" }, "adjustmentsFunction13": { "message": "Pitch Rate" }, "adjustmentsFunction14": { "message": "Roll Rate" }, "adjustmentsFunction15": { "message": "Pitch P Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction16": { "message": "Pitch I Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction17": { "message": "Pitch D Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction18": { "message": "Roll P Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction19": { "message": "Roll I Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsFunction20": { "message": "Roll D Adjustment" }, "adjustmentsSave": { "message": "Save" }, "adjustmentsEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "servosFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "Servos requires firmware >= 1.10.0." }, "servosChangeDirection": { "message": "Change Direction in TX To Match" }, "servosName": { "message": "Name" }, "servosMid": { "message": "MID" }, "servosMin": { "message": "MIN" }, "servosMax": { "message": "MAX" }, "servosAngleAtMin": { "message": "Angle at min" }, "servosAngleAtMax": { "message": "Angle at max" }, "servosDirectionAndRate": { "message": "Direction and rate" }, "servosLiveMode": { "message": "Enable Live mode" }, "servosButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "servosNormal": { "message": "Normal" }, "servosReverse": { "message": "Reverse" }, "servosEepromSave": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "gpsHead": { "message": "GPS" }, "gps3dFix": { "message": "3D Fix:" }, "gpsFixTrue": { "message": "True" }, "gpsFixFalse": { "message": "False" }, "gpsAltitude": { "message": "Altitude:" }, "gpsLat": { "message": "Latitude:" }, "gpsLon": { "message": "Longitude:" }, "gpsSpeed": { "message": "Speed:" }, "gpsSats": { "message": "Sats:" }, "gpsDistToHome": { "message": "Dist to Home:" }, "gpsSignalStrHead": { "message": "GPS Signal Strength" }, "gpsSignalStr": { "message": "Signal Strength" }, "motorsMaster": { "message": "Master" }, "motorsNotice": { "message": "Motor Test Mode Notice:
Moving the sliders will cause the motors to spin up.
In order to prevent injury remove ALL propellers before using this feature.
" }, "motorsEnableControl": { "message": "I understand the risks, propellors are removed - Enable motor control." }, "sensorsInfo": { "message": "Keep in mind that using fast update periods and rendering multiple graphs at the same time is resource heavy and will burn your battery quicker if you use a laptop.
We recommend to only render graphs for sensors you are interested in while using reasonable update periods." }, "sensorsRefresh": { "message": "Refresh:" }, "sensorsScale": { "message": "Scale:" }, "cliInfo": { "message": "Note: Leaving CLI tab or pressing Disconnect will automatically send \"exit\" to the board. With the latest firmware this will make the controller restart and unsaved changes will be lost." }, "cliInputPlaceholder": { "message": "Write your command here" }, "loggingNote": { "message": "Data will be logged in this tab only, leaving the tab will cancel logging and application will return to its normal \"configurator\" state.
You are free to select the global update period, data will be written into the log file every 1 second for performance reasons." }, "loggingSamplesSaved": { "message": "Samples Saved:" }, "loggingLogSize": { "message": "Log Size:" }, "loggingButtonLogFile": { "message": "Select Log File" }, "loggingStart": { "message": "Start Logging" }, "loggingStop": { "message": "Stop Logging" }, "loggingBack": { "message": "Leave Logging / Disconnect" }, "loggingErrorNotConnected": { "message": "You need to connect first" }, "loggingErrorLogFile": { "message": "Please select log file" }, "loggingErrorOneProperty": { "message": "Please select at least one property to log" }, "loggingAutomaticallyRetained": { "message": "Automatically loaded previous log file: $1" }, "dataflashNote": { "message": "Blackbox flight logs can be recorded to your flight controller's onboard dataflash chip." }, "dataflashNotSupportedNote": { "message": "Your flight controller does not have a compatible dataflash chip available." }, "dataflashFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "Dataflash requires firmware >= 1.8.0." }, "dataflashButtonSaveFile": { "message": "Save flash to file..." }, "dataflashButtonErase": { "message": "Erase flash" }, "dataflashConfirmEraseTitle": { "message": "Confirm dataflash erase" }, "dataflashConfirmEraseNote": { "message": "This will erase any Blackbox logs or other data contained in the dataflash which will take about 20 seconds, are you sure?" }, "dataflashSavingTitle": { "message": "Saving dataflash to file" }, "dataflashSavingNote": { "message": "Saving could take several minutes, please wait." }, "dataflashSavingNoteAfter": { "message": "Save completed! Press \"Ok\" to continue." }, "dataflashButtonSaveCancel": { "message": "Cancel" }, "dataflashButtonSaveDismiss": { "message": "Ok" }, "dataflashButtonEraseConfirm": { "message": "Yes, erase dataflash" }, "dataflashButtonEraseCancel": { "message": "Cancel" }, "dataflashFileWriteFailed": { "message": "Failed to write to the file you selected, are the permissions on that folder okay?" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseSummaryHead": { "message": "Release info" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseName": { "message": "Name/Version:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseVersionUrl": { "message": "Visit release page." }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseNotes": { "message": "Release notes:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseDate": { "message": "Date:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseStatus": { "message": "State:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseTarget": { "message": "Target:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseFile": { "message": "Binary:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseStatusReleaseCandidate": { "message": "IMPORTANT: This firmware release is currently marked as a release candidate. Please report any issues immediately." }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseFileUrl": { "message": "Download manually." }, "firmwareFlasherTargetWarning": { "message": "IMPORTANT: Ensure you flash a file appropriate for your target. Flashing a binary for the wrong target can cause bad things to happen." }, "firmwareFlasherPath": { "message": "Path:" }, "firmwareFlasherSize": { "message": "Size:" }, "firmwareFlasherStatus": { "message": "Status:" }, "firmwareFlasherProgress": { "message": "Progress:" }, "firmwareFlasherLoadFirmwareFile": { "message": "Please load firmware file" }, "firmwareFlasherNoReboot": { "message": "No reboot sequence" }, "firmwareFlasherOnlineReleasesDescription": { "message": "Available online firmware releases - Select the correct firmware appropriate for your board." }, "firmwareFlasherNoRebootDescription": { "message": "Enable if you are flashing board with bootloader pins shorted" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashOnConnect": { "message": "Flash on connect" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashOnConnectDescription": { "message": "Attempt to flash the board automatically (triggered by newly detected serial port)" }, "firmwareFlasherFullChipErase": { "message": "Full chip erase" }, "firmwareFlasherFullChipEraseDescription": { "message": "Wipes all configuration data currently stored on the board" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashDevelopmentFirmware": { "message": "Use Development Firmware" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashDevelopmentFirmwareDescription": { "message": "Flash most recent (untested) development firmware" }, "firmwareFlasherManualBaud": { "message": "Manual baud rate" }, "firmwareFlasherManualBaudDescription": { "message": "Manual selection of baud rate for boards that don't support the default speed or for flashing via bluetooth." }, "firmwareFlasherShowDevelopmentReleases":{ "message": "Show unstable releases" }, "firmwareFlasherShowDevelopmentReleasesDescription":{ "message": "Show Release-Candidates and Development Releases" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelSelectFirmware": { "message": "Choose a Firmware / Board" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadLocal": { "message": "Load Firmware [Local]" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadOnline": { "message": "Load Firmware [Online]" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashFirmware": { "message": "Flash Firmware" }, "firmwareFlasherGithubInfoHead": { "message": "Github Firmware Info" }, "firmwareFlasherCommiter": { "message": "Committer:" }, "firmwareFlasherDate": { "message": "Date:" }, "firmwareFlasherHash": { "message": "Hash:" }, "firmwareFlasherUrl": { "message": "Go to GitHub to review this commit..." }, "firmwareFlasherMessage": { "message": "Message:" }, "firmwareFlasherWarninghead": { "message": "Warning" }, "firmwareFlasherWarningText": { "message": "Please do not try to flash non-cleanflight hardware with this firmware flasher.
Do not disconnect the board or turn off your computer while flashing.

Note: STM32 bootloader is stored in ROM, it cannot be bricked.
Note: Auto-Connect is always disabled while you are inside firmware flasher.
Note: Make sure you have a backup; some upgrades/downgrades will wipe your configuration.
Note: If you have problems flashing try disconnecting all cables from your FC.

Note: If you have lost comminication with your board then power off the board, jumper the bootloader pins, power on, enable 'No reboot sequence', enable 'Full chip erase', re-flash, then power off, remove bootloader jumper, power on and connect (For all firmware except OPBL firmware)." }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLeave": { "message": "Leave Firmware Flasher" }, "firmwareFlasherFirmwareNotLoaded": { "message": "Firmware not loaded" }, "firmwareFlasherHexCorrupted": { "message": "HEX file appears to be corrupted" }, "firmwareFlasherRemoteFirmwareLoaded": { "message": "Remote Firmware loaded, ready for flashing" }, "firmwareFlasherFailedToLoadOnlineFirmware": { "message": "Failed to load remote firmware" }, "ledStripHelp": { "message": "The flight controller can control colors and effects of individual LEDs on a strip.
Configure LEDs on the grid, configure wiring order then attach LEDs on your aircraft according to grid positions." }, "ledStripButtonSave": { "message": "Save" }, "ledStripEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM saved" }, "controlAxisRoll": { "message": "Roll" }, "controlAxisPitch": { "message": "Pitch" }, "controlAxisYaw": { "message": "Yaw" }, "controlAxisThrottle": { "message": "Throttle" }, "controlAxisAux1": { "message": "AUX 1" }, "controlAxisAux2": { "message": "AUX 2" }, "controlAxisAux3": { "message": "AUX 3" }, "controlAxisAux4": { "message": "AUX 4" }, "controlAxisAux5": { "message": "AUX 5" }, "controlAxisAux6": { "message": "AUX 6" }, "controlAxisAux7": { "message": "AUX 7" }, "controlAxisAux8": { "message": "AUX 8" }, "controlAxisAux9": { "message": "AUX 9" }, "controlAxisAux10": { "message": "AUX 10" }, "controlAxisAux11": { "message": "AUX 11" }, "controlAxisAux12": { "message": "AUX 12" }, "controlAxisAux13": { "message": "AUX 13" }, "controlAxisAux14": { "message": "AUX 14" }, "controlAxisAux15": { "message": "AUX 15" }, "controlAxisAux16": { "message": "AUX 16" }, "pidTuningBasic": { "message": "Basic/Acro" }, "pidTuningLevel": { "message": "Angle/Horizon" }, "pidTuningAltitude": { "message": "Barometer & Sonar/Altitude" }, "pidTuningMag": { "message": "Magnometer/Heading" }, "pidTuningGps": { "message": "GPS Navigation" }, "pidTuningLevelP": { "message": "Strength (Angle)" }, "pidTuningLevelI": { "message": "Strength (Horizon)" }, "pidTuningLevelD": { "message": "Transition (Horizon)" }, "pidHelp1": { "message": "The values below change the behaviour of the ANGLE and HORIZON flight modes. Different PID controllers handle the LEVEL values differently. Please check the documentation." }, "configHelp1": { "message": "RSSI is a measurement of signal strength and is very handy so you know when your aircraft is going out of range or if it is suffering RF interference." } }