{ "yes": { "message": "是", "description": "General Yes message to be used across the application" }, "no": { "message": "否", "description": "General No message to be used across the application" }, "on": { "message": "開啟" }, "off": { "message": "關閉" }, "auto": { "message": "自動" }, "error": { "message": "錯誤:{{errorMessage}}" }, "errorTitle": { "message": "錯誤" }, "warningTitle": { "message": "警告" }, "noticeTitle": { "message": "注意" }, "operationNotSupported": { "message": "您的設備不支援該操作。" }, "storageDeviceNotReady": { "message": "存儲設備沒有準備就緒。如果是 MicroSD 卡,請確保它已被飛控正確識別。" }, "options_title": { "message": "應用程式選項" }, "connect": { "message": "連接" }, "connecting": { "message": "連接中" }, "disconnect": { "message": "斷開連接" }, "portsSelectManual": { "message": "手動選取" }, "portOverrideText": { "message": "埠號:" }, "autoConnect": { "message": "自動連接" }, "close": { "message": "關閉" }, "cancel": { "message": "取消" }, "autoConnectEnabled": { "message": "自動連接:開啟 - 配置器會自動連接新發現的埠口。" }, "autoConnectDisabled": { "message": "自動連接: 禁用 - 用戶需要選擇正確的串口, 然後單擊 “連接” 按鈕。" }, "expertMode": { "message": "啟用專家模式" }, "rememberLastTab": { "message": "連接後重新打開最後使用的選項頁" }, "analyticsOptOut": { "message": "退出匿名的統計數據收集" }, "cordovaForceComputerUI": { "message": "停用手機界面並切換至計算機界面" }, "language_changed": { "message": "語言已變更" }, "language_choice_message": { "message": "更改語言:", "description": "Try and be brief" }, "language_default": { "message": "系統默認" }, "language_default_pretty": { "message": "系統默認($t(detectedLanguage))" }, "sensorDataFlashNotFound": { "message": "未發現
快閃記憶體晶片", "description": "Text of the dataflash image in the header of the page." }, "sensorDataFlashFreeSpace": { "message": "快閃記憶體晶片:空閒空間", "description": "Text of the dataflash image in the header of the page." }, "sensorStatusGyro": { "message": "陀螺儀" }, "sensorStatusGyroShort": { "message": "陀螺儀", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusAccel": { "message": "加速度計" }, "sensorStatusAccelShort": { "message": "加速度計", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusMag": { "message": "磁力計" }, "sensorStatusMagShort": { "message": "磁力計", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusBaro": { "message": "氣壓計" }, "sensorStatusBaroShort": { "message": "氣壓計", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "sensorStatusGPSShort": { "message": "GPS", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "sensorStatusSonar": { "message": "聲納 / 測距儀" }, "sensorStatusSonarShort": { "message": "聲納", "description": "Text of the image in the top sensors icons. Please keep it short." }, "checkForConfiguratorUnstableVersions": { "message": "顯示測試版本的配置程式更新提示" }, "configuratorUpdateNotice": { "message": "$ t(configuratorUpdateHelp.message)" }, "configuratorUpdateHelp": { "message": "在舊版本的配置程式上使用新版本固件可能會使修改某些設置時導致 固件配置損壞且飛行器無法工作。此外,固件的某些功能將僅能在 CLI 中配置。
Betaflight 配置程式版本$1 可下載,請訪問這個頁面下載並安裝最新的配置程式,以獲取全部的修復與改進。
更新前請關閉配置程式窗口。" }, "configuratorUpdateWebsite": { "message": "打開版本發佈網站" }, "deviceRebooting": { "message": "設備 - 重啟中" }, "deviceRebooting_flashBootloader": { "message": "設備 - 重啟並進入快閃記憶體Bootloader" }, "deviceRebooting_romBootloader": { "message": "設備 - 重啟並進入記憶體Bootloader" }, "deviceReady": { "message": "設備 - 已就緒" }, "tabFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "固件燒寫工具" }, "tabLanding": { "message": "歡迎" }, "tabChangelog": { "message": "更新日誌" }, "tabPrivacyPolicy": { "message": "隱私政策" }, "tabHelp": { "message": "設置文檔 & 支援" }, "tabOptions": { "message": "選項" }, "tabSetup": { "message": "設置" }, "tabSetupOSD": { "message": "OSD 設置" }, "tabConfiguration": { "message": "配置" }, "tabPorts": { "message": "埠口" }, "tabPidTuning": { "message": "PID 調校" }, "tabReceiver": { "message": "接收機" }, "tabModeSelection": { "message": "飛行模式選項" }, "tabServos": { "message": "舵機" }, "tabFailsafe": { "message": "失控保護" }, "tabTransponder": { "message": "比賽應答器" }, "tabOsd": { "message": "OSD 熒幕疊加顯示" }, "tabVtx": { "message": "圖像傳送器" }, "tabPower": { "message": "動力 & 電池" }, "tabGPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "tabMotorTesting": { "message": "電機" }, "tabLedStrip": { "message": "LED 燈帶" }, "tabRawSensorData": { "message": "傳感器" }, "tabCLI": { "message": "命令列" }, "tabLogging": { "message": "日誌" }, "tabOnboardLogging": { "message": "黑盒子" }, "tabAdjustments": { "message": "調整" }, "tabAuxiliary": { "message": "模式" }, "logActionHide": { "message": "隱藏日誌" }, "logActionShow": { "message": "顯示日誌" }, "serialErrorFrameError": { "message": "串行連接錯誤:數據幀錯誤" }, "serialErrorParityError": { "message": "串行連接錯誤:奇偶錯誤" }, "serialPortOpened": { "message": "打開串口 成功 ID: $1" }, "serialPortOpenFail": { "message": "打開串口 失敗" }, "serialPortClosedOk": { "message": "關閉串口 成功" }, "serialPortClosedFail": { "message": "關閉串口 失敗" }, "serialUnrecoverable": { "message": "串口連接 故障且無法恢復,正在斷開連接……" }, "usbDeviceOpened": { "message": "打開 USB 設備 成功 ID: $1" }, "usbDeviceOpenFail": { "message": "打開 USB 設備 失敗!" }, "usbDeviceClosed": { "message": "關閉 USB 設備 成功" }, "usbDeviceCloseFail": { "message": "關閉 USB 設備 失敗" }, "usbDeviceUdevNotice": { "message": "udev rules沒有正確安裝?詳細訊息請查閱文檔。" }, "stm32UsbDfuNotFound": { "message": "未找到 USB DFU" }, "stm32RebootingToBootloader": { "message": "重新啟動並進入 bootloader …" }, "stm32RebootingToBootloaderFailed": { "message": "重啟設備並進入 bootloader:失敗" }, "stm32TimedOut": { "message": "STM32 - 超時,燒錄失敗" }, "stm32WrongResponse": { "message": "STM32 通訊失敗,響應錯誤。應為:$1 (0x$2) 實際收到: $3 (0x$4)" }, "stm32ContactingBootloader": { "message": "嘗試連接引導程式" }, "stm32ContactingBootloaderFailed": { "message": "引導程式通訊失敗" }, "stm32ResponseBootloaderFailed": { "message": "引導程式無響應,燒錄失敗" }, "stm32GlobalEraseExtended": { "message": "正在執行全局晶片擦除(通過擴展擦除)…" }, "stm32LocalEraseExtended": { "message": "正在執行本地晶片擦除(通過擴展擦除)…" }, "stm32GlobalErase": { "message": "正在執行全局擦除…" }, "stm32LocalErase": { "message": "正在執行本地擦除…" }, "stm32InvalidHex": { "message": "無效固件" }, "stm32Erase": { "message": "正在擦除…" }, "stm32Flashing": { "message": "正在燒錄…" }, "stm32Verifying": { "message": "驗證中..." }, "stm32ProgrammingSuccessful": { "message": "燒錄成功" }, "stm32ProgrammingFailed": { "message": "燒錄失敗" }, "stm32AddressLoadFailed": { "message": "定位選項字節扇區失敗。很可能是因為讀取保護造成的。" }, "stm32AddressLoadSuccess": { "message": "定位選項字節扇區成功。" }, "stm32AddressLoadUnknown": { "message": "因未知錯誤,定位選項字節扇區失敗。正在終止。" }, "stm32NotReadProtected": { "message": "讀取保護未啟用" }, "stm32ReadProtected": { "message": "飛控板似乎有讀取保護。正在接觸保護。不要斷開連接/拔出插頭!" }, "stm32UnprotectSuccessful": { "message": "解除保護成功。" }, "stm32UnprotectUnplug": { "message": "請拔出飛控並且以 DFU模式重新連接飛控後重新嘗試燒錄!" }, "stm32UnprotectFailed": { "message": "解除保護失敗" }, "stm32UnprotectInitFailed": { "message": "解除保護程式初始化失敗" }, "noConfigurationReceived": { "message": "10秒內沒有接受到配置訊息,飛控通訊 失敗" }, "firmwareVersionNotSupported": { "message": "Betaflight 配置程式不支援該固件版本。請更新固件以確保其API版本為$1 或更高。更新固件之前,使用 CLI 來備份設置。使用 CLI 進行備份/恢復的詳細操作流程請參考Betaflight文檔。
如果不想將固件更新到最新版本,可以下載使用支援該固件的舊版配置程式。" }, "firmwareTypeNotSupported": { "message": "不支持非 Betaflight 固件,只能使用 CLI 模式" }, "firmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "需要將此設備上的固件更新到新版本。更新固件之前,使用 CLI 來備份設置。使用 CLI 進行備份/恢復的詳細操作流程請參考Betaflight文檔。
如果不想將固件更新到最新版本,可以下載使用支援該固件的舊版配置程式。" }, "resetToCustomDefaultsDialog": { "message": "有適用于次飛控板的自定義默認設置,通常來說,還有在應用了自定義默認設置之後飛控板才能正常工作。
您是否要為此飛控板應用自定義默認設置?" }, "resetToCustomDefaultsAccept": { "message": "應用自定義默認設置" }, "reportProblemsDialogHeader": { "message": "檢測到您的配置存在下列問題:" }, "reportProblemsDialogFooter": { "message": "請在試飛之前解決這些問題。" }, "reportProblemsDialogAPI_VERSION_MAX_SUPPORTED": { "message": "您正在使用的配置程式版本 ($3) 落後於您正在使用的固件版本 ($4)
$t(configuratorUpdateHelp.message)" }, "reportProblemsDialogACC_NEEDS_CALIBRATION": { "message": "加速度計已啟用,但未進行校準
如果您計劃使用加速度計,請遵循 \"$t(tabSetup.message)\" 頁面中的 \"$t(initialSetupButtonCalibrateAccel.message)\" 操作指南。如果開啟了任何需要調用加速度計的功能 (例如自穩模式, GPS 救援, …),在加速度計完成校準之间將無法解鎖。
如果您並不計劃使用加速度計,建議您在 \"$t(tabConfiguration.message)\" 頁面中通過 \"$t(configurationSystem.message)\" 禁用加速度計。" }, "buildServerUsingCached": { "message": "使用已緩存的 $1 生成訊息。" }, "releaseCheckLoaded": { "message": "從Github 載入 $1 發佈訊息" }, "releaseCheckFailed": { "message": "從 GitHub 獲取 $1 發佈版本失敗,載入原版本訊息。 失敗原因:$2" }, "releaseCheckCached": { "message": "使用已緩存的 $1 版本訊息" }, "releaseCheckNoInfo": { "message": "找不到 $1 發佈訊息" }, "tabSwitchConnectionRequired": { "message": "在查看任何頁面訊息之前,您需要先連接" }, "tabSwitchWaitForOperation": { "message": "不能執行當前操作,請等待上一個操作完成…" }, "tabSwitchUpgradeRequired": { "message": "需要更新到最新版本的 Betaflight 固件才能使用 $1 頁面" }, "firmwareVersion": { "message": "固件版本:$1" }, "apiVersionReceived": { "message": "MultiWii API 版本:$1" }, "uniqueDeviceIdReceived": { "message": "唯一設備 ID: 0x$1" }, "craftNameReceived": { "message": "飛行器名稱:$1" }, "armingDisabled": { "message": "禁止解鎖" }, "armingEnabled": { "message": "允許解鎖" }, "runawayTakeoffPreventionDisabled": { "message": " 預防起飛失控 已被臨時禁用" }, "runawayTakeoffPreventionEnabled": { "message": " 預防起飛失控 已啟用" }, "boardInfoReceived": { "message": "飛控:$1,版本:$2" }, "buildInfoReceived": { "message": "當前固件發佈時間:$1" }, "fcInfoReceived": { "message": "飛控訊息,識別名:$1,版本:$2" }, "versionLabelTarget": { "message": "飛控型號" }, "versionLabelFirmware": { "message": "固件" }, "versionLabelConfigurator": { "message": "配置程式" }, "notifications_app_just_updated_to_version": { "message": "程式已更新到版本: $1" }, "notifications_click_here_to_start_app": { "message": "單擊這裡運行程式" }, "statusbar_port_utilization": { "message": "埠口利用率:", "description": "Port utilization text shown in the status bar" }, "statusbar_packet_error": { "message": "數據包錯誤:", "description": "Packet error text shown in the status bar" }, "statusbar_i2c_error": { "message": "I2C 錯誤:", "description": "CPU load text shown in the status bar" }, "statusbar_cycle_time": { "message": "循環時間:", "description": "Cycle time text shown in the status bar" }, "dfu_connect_message": { "message": "請使用固件燒寫器來訪問 DFU 設備" }, "dfu_erased_kilobytes": { "message": "擦除$1 kB 快閃記憶體 成功" }, "dfu_device_flash_info": { "message": "檢測到快閃記憶體空間為 $1 KiB 的晶片" }, "dfu_error_image_size": { "message": "錯誤:固件文件大於飛控晶片的快閃記憶體。固件大小: $1 KiB,上限 = $2 KiB" }, "eeprom_saved_ok": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "defaultWelcomeIntro": { "message": "歡迎使用 Betaflight - 配置程式,為簡化固件升級,設置和調校飛控而生的工具。" }, "defaultWelcomeHead": { "message": "硬體" }, "defaultContributingHead": { "message": "參與開發" }, "defaultFacebookText": { "message": "我們還有一個
Facebook 小組
加入我們來一起討論 Betaflight,咨詢配置問題,或者只是和小夥伴們閒聊。" }, "defaultChangelogHead": { "message": "配置程式 - 更新日誌" }, "defaultButtonFirmwareFlasher": { "message": "固件燒寫器" }, "defaultDonateHead": { "message": "開源/捐贈說明" }, "defaultDonateText": { "message": "

Betaflight是一個開放源碼的飛行控制軟體,它可供所有用戶免費使用,但 不提供擔保

如果你覺得 Betaflight 或 Betaflight 配置程式對你有用,請考慮捐贈以 支援 它的開發工作

" }, "defaultDonateBottom": { "message": "


" }, "patreonLink": { "message": "Patreon", "description": "Patreon is name, and should not require translation" }, "defaultDonate": { "message": "捐贈" }, "defaultSponsorsHead": { "message": "贊助商" }, "defaultDocumentationHead": { "message": "文檔/手冊" }, "defaultDocumentation": { "message": "Betaflight 的文檔和發佈說明可以在 wiki 裡面找到。

" }, "defaultDocumentation2": { "message": "最新的固件發佈訊息可以在這裡找到。" }, "defaultSupportHead": { "message": "支援" }, "defaultSupportSubline1": { "message": "支援來源" }, "defaultSupportSubline2": { "message": "開發者" }, "defaultSupport": { "message": "需要幫助時請先檢索論壇或者咨詢飛控板的生產商。

" }, "defaultSupport1": { "message": "RC Groups thread" }, "defaultSupport4": { "message": "GitHub" }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateAccel": { "message": "校準加速度計" }, "initialSetupCalibrateAccelText": { "message": "把飛控或者飛機水平放置,再執行加速度計校準。校準過程中切勿移動飛控或者飛機。" }, "initialSetupButtonCalibrateMag": { "message": "校準磁力計" }, "initialSetupCalibrateMagText": { "message": "將飛行器在所有軸向上都移動至少360度,你有三十秒的時間可供進行這項操作。" }, "initialSetupButtonCalibratingText": { "message": "正在校準…" }, "initialSetupButtonReset": { "message": "恢復默認設置" }, "initialSetupResetText": { "message": "恢復默認設置" }, "initialSetupButtonRebootBootloader": { "message": "激活啟動引導程式/DFU" }, "initialSetupRebootBootloaderText": { "message": "重新啟動到啟動引導程式/DFU模式" }, "initialSetupButtonResetZaxis": { "message": "重置 Z 軸,補償:0 度" }, "initialSetupButtonResetZaxisValue": { "message": "重置 Z 軸,補償: $1 度" }, "initialSetupPitch": { "message": "俯仰:" }, "initialSetupRoll": { "message": "橫滾:" }, "initialSetupMixerHead": { "message": "混控類型" }, "initialSetupThrottleHead": { "message": "油門設置" }, "initialSetupMinimum": { "message": "最小值:" }, "initialSetupMaximum": { "message": "最大值:" }, "initialSetupFailsafe": { "message": "失控保護:" }, "initialSetupMinCommand": { "message": "最小油門:" }, "initialSetupBatteryHead": { "message": "電池" }, "initialSetupMinCellV": { "message": "單芯最低電壓:" }, "initialSetupMaxCellV": { "message": "單芯最高電壓:" }, "initialSetupVoltageScale": { "message": "電壓計比例:" }, "initialSetupAccelTrimsHead": { "message": "加速度計微調" }, "initialSetupMagHead": { "message": "磁力計" }, "initialSetupBattery": { "message": "電池電壓:" }, "initialSetupBatteryValue": { "message": "$1 V" }, "initialSetupDrawn": { "message": "已用容量:" }, "initialSetupDrawing": { "message": "耗費電流:" }, "initialSetupBatteryMahValue": { "message": "$1 mAh" }, "initialSetupBatteryAValue": { "message": "$1 A" }, "initialSetupRSSI": { "message": "RSSI:" }, "initialSetupRSSIValue": { "message": "$1 %" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlags": { "message": "禁止解鎖標誌:" }, "initialSetupArmingAllowed": { "message": "允許解鎖" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltip": { "message": "阻止解鎖的原因列表。將光標停留在標誌上以獲得訊息,或參考Wiki中的(解鎖順序與安全) 章節。" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipNO_GYRO": { "message": "未檢測到陀螺儀", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the NO_GYRO arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipFAILSAFE": { "message": "失控保護已激活", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the FAILSAFE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipRX_FAILSAFE": { "message": "未檢測到有效的接收機訊號", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the RX_FAILSAFE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipBAD_RX_RECOVERY": { "message": "你的接收機剛剛從接收機失控保護中恢復,但解鎖開關已處於解鎖狀態。", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the BAD_RX_RECOVERY arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipBOXFAILSAFE": { "message": "失控保護模式開關已激活", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the BOXFAILSAFE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipRUNAWAY_TAKEOFF": { "message": "已觸發預防起飛失控", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the RUNAWAY_TAKEOFF arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipTHROTTLE": { "message": "油門通道值過高", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the THROTTLE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipANGLE": { "message": "飛行器未(充分)放平", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the ANGLE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipBOOT_GRACE_TIME": { "message": "上電後解鎖太早", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the BOOT_GRACE_TIME arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipNOPREARM": { "message": "與解鎖開關沒有激活或者與解鎖開關沒有在鎖定後復位", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the NOPREARM arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipLOAD": { "message": "系統負載過高, 無法安全飛行", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the LOAD arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipCLI": { "message": "CLI (命令列) 已激活", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the CLI arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipCMS_MENU": { "message": "CMS(配置菜單)在OSD或者其他顯示設備中處於激活狀態", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the CMS_MENU arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipOSD_MENU": { "message": "OSD菜單處於激活狀態", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the OSD_MENU arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipBST": { "message": "一個黑羊遙測設備 (例如 TBS Core Pro) 已上鎖並阻止解鎖", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the BST arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipMSP": { "message": "MSP 連接已激活,可能正在與當前的配置程式通訊中", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the MSP arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipPARALYZE": { "message": "癱瘓模式已被激活", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the PARALYZE arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipGPS": { "message": "已配置 GPS 救援模式,但尚未鎖定所需數量的衛星。", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the GPS arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipRESC": { "message": "“GPS 救援” 開關已激活", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the RESC arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipRPMFILTER": { "message": "基於轉速的濾波器已開啟,但一個或多個電調未發送有效的 DSHOT 回傳數據。請確認電調支援 DSHOT 回傳功能並且已刷入支援雙向 DSHOT 回傳的固件。", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the RPMFILTER arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupArmingDisableFlagsTooltipARM_SWITCH": { "message": "解鎖時有一個阻止解鎖的標誌處於活躍狀態", "description": "Message that pops up to describe the ARM_SWITCH arming disable flag" }, "initialSetupGPSHead": { "message": "GPS" }, "initialSetupInstrumentsHead": { "message": "儀表" }, "initialSetupButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "initialSetupModel": { "message": "模型: $1" }, "initialSetupAttitude": { "message": "$1 度" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibStarted": { "message": "開始校準加速度計" }, "initialSetupAccelCalibEnded": { "message": "加速度計校準完成" }, "initialSetupMagCalibStarted": { "message": "開始校準磁力計" }, "initialSetupMagCalibEnded": { "message": "磁力計校準完成" }, "initialSetupSettingsRestored": { "message": "恢復到默認設置" }, "initialSetupEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "featureNone": { "message": "<請選擇>" }, "featureINFLIGHT_ACC_CAL": { "message": "實時水平校準" }, "featureMOTOR_STOP": { "message": "解鎖時不要轉動電機" }, "featureSERVO_TILT": { "message": "舵機雲台" }, "featureSERVO_TILTTip": { "message": "此功能將開啟相機穩定模式,使用加速度計來保持兩個軸的穩定。" }, "featureSOFTSERIAL": { "message": "啟用軟串口" }, "featureSOFTSERIALTip": { "message": "開啟後,請在埠口頁面設置埠口。" }, "featureGPS": { "message": "啟用 GPS 導航" }, "featureGPSTip": { "message": "請先設置埠口" }, "featureSONAR": { "message": "聲納" }, "featureTELEMETRY": { "message": "遙測輸出" }, "feature3D": { "message": "3D 模式 (配合支援反向轉動的電調使用)" }, "featureRSSI_ADC": { "message": "模擬 RSSI 輸入" }, "featureLED_STRIP": { "message": "彩色 RGB LED燈帶" }, "featureDISPLAY": { "message": "OLED 顯示屏" }, "featureDISPLAYTip": { "message": "當啟用該功能後,如果沒有連接熒幕(或沒有通電),則飛控的每次啟動都會有10秒鐘左右的延遲。" }, "featureOSD": { "message": "OSD" }, "featureCHANNEL_FORWARDING": { "message": "轉發 Aux 通道訊號到舵機輸出" }, "featureTRANSPONDER": { "message": "比賽應答器" }, "featureTRANSPONDERTip": { "message": "開啟後,請在比賽應答器頁面完成設置。" }, "featureAIRMODE": { "message": "永久啟用 Airmode" }, "featureESC_SENSOR": { "message": "使用專線回傳 KISS/BLHeli_32 電調遙測數據" }, "featureANTI_GRAVITYTip": { "message": "如果禁用,那麼“反重力”模式可以由開關來啟用。" }, "featureDYNAMIC_FILTER": { "message": "動態陷波濾波" }, "configurationFeatureEnabled": { "message": "已啟用" }, "configurationFeatureName": { "message": "功能" }, "configurationFeatureDescription": { "message": "說明" }, "configurationMixer": { "message": "混控類型" }, "configurationFeatures": { "message": "其他功能" }, "configurationReceiver": { "message": "接收機" }, "configurationReceiverMode": { "message": "接收機模式" }, "configurationRSSI": { "message": "RSSI(接收機訊號強度)" }, "configurationRSSIHelp": { "message": "RSSI 是接收訊號的強度,對判斷飛機是否收到無線訊號干擾或者即將超出範圍很有用。" }, "configurationEscFeatures": { "message": "電調/點擊功能" }, "configurationFeaturesHelp": { "message": "注意: 不是所有的功能都能被同時啟用。當飛控檢測到有衝突時會禁用響應的功能。
注意: 設置埠口,在啟用需要用到埠口的功能。" }, "configurationSpiRxHelp": { "message": "注意: SPI 接收機只有通過 SPI 總線連接到飛控或板載了相應硬體時才能工作。" }, "configurationOtherFeaturesHelp": { "message": "注意: 不是所有所有飛控都能支援所有的功能。如果你啟用了某個功能,但在“保存並重啟”以後,該功能被禁用,則說明你的飛控不支援該功能。" }, "configurationBoardAlignment": { "message": "飛控和傳感器方向" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentRoll": { "message": "橫滾 度" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentPitch": { "message": "俯仰 度" }, "configurationBoardAlignmentYaw": { "message": "偏航 度" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentGyro": { "message": "陀螺儀反向" }, "configurationSensorGyroToUse": { "message": "陀螺儀/加速度計" }, "configurationSensorGyroToUseNotFound": { "message": "警告:未檢測到陀螺儀/加速度計" }, "configurationSensorGyroToUseFirst": { "message": "第一個" }, "configurationSensorGyroToUseSecond": { "message": "第二個" }, "configurationSensorGyroToUseBoth": { "message": "同時啟用" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentGyro1": { "message": "第一個陀螺儀" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentGyro2": { "message": "第二個陀螺儀" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentAcc": { "message": "加速度計方向" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentMag": { "message": "磁力計方向" }, "configurationSensorAlignmentDefaultOption": { "message": "默認" }, "configurationAccelTrims": { "message": "加速度計微調" }, "configurationAccelTrimRoll": { "message": "角速度計橫滾微調" }, "configurationAccelTrimPitch": { "message": "加速度計俯仰微調" }, "configurationArming": { "message": "解鎖" }, "configurationArmingHelp": { "message": "某些解鎖選項可能需要啟用加速度計" }, "configurationReverseMotorSwitch": { "message": "反轉電機轉向" }, "configurationReverseMotorSwitchHelp": { "message": "此選項告知混控程式電機轉向已經被反轉,且螺旋槳也已對應安裝。警告:此選項並不能反轉電機實際轉向。要反轉電機實際轉向,請通過電調配置軟件進行設置,或者交換電調 - 電機的線序。同時在嘗試解鎖前務必確認螺旋槳是按照上面示意圖的轉向安裝的。" }, "configurationAutoDisarmDelay": { "message": "[seconds] 秒後鎖定電機(需要啟用 MOTOR_STOP)" }, "configurationDisarmKillSwitch": { "message": "忽略油門位置直接鎖定電機(當在模式頁裡設定為通過 Aux 開關解鎖時生效)" }, "configurationDisarmKillSwitchHelp": { "message": "油門未在最低位時禁止解鎖電機。注意該選項啟動時有可能在飛行中通過開關意外觸發而上鎖。" }, "configurationMotorPoles": { "message": "電機極數", "description": "One of the fields of the ESC/Motor configuration" }, "configurationMotorPolesLong": { "message": "$t(configurationMotorPoles.message)(電機轉子上的磁鐵數量)", "description": "One of the fields of the ESC/Motor configuration" }, "configurationMotorPolesHelp": { "message": "磁極數是電機轉子上的磁鐵數量。不要計算繞組所在的定子數量。典型的5寸機的電機有14個磁鐵;較小的飛機,例如3寸或更小的飛機,電機通常有12個磁鐵。", "description": "Help text for the Motor poles field of the ESC/Motor configuration" }, "configurationThrottleMinimum": { "message": "最小油門(解鎖時飛控輸出給電調的最低油門數值)" }, "configurationThrottleMinimumHelp": { "message": "這裡的“怠速”值指當飛控解鎖並且油門在最低位時,會被發送到電調的數值。增加這個數值可增加怠速時電機的轉速。如果電機發生失步也要增加這個數值!" }, "configurationThrottleMaximum": { "message": "最大油門(飛控發給電調的最大值)" }, "configurationThrottleMinimumCommand": { "message": "電調命令最小值(鎖定時飛控發給電調的數值)" }, "configurationThrottleMinimumCommandHelp": { "message": "這個數值是飛控鎖定電機時發給電調的數值。將它設定為可以讓電機停轉的數值。(對大部分電調而言該值是1000)" }, "configurationEscProtocolDisabled": { "message": "請選擇適合您的 ESC 的輸出協議。$t(escProtocolDisabledMessage.message)" }, "escProtocolDisabledMessage": { "message": "注意:若選擇不被您的電調所支援的電調協議將導致連接電池後電調會立刻驅動電機旋轉。出於這個原因,在更改電調協議之後,連接電池之前,請確保您的螺旋槳已被卸下 !" }, "configurationDshotBeeper": { "message": "Dshot 信標配置" }, "configurationUseDshotBeeper": { "message": "使用 Dshot 信標(處於鎖定狀態時可以使用來發出蜂鳴聲 )" }, "configurationDshotBeaconTone": { "message": "信標音調" }, "configurationDshotBeaconHelp": { "message": "Dshot 信標使用電調和電機產生聲音。這意味著當電機旋轉時,Dshot 信標無法工作。在 Betaflight 3.4 和以後的版本中,若在 Dshot 信標激活時嘗試解鎖,飛控會在發出最後一聲信標音後延遲2秒再解鎖。這是為了防止 Dshot 信標功能干擾在解鎖時發送的 Dshot 命令。
警告: 由於 Dshot 信標會有電流流過,如果信標鳴叫強度設置得太高,可能會噪聲電機/電調過熱甚至孫奎。建議使用 BLHeli 配置程式或 BLHeliSuite 來調整和測試信標的鳴叫強度。" }, "configurationBeeper": { "message": "蜂鳴器配置" }, "beeperGYRO_CALIBRATED": { "message": "陀螺儀校準完成後鳴叫" }, "beeperRX_LOST": { "message": "遙控器關閉或訊號丟失時持續鳴叫直到訊號恢復" }, "beeperRX_LOST_LANDING": { "message": "解鎖後遙控器關閉或訊號丟失(自動降落/自動鎖定)時鳴叫 SOS 訊號" }, "beeperDISARMING": { "message": "鎖定飛控時鳴叫" }, "beeperARMING": { "message": "解鎖飛控時鳴叫" }, "beeperARMING_GPS_FIX": { "message": "GPS 定位成功後解鎖飛控時鳴叫特殊音調" }, "beeperBAT_CRIT_LOW": { "message": "当电池电压严重偏低时持续长鸣" }, "beeperBAT_LOW": { "message": "当电池电压偏低时重复鸣叫" }, "beeperGPS_STATUS": { "message": "使用蜂鳴音的次數來表示找到了多少個 GPS 衛星" }, "beeperRX_SET": { "message": "通過輔助通道發出蜂鳴音" }, "beeperACC_CALIBRATION": { "message": "加速度計飛行中校準完成" }, "beeperACC_CALIBRATION_FAIL": { "message": "加速度計飛行中校準失敗" }, "beeperREADY_BEEP": { "message": "當 GPS 定位成功且就緒時發出蜂鳴聲" }, "beeperDISARM_REPEAT": { "message": "搖桿保持在鎖定位置時鳴叫" }, "beeperARMED": { "message": "當飛控解鎖且電機未轉時,持續發出警告鳴叫直到上推油門或重新鎖定" }, "beeperSYSTEM_INIT": { "message": "飛控上電時鳴叫初始化音" }, "beeperUSB": { "message": "通過 USB 連接飛控時啟用蜂鳴器。不想再調試時聽到鳴叫可禁用這個選項。" }, "beeperBLACKBOX_ERASE": { "message": "黑盒擦除完成時鳴叫" }, "beeperCRASH_FLIP": { "message": "當處於反烏龜模式時發出蜂鳴音" }, "beeperCAM_CONNECTION_OPEN": { "message": "當進入5鍵相機控制模式時發出蜂鳴音" }, "beeperCAM_CONNECTION_CLOSE": { "message": "當退出5鍵相機控制模式是發出蜂鳴音" }, "beeperRC_SMOOTHING_INIT_FAIL": { "message": "當已解鎖且 RC 平滑尚未完成濾波器初始化時發出警告" }, "configuration3d": { "message": "3D 電調/電機功能" }, "configuration3dDeadbandLow": { "message": "3D 通道死區低值" }, "configuration3dDeadbandHigh": { "message": "3D 通道死區高值" }, "configuration3dNeutral": { "message": "3D 中位" }, "configuration3dDeadbandThrottle": { "message": "3D 死區油門" }, "configurationSystem": { "message": "系統設置" }, "configurationLoopTime": { "message": "飛控循環時間" }, "configurationCalculatedCyclesSec": { "message": "循環/秒[Hz]" }, "configurationSpeedGyroNoGyro": { "message": "無陀螺儀", "description": "When no gyro is configured this appears in place of the speed of the gyro in kHz" }, "configurationSpeedPidNoGyro": { "message": "Gyro / {{value}}", "description": "When no gyro is configured this appears in place of the speed of the PID in kHz. Try to keep it short." }, "configurationKHzUnitLabel": { "message": "{{value}} kHz", "description": "Value for some options that show the speed of gyro, pid, etc. in kHz" }, "configurationLoopTimeHelp": { "message": "注意:確保你的飛控有能力運行在這些頻率上!檢查CPU循環時間是否穩定。改變頻率可能需要重新調校PID。提示:關閉加速度計和其他傳感器可以節省運算資源以或許更高性能。" }, "configurationGPSProtocol": { "message": "協議" }, "configurationGPSBaudrate": { "message": "鮑率" }, "configurationGPSubxSbas": { "message": "地面輔助類型" }, "configurationGPSAutoBaud": { "message": "自動鮑率" }, "configurationGPSAutoConfig": { "message": "自動設置" }, "configurationGPSGalileo": { "message": "使用伽利略系統", "description": "Option to use Galileo in the GPS configuration" }, "configurationGPSHomeOnce": { "message": "設置返航點", "description": "Option to set the Home Point with the first arm only, not with each arm in the GPS Configuration" }, "configurationGPSHomeOnceHelp": { "message": "啟用後,當接通電池後第一次解鎖時間的地點將被視為返航點。如果未開啟,返航點將隨每次解鎖而更新。", "description": "Help text for the option to set the Home Point with the first arm only, not with each arm in the GPS Configuration" }, "configurationSerialRX": { "message": "串行數字接收機協議" }, "configurationSpiRX": { "message": "SPI 總線接口接收機協議" }, "configurationEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "configurationButtonSave": { "message": "保存並重啟" }, "dialogDynFiltersChangeTitle": { "message": "動態陷波器數值更改" }, "portsIdentifier": { "message": "標識符" }, "portsConfiguration": { "message": "設置/MSP" }, "portsSerialRx": { "message": "串行數字接收機" }, "portsSensorIn": { "message": "傳感器輸入" }, "portsTelemetryOut": { "message": "遙測輸出" }, "portsPeripherals": { "message": "週邊設備" }, "portsHelp": { "message": "注意: 不是所有的組合都是有效的,如果飛控檢查到某組合不能同時工作,對應串口的設置將會被重置。" }, "portsVtxTableNotSet": { "message": "警告: 圖傳表尚未正確設置,圖傳控制功能不可用。請在$t(tabVtx.message)選項卡內配置圖傳表。" }, "portsMSPHelp": { "message": "注意:不要關閉第一個串口的MSP選項。否則你可能要重新燒錄固件並清空(丟失)所有設置。" }, "portsFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "需要升級固件。固件版本 <1.8.0 不支援串口設置。" }, "portsButtonSave": { "message": "保存並重啟" }, "portsTelemetryDisabled": { "message": "已禁用" }, "portsFunction_MSP": { "message": "MSP" }, "portsFunction_GPS": { "message": "GPS" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_FRSKY": { "message": "FrSky" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_HOTT": { "message": "HoTT" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_LTM": { "message": "LTM" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_MAVLINK": { "message": "MAVLink" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_MSP": { "message": "MSP" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_SMARTPORT": { "message": "SmartPort" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_IBUS": { "message": "iBUS" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_JETIXBUS": { "message": "JETIXBUS" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_CRSF": { "message": "CRSF" }, "portsFunction_TELEMETRY_SRXL": { "message": "SRXL" }, "portsFunction_ESC_SENSOR": { "message": "電調" }, "portsFunction_RX_SERIAL": { "message": "串行接收機" }, "portsFunction_BLACKBOX": { "message": "黑盒日誌記錄" }, "portsFunction_TBS_SMARTAUDIO": { "message": "圖傳(TBS SmartAudio)" }, "portsFunction_IRC_TRAMP": { "message": "圖傳(IRC Tramp)" }, "portsFunction_RUNCAM_DEVICE_CONTROL": { "message": "攝像頭(RunCam協議)" }, "portsFunction_FRSKY_OSD": { "message": "OSD (FrSky 協議)" }, "pidTuningProfileOption": { "message": "PID 配置文件 $1" }, "pidTuningRateProfileOption": { "message": "Rate 配置文件 $1" }, "portsFunction_LIDAR_TF": { "message": "Benewake LIDAR" }, "pidTuningUpgradeFirmwareToChangePidController": { "message": "禁止切換 PID 控制器 - 你可以通過 CLI 來調整。當前固件 API 版本為 $1,而此功能需要版本 $2。" }, "pidTuningSubTabPid": { "message": "PID 配置文件設置" }, "pidTuningSubTabRates": { "message": "Rate 配置文件設置" }, "pidTuningSubTabFilter": { "message": "濾波器設置" }, "pidTuningShowAllPids": { "message": "顯示所有PID" }, "pidTuningHideUnusedPids": { "message": "隱藏未使用的PID" }, "pidTuningNonProfilePidSettings": { "message": "獨立於 PID 配置文件的 PID 控制器設置" }, "pidTuningAntiGravity": { "message": "反重力" }, "pidTuningAntiGravityMode": { "message": "模式", "description": "Anti Gravity mode selection parameter" }, "pidTuningAntiGravityModeOptionSmooth": { "message": "平滑", "description": "One of the modes of anti gravity" }, "pidTuningAntiGravityModeOptionStep": { "message": "階躍", "description": "One of the modes of anti gravity" }, "pidTuningAntiGravityGain": { "message": "增益", "description": "Anti Gravity Gain Parameter" }, "pidTuningAntiGravityThres": { "message": "閾值", "description": "Anti Gravity Threshold Parameter" }, "pidTuningDMinDisabledNote": { "message": "注意:D Min功能已被禁用,其參數已隱藏。要使用D Min,請在$t(pidTuningPidSettings.message)中啟用它。" }, "pidTuningDMinGain": { "message": "增益", "description": "Gain of the D Max feature" }, "pidTuningDMinAdvance": { "message": "超前", "description": "Advance of the D Max feature" }, "pidTuningPidSettings": { "message": "PID 控制器設置" }, "receiverRcSmoothing": { "message": "RC 平滑" }, "receiverRcSmoothingAuto": { "message": "自動" }, "receiverRcSmoothingManual": { "message": "手動" }, "receiverRcSmoothingInterpolation": { "message": "插值" }, "receiverRcSmoothingFilter": { "message": "濾波器" }, "receiverRcSmoothingTypeHelp": { "message": "使用 RC 平滑的類型" }, "rcSmoothingChannelsSmoothedHelp": { "message": "適用平滑的通道" }, "receiverRcSmoothingChannel": { "message": "平滑通道" }, "receiverRcInterpolation": { "message": "RC 插值" }, "receiverRcInterpolationHelp": { "message": "RC 系統的運行速率沒有飛控 PID 運行速率那么快。這意味著 RC 訊號流傳入 PID 環路時會存在訊號真空期。開啟 RC 插值會在無 RC 訊號的的真空期內對其進行插值處理,這會使 P 和 D 表現得更加順滑。" }, "receiverRcInterpolationIntervalHelp": { "message": "手動設置 RC 訊號插值間隔 [毫秒]" }, "receiverRcInterpolationOff": { "message": "關閉" }, "receiverRcSmoothingType": { "message": "平滑類型" }, "receiverRcInterpolationDefault": { "message": "預設" }, "receiverRcInterpolationAuto": { "message": "自動" }, "receiverRcInterpolationManual": { "message": "手動" }, "receiverRcInterpolationInterval": { "message": "RC 插值間隙 [毫秒]" }, "pidTuningDtermSetpointTransition": { "message": "D 設定點轉換閥值" }, "pidTuningDtermSetpoint": { "message": "D 設定點權重" }, "pidTuningDtermSetpointTransitionWarning": { "message": "$t(warningTitle.message): 強烈不建議將D設定點轉換閾值設置為0到0.1之間的值。這樣做可能會導致不穩定,以及降低搖桿在穿過中點時的響應速度。" }, "pidTuningDerivative": { "message": "Derivative" }, "pidTuningMaxRateWarning": { "message": "警告: 非常高的 rate 可能會導致突然減速時發生電機失步。" }, "pidTuningRcRate": { "message": "RC Rate" }, "pidTuningMaxVel": { "message": "最大角速度 [度/秒]" }, "pidTuningRate": { "message": "Rate" }, "pidTuningSuperRate": { "message": "Super Rate" }, "pidTuningRatesPreview": { "message": "Rates 預覽" }, "pidTuningRatesTuningHelp": { "message": "Rage 與 Expo: 根據這些參數來決定你的操控手感。使用圖形和實時3D模型 找到您最喜歡的 rate 設定。 " }, "pidTuningRcExpo": { "message": "RC Expo" }, "pidTuningTPA": { "message": "TPA" }, "pidTuningTPABreakPoint": { "message": "TPA 起始點" }, "pidTuningThrottleCurvePreview": { "message": "油門曲線預覽" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitType": { "message": "油門限值" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitPercent": { "message": "油門限值百分比" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitTypeOff": { "message": "關閉" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitTypeScale": { "message": "比例" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitTypeClip": { "message": "截斷" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitTypeTip": { "message": "選擇油門限制的類型。關閉 將禁用此功能;比例 將使用全桿行程來映射從0到指定百分比的油門;截斷 將設置一個最大油門百分比,該百分比以上的桿位行程將不再起作用。" }, "pidTuningThrottleLimitPercentTip": { "message": "設置所需的限制百分比。設置為100% 將禁用該功能。" }, "pidTuningFilter": { "message": "濾波器" }, "pidTuningFilterFrequency": { "message": "頻率" }, "pidTuningRatesCurve": { "message": "Rates 預覽" }, "throttle": { "message": "油門曲線" }, "pidTuningButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "pidTuningButtonRefresh": { "message": "刷新" }, "pidTuningProfileHead": { "message": "PID 配置文件" }, "pidTuningControllerHead": { "message": "PID 控制器" }, "dialogCopyProfileText": { "message": "將當前 PID 配置文件複製到" }, "dialogCopyRateProfileText": { "message": "將當前 Rate 配置文件複製到" }, "dialogCopyProfileTitle": { "message": "複製 PID 配置文件" }, "dialogCopyProfileNote": { "message": "所有目標配置文件的數值將會被擦除和覆蓋" }, "dialogCopyProfileConfirm": { "message": "複製" }, "dialogCopyProfileClose": { "message": "取消" }, "pidTuningReceivedProfile": { "message": "當前飛控 PID 配置文件: $1" }, "pidTuningReceivedRateProfile": { "message": "當前飛控 Rate 配置文件: $1" }, "pidTuningLoadedProfile": { "message": "加載 PID 配置文件: $1" }, "pidTuningLoadedRateProfile": { "message": "加載 Rate 配置文件: $1" }, "pidTuningDataRefreshed": { "message": "PID 數據已刷新" }, "pidTuningEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "tuningHelp": { "message": "調校技巧
100Hz 是默認較佳的數值,但對震動較嚴重的情況,您可以嘗試把 Dterm 和 Gyro 濾波器降低到50Hz。" }, "receiverThrottleMid": { "message": "油門中點" }, "receiverThrottleExpo": { "message": "油門 Expo" }, "receiverStickMin": { "message": "‘搖桿低位’ 閾值" }, "receiverHelpStickMin": { "message": "搖桿最小值(搖桿最低/最左) 的數值 (微秒) (大於這個值飛控認為遙控訊號正常)" }, "receiverStickCenter": { "message": "搖桿中點" }, "receiverHelpStickCenter": { "message": "搖桿中位判定值(微秒)" }, "receiverStickMax": { "message": "‘搖桿高位’ 閾值" }, "receiverHelpStickMax": { "message": "搖桿最大值(搖桿最高/最右) 的數值 (微秒) (小於這個值飛控認為遙控訊號正常)" }, "receiverDeadband": { "message": "RC 死區區間" }, "receiverHelpDeadband": { "message": "遙控輸入變化大於多少us飛控才認為是有效輸入。對於靜止狀態下有抖動的遙控器,可以適當增加這個值。" }, "receiverYawDeadband": { "message": "Yaw 死區區間" }, "receiverHelpYawDeadband": { "message": "遙控輸入變化大於多少us飛控才認為是有效輸入。對於靜止狀態下有抖動的遙控器,可以適當增加這個值。該設置僅對 Yaw 有效。" }, "recevier3dDeadbandThrottle": { "message": "3D 油門死區" }, "receiverHelp3dDeadbandThrottle": { "message": "增加這個值(us)會增加3D 油門中位寬度。該設置只對 3D 油門有效。" }, "receiverChannelMap": { "message": "通道映射" }, "receiverChannelDefaultOption": { "message": "默認" }, "receiverChannelMapTitle": { "message": "你可以通過選擇這個選項來自定義通道映射" }, "receiverRssiChannel": { "message": "RSSI 通道" }, "receiverRssiChannelDisabledOption": { "message": "已禁用" }, "receiverRefreshRateTitle": { "message": "圖形顯示刷新率" }, "receiverButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "receiverButtonRefresh": { "message": "刷新" }, "receiverButtonBind": { "message": "接收機對頻" }, "receiverButtonBindMessage": { "message": "對頻請求已發送到飛行控制器。" }, "receiverButtonSticks": { "message": "控制搖桿" }, "receiverDataRefreshed": { "message": "RC 調整數據已刷新" }, "receiverEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "receiverModelPreview": { "message": "預覽" }, "receiverMspEnableButton": { "message": "啟用控制" }, "auxiliaryHelp": { "message": "在此處通過使用範圍和/或鏈接到其他模式的組合配置飛行模式(BF4.0及更高版本支援鏈接) 。使用範圍 來定義遙控器上的開關和分配響應的模式。當接收機給出的通道值在最小/最大範圍內將激活該模式。當一個模式被激活時,使用鏈接來激活另一個模式。例外: 解鎖不能鏈接或被鏈接到其他的模式,當一個模式已被鏈接則無法被再次鏈接(多重連接) 。多個範圍/鏈接可以用於激活任何模式。如果為一個模式定義了多個範圍/鏈接,則可以將每個範圍/鏈接設置為 或是 。模式將在以下情況下被激活:
- 全部的 範圍/鏈接都激活;或者是
- 至少有一個 範圍/鏈接激活。

記得使用保存按鈕來保存你的設置。" }, "auxiliaryToggleUnused": { "message": "隱藏未使用的模式" }, "auxiliaryMin": { "message": "最小" }, "auxiliaryMax": { "message": "最大" }, "auxiliaryDisabled": { "message": "(已禁用)", "descripton": "Text to add to the ARM mode (maybe others in the future) in the MODES TAB when it has been disabled for some external reason" }, "auxiliaryAddRange": { "message": "添加範圍" }, "auxiliaryAddLink": { "message": "添加鏈接" }, "auxiliaryButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "auxiliaryAutoChannelSelect": { "message": "自動" }, "auxiliaryModeLogicOR": { "message": "或" }, "auxiliaryModeLogicAND": { "message": "和" }, "adjustmentsHelp": { "message": "配置調整開關。詳細訊息請參閱手冊中的“飛行中調整”章節。通過該調整功能所進行的更改將不會被自動保存。" }, "adjustmentSlotsHelp": { "message": "共有四個滑槽。同時進行調整時每個開關都需要配置專用滑槽。" }, "adjustmentsExamples": { "message": "例如:" }, "adjustmentsExample1": { "message": "使用AUX1通道上的三段開關在Pitch/Roll 的 P, I 和 D 之間選擇,使用AUX2通道的三段開關來上下增大和減小數值(撥高,或撥低)。" }, "adjustmentsExample2": { "message": "使用 AUX4 通道上的三段開關來選擇 Rate 配置文件" }, "adjustmentsColumnEnable": { "message": "如果激活" }, "adjustmentsColumnUsingSlot": { "message": "使用滑槽" }, "adjustmentsColumnWhenChannel": { "message": "當通道" }, "adjustmentsColumnIsInRange": { "message": "在指定範圍時" }, "adjustmentsColumnThenApplyFunction": { "message": "執行" }, "adjustmentsColumnViaChannel": { "message": "通過通道" }, "adjustmentsSlot0": { "message": "滑槽 1" }, "adjustmentsSlot1": { "message": "滑槽 2" }, "adjustmentsSlot2": { "message": "滑槽 3" }, "adjustmentsSlot3": { "message": "滑槽 4" }, "adjustmentsMin": { "message": "最小" }, "adjustmentsMax": { "message": "最大" }, "adjustmentsFunction0": { "message": "不變" }, "adjustmentsFunction1": { "message": "RC Rate 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction2": { "message": "RC Expo 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction3": { "message": "油門曲線調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction4": { "message": "Pitch & Roll Rate 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction5": { "message": "Yaw Rate 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction6": { "message": "Pitch & Roll P 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction7": { "message": "Pitch & Roll I 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction8": { "message": "Pitch & Roll D 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction9": { "message": "Yaw P 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction10": { "message": "Yaw I 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction11": { "message": "Yaw D 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction12": { "message": "Rate 配置文件選擇" }, "adjustmentsFunction13": { "message": "Pitch Rate" }, "adjustmentsFunction14": { "message": "Roll Rate" }, "adjustmentsFunction15": { "message": "Pitch P 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction16": { "message": "Pitch I 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction17": { "message": "Pitch D 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction18": { "message": "Roll P 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction19": { "message": "Roll I 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction20": { "message": "Roll D 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction21": { "message": "遙控Yaw Rate" }, "adjustmentsFunction24": { "message": "半自穩模式強度調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction25": { "message": "PID-Audio 選擇" }, "adjustmentsFunction26": { "message": "Pitch F 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction27": { "message": "Roll F 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction28": { "message": "Yaw F 調整" }, "adjustmentsFunction29": { "message": "OSD 配置文件選擇" }, "adjustmentsFunction30": { "message": "LED 配置文件選擇" }, "adjustmentsSave": { "message": "保存" }, "adjustmentsEepromSaved": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "transponderNotSupported": { "message": "該飛控不支援比賽收發器" }, "transponderInformation": { "message": "比賽收發器供賽事組織者記錄您的單圈時間。收發器安裝在您的飛機上,當它通過計時門時賽道接收機會記錄下您的編號和時間。安裝基於紅外線的收發器時請確保它只想機體外部的賽道接收機方向,並且光纖中間不會被機架、電池扎帶、螺旋槳等遮擋。" }, "transponderConfigurationType": { "message": "比賽收發器類型" }, "transponderType0": { "message": "無" }, "transponderType1": { "message": "iLap" }, "transponderType2": { "message": "aRCiTimer" }, "transponderType3": { "message": "ERLT" }, "transponderConfiguration1": { "message": "配置 iLap" }, "transponderConfiguration2": { "message": "配置 aRCiTimer" }, "transponderConfiguration3": { "message": "配置 ERLT" }, "transponderData1": { "message": "數據" }, "transponderData2": { "message": "比賽收發器 編號" }, "transponderData3": { "message": "比賽收發器 編號" }, "transponderDataHelp1": { "message": "仅十六進制數字,0-9, A-F" }, "transponderHelp1": { "message": "在此配置您的比賽收發器編號。注意:只有有效的編號才會被系統接收。有效的編號可以在這裡獲得:Seriously Pro。" }, "transponderHelp2": { "message": "更多訊息請訪問aRCiTimer 網站" }, "transponderDataHelp3": { "message": "選擇 ERLT ID 0-63" }, "transponderHelp3": { "message": "更多訊息請訪問aRCiTimer 網站" }, "transponderButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "transponderButtonSaveReboot": { "message": "保存並重啟" }, "transponderDataInvalid": { "message": "收發器數據 無效" }, "servosFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "舵機功能要求固件版本大於1.10.0 且飛控支援" }, "servosChangeDirection": { "message": "設置遙控器通道反向來匹配" }, "servosName": { "message": "名稱" }, "servosMid": { "message": "中" }, "servosMin": { "message": "中" }, "servosMax": { "message": "大" }, "servosAngleAtMin": { "message": "最小角度" }, "servosAngleAtMax": { "message": "最大角度" }, "servosDirectionAndRate": { "message": "方向和 Rate" }, "servosLiveMode": { "message": "激活實時模式" }, "servosButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "servosNormal": { "message": "正常" }, "servosReverse": { "message": "反向" }, "servosEepromSave": { "message": "EEPROM 已保存" }, "gpsHead": { "message": "GPS" }, "gpsMapHead": { "message": "當前 GPS 位置" }, "gpsMapMessage1": { "message": "請檢查網路連接" }, "gpsMapMessage2": { "message": "等待 GPS 3D 定位…" }, "gps3dFix": { "message": "3D 定位…" }, "gpsAltitude": { "message": "高度:" }, "gpsLat": { "message": "緯度:" }, "gpsLon": { "message": "經度:" }, "gpsSpeed": { "message": "速度:" }, "gpsSats": { "message": "衛星數:" }, "gpsDistToHome": { "message": "離起飛位置距離:" }, "gpsSignalStrHead": { "message": "GPS 訊號強度" }, "gpsSignalStr": { "message": "訊號強度" }, "gpsSignalSatId": { "message": "衛星編號" }, "motorsVoltage": { "message": "電壓:" }, "motorsADrawing": { "message": "電流:" }, "motorsmAhDrawn": { "message": "已消耗電流:" }, "motorsVoltageValue": { "message": "$1 V" }, "motorsADrawingValue": { "message": "$1 A" }, "motorsmAhDrawnValue": { "message": "$1 mAh" }, "motorsText": { "message": "電機" }, "motorNumber1": { "message": "電機 - 1" }, "motorNumber2": { "message": "電機 - 2" }, "motorNumber3": { "message": "電機 - 3" }, "motorNumber4": { "message": "電機 - 4" }, "motorNumber5": { "message": "電機 - 5" }, "motorNumber6": { "message": "電機 - 6" }, "motorNumber7": { "message": "電機 - 7" }, "motorNumber8": { "message": "電機 - 8" }, "servosText": { "message": "舵機" }, "servoNumber1": { "message": "舵機 - 1" }, "servoNumber2": { "message": "舵機 - 2" }, "servoNumber3": { "message": "舵機 - 3" }, "servoNumber4": { "message": "舵機 - 4" }, "servoNumber5": { "message": "舵機 - 5" }, "servoNumber6": { "message": "舵機 - 6" }, "servoNumber7": { "message": "舵機 - 7" }, "servoNumber8": { "message": "舵機 - 8" }, "motorsResetMaximumButton": { "message": "重置" }, "motorsResetMaximum": { "message": "重置最大時間" }, "motorsSensorGyroSelect": { "message": "陀螺儀" }, "motorsSensorAccelSelect": { "message": "加速度計" }, "motorsTelemetryHelp": { "message": "此數字顯示從電調收到的回傳訊息(如果有的話) 。他可以顯示電機的實時轉速(RPM) ,遙測鏈接的錯誤率和電調的溫度。", "description": "Help text for the telemetry values in the motors tab." }, "motorsRPM": { "message": "R: {{motorsRpmValue}}", "description": "To put under the motors in the motors tab. KEEP IT SHORT or not translate. Keep the letters as prefix. Shows the RPM of the motor if telemetry is available." }, "motorsRPMError": { "message": "E: {{motorsErrorValue}}%", "description": "To put under the motors in the motors tab. KEEP IT SHORT or not translate. Shows the error of motor telemetry if available." }, "motorsESCTemperature": { "message": "T: {{motorsESCTempValue}}°C", "description": "To put under the motors in the motors tab. KEEP IT SHORT or not translate. Shows the ESC temperature if available." }, "motorsMaster": { "message": "主控制" }, "motorsNotice": { "message": "電機測試模式/解除鎖定提示:
使用滑塊或用遙控器解鎖飛機會導致電機 旋轉
" }, "motorsEnableControl": { "message": "我已了解風險,螺旋槳已被拆除 - 啟用電機控制和允許解鎖,並禁用[預防起飛失控]。" }, "sensorsInfo": { "message": "請注意,設置過高的圖形刷新率會縮短尤其是筆記型電腦的電池使用時間。
建議只打開您感興趣的傳感器的圖形顯示並使用合理的刷新速率" }, "sensorsRefresh": { "message": "刷新:" }, "sensorsScale": { "message": "比例:" }, "sensorsGyroSelect": { "message": "陀螺儀" }, "sensorsAccelSelect": { "message": "加速度計" }, "sensorsMagSelect": { "message": "磁力計" }, "sensorsAltitudeSelect": { "message": "高度" }, "sensorsSonarSelect": { "message": "聲納" }, "sensorsDebugSelect": { "message": "调试" }, "sensorsGyroTitle": { "message": "陀螺儀 - 度/秒" }, "sensorsMagTitle": { "message": "磁力計 - Ga" }, "sensorsAltitudeTitle": { "message": "高度 -米" }, "sensorsAltitudeHint": { "message": "高度的計算方法是將氣壓計(如果可用) 的輸出與 GPS(如果可用) 的高度輸出結合起來。如果已連接到一個 GPS 模塊且 GPS 模塊定位成功後,則將在未解鎖時顯示相對於海平面的絕對高度。解鎖後,顯示相對於解鎖時的相對高度。" }, "sensorsSonarTitle": { "message": "聲納 - 釐米" }, "sensorsDebugTitle": { "message": "调试" }, "cliInfo": { "message": "注意:退出 CLI 頁面或者電機斷開連接將自動向飛控“退出”指令。在最新的固件中這將使飛控重啟並且未保存的設置將會丟失

警告:CLI中的某些命令可能導致電機輸出引腳發出隨機指令。如果連接電池,這有可能導致電機旋轉。因此,強烈建議在 CLI 中輸入令之前確保未連接電池。" }, "cliInputPlaceholder": { "message": "在這裡輸入你的命令。按 Tab 可以進行自動填充。" }, "cliInputPlaceholderBuilding": { "message": "正在構建“自動填充”緩存,請稍候…" }, "cliEnter": { "message": "檢測到命令行模式" }, "cliReboot": { "message": "檢測到命令行重啟" }, "cliSaveToFileBtn": { "message": "保存到文件" }, "cliClearOutputHistoryBtn": { "message": "清除輸出歷史記錄" }, "cliCopyToClipboardBtn": { "message": "複製到剪貼簿" }, "cliCopySuccessful": { "message": "複製成功!" }, "cliLoadFromFileBtn": { "message": "從文件加載" }, "cliConfirmSnippetDialogTitle": { "message": "已加載文件{{fileName}}。查看已加載的命令" }, "cliConfirmSnippetNote": { "message": "注意:你可以在執行前查看和編輯命令" }, "cliConfirmSnippetBtn": { "message": "執行" }, "loggingNote": { "message": "數據僅會在此頁面記錄,關閉此頁面將會 取消數據記錄,並且應用將會返回“普通配置”狀態。
你可以選擇合適的全局刷新率,飛控出於性能考慮,只會每 1 秒寫入一次日誌。" }, "loggingSamplesSaved": { "message": "採樣已保存" }, "loggingLogSize": { "message": "記錄大小:" }, "loggingButtonLogFile": { "message": "選擇記錄文件" }, "loggingStart": { "message": "開始記錄" }, "loggingStop": { "message": "停止記錄" }, "loggingBack": { "message": "退出記錄/斷開連接" }, "loggingErrorNotConnected": { "message": "請先連接" }, "loggingErrorLogFile": { "message": "請選擇記錄文件" }, "loggingErrorOneProperty": { "message": "至少需要選擇一個數據集來記錄" }, "loggingAutomaticallyRetained": { "message": "已自動加載上一個記錄文件: $1" }, "blackboxNotSupported": { "message": "該飛控固件不支援黑盒日誌記錄" }, "blackboxMaybeSupported": { "message": "飛控固件版本太低,無法打開該頁面,或者黑盒功能沒有在設置頁面打開。" }, "blackboxConfiguration": { "message": "黑盒設置" }, "blackboxButtonSave": { "message": "保存並重啟" }, "blackboxLoggingNone": { "message": "無" }, "blackboxLoggingFlash": { "message": "板載快閃記憶體" }, "blackboxLoggingSdCard": { "message": "SD 卡" }, "blackboxLoggingSerial": { "message": "串口" }, "serialLoggingSupportedNote": { "message": "你可以使用序列埠外接記錄設備來記錄日誌(例如 OpenLager)。需要在埠口設置頁設置響應的埠口。" }, "sdcardNote": { "message": "飛行數據可以保存到板載的SD卡槽。" }, "dataflashUsedSpace": { "message": "已用空間" }, "dataflashFreeSpace": { "message": "可用空間" }, "dataflashUnavSpace": { "message": "不可用空間" }, "dataflashLogsSpace": { "message": "記錄可用空間" }, "dataflashNote": { "message": "飛行數據可以保存到板載的快閃記憶體內。" }, "dataflashNotPresentNote": { "message": "你的飛控沒有可用的快閃記憶體晶片。" }, "dataflashFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "板載快閃記憶體需要固件版本 >= 1.8.0。" }, "dataflashButtonSaveFile": { "message": "保存快閃記憶體數據到文件" }, "dataflashButtonErase": { "message": "擦除快閃記憶體" }, "dataflashConfirmEraseTitle": { "message": "確認擦除快閃記憶體" }, "dataflashConfirmEraseNote": { "message": "這將會擦除山村裡面保存的所有黑盒日誌。它將耗時20秒左右,確定繼續?" }, "dataflashSavingTitle": { "message": "正在保存快閃記憶體數據到文件" }, "dataflashSavingNote": { "message": "保存快閃記憶體數據到文件可能會需要幾分鐘,請等待。" }, "dataflashSavingNoteAfter": { "message": "保存成功,點擊 “確認” 繼續" }, "dataflashButtonSaveCancel": { "message": "取消" }, "dataflashButtonSaveDismiss": { "message": "確認" }, "dataflashButtonEraseConfirm": { "message": "確認擦除" }, "dataflashButtonEraseCancel": { "message": "取消" }, "dataflashFileWriteFailed": { "message": "寫入文件失敗,請確認文件和文件夾權限" }, "sdcardStatusNoCard": { "message": "無SD卡" }, "sdcardStatusReboot": { "message": "致命錯誤
重啟後再試" }, "sdcardStatusReady": { "message": "SD 卡就緒" }, "sdcardStatusStarting": { "message": "SD 卡啟動中…" }, "sdcardStatusFileSystem": { "message": "文件系統啟動中…" }, "sdcardStatusUnknown": { "message": "未知狀態 $1" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseManufacturer": { "message": "製造商 ID:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseVersion": { "message": "版本:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseVersionUrl": { "message": "訪問發佈訊息頁面" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseNotes": { "message": "發佈說明:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseDate": { "message": "日期:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseTarget": { "message": "飛控目標:" }, "firmwareFlasherReleaseFileUrl": { "message": "手動下載" }, "firmwareFlasherTargetWarning": { "message": "重要:請選擇飛控對應的固件,如果燒寫錯誤的固件將會導致糟糕 的事發生。" }, "firmwareFlasherPath": { "message": "路徑:" }, "firmwareFlasherSize": { "message": "大小:" }, "firmwareFlasherStatus": { "message": "狀態:" }, "firmwareFlasherProgress": { "message": "進度:" }, "firmwareFlasherLoadFirmwareFile": { "message": "請載入固件文件" }, "firmwareFlasherLoadedConfig": { "message": "已加載目標,請加載固件文件" }, "firmwareFlasherNoReboot": { "message": "無重啟序列" }, "firmwareFlasherOnlineSelectBuildType": { "message": "選擇 “生成類型” 以查看可用的飛控板。" }, "firmwareFlasherOnlineSelectFirmwareVersionDescription": { "message": "選擇對應你飛控型號的固件版本" }, "firmwareFlasherNoRebootDescription": { "message": "如果你的飛控已處於boot模式下則啟用這個選項。比如你在插電時已經短接了飛控的boot引腳或者按住了boot按鈕。" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashOnConnect": { "message": "當飛控連接時自動燒錄固件" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashOnConnectDescription": { "message": "當發現新的串口設備時嘗試自動燒錄固件" }, "firmwareFlasherFullChipErase": { "message": "全盤擦除(會丟失所有設置)" }, "firmwareFlasherFullChipEraseDescription": { "message": "擦除保存在飛控上的所有設置" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashDevelopmentFirmware": { "message": "使用測試版本固件" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashDevelopmentFirmwareDescription": { "message": "燒錄最新(沒有經過測試)的固件" }, "firmwareFlasherManualPort": { "message": "埠口" }, "firmwareFlasherManualBaud": { "message": "手動設置鮑率" }, "firmwareFlasherManualBaudDescription": { "message": "如果飛控不支援默認的鮑率,或者要通過藍芽模塊来烧录,可以手動設置鮑率。
注意: USB DFU 燒錄時該選項無效。" }, "firmwareFlasherBaudRate": { "message": "鮑率" }, "firmwareFlasherShowDevelopmentReleasesDescription": { "message": "除了穩定的版本外,還顯示候選版本" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLoading": { "message": "加載中…" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelBuildTypeRelease": { "message": "正式版" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelBuildTypeReleaseCandidate": { "message": "正式版和候選正式版" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelBuildTypeDevelopment": { "message": "開發版" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelBuildTypeAKK3_3": { "message": "3.3 AKK & RDQ 圖傳 補丁" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelBuildTypeAKK3_4": { "message": "3.4 AKK & RDQ 圖傳 補丁" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelSelectFirmware": { "message": "選擇固件/飛控板" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelSelectBoard": { "message": "選擇飛控板" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelSelectFirmwareVersion": { "message": "選擇固件版本" }, "firmwareFlasherOptionLabelSelectFirmwareVersionFor": { "message": "選擇固件版本" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadLocal": { "message": "從本地電腦加載固件" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLoadOnline": { "message": "從網路加載固件" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonDownloading": { "message": "下載中…" }, "firmwareFlasherExitDfu": { "message": "退出 DFU 模式" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashFirmware": { "message": "燒寫固件" }, "firmwareFlasherGithubInfoHead": { "message": "GitHub 固件訊息" }, "firmwareFlasherCommiter": { "message": "提交者:" }, "firmwareFlasherDate": { "message": "日期:" }, "firmwareFlasherHash": { "message": "Hash:" }, "firmwareFlasherUrl": { "message": "打開 GitHub 查看該提交…" }, "firmwareFlasherMessage": { "message": "訊息:" }, "firmwareFlasherRecoveryHead": { "message": " 恢復/丟失通訊" }, "firmwareFlasherButtonLeave": { "message": "關閉固件燒寫" }, "firmwareFlasherFirmwareNotLoaded": { "message": "沒有加載固件" }, "firmwareFlasherHexCorrupted": { "message": "HEX文件似乎已損壞" }, "firmwareFlasherConfigCorrupted": { "message": "配置文件似乎已損壞,ASCII(字符0-255) 碼已接收", "description": "shown in the progress bar at the bottom, be brief" }, "firmwareFlasherConfigCorruptedLogMessage": { "message": "配置文件似乎已損壞,ASCII(字符0-255) 碼已接收,此範圍外的字符將被作為註釋", "description": "shown in the log, more wordy" }, "firmwareFlasherRemoteFirmwareLoaded": { "message": "固件加載成功,可供燒錄" }, "firmwareFlasherFailedToLoadOnlineFirmware": { "message": "加載固件失敗" }, "firmwareFlasherFailedToLoadUnifiedConfig": { "message": "無法加載{{remote_file}} 的遠程配置" }, "firmwareFlasherLegacyLabel": { "message": "{{target}} (舊格式)", "description": "If we have a Unified target and a old style target available, we are labeling the older one" }, "firmwareFlasherNoFirmwareSelected": { "message": "沒有找到選擇的固件" }, "firmwareFlasherNoValidPort": { "message": "請選擇有效的串口" }, "firmwareFlasherWritePermissions": { "message": "沒有該文件的寫入權限" }, "firmwareFlasherFlashTrigger": { "message": "檢測到飛控:$1 - 正在觸發自動燒錄" }, "firmwareFlasherPreviousDevice": { "message": "檢測到:$1 - 仍在燒錄前一個設備,請稍後重新插入再試一次。" }, "ledStripHelp": { "message": "飛控可以控制 LED 燈帶上的每一個燈珠的顏色和效果。
在一個顏色上雙擊可編輯 HSV 值。" }, "ledStripButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "ledStripColorSetupTitle": { "message": "顏色設置", "description": "Color setup title of the led strip" }, "ledStripH": { "message": "H", "description": "Abbreviation of Hue in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color model" }, "ledStripS": { "message": "S", "description": "Abbreviation of Saturation in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color model" }, "ledStripV": { "message": "V", "description": "Abbreviation of Brightness in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color model" }, "ledStripRemainingText": { "message": "剩餘", "description": "In the LED STRIP, text next the counter of leds remaining" }, "ledStripClearSelectedButton": { "message": "清除已選擇", "description": "In the LED STRIP, clear selected leds" }, "ledStripClearAllButton": { "message": "全部清除", "description": "In the LED STRIP, clear all leds" }, "ledStripVtxOverlay": { "message": "圖傳(顏色根據圖傳頻率而變化)" }, "ledStripFunctionSection": { "message": "LED 功能" }, "ledStripFunctionTitle": { "message": "功能" }, "ledStripFunctionNoneOption": { "message": "無", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionColorOption": { "message": "顏色", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionModesOption": { "message": "模式和方向", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionArmOption": { "message": "鎖定狀態", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionBatteryOption": { "message": "電池", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionRSSIOption": { "message": "RSSI", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionGPSOption": { "message": "GPS", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripFunctionRingOption": { "message": "環", "description": "One of the modes of the Led Strip" }, "ledStripColorModifierTitle": { "message": "顏色修改器" }, "ledStripModeColorsTitle": { "message": "模式顏色" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeOrientation": { "message": "方向", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeHeadfree": { "message": "無頭模式", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeHorizon": { "message": "半自穩模式", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeAngle": { "message": "自穩模式", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeMag": { "message": "磁力計", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeBaro": { "message": "氣壓計", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirN": { "message": "北", "description": "North direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirE": { "message": "東", "description": "East direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirS": { "message": "南", "description": "South direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirW": { "message": "西", "description": "West direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirU": { "message": "上", "description": "Up direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripDirD": { "message": "下", "description": "Down direction in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModesOrientationTitle": { "message": "LED 方向(“模式和方向”)和顏色", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModesSpecialColorsTitle": { "message": "特殊顏色", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeDisarmed": { "message": "已鎖定", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeArmed": { "message": "已解鎖", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeAnimation": { "message": "動畫", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeBlinkBg": { "message": "閃爍背景", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeGPSNoSats": { "message": "GPS: 無衛星", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeGPSNoLock": { "message": "GPS: 未定位", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripModeColorsModeGPSLocked": { "message": "GPS: 已定位", "description": "One of the modes in Color Mode in Led Strip" }, "ledStripWiring": { "message": "LED 燈帶佈線", "description": "One of the modes in Led Strip" }, "ledStripWiringMode": { "message": "佈線模式", "description": "One of the wiring modes in Led Strip" }, "ledStripWiringClearControl": { "message": "清除已選擇", "description": "Control button in the wiring modes in Led Strip" }, "ledStripWiringClearAllControl": { "message": "清除所有佈線", "description": "Control button in the wiring modes in Led Strip" }, "ledStripWiringMessage": { "message": "沒有佈線序號的 LED 不會被保存。", "description": "Message in the wiring modes in Led Strip" }, "ledStripBlinkAlwaysOverlay": { "message": "持續閃爍" }, "ledStripOverlayTitle": { "message": "疊加" }, "ledStripWarningsOverlay": { "message": "警告" }, "ledStripIndecatorOverlay": { "message": "指示燈" }, "colorBlack": { "message": "黑色" }, "colorWhite": { "message": "白色" }, "colorRed": { "message": "紅色" }, "colorOrange": { "message": "橙色" }, "colorYellow": { "message": "黃色" }, "colorLimeGreen": { "message": "橙綠色" }, "colorGreen": { "message": "綠色" }, "colorMintGreen": { "message": "薄荷綠" }, "colorCyan": { "message": "青色" }, "colorLightBlue": { "message": "淺藍色" }, "colorBlue": { "message": "藍色" }, "colorDarkViolet": { "message": "暗紫色" }, "colorMagenta": { "message": "品紅色" }, "colorDeepPink": { "message": "深粉色" }, "controlAxisRoll": { "message": "橫滾 [A]" }, "controlAxisPitch": { "message": "俯仰 [E]" }, "controlAxisYaw": { "message": "方向 [R]" }, "controlAxisThrottle": { "message": "油門 [T]" }, "controlAxisAux1": { "message": "AUX 1" }, "controlAxisAux2": { "message": "AUX 2" }, "controlAxisAux3": { "message": "AUX 3" }, "controlAxisAux4": { "message": "AUX 4" }, "controlAxisAux5": { "message": "AUX 5" }, "controlAxisAux6": { "message": "AUX 6" }, "controlAxisAux7": { "message": "AUX 7" }, "controlAxisAux8": { "message": "AUX 8" }, "controlAxisAux9": { "message": "AUX 9" }, "controlAxisAux10": { "message": "AUX 10" }, "controlAxisAux11": { "message": "AUX 11" }, "controlAxisAux12": { "message": "AUX 12" }, "controlAxisAux13": { "message": "AUX 13" }, "controlAxisAux14": { "message": "AUX 14" }, "controlAxisAux15": { "message": "AUX 15" }, "controlAxisAux16": { "message": "AUX 16" }, "pidTuningBasic": { "message": "基本/手動模式" }, "pidTuningYawJumpPrevention": { "message": "抑制 Yaw Jump" }, "pidTuningYawJumpPreventionHelp": { "message": "抑制飛機在裝箱結束時的高度跳動。數值越高,抑制效果越強。(類似於舊的 Yaw D,在其他軸上不是真正的D)" }, "pidTuningRcExpoPower": { "message": "RC Expo 權重" }, "pidTuningRcExpoPowerHelp": { "message": "該指數用以計算RC Expo。在 Betaflight 3.0版本之前,該值固定為3。" }, "pidTuningLevel": { "message": "自穩/半自穩" }, "pidTuningAltitude": { "message": "氣壓計和聲納/高度" }, "pidTuningMag": { "message": "磁力計/朝向" }, "pidTuningGps": { "message": "GPS 導航" }, "pidTuningStrength": { "message": "強度" }, "pidTuningTransition": { "message": "過渡" }, "pidTuningHorizon": { "message": "半自穩模式" }, "pidTuningAngle": { "message": "自穩模式" }, "pidTuningLevelAngleLimit": { "message": "角度限制" }, "pidTuningLevelSensitivity": { "message": "敏感度" }, "pidTuningLevelHelp": { "message": "以下值會改變自穩和半自穩模式下的行為表現。不同的PID控制器對該值的要求數值會不一樣。具體請參閱文檔。" }, "pidTuningMotorOutputLimit": { "message": "電機輸出限制" }, "pidTuningMotorLimit": { "message": "縮放因子 [%]" }, "pidTuningNonProfileFilterSettings": { "message": "獨立於 PID 配置文件的濾波器設置" }, "pidTuningSliderLowFiltering": { "message": "更少濾波", "description": "Filter tuning slider low header" }, "pidTuningSliderDefaultFiltering": { "message": "默認濾波", "description": "Filter tuning slider default header" }, "pidTuningSliderHighFiltering": { "message": "更多濾波", "description": "Filter tuning slider high header" }, "pidTuningGyroFilterSlider": { "message": "陀螺儀濾波器乘數:", "description": "Gyro filter tuning slider label" }, "pidTuningDTermFilterSlider": { "message": "D Term 濾波器乘數:", "description": "D Term filter tuning slider label" }, "pidTuningSliderWarning": { "message": "小心: 當前的滑塊位置可能導致起飛失控、電機損壞或飛行器出現其他不安全的行為。請謹慎行事。", "description": "Warning shown when tuning slider are above safe limits" }, "pidTuningSlidersDisabled": { "message": "注意:滑塊已禁用,因為已手動更改數值。點擊$t(pidTuningSliderEnableButton.message)按鈕將再次激活它們。這將重置數值,任何未保存的更改都將丟失。", "description": "Tuning sliders disabled note when manual changes are detected" }, "pidTuningSliderEnableButton": { "message": "開啟滑塊", "description": "Button label for enabling sliders" }, "pidTuningSlidersNonExpertMode": { "message": "注意: 滑塊範圍受限,因為未使用專家模式。此範圍應該適用於大多數飛行器以及初學者。", "description": "Sliders restricted message" }, "pidTuningSliderLow": { "message": "低", "description": "Tuning Slider Low header" }, "pidTuningSliderDefault": { "message": "默認", "description": "Tuning Slider Default header" }, "pidTuningSliderHigh": { "message": "高", "description": "Tuning Slider High header" }, "pidTuningMasterSlider": { "message": "主乘數:", "description": "Master tuning slider label" }, "pidTuningPDRatioSlider": { "message": "PD 平衡:", "description": "PD balance tuning slider label" }, "pidTuningPDGainSlider": { "message": "P 和 D 增益:", "description": "P and D Gain tuning slider label" }, "pidTuningGyroLowpassFiltersGroup": { "message": "陀螺儀低通濾波器" }, "pidTuningGyroLowpassType": { "message": "陀螺儀低通濾波器1類型" }, "pidTuningGyroLowpassDynType": { "message": "陀螺儀低通濾波器1動態濾波器類型" }, "pidTuningGyroNotchFiltersGroup": { "message": "陀螺儀陷波濾波器" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchFilterGroup": { "message": "動態陷波濾波器" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchRange": { "message": "動態陷波濾波器範圍" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchWidthPercent": { "message": "動態陷波濾波器寬度百分比" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchRangeHelp": { "message": "動態陷波濾波器有三個頻率範圍可供運行:LOW(80-330hz) 用於6英寸及以上的低速巡航機,MEDIU(140-550hz) 用於常見的5英寸飛行器,HIGH(230-800hz)用於電機轉速較高的2.5-3英寸的飛行器。 AUTO 選項將會使用陀螺儀低通濾波器1最高截止頻率範圍來決定頻率範圍。" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchWidthPercentHelp": { "message": "這設置了兩個動態陷波濾波器之間的寬度。設置為0將禁用第二個動態陷波濾波器,並減少濾波延遲,但是它可能會使電機溫度更高。" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchQHelp": { "message": "Q調整了動態陷波濾波器的寬度。更高的值將使其變得更窄、更精準,較低的值將使其變得更寬、更寬泛。將Q調到很低將會帶來很大的濾波器延遲。" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchMinHzHelp": { "message": "將此設置為需要由動態陷波器控制的傳入噪聲的最低頻率。" }, "pidTuningDynamicNotchMaxHzHelp": { "message": "將此設置為需要由動態陷波器控制的傳入噪聲的最高頻率。" }, "pidTuningRpmFilterGroup": { "message": "陀螺儀 RPM 濾波器", "description": "Header text for the RPM Filter group" }, "pidTuningRpmHarmonics": { "message": "陀螺儀 RPM 濾波器諧波數量", "description": "Text for one of the parameters of the RPM Filter" }, "pidTuningRpmHarmonicsHelp": { "message": "每個電機的諧波數量。 3(推薦適用於大多數飛行器) 將會對每個電機在每個軸上生成3個陷波器,共計36個陷波器。一個基於電機基波頻率,另兩個基於基波頻率整數倍的諧波頻率。", "description": "Help text for one of the parameters of the RPM Filter" }, "pidTuningRpmMinHz": { "message": "陀螺儀 RPM 濾波器最低頻率 [Hz]", "description": "Text for one of the parameters of the RPM Filter" }, "pidTuningRpmMinHzHelp": { "message": "RPM 濾波器所使用的最小頻率。", "description": "Help text for one of the parameters of the RPM Filter" }, "pidTuningFilterSettings": { "message": "配置文件關聯的濾波器設置" }, "pidTuningDTermLowpassFiltersGroup": { "message": "D Term 低通濾波器" }, "pidTuningVbatPidCompensation": { "message": "电池电压 PID 补偿" }, "pidTuningVbatPidCompensationHelp": { "message": "當電池電壓變低時, 飛控自動增加PID數值來補償動力的損失。這會在整個飛行過程中提供一個更一致的飛行特性。該補償數值通過在 ‘$t(tabPower.message)‘的 ‘$t(powerBatteryMaximum.message)’ 計算而得,所以請確保正確設置了該數值。" }, "pidTuningVbatSagCompensation": { "message": "電池壓降補償" }, "pidTuningVbatSagValue": { "message": "%" }, "pidTuningItermRotation": { "message": "I 值旋轉" }, "pidTuningItermRotationHelp": { "message": "在邊轉向邊翻滾以及做漏斗等特技時,將 I 向量正確旋轉到其他軸向上。比較受到目視飛行的飛手歡迎。" }, "pidTuningSmartFeedforward": { "message": "智能前饋" }, "pidTuningSmartFeedforwardHelp": { "message": "減少 F 值在 PID 中的效果。當 P 和 F 同時激活時,只取兩者中的較大值來避免過頭而無需提高 D,但這也會降低 F 值提供的響應效果。" }, "pidTuningItermRelax": { "message": "I 值釋放" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxAxes": { "message": "軸", "description": "Iterm Relax Axes selection" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxAxesOptionRPInc": { "message": "RP (僅增量)" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxAxesOptionRPYInc": { "message": "RPY (僅增量)" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxType": { "message": "類型", "description": "Iterm Relax Type selection" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxTypeOptionGyro": { "message": "陀螺儀" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxTypeOptionSetpoint": { "message": "設定點" }, "pidTuningItermRelaxCutoff": { "message": "截止頻率", "description": "Cutoff value of the I Term Relax" }, "pidTuningAbsoluteControlGain": { "message": "絕對控制" }, "pidTuningThrottleBoost": { "message": "油門增壓" }, "pidTuningIdleMinRpm": { "message": "動態怠速值 [* 100 RPM]" }, "pidTuningAcroTrainerAngleLimit": { "message": "訓練模式角度限制" }, "pidTuningIntegratedYaw": { "message": "整合式偏航" }, "configHelp2": { "message": "任意角度(直立,反轉,旋轉等)安裝飛控板。當使用外部傳感器時,請使用傳感器校正設置(陀螺,加速度計,磁場計)來決定獨立於飛控板的傳感器位置。" }, "failsafeFeaturesHelpOld": { "message": "失控保護功能被大量重做。請使用Betaflight v1.12.0+ 來啟用增強的失控保護設置頁。" }, "failsafePaneTitleOld": { "message": "接收器失控保護" }, "failsafeFeaturesHelpNew": { "message": "失控保護有兩個階段。若飛控在任一接收通道收到無效的脈衝長度,或者接收機匯報已失控,或者徹底沒有收到接收機訊號,飛控將進入一階失控保護狀態。飛控將會在所有通道使用預置通道設置,如果短時間內訊號恢復將可退出失控保護狀態。若飛機處於解鎖狀態,並且一階失控保護模式持續時間超過了預設的時間,飛控將進入二價失控保護狀態,所有通道將會保持當前輸出。
注意: 在飛控進入一階失控保護之前,如果AUX 通道出現無效的脈衝,該通道一樣會使用預置通道設置。" }, "failsafePulsrangeTitle": { "message": "有效脈衝範圍設置" }, "failsafePulsrangeHelp": { "message": "脈衝長度小於最小,或者超過最大,都會被認為是無效脈衝。將會觸發單個通道的預置設置覆蓋,或引起一階失控保護。" }, "failsafeRxMinUsecItem": { "message": "最小長度" }, "failsafeRxMaxUsecItem": { "message": "最大長度" }, "failsafeChannelFallbackSettingsTitle": { "message": "預置通道設置" }, "failsafeChannelFallbackSettingsHelp": { "message": "當進入一階失控保護時,這些設置將會應用於單獨無效的AUX 通道,或者是所有通道。 注意:數值應是25us的整數倍,小於25us的設置會被上下取整。" }, "failsafeChannelFallbackSettingsAuto": { "message": "自動 指的是 橫滾、俯仰、方向都回中,油門最低。 保持 指的是 所有通道保持最後從接收機接收到的有效的數值。" }, "failsafeChannelFallbackSettingsHold": { "message": "保持指的是 所有通道保持最後接收到的有效的數值。 設置 指的是 通道使用在這裡設定的值。" }, "failsafeStageTwoSettingsTitle": { "message": "二階失控保護 - 設置" }, "failsafeDelayHelp": { "message": "一階失控保護等待訊號恢復時間" }, "failsafeThrottleLowHelp": { "message": "在油門保持低位超過該時間,不再執行失控保護措施轉而直接鎖定電機。" }, "failsafeThrottleItem": { "message": "降落時油門大小" }, "failsafeOffDelayHelp": { "message": "暫時保持在降落模式而不鎖定電機的時間" }, "failsafeSubTitle1": { "message": "二階失控保護措施" }, "failsafeProcedureItemSelect1": { "message": "降落" }, "failsafeProcedureItemSelect2": { "message": "墜落" }, "failsafeProcedureItemSelect4": { "message": "GPS 救援" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAngle": { "message": "角度" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemInitialAltitude": { "message": "初始高度 (米)" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemDescentDistance": { "message": "下降距離 (米)" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemGroundSpeed": { "message": "地面速度 (米/秒)" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemThrottleMin": { "message": "最低油門" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemThrottleMax": { "message": "最高油門" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemThrottleHover": { "message": "懸停油門" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAscendRate": { "message": "上升速率(米/秒)" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemDescendRate": { "message": "下降速率(米/秒)" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemMinSats": { "message": "最小衛星數" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAllowArmingWithoutFix": { "message": "允許在未鎖定的情況下解鎖 - 警告: 這樣將無法使用GPS救援" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAltitudeMode": { "message": "高度模式" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAltitudeModeMaxAlt": { "message": "最大高度" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAltitudeModeFixedAlt": { "message": "固定高度" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemAltitudeModeCurrentAlt": { "message": "當前高度" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemSanityChecks": { "message": "可用性檢測" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemSanityChecksOff": { "message": "關閉" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemSanityChecksOn": { "message": "開啟" }, "failsafeGpsRescueItemSanityChecksFSOnly": { "message": "僅限失控保護" }, "failsafeKillSwitchItem": { "message": "失控保護開關 (在模式頁面設置失控保護模式)" }, "failsafeKillSwitchHelp": { "message": "設置這個選項會使失控保護開關(模式頁面設置)作為直接關閉開關,將會繞開所有的失控保護檢測程式。 注意: 當打開失控保護開關時,解鎖開關無效" }, "failsafeSwitchTitle": { "message": "失控保護開關" }, "failsafeSwitchModeItem": { "message": "失控保護開關行為" }, "failsafeSwitchModeHelp": { "message": "此選項確定通過輔助開關激活失控保護時發生的情況:
階段 1 激活階段1失控保護。如果要模擬訊號丟失時的失控保護行為,此功能非常有用。
階段 2 跳過階段1並立即激活階段2流程
終止 立即鎖定 (你的飛行器將會墜毀)" }, "failsafeSwitchOptionStage1": { "message": "階段 1" }, "failsafeSwitchOptionStage2": { "message": "階段 2" }, "failsafeSwitchOptionKill": { "message": "終止" }, "powerButtonSave": { "message": "保存" }, "powerFirmwareUpgradeRequired": { "message": "固件更新 要求。電池/電流/電壓通過API < 1.33.0 設置。(Betaflight 版本<=3.17)不支援。" }, "powerBatteryVoltageMeterSource": { "message": "電壓計選擇" }, "powerBatteryVoltageMeterTypeNone": { "message": "無" }, "powerBatteryVoltageMeterTypeAdc": { "message": "板載傳感器" }, "powerBatteryVoltageMeterTypeEsc": { "message": "電調傳感器" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterSource": { "message": "電調傳感器" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterTypeNone": { "message": "無" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterTypeAdc": { "message": "板載傳感器" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterTypeVirtual": { "message": "虛擬傳感器" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterTypeEsc": { "message": "電調傳感器" }, "powerBatteryCurrentMeterTypeMsp": { "message": "MSP 傳感器/OSD 從機" }, "powerBatteryMinimum": { "message": "最低單芯電壓" }, "powerBatteryMaximum": { "message": "最高單芯電壓" }, "powerBatteryWarning": { "message": "警告單芯電壓" }, "powerCalibrationManagerButton": { "message": "校準" }, "powerCalibrationManagerTitle": { "message": "校準管理器" }, "powerCalibrationManagerHelp": { "message": "要校準,請使用萬用表測量你的飛行器上(接上電池) 的實際電壓/電流,然後在下方輸入值。然後,在同一塊電池仍然接入的情況下,點擊 [Calibrate] 按鈕。" }, "powerCalibrationManagerNote": { "message": "注意:在校準縮放之前,請確保電壓和電流漂移的除數和乘數設置正確。
切記在插入電池之前移除螺旋槳! " }, "powerCalibrationManagerWarning": { "message": "警告:電池未接入或電壓計源和電流計源沒有正確設置。 請確保電壓計和/或電流計讀數超過0. 否則您將無法使用此工具進行校準。" }, "powerCalibrationManagerSourceNote": { "message": "警告:電壓計和/或電流計測量源已經更改,但未保存。請在校準之前設置並保存正確的測量源。" }, "powerCalibrationManagerConfirmationTitle": { "message": "校準管理器確認訊息" }, "powerCalibrationSave": { "message": "校準" }, "powerCalibrationApply": { "message": "應用校準" }, "powerCalibrationDiscard": { "message": "放棄校準" }, "powerCalibrationConfirmHelp": { "message": "這裡顯示新的校準放縮表。

" }, "powerVoltageHead": { "message": "電壓計" }, "powerVoltageWarning": { "message": "警告: 此值已被限制為 25.5A" }, "powerVoltageValue": { "message": "$1 V" }, "powerVoltageCalibration": { "message": "測量電壓" }, "powerVoltageCalibratedScale": { "message": "校準電壓縮放:" }, "powerVoltageId10": { "message": "電池" }, "powerVoltageId20": { "message": "5V" }, "powerVoltageId30": { "message": "9V" }, "powerVoltageId40": { "message": "12V" }, "powerVoltageId50": { "message": "電調組合" }, "powerVoltageId60": { "message": "電調 電機 1" }, "powerVoltageId61": { "message": "電調 電機 2" }, "powerVoltageId62": { "message": "電調 電機 3" }, "powerVoltageId63": { "message": "電調 電機 4" }, "powerVoltageId64": { "message": "電調 電機 5" }, "powerVoltageId65": { "message": "電調 電機 6" }, "powerVoltageId66": { "message": "電調 電機 7" }, "powerVoltageId67": { "message": "電調 電機 8" }, "powerVoltageId68": { "message": "電調 電機 9" }, "powerVoltageId69": { "message": "電調 電機 10" }, "powerVoltageId70": { "message": "電調 電機 11" }, "powerVoltageId71": { "message": "電調 電機 12" }, "powerVoltageId80": { "message": "第一節" }, "powerVoltageId81": { "message": "第二節" }, "powerVoltageId82": { "message": "第三節" }, "powerVoltageId83": { "message": "第四節" }, "powerVoltageId84": { "message": "第五節" }, "powerVoltageId85": { "message": "第六節" }, "powerVoltageScale": { "message": "比例" }, "powerVoltageDivider": { "message": "電阻分壓器數值" }, "powerVoltageMultiplier": { "message": "倍數" }, "powerAmperageHead": { "message": "電流計" }, "powerAmperageWarning": { "message": "警告: 此值已被限制為 63.5A" }, "powerAmperageValue": { "message": "$1 A" }, "powerAmperageId10": { "message": "電池" }, "powerAmperageId50": { "message": "電調組合" }, "powerAmperageId60": { "message": "電調 電機 1" }, "powerAmperageId61": { "message": "電調 電機 2" }, "powerAmperageId62": { "message": "電調 電機 3" }, "powerAmperageId63": { "message": "電調 電機 4" }, "powerAmperageId64": { "message": "電調 電機 5" }, "powerAmperageId65": { "message": "電調 電機 6" }, "powerAmperageId66": { "message": "電調 電機 7" }, "powerAmperageId67": { "message": "電調 電機 8" }, "powerAmperageId68": { "message": "電調 電機 9" }, "powerAmperageId69": { "message": "電調 電機 10" }, "powerAmperageId70": { "message": "電調 電機 11" }, "powerAmperageId71": { "message": "電調 電機 12" }, "powerAmperageId80": { "message": "虛擬" }, "powerAmperageId90": { "message": "MSP" }, "powerMahValue": { "message": "$1 mAh" }, "powerAmperageScale": { "message": "比例 [1/10 mV/A]" }, "powerAmperageOffset": { "message": "偏移量 [mA]" }, "powerAmperageCalibration": { "message": "測量電流" }, "powerAmperageCalibratedScale": { "message": "校準電流縮放:" }, "powerBatteryHead": { "message": "電池" }, "powerStateHead": { "message": "電池狀態" }, "powerBatteryConnected": { "message": "已連接" }, "powerBatteryConnectedValueYes": { "message": "是 (电池芯数: $1)" }, "powerBatteryConnectedValueNo": { "message": "否" }, "powerBatteryVoltage": { "message": "電壓" }, "powerBatteryCurrentDrawn": { "message": "已用 mAh" }, "powerBatteryAmperage": { "message": "電流" }, "powerBatteryCapacity": { "message": "容量 (mAh)" }, "osdSetupTitle": { "message": "OSD 熒幕疊加顯示" }, "osdSetupNoOsdChipDetectWarning": { "message": "警告:未檢測到OSD晶片。部分飛控在未接入電池的情況下無法給OSD晶片正常供電。請在連接 USB 之前接入電池 (務必卸下螺旋槳!)" }, "osdSetupPreviewHelp": { "message": "注意:OSD 預覽可能無法顯示飛控實際安裝的字體。當使用舊版本的固件時,某些圖標的佈局位置可能會有所不同 - 請在飛行之前先通過視頻眼鏡檢查妥當。" }, "osdSetupUnsupportedNote1": { "message": "飛控對 OSD 命令無反應,有可能飛控不帶 OSD 功能。" }, "osdSetupUnsupportedNote2": { "message": "注意,有的飛控帶有 MinimOSD,可以通過scarab-osd來燒錄和設置,但是這樣的飛控不能通過此頁面來設置參數。" }, "osdSetupProfilesTitle": { "message": "OSD 配置文件編號", "description": "Description of the header of the OSD elements column associated to each profile" }, "osdSetupElementsTitle": { "message": "元素" }, "osdSetupPreviewTitle": { "message": "拖動元素以更改位置", "description": "Indicates in the preview window of the OSD that the user can drag the elements to reorder them" }, "osdSetupPreviewSelectProfileTitle": { "message": "預覽", "description": "Label of the selector for the OSD Profile in the preview. KEEP IT SHORT!!!" }, "osdSetupPreviewForTitle": { "message": "在此處更改配置文件或者字體僅影響預覽窗口而不會改變飛控中的配置文件或者字體。如果您想更改飛控,則必須分別使用 '$t(osdSetupSelectedProfileTitle.message)' 選項或者 '$t(osdSetupFontManager.message)' 按鈕。", "description": "Help content for the OSD profile and font PREVIEW" }, "osdSetupSelectedProfileTitle": { "message": "激活 OSD 配置文件", "description": "Title of the box to select the current active OSD profile" }, "osdSetupSelectedProfileLabel": { "message": "當前:", "description": "Label for the selection of the curren active OSD profile" }, "osdSetupPreviewSelectProfileElement": { "message": "OSD 配置文件 {{profileNumber}}", "description": "Content of the selector for the OSD Profile in the preview" }, "osdSetupPreviewSelectFontElement": { "message": "字體 {{fontName}}", "description": "Content of the selector for the OSD Font in the preview" }, "osdSetupVideoFormatTitle": { "message": "視頻制式" }, "osdSetupVideoFormatOptionAuto": { "message": "自動", "description": "Option for the video format in the OSD" }, "osdSetupVideoFormatOptionPal": { "message": "PAL", "description": "Option for the video format in the OSD" }, "osdSetupVideoFormatOptionNtsc": { "message": "NTSC", "description": "Option for the video format in the OSD" }, "osdSetupUnitsTitle": { "message": "單位制式" }, "osdSetupUnitsOptionImperial": { "message": "英制", "description": "Option for the units system used in the OSD" }, "osdSetupUnitsOptionMetric": { "message": "公制", "description": "Option for the units system used in the OSD" }, "osdSetupTimersTitle": { "message": "計時器" }, "osdSetupAlarmsTitle": { "message": "警報" }, "osdSetupStatsTitle": { "message": "飛行統計數據" }, "osdSetupVtxTitle": { "message": "圖傳設置" }, "osdSetupCraftNameTitle": { "message": "飛行器名稱" }, "osdSetupWarningsTitle": { "message": "警告" }, "osdSetupFontPresets": { "message": "預置字體" }, "osdSetupFontPresetsSelector": { "message": "選擇預設字體:" }, "osdSetupFontPresetsSelectorCustomOption": { "message": "用戶提供的字體", "description": "Option to show as selected when the user selects a custom local font" }, "osdSetupFontPresetsSelectorOr": { "message": "或" }, "osdSetupOpenFont": { "message": "打開字體文件" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoTitle": { "message": "啟動徽標:" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoOpenImageButton": { "message": "選擇自定義圖像…" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoInfoTitle": { "message": "自定义图像:" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoInfoImageSize": { "message": "大小必須是 $t(logoWidthPx) x$t(logoHeightPx) 像素" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoInfoColorMap": { "message": "必須是綠色、黑色和白色像素" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoInfoUploadHint": { "message": "單擊 $t(osdSetupUploadFont.message) 以保存自定義徽標" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoImageSizeError": { "message": "無效的圖像大小: {{width}}x{{height}} (應是 $t(logoWidthPx) x$t(logoHeightPx))" }, "osdSetupCustomLogoColorMapError": { "message": "圖像包含無效的像素: rgb ({{valueR}}, {{valueG}}, {{valueB}}) ,坐標 {{posX}}x{{posY}}" }, "osdSetupUploadFont": { "message": "更新字體" }, "osdSetupUploadingFont": { "message": "正在上傳..." }, "osdSetupUploadingFontEnd": { "message": "將全部 {{length}} 個字符上傳到 OSD" }, "osdSetupSave": { "message": "保存" }, "osdSetupFontManager": { "message": "字型管理器" }, "osdSetupUncheckAll": { "message": "取消全選" }, "osdSetupHead": { "message": "訊息" }, "osdSetupVideoMode": { "message": "視頻模式" }, "osdSetupCameraConnected": { "message": "攝像頭已連線。" }, "osdSetupResetText": { "message": "恢復 OSD 默認設置" }, "osdSetupButtonReset": { "message": "恢復默認設置" }, "osdTextElementMainBattVoltage": { "message": "電池電壓", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementMainBattVoltage": { "message": "實時電壓 (低於警告電壓時會閃爍)" }, "osdTextElementRssiValue": { "message": "RSSI 值", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRssiValue": { "message": "實時 RSSI 值 (訊號強度低於設定值時會閃爍)" }, "osdTextElementTimer": { "message": "計時器", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementTimer": { "message": "飛行計時器" }, "osdTextElementThrottlePosition": { "message": "油門位置", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementThrottlePosition": { "message": "當前油門位置" }, "osdTextElementCpuLoad": { "message": "CPU 負載", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementCpuLoad": { "message": "當前 CPU 負載" }, "osdTextElementVtxChannel": { "message": "圖傳頻道", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementVtxChannel": { "message": "當前圖傳頻道和功率" }, "osdTextElementVoltageWarning": { "message": "電池電壓警告", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementVoltageWarning": { "message": "當電壓處於報警值時顯示警告" }, "osdTextElementArmed": { "message": "已解鎖", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementArmed": { "message": "解鎖文字提示" }, "osdTextElementDisarmed": { "message": "已上鎖", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementDisarmed": { "message": "鎖定文字提示" }, "osdTextElementCrosshairs": { "message": "十字準星", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementCrosshairs": { "message": "熒幕中間的十字光標" }, "osdTextElementArtificialHorizon": { "message": "人工地平線", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementArtificialHorizon": { "message": "圖形化人工地平線" }, "osdTextElementHorizonSidebars": { "message": "人工地平線側標尺", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementHorizonSidebars": { "message": "人工地平線旁邊顯示的邊欄" }, "osdTextElementCurrentDraw": { "message": "實時電流", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementCurrentDraw": { "message": "實時電流" }, "osdTextElementMahDrawn": { "message": "電池已消耗毫安數", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementMahDrawn": { "message": "累計已用電池容量" }, "osdTextElementCraftName": { "message": "飛行器名稱", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdTextElementAltitude": { "message": "海拔高度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementAltitude": { "message": "當前高度 (當超過設置的警告高度時會閃爍)" }, "osdTextElementOnTime": { "message": "啟動時間", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementOnTime": { "message": "累計上電時間" }, "osdTextElementFlyTime": { "message": "飛行時間", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementFlyTime": { "message": "已解鎖時間 (超過設定值時會閃爍)" }, "osdTextElementFlyMode": { "message": "飛行模式", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementFlyMode": { "message": "當前飛行模式" }, "osdTextElementGPSSpeed": { "message": "GPS 速度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementGPSSpeed": { "message": "GPS 提供的速度訊息" }, "osdTextElementGPSSats": { "message": "GPS 衛星數", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementGPSSats": { "message": "GPS 鎖定衛星數" }, "osdTextElementGPSLon": { "message": "GPS 經度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementGPSLon": { "message": "GPS 經度坐標" }, "osdTextElementGPSLat": { "message": "GPS 緯度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementGPSLat": { "message": "GPS 緯度坐標" }, "osdTextElementDebug": { "message": "調試", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementDebug": { "message": "調試變數" }, "osdTextElementPIDRoll": { "message": "PID roll", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPIDRoll": { "message": "橫滾 PID 增益" }, "osdTextElementPIDPitch": { "message": "PID P軸", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPIDPitch": { "message": "俯仰 PID 增益" }, "osdTextElementPIDYaw": { "message": "偏航 PID ", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPIDYaw": { "message": "偏航 PID 增益" }, "osdTextElementPower": { "message": "功率", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPower": { "message": "實時功率消耗" }, "osdTextElementPIDRateProfile": { "message": "配置文件: PID 和 Rate", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPIDRateProfile": { "message": "當前 PID 和 Rate 配置文件的數字編號" }, "osdTextElementBatteryWarning": { "message": "電池警告", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementBatteryWarning": { "message": "當電池電壓低於設定閾值時的警告文字提示" }, "osdTextElementAvgCellVoltage": { "message": "電池平均單芯電壓", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementAvgCellVoltage": { "message": "平均單芯電壓 (電池總電壓 / 芯數)" }, "osdTextElementPitchAngle": { "message": "角度: pitch", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPitchAngle": { "message": "俯仰角度數字" }, "osdTextElementRollAngle": { "message": "角度: roll", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRollAngle": { "message": "橫滾角度數字" }, "osdTextElementMainBattUsage": { "message": "電池使用情況", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementMainBattUsage": { "message": "圖形化顯示電池用量" }, "osdTextElementArmedTime": { "message": "計時器: 解鎖時間", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementArmedTime": { "message": "距離上次解鎖時間" }, "osdTextElementHomeDirection": { "message": "到起飛點的方向", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementHomeDirection": { "message": "指向起飛點的箭頭" }, "osdTextElementHomeDistance": { "message": "到起飛點的距離", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementHomeDistance": { "message": "距離起飛點的距離 (單位為英尺或米,取決於系統設置)" }, "osdTextElementNumericalHeading": { "message": "數字式航向", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementNumericalHeading": { "message": "當前行進方向的數字角度" }, "osdTextElementNumericalVario": { "message": "数字式垂直速度表", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementNumericalVario": { "message": "爬升速度數字 (單位為英尺或米,取決於系統設置)" }, "osdTextElementCompassBar": { "message": "羅盤標尺", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementCompassBar": { "message": "用以顯示當前飛行方向的羅盤標尺" }, "osdTextElementWarnings": { "message": "警告", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementWarnings": { "message": "警報 (比如低電壓),警告 (不能開鎖原因,電池電壓極低) 和模擬蜂鳴器(4個閃爍星號)。" }, "osdTextElementEscTemperature": { "message": "電調温度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementEscTemperature": { "message": "電調回傳溫度" }, "osdTextElementEscRpm": { "message": "電調轉速", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementEscRpm": { "message": "電調回傳電機轉速" }, "osdTextElementRemaningTimeEstimate": { "message": "計時器: 預估剩餘時間", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRemaningTimeEstimate": { "message": "預計剩餘電池飛行時間" }, "osdTextElementRtcDateTime": { "message": "RTC日期和時間", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRtcDateTime": { "message": "日期/時間" }, "osdTextElementAdjustmentRange": { "message": "調整範圍", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementAdjustmentRange": { "message": "調整範圍" }, "osdTextElementTimer1": { "message": "計時器 1", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementTimer1": { "message": "顯示計時器 1" }, "osdTextElementTimer2": { "message": "計時器 2", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementTimer2": { "message": "顯示計時器 2" }, "osdTextElementCoreTemperature": { "message": "核心溫度", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementCoreTemperature": { "message": "顯示飛控主晶片溫度" }, "osdTextAntiGravity": { "message": "反重力", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescAntiGravity": { "message": "當反重力功能激活時顯示指示器" }, "osdTextGForce": { "message": "G力", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescGForce": { "message": "顯示當前飛機所受G力" }, "osdTextElementMotorDiag": { "message": "電機診斷", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementMotorDiag": { "message": "顯示每個電機輸出的圖表" }, "osdTextElementLogStatus": { "message": "黑盒日誌狀態", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementLogStatus": { "message": "黑盒日誌編號和警告" }, "osdTextElementFlipArrow": { "message": "反烏龜箭頭", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdTextElementLinkQuality": { "message": "連接質量", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementLinkQuality": { "message": "基於幀丟失情況的“連接質量”的替代圖標-請謹慎使用" }, "osdTextElementFlightDist": { "message": "飛行距離", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementFlightDist": { "message": "此次飛行中的飛行距離" }, "osdTextElementStickOverlayLeft": { "message": "搖桿左浮層", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementStickOverlayLeft": { "message": "遙控器左搖桿的浮層位置" }, "osdTextElementStickOverlayRight": { "message": "搖桿右浮層", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementStickOverlayRight": { "message": "遙控器右搖桿的浮層位置" }, "osdTextElementDisplayName": { "message": "顯示名稱", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdTextElementEscRpmFreq": { "message": "電調轉速頻率", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementEscRpmFreq": { "message": "電調回傳電機轉速頻率" }, "osdTextElementRateProfileName": { "message": "配置文件: Rate 配置文件名稱", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRateProfileName": { "message": "顯示當前 Rate 配置文件名稱" }, "osdTextElementPidProfileName": { "message": "配置文件:PID 配置文件名稱", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementPidProfileName": { "message": "顯示當前 PID 配置文件名稱" }, "osdTextElementOsdProfileName": { "message": "配置文件: OSD 配置文件名稱", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementOsdProfileName": { "message": "在 CLI 中設置的 \"osd_profile_1_name\", \"osd_profile_2_name\" 和 \"osd_profile_3_name\" 所對應的 OSD 配置文件名稱" }, "osdTextElementRssiDbmValue": { "message": "RSSI dBm 值", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRssiDbmValue": { "message": "RSSI 訊號的 dBm 值 (如果可用)" }, "osdTextElementRcChannels": { "message": "RC 通道", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementRcChannels": { "message": "最多顯示4個通道的值。通道須由 CLI 變量 ‘osd_rcchannels’ 來指定" }, "osdTextElementCameraFrame": { "message": "相機取景框", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdTextElementEfficiency": { "message": "電池效率", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementEfficiency": { "message": "以 毫安時/距離 為單位的瞬時電池消耗量 (需要有效的 GPS 定位)" }, "osdTextElementUnknown": { "message": "未知 $1", "description": "One of the elements of the OSD" }, "osdDescElementUnknown": { "message": "未知元素 (會在將來的版本中添加詳細訊息)" }, "osdTextStatMaxSpeed": { "message": "速度最大值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMaxSpeed": { "message": "記錄到的最大速度" }, "osdTextStatMinBattery": { "message": "電池電壓最小值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMinBattery": { "message": "記錄到的最低電池電壓" }, "osdTextStatMinRssi": { "message": "RSSI 最小值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMinRssi": { "message": "記錄到的最小 RSSI 值" }, "osdTextStatMaxCurrent": { "message": "電池電流最大值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMaxCurrent": { "message": "記錄到的最大電流" }, "osdTextStatUsedMah": { "message": "電池已使用毫安數", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatUsedMah": { "message": "已用電池容量" }, "osdTextStatMaxAltitude": { "message": "最大高度", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMaxAltitude": { "message": "記錄到的最大高度" }, "osdTextStatBlackbox": { "message": "黑盒使用情況", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatBlackbox": { "message": "黑盒空間使用百分比" }, "osdTextStatEndBattery": { "message": "電池電壓截止值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatEndBattery": { "message": "鎖定時電池電壓" }, "osdTextStatFlyTime": { "message": "總飛行時間", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatFlyTime": { "message": "解鎖總時間" }, "osdTextStatArmedTime": { "message": "上次解鎖總飛行時間", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatArmedTime": { "message": "距離上次解鎖時間" }, "osdTextStatMaxDistance": { "message": "距起飛點最大距離", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMaxDistance": { "message": "距離起飛位置最远距離" }, "osdTextStatBlackboxLogNumber": { "message": "黑盒日誌編號", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatBlackboxLogNumber": { "message": "黑盒日誌文件編號" }, "osdTextStatTimer1": { "message": "計時器 1", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatTimer1": { "message": "上鎖時計時器 1的數值" }, "osdTextStatTimer2": { "message": "計時器 2", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatTimer2": { "message": "上鎖時計時器 2的數值" }, "osdTextStatRtcDateTime": { "message": "RTC日期和時間", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatRtcDateTime": { "message": "實時時鐘時間日期" }, "osdTextStatBattery": { "message": "電池電壓", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatBattery": { "message": "電池實時電壓" }, "osdTextStatGForce": { "message": "G力最大值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatGForce": { "message": "飛行器經歷的最大 G 力" }, "osdTextStatEscTemperature": { "message": "電調溫度最高值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatEscTemperature": { "message": "電調最高溫度" }, "osdTextStatEscRpm": { "message": "電調轉速最大值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatEscRpm": { "message": "電調最高轉速" }, "osdTextStatMinLinkQuality": { "message": "連接質量最小值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMinLinkQuality": { "message": "基於幀丟失情況的“連接質量”的替代圖標的最小值" }, "osdTextStatFlightDistance": { "message": "飛行距離", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatFlightDistance": { "message": "此次飛行中的總行程" }, "osdTextStatMaxFFT": { "message": "FFT 最大值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMaxFFT": { "message": "FFT 峰值頻率" }, "osdTextStatTotalFlights": { "message": "總飛行次數", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatTotalFlights": { "message": "總飛行次數" }, "osdTextStatTotalFlightTime": { "message": "總飛行時間", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatTotalFlightTime": { "message": "總飛行時間" }, "osdTextStatTotalFlightDistance": { "message": "總飛行距離", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatTotalFlightDistance": { "message": "總航行距離" }, "osdTextStatMinRssiDbm": { "message": "RSSI dBm 最小值", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatMinRssiDbm": { "message": "最小 RSSI 分貝值" }, "osdTextStatUnknown": { "message": "未知 $1", "description": "One of the statistics that can be shown at the end of the flight in the OSD" }, "osdDescStatUnknown": { "message": "未知統計 (會在將來的版本中添加詳細訊息)" }, "osdDescribeFontVersion1": { "message": "字體版本: 1 (Betaflight 4.0或更舊版本)" }, "osdDescribeFontVersion2": { "message": "字體版本: 2 (Betaflight 4.1或更新版本)" }, "osdDescribeFontVersionCUSTOM": { "message": "字庫版本: 用戶提供" }, "osdTimerSource": { "message": "來源:" }, "osdTimerSourceTooltip": { "message": "選擇時鐘源,這控制了計時器測量的持續時間/事件" }, "osdTimerSourceOptionOnTime": { "message": "總啟動時間", "description": "One of the options for the source timer. This options shows the amount of time has passed since the battery was plugged" }, "osdTimerSourceOptionTotalArmedTime": { "message": "總解鎖時間", "description": "One of the options for the source timer. This options shows the amount of time the craft was armed since the battery was plugged" }, "osdTimerSourceOptionLastArmedTime": { "message": "上次解鎖時間", "description": "One of the options for the source timer. This options shows the amount of time the craft was armed the latest time" }, "osdTimerSourceOptionOnArmTime": { "message": "啟動/解鎖時間", "description": "One of the options for the source timer. This option shows On time when craft is disarmed, and Armed time when armed" }, "osdTimerPrecision": { "message": "精度:" }, "osdTimerPrecisionTooltip": { "message": "選擇計時器精度" }, "osdTimerPrecisionOptionSecond": { "message": "秒", "description": "Selectable option for the precision of the timer in the OSD" }, "osdTimerPrecisionOptionHundredth": { "message": "百分之一秒", "description": "Selectable option for the precision of the timer in the OSD" }, "osdTimerPrecisionOptionTenth": { "message": "十分之一秒", "description": "Selectable option for the precision of the timer in the OSD" }, "osdTimerAlarm": { "message": "警報:" }, "osdTimerAlarmTooltip": { "message": "設置計時器警報時間(分鐘)。當計時器時間大於設置時間,將會在OSD上面閃爍。設定為0可禁用報警。" }, "osdTimerAlarmOptionRssi": { "message": "RSSI", "description": "Text of the RSSI alarm" }, "osdTimerAlarmOptionCapacity": { "message": "容量", "description": "Text of the capacity alarm" }, "osdTimerAlarmOptionAltitude": { "message": "海拔高度", "description": "Text of the altitude alarm" }, "osdWarningTextArmingDisabled": { "message": "禁止解鎖", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningArmingDisabled": { "message": "顯示導致不能解鎖最主要的原因" }, "osdWarningTextBatteryNotFull": { "message": "電池不滿", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningBatteryNotFull": { "message": "當上電時檢測到電池電量不滿發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextBatteryWarning": { "message": "電池警告", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningBatteryWarning": { "message": "當電池電壓低於設置警報電壓時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextBatteryCritical": { "message": "電池電量危急", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningBatteryCritical": { "message": "電池電壓低於最小單芯電壓時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextVisualBeeper": { "message": "模擬蜂鳴器", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningVisualBeeper": { "message": "顯示模擬蜂鳴器(表現為4個星號)" }, "osdWarningTextCrashFlipMode": { "message": "反烏龜模式", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningCrashFlipMode": { "message": "當激活反烏龜模式時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextEscFail": { "message": "電調通訊失敗", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningEscFail": { "message": "列舉一個出現故障的電調/電機的列表 (RPM 或溫度超出配置的閾值)" }, "osdWarningTextCoreTemperature": { "message": "核心溫度", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningCoreTemperature": { "message": "當 MCU 核心溫度超過配置的閾值時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextRcSmoothingFailure": { "message": "RC 平滑失敗", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningRcSmoothingFailure": { "message": "當 RC 平滑初始化失敗時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextFailsafe": { "message": "失控保護", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningFailsafe": { "message": "發生失控保護時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextLaunchControl": { "message": "起飛控制", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningLaunchControl": { "message": "起飛控制模式被激活時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextGpsRescueUnavailable": { "message": "GPS 救援不可用", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningGpsRescueUnavailable": { "message": "當 GPS 救援不可用且無法激活時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextGpsRescueDisabled": { "message": "GPS 救援已禁用", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningGpsRescueDisabled": { "message": "GPS 救援被禁用時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextRSSI": { "message": "RSSI", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningRSSI": { "message": "當 RSSI 低於報警設置時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextLinkQuality": { "message": "連接質量", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningLinkQuality": { "message": "當連接質量低於報警設置時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextRssiDbm": { "message": "RSSI 分貝", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningRssiDbm": { "message": "當 RSSI 分貝低於報警設置時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextOverCap": { "message": "過放的電池容量", "description": "One of the warnings that can be selected to be shown in the OSD" }, "osdWarningOverCap": { "message": "當已消耗的毫安數超過配置的容量極限時發出警告" }, "osdWarningTextUnknown": { "message": "未知 $1" }, "osdWarningUnknown": { "message": "未知警告 (會在將來的版本中添加詳細訊息)" }, "osdSectionHelpElements": { "message": "顯示或者隱藏 OSD 元素" }, "osdSectionHelpVideoMode": { "message": "設置期望的攝像頭視頻格式。 (通常可以使用 AUTO 自動檢測,如果遇到問題再手動指定)。" }, "osdSectionHelpUnits": { "message": "設置單位制" }, "osdSectionHelpTimers": { "message": "設置飛行計時器" }, "osdSectionHelpAlarms": { "message": "設置OSD報警閾值" }, "osdSectionHelpStats": { "message": "設置飛行結束上鎖後熒幕上顯示的統計訊息" }, "osdSectionHelpWarnings": { "message": "顯示或隱藏顯示在警告區域的警告訊息" }, "osdSettingsSaved": { "message": "OSD 設置已保存" }, "osdWritePermissions": { "message": "您沒有此文件的 寫入權限" }, "osdButtonSaved": { "message": "已儲存" }, "vtxMessageNotSupported": { "message": "注意:您的圖傳未配置或不支援。所以您不能在此修改圖傳值。只有當圖傳使用Tramp或SmartAudio等協議,連接到飛行控制器,並在$t(tabPorts.message)頁面中正確配置後,才可以使用。", "description": "Message to show when the VTX is not supported in the VTX tab" }, "vtxMessageTableNotConfigured": { "message": "注意:在使用$t(vtxSelectedMode.message)之前,必須先在下面配置並保存圖傳表", "description": "Message to show when the VTX is not supported in the VTX tab" }, "vtxMessageFactoryBandsNotSupported": { "message": "注意: 選定的圖傳不支援以“工廠模式”設置頻段,但您的部分頻段設置中使用了這個功能。點擊 '$t(vtxButtonSave.message)' 以修復這個問題。", "description": "Message to show when the configured VTX type does not support factory bands, but one or more of the configured bands are of this type" }, "vtxMessageVerifyTable": { "message": "注意:圖傳表內容已加載,但尚未存儲至飛行控制器。您必須驗證和修改部分數值,以確保其在您的國家有效且合法,然後點擊$t(vtxButtonSave.message)按鈕來將其儲存至飛行控制器上。", "description": "Message to show when the VTX Table has been loaded from a external source" }, "vtxFrequencyChannel": { "message": "直接輸入頻率", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxFrequencyChannelHelp": { "message": "如果您啟用此功能,配置器將會讓您直接選擇特定頻率而不是常見的頻段/頻道。為了使其工作,您的圖傳必須支援此功能。", "description": "Help text for the frequency or channel select field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxSelectedMode": { "message": "選擇模式", "description": "Title for the actual mode header of the VTX" }, "vtxActualState": { "message": "當前值", "description": "Title for the actual values header of the VTX" }, "vtxType": { "message": "圖傳類型", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxType_0": { "message": "不支援", "description": "Text for one of the types of the VTX type in VTX tab" }, "vtxType_1": { "message": "RTC607", "description": "Text for one of the types of the VTX type in VTX tab" }, "vtxType_3": { "message": "SmartAudio", "description": "Text for one of the types of the VTX type in VTX tab" }, "vtxType_4": { "message": "Tramp", "description": "Text for one of the types of the VTX type in VTX tab" }, "vtxType_255": { "message": "未知", "description": "Text for one of the types of the VTX type in VTX tab" }, "vtxBand": { "message": "頻段", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxBandHelp": { "message": "你可以為你的圖傳選擇頻段", "description": "Help text for the band field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxBand_0": { "message": "無", "description": "Text of one of the options for the band field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxBand_X": { "message": "頻段 {{bandName}}", "description": "Text of one of the options for the band field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxChannel_0": { "message": "無", "description": "Text of one of the options for the channel field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxChannel_X": { "message": "頻道 {{channelName}}", "description": "Text of one of the options for the channel field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPower_0": { "message": "無", "description": "Text of one of the options for the power field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPower_X": { "message": "級別 {{powerLevel}}", "description": "Text of one of the options for the power field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxChannel": { "message": "頻道", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxChannelHelp": { "message": "你可以為你的圖傳選擇頻道", "description": "Help text for the channel field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxFrequency": { "message": "頻率", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxFrequencyHelp": { "message": "您可以在此為您的圖傳選擇它所支援的頻率", "description": "Help text for the frequency field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxDeviceReady": { "message": "設備已就緒", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPower": { "message": "功率", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPowerHelp": { "message": "在此選擇圖傳的功率。如果啟用 $t(vtxPitMode.message) 或 $t(vtxLowPowerDisarm.message) 則可使用它來更改。", "description": "Help text for the power field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPitMode": { "message": "維修站模式(Pit Mode)", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPitModeFrequency": { "message": "維修站模式頻率", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxPitModeFrequencyHelp": { "message": "當啟用維修站模式時所使用的頻率", "description": "Help text for the pit mode field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxLowPowerDisarm": { "message": "低功率上鎖", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX tab" }, "vtxLowPowerDisarmHelp": { "message": "啟用後,圖傳將在上鎖後保持最低功率(除非觸發了失控保護)", "description": "Help text for the low power disarm field of the VTX tab" }, "vtxLowPowerDisarmOption_0": { "message": "關閉", "description": "One of the options for the Low Power Disarm mode of the VTX" }, "vtxLowPowerDisarmOption_1": { "message": "開啟", "description": "One of the options for the Low Power Disarm mode of the VTX" }, "vtxLowPowerDisarmOption_2": { "message": "保持直至解鎖", "description": "One of the options for the Low Power Disarm mode of the VTX" }, "vtxTable": { "message": "圖傳表", "description": "Text of the header of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTablePowerLevels": { "message": "功率級別數量", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTablePowerLevelsHelp": { "message": "它定義了您的图传所支援的功率的數量", "description": "Help for the number of power levels field of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTablePowerLevelsValue": { "message": "值", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTablePowerLevelsLabel": { "message": "標籤", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableBands": { "message": "頻段數量", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableChannels": { "message": "頻段內的頻道數", "description": "Text of one of the fields of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableBandsChannelsHelp": { "message": "這裡定義你希望圖傳用到的頻段數量和頻道數量。", "description": "Help for the number of bands and channels field of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableBandTitleName": { "message": "名稱", "description": "Text of one of the titles of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableBandTitleLetter": { "message": "字母", "description": "Text of one of the titles of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxTableBandTitleFactory": { "message": "工廠模式", "description": "Text of one of the titles of the VTX Table element in the VTX tab" }, "vtxSavedFileOk": { "message": "圖傳配置文件已保存", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is saved" }, "vtxSavedFileKo": { "message": "錯誤加載圖傳配置文件", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is saved" }, "vtxLoadFileOk": { "message": "圖傳配置文件已加載", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is loaded" }, "vtxLoadFileKo": { "message": "錯誤加載圖傳配置文件", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is loaded" }, "vtxLoadClipboardOk": { "message": "已從剪貼板 加載 圖傳配置訊息", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is pasted from clipboard" }, "vtxLoadClipboardKo": { "message": "當從剪貼板加載圖傳配置訊息時發生錯誤。內容可能不正確", "description": "Message in the GUI log when the VTX Config file is pasted from clipboard" }, "vtxButtonSaveFile": { "message": "保存到文件", "description": "Save to file button in the VTX tab" }, "vtxButtonSaveLua": { "message": "保存 Lua 腳本", "description": "Save Lua script button in the VTX tab" }, "vtxButtonLoadFile": { "message": "從文件加載", "description": "Load to file button in the VTX tab" }, "vtxButtonLoadClipboard": { "message": "從剪貼板加載", "description": "Paste from clipboard button in the VTX tab" }, "vtxButtonSave": { "message": "保存", "description": "Save button in the VTX tab" }, "vtxButtonSaved": { "message": "已保存", "description": "Saved action button in the VTX tab" }, "mainHelpArmed": { "message": "電機解鎖" }, "mainHelpFailsafe": { "message": "失控保護模式" }, "mainHelpLink": { "message": "串口連接狀態" }, "configurationEscProtocol": { "message": "電調/電機協議" }, "configurationEscProtocolHelp": { "message": "選擇電調協議。
選擇 DSHOT900 或 DSHOT1200 時請注意,目前沒有很多電調支援這個協議! " }, "configurationEscProtocolHelpNoDSHOT1200": { "message": "選擇您的電機協議。
請驗證您的電調支援此協議,此訊息應在製造商的網站上。" }, "configurationunsyndePwm": { "message": "電機PWM速度獨立於PID速度" }, "configurationUnsyncedPWMFreq": { "message": "電機 PWM 頻率" }, "configurationDshotBidir": { "message": "雙向 DSHOT (需要電調固件支援)", "description": "Feature for the ESC/Motor" }, "configurationDshotBidirHelp": { "message": "向飛控板發送電調數據。 RPM 濾波器和動態怠速需要這個功能。

注意:需要使用兼容的電調固件,例如JESC、JazzMac、BLHeli_32。", "description": "Description of the Bidirectional DShot feature of the ESC/Motor" }, "configurationGyroSyncDenom": { "message": "陀螺儀更新頻率" }, "configurationPidProcessDenom": { "message": "PID 循環更新頻率" }, "configurationPidProcessDenomHelp": { "message": "PID 循環的最大頻率會受限於所選電機、電調協議所決定的最大更新頻率。" }, "configurationGyroUse32kHz": { "message": "啟用陀螺儀 32kHz 採樣模式" }, "configurationGyroUse32kHzHelp": { "message": "僅當陀螺儀晶片支援時才能啟用 32khz 採樣頻率。 (目前有通過 SPI 總線連接的 MPU6500、MPU9250 和 ICM20xxx 系列)。如不能確定請查詢你的飛控板資料。" }, "configurationAccHardware": { "message": "加速度計" }, "configurationBaroHardware": { "message": "氣壓計 (如有)" }, "configurationMagHardware": { "message": "磁力计 (如有)" }, "configurationSmallAngle": { "message": "最大允許解鎖角度 [degrees]" }, "configurationSmallAngleHelp": { "message": "如果飛機傾斜的角度大於指定的允許解鎖角度,飛控將會不允許解鎖。只有啟用了加速度計該功能才能工作。設置為180度相當於關閉了傾斜角度檢測。" }, "configurationBatteryVoltage": { "message": "電池電壓" }, "configurationBatteryCurrent": { "message": "電池電流" }, "configurationBatteryMeterType": { "message": "電池計量類型" }, "configurationBatteryMinimum": { "message": "最低單芯電壓" }, "configurationBatteryMaximum": { "message": "最高單芯電壓" }, "configurationBatteryWarning": { "message": "單芯警告電壓" }, "configurationBatteryScale": { "message": "電壓計比例" }, "configurationCurrentMeterType": { "message": "電流計類型" }, "configurationCurrent": { "message": "電流傳感器" }, "configurationCurrentScale": { "message": "按比例 [1/10 mV/A] 將電壓縮放到毫安" }, "configurationCurrentOffset": { "message": "補償(單位毫伏)" }, "configurationBatteryMultiwiiCurrent": { "message": "啟用對傳統 Multiwii MSP 電流計輸出的支援" }, "pidTuningProfile": { "message": "PID 配置文件" }, "pidTuningProfileTip": { "message": "飛控可以保存最多3個(有的只能2個)PID 配置文件。 PID 配置文件包括:PID值, D 設置點,angle/horizo​​n 模式選擇設置。配置文件可以通過遙控搖桿命令來回切換(具體操作參閱網上教程)。" }, "pidTuningRateProfile": { "message": "Rate 配置文件" }, "pidTuningRateProfileTip": { "message": "飛控可以保存3個不同的Rate配置文件。 Rate配置文件包括:RC rate, Rate,RC expo,油門和TPA。配置文件可以通過遙控搖桿命令來回切換(具體操作參閱網上教程)。也可以通過一個3段的開關來選擇不同的配置文件。" }, "pidTuningRateSetup": { "message": "基本/手動 Rate" }, "pidTuningRateSetupHelp": { "message": "調整這些值,以確定您的Rate。使用RC Rate以提高總角速度,使用Super Rate以在搖桿末端獲得更高的角速度,使用RC Expo以在杆位中央附近獲得平滑感。", "description": "Rate table helpicon message" }, "pidTuningDelta": { "message": "導數" }, "pidTuningDeltaError": { "message": "錯誤" }, "pidTuningDeltaMeasurement": { "message": "測量模式" }, "pidTuningPidControllerTip": { "message": "傳統 vs Betaflight (浮點數): PID 比例和 PID 邏輯是完全一樣的。理論上,在兩者之間進行切換不需要重新調參。傳統的也是betaflight參與的重寫算法,使用整數進行計算。 Betaflight PID 控制器使用浮點數進行計算,並專門為多軸飛行器設計了許多新功能
浮點vs 整數: PID 比例和PID邏輯完全一樣的. 理論上,在兩者之間進行切換不需要重新調參。 F1晶片缺乏FPU,使用浮點運算將會增加CPU負荷,使用整數運算會得到更加好的運行效果。但是浮點運算會獲得稍高的精準度。" }, "pidTuningFilterTip": { "message": "陀螺儀軟件濾波器: 陀螺儀的低通濾波。更低的數字會提供更多的過濾效果。
D Term 濾波器:Dterm 低通濾波器。會影響D值的調參,更低的數字會提供更多的過濾效果。
方向濾波器: 對偏航輸出進行濾波。對偏航軸震動或者噪聲很嚴重的情況會有幫助。" }, "pidTuningRatesTip": { "message": "嘗試不同的 Rates 並觀察它如何影響搖桿曲線" }, "configurationCamera": { "message": "攝像頭" }, "configurationPersonalization": { "message": "個性化" }, "craftName": { "message": "飛行器名稱" }, "configurationFpvCamAngleDegrees": { "message": "FPV攝像頭角度 [degrees]" }, "onboardLoggingBlackbox": { "message": "黑盒日誌記錄設備" }, "onboardLoggingRateOfLogging": { "message": "黑盒日誌記錄速率" }, "onboardLoggingDebugMode": { "message": "黑盒調試模式" }, "onboardLoggingDebugModeUnknown": { "message": "未知模式" }, "onboardLoggingSerialLogger": { "message": "外接串口日誌記錄設備" }, "onboardLoggingFlashLogger": { "message": "板載快閃記憶體" }, "onboardLoggingEraseInProgress": { "message": "正在擦除,請稍等…" }, "onboardLoggingOnboardSDCard": { "message": "板載SD卡" }, "onboardLoggingMsc": { "message": "大容量存儲模式" }, "onboardLoggingMscNote": { "message": "重新啟動進入 大容量存儲設備 (MSC) 模式。一旦激活, 您的飛行控制器上的板載快閃記憶體或 SD 卡將被計算機識別為存儲設備, 並允許您下載日誌文件。要退出此模式,請在電腦上執行彈出操作,並給飛控重新上電。" }, "onboardLoggingRebootMscText": { "message": "激活大容量存儲設備模式" }, "onboardLoggingMscNotReady": { "message": "由於存儲設備尚未就緒, 無法激活大容量存儲模式。" }, "dialogConfirmResetTitle": { "message": "確認" }, "dialogConfirmResetConfirm": { "message": "重置" }, "dialogConfirmResetClose": { "message": "取消" }, "modeCameraWifi": { "message": "攝像頭 WI-FI 按鍵" }, "modeCameraPower": { "message": "攝像頭電源按鍵" }, "modeCameraChangeMode": { "message": "攝像頭改變模式" }, "flashTab": { "message": "更新固件" }, "cliAutoComplete": { "message": "高級 CLI 自動填充" }, "darkTheme": { "message": "使用深色主題" }, "pidTuningRatesType": { "message": "Rate 類型" }, "pidTuningRatesTypeTip": { "message": "改變 Rate 類型將改變 Rate 曲線及配置方式" }, "pidTuningRcRateRaceflight": { "message": "Rate" }, "pidTuningRcExpoRaceflight": { "message": "Expo" }, "pidTuningRateRaceflight": { "message": "Acro+" }, "pidTuningRcExpoKISS": { "message": "RC 曲線" }, "pidTuningRateQuickRates": { "message": "最大角速率" }, "pidTuningRcRateActual": { "message": "中央靈敏度" }, "dialogRatesTypeTitle": { "message": "更改 Rate 類型" }, "dialogRatesTypeNote": { "message": "警告:您正在更改 Rate 類型。 如果您更改 Rate 類型,您的 Rate 曲線將會重置為默認值。" }, "dialogRatesTypeConfirm": { "message": "更改" }, "gpsSbasAutoDetect": { "message": "自動檢測", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "gpsSbasEuropeanEGNOS": { "message": "歐洲 EGNOS", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "gpsSbasNorthAmericanWAAS": { "message": "北美 WAAS", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "gpsSbasJapaneseMSAS": { "message": "日本 MSAS", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "gpsSbasIndianGAGAN": { "message": "印度 GAGAN", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "gpsSbasNone": { "message": "無", "description": "One of the options selectable for the GPS SBAS system" }, "dialogFileNameTitle": { "message": "檔案名稱" }, "dialogFileAlreadyExistsTitle": { "message": "該文件已經存在!" }, "dialogFileAlreadyExistsDescription": { "message": "是否複寫?" }, "cordovaCheckingWebview": { "message": "正在檢查 webview 應用程式..." }, "cordovaIncompatibleWebview": { "message": "不兼容的 webview" }, "cordovaWebviewTroubleshootingMsg": { "message": "您必須更新您設備的 webview 才能使用配置程式。" }, "cordovaWebviewTroubleshootingMsg2": { "message": "下面的工具旨在幫助您安裝一個新的 webview 或更新已安裝的 webview。" }, "cordovaAvailableWebviews": { "message": "您設備上可用的 webview 應用程式" }, "cordovaWebviewInstall": { "message": "安裝對應的 {{app}} 程式可以解決兼容性問題" }, "cordovaWebviewInstallBtn": { "message": "從 Google Play 商店安裝" }, "cordovaWebviewUninstall": { "message": "卸載 {{app}} 應用程序可以解決此兼容性問題。如果您無法卸載它,請嘗試從應用程序設置中禁用它。" }, "cordovaWebviewUninstallBtn1": { "message": "從 Google Play 商店解除安裝" }, "cordovaWebviewUninstallBtn2": { "message": "從設置中卸載 / 禁用" }, "cordovaWebviewUpdate": { "message": "更新 {{app}} 應用程式可以解決此兼容性問題。" }, "cordovaWebviewUpdateBtn": { "message": "從 Google Play 商店更新" }, "cordovaWebviewEnable": { "message": "在設置中進入您的設備信息頁面,點擊構建版本數字10次以啟用“開發者選項”。在此之後,搜索並進入開發者選項,並選擇 {{app}} 作為 webview 提供者。" }, "cordovaWebviewEnableBtn": { "message": "開啟設定" }, "cordovaWebviewIncompatible": { "message": "您的設備似乎不兼容。請嘗試搜索其他方式來更新您的 webview" }, "cordovaNoWebview": { "message": "沒有安裝/啟用 webview" }, "cordovaWebviewUsed": { "message": "已使用" }, "cordovaExitAppTitle": { "message": "確認" }, "cordovaExitAppMessage": { "message": "你確定要關閉配置程式嗎?" } }