"translation_version": {
"message": "0"
"options_title": {
"message": "Application Options"
"options_receive_app_notifications": {
"message": "Receive desktop notification when application updates"
"options_improve_configurator": {
"message": "Send anonymous usage data to the developer team"
"connect": {
"message": "Connect"
"connecting": {
"message": "Connecting"
"disconnect": {
"message": "Disconnect"
"autoConnect": {
"message": "Auto-Connect"
"autoConnectEnabled": {
"message": "Auto-Connect: Enabled - Configurator automatically tries to connect when new port is detected"
"autoConnectDisabled": {
"message": "Auto-Connect: Disabled - User needs to select the correct serial port and click \"Connect\" button on its own"
"deviceRebooting": {
"message": "Device - Rebooting"
"deviceReady": {
"message": "Device - Ready"
"backupFileIncompatible": {
"message": "Backup file provided was generated for previous version of the configurator and is incompatible with this version of configurator. Sorry"
"backupFileUnmigratable": {
"message": "Backup file provided was generated by a previous version of the configurator and is not migratable. Sorry."
"configMigrationFrom": {
"message": "Migrating configuration file generated by configurator: $1"
"configMigratedTo": {
"message": "Migrated configuration to configurator: $1"
"configMigrationSuccessful": {
"message": "Configuration migration complete, migrations applied: $1"
"tabFirmwareFlasher": {
"message": "Firmware Flasher"
"tabLanding": {
"message": "Welcome"
"tabHelp": {
"message": "Documentation & Support"
"tabSetup": {
"message": "Setup"
"tabConfiguration": {
"message": "Configuration"
"tabPorts": {
"message": "Ports"
"tabPidTuning": {
"message": "PID Tuning"
"tabReceiver": {
"message": "Receiver"
"tabModeSelection": {
"message": "Mode Selection"
"tabServos": {
"message": "Servos"
"tabGPS": {
"message": "GPS"
"tabMotorTesting": {
"message": "Motors"
"tabLedStrip": {
"message": "LED Strip"
"tabRawSensorData": {
"message": "Sensors"
"tabCLI": {
"message": "CLI"
"tabLogging": {
"message": "Logging"
"tabDataflash": {
"message": "Dataflash"
"tabAdjustments": {
"message": "Adjustments"
"tabAuxiliary": {
"message": "Modes"
"serialPortOpened": {
"message": "Serial port successfully opened with ID: $1"
"serialPortOpenFail": {
"message": "Failed to open serial port"
"serialPortClosedOk": {
"message": "Serial port successfully closed"
"serialPortClosedFail": {
"message": "Failed to close serial port"
"noConfigurationReceived": {
"message": "No configuration received within 10 seconds, communication failed"
"firmwareVersionNotSupported": {
"message": "This firmware version is not supported. Please upgrade to firmware that supports api version $1 or higher. Use CLI for backup before flashing. CLI backup/restore procedure is in the documention."
"tabSwitchConnectionRequired": {
"message": "You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs."
"tabSwitchWaitForOperation": {
"message": "You can't do this right now, please wait for current operation to finish ..."
"tabSwitchUpgradeRequired": {
"message": "You need to upgrade your firmware before you can use the $1 tab."
"firmwareVersion": {
"message": "Firmware Version: $1"
"apiVersionReceived": {
"message": "MultiWii API version received - $1"
"uniqueDeviceIdReceived": {
"message": "Unique device ID received - 0x$1"
"boardInfoReceived": {
"message": "Board: $1, version: $2"
"buildInfoReceived": {
"message": "Running firmware released on: $1"
"fcInfoReceived": {
"message": "Flight controller info, identifier: $1, version: $2"
"notifications_app_just_updated_to_version": {
"message": "Application just updated to version: $1"
"notifications_click_here_to_start_app": {
"message": "Click here to start the application"
"statusbar_port_utilization": {
"message": "Port utilization:"
"statusbar_usage_download": {
"message": "D: $1%"
"statusbar_usage_upload": {
"message": "U: $1%"
"statusbar_packet_error": {
"message": "Packet error:"
"statusbar_i2c_error": {
"message": "I2C error:"
"statusbar_cycle_time": {
"message": "Cycle Time:"
"please_grant_usb_permissions": {
"message": "Please click on \"Request Optional Permissions\" button to grant application required USB access"
"usb_permissions_granted": {
"message": "Optional USB permissions granted"
"eeprom_saved_ok": {
"message": "EEPROM saved"
"default_optional_permissions_head": {
"message": "Optional USB Permissions"
"default_optional_permissions_text": {
"message": "Due to addition of Naze32PRO to the supported hardware family, Configurator requires USB access to allow firmware flashing via DFU"
"default_request_optional_permissions": {
"message": "Request Optional Permissions"
"defaultWelcomeText": {
"message": "Welcome to Cleanflight - Configurator, a utility designed to simplify updating, configuring and tuning of your flight controller.
The application supports all hardware that can run cleanflight (SPRacingF3, Vortex, Sparky, CC3D/EVO, Air Hero 32, Flip32/+/Deluxe, CJMCU Microquad, Chebuzz F3, STM32F3Discovery, Hermit, Naze32 Tricopter Frame, Skyline32, Naze/32/Mini/Pro/Blackbox etc)
The firmware source code can be downloaded from here
The newest binary firmware image is available here
Latest CP210x Drivers can be downloaded from here
"defaultContributingHead": {
"message": "Contributing"
"defaultContributingText": {
"message": "If you would like to help make Cleanflight even better you can help in many ways, including: