function tab_initialize_logging() { ga_tracker.sendAppView('Logging'); GUI.active_tab = 'logging'; var requested_properties = []; $('#content').load("./tabs/logging.html", process_html); function process_html() { // translate to user-selected language localize(); // UI hooks $('a.log_file').click(prepare_file); $('a.logging').click(function() { if (fileEntry.isFile) { var clicks = $(this).data('clicks'); if (!clicks) { // reset some variables before start samples = 0; log_buffer = []; requested_properties = []; $('.properties input:checked').each(function() { requested_properties.push($(this).prop('name')); }); if (requested_properties.length) { function poll_data() { // save current crunch_data(); // request new for (var i = 0; i < requested_properties.length; i++) { send_message(MSP_codes[requested_properties[i]]); /* this approach could be used if we want to utilize request time compensation if (i < requested_properties.length -1) { send_message(requested_properties[i]); } else { send_message(requested_properties[i], false, false, poll_data); } */ } } GUI.interval_add('log_data_pull', poll_data, parseInt($('select.speed').val()), true); // refresh rate goes here GUI.interval_add('flush_data', function() { if (log_buffer.length) { // only execute when there is actual data to write if (fileWriter.readyState == 0 || fileWriter.readyState == 2) { append_to_file(log_buffer.join('\n')); $('.samples').text(samples += log_buffer.length); $('.size').text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('loggingKB', [(fileWriter.length / 1024).toFixed(2)])); log_buffer = []; } else { console.log('IO having trouble keeping up with the data flow'); } } }, 1000); $('.speed').prop('disabled', true); $(this).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('loggingStop')); $(this).data("clicks", !clicks); } else { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('loggingErrorOneProperty')); } } else { GUI.interval_remove('log_data_pull'); GUI.interval_remove('flush_data'); $('.speed').prop('disabled', false); $(this).text(chrome.i18n.getMessage('loggingStart')); $(this).data("clicks", !clicks); } } else { GUI.log(chrome.i18n.getMessage('loggingErrorLogFile')); } }); } var samples = 0; var log_buffer = []; function crunch_data() { var sample = millitime(); for (var i = 0; i < requested_properties.length; i++) { switch (requested_properties[i]) { case 'MSP_RAW_IMU': sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.gyroscope; sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.accelerometer; sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.magnetometer; break; case 'MSP_ATTITUDE': sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsX; sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsY; sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.kinematicsZ; break; case 'MSP_ALTITUDE': sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.altitude; break; case 'MSP_RC': for (var chan = 0; chan < RC.active_channels; chan++) { sample += ',' + RC.channels[chan]; } break; case 'MSP_MOTOR': sample += ',' + MOTOR_DATA; break; case 'MSP_DEBUG': sample += ',' + SENSOR_DATA.debug; break; } } log_buffer.push(sample); } // IO related methods var fileEntry = null; var fileWriter = null; function prepare_file() { // create or load the file chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'saveFile', suggestedName: 'bf_data_log', accepts: [{extensions: ['csv']}]}, function(entry) { if (!entry) { console.log('No file selected'); return; } fileEntry = entry; // echo/console log path specified chrome.fileSystem.getDisplayPath(fileEntry, function(path) { console.log('Log file path: ' + path); }); // change file entry from read only to read/write chrome.fileSystem.getWritableEntry(fileEntry, function(fileEntryWritable) { // check if file is writable chrome.fileSystem.isWritableEntry(fileEntryWritable, function(isWritable) { if (isWritable) { fileEntry = fileEntryWritable; prepare_writer(); } else { console.log('File appears to be read only, sorry.'); } }); }); }); } function prepare_writer() { fileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) { fileWriter = writer; fileWriter.onerror = function(e) { console.error(e); }; fileWriter.onwriteend = function() { // console.log('Data written'); }; }, function(e) { console.error(e); }); } function append_to_file(data) { if (fileWriter.position < fileWriter.length) {; } fileWriter.write(new Blob([data + '\n'], {type: 'text/plain'})); } }