--- - name: Setup Havoc Teamserver hosts: change hostname become: true vars: domain_name: "change your domain" operator_username: "change username" operator_password: "change password" tasks: - name: Install required packages apt: name: - git - build-essential - apt-utils - cmake - libfontconfig1 - libglu1-mesa-dev - libgtest-dev - libspdlog-dev - libboost-all-dev - libncurses5-dev - libgdbm-dev - libssl-dev - libreadline-dev - libffi-dev - libsqlite3-dev - libbz2-dev - mesa-common-dev - qtbase5-dev - qtchooser - qt5-qmake - qtbase5-dev-tools - libqt5websockets5 - libqt5websockets5-dev - qtdeclarative5-dev - golang-go - qtbase5-dev - libqt5websockets5-dev - python3-dev - libboost-all-dev - mingw-w64 - nasm - apache2 - certbot - python3-certbot-apache state: present update_cache: yes - name: Check if Havoc is already installed stat: path: /opt/Havoc/havoc register: havoc_installed - name: Clone Havoc repository git: repo: 'https://github.com/HavocFramework/Havoc' dest: '/opt/Havoc' update: yes when: not havoc_installed.stat.exists - name: Remove specific line from http.go lineinfile: path: /opt/Havoc/teamserver/pkg/handlers/http.go state: absent regexp: 'ctx\.Header\("X-Havoc", "true"\)' when: not havoc_installed.stat.exists - name: Download Go modules command: go mod download args: chdir: /opt/Havoc/teamserver environment: GOPATH: "/opt/Havoc" when: not havoc_installed.stat.exists - name: Build Havoc teamserver command: make ts-build args: chdir: /opt/Havoc when: not havoc_installed.stat.exists - name: Obtain SSL certificate using Certbot command: certbot certonly --non-interactive --quiet --register-unsafely-without-email --agree-tos -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/www/html -d "{{ domain_name }}" when: domain_name is defined - name: Create Havoc configuration file copy: dest: /opt/Havoc/profiles/havoc.yaotl content: | Teamserver { Host = "" Port = 40056 Build { Compiler64 = "data/x86_64-w64-mingw32-cross/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" Compiler86 = "data/i686-w64-mingw32-cross/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc" Nasm = "/usr/bin/nasm" } } Operators { user "{{ operator_username }}" { Password = "{{ operator_password }}" } } Demon { Sleep = 2 Jitter = 15 TrustXForwardedFor = true Injection { Spawn64 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\werfault.exe" Spawn32 = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\werfault.exe" } } Listeners { Http { Name = "Agent Listener - HTTP/s" Hosts = [ "{{ domain_name }}" ] HostBind = "" PortBind = 443 PortConn = 443 HostRotation = "round-robin" Secure = true UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36" Uris = [ "/wp-content/themes/default/advanced_search?hl=en-GB&fg=", "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=troubleshooter&id=1631343", "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=async_newtab&ei=", "/wp-admin/js/babel-polyfill/6.3.14/polyfill.min.js", "/wp-login.php", "/wp-includes/images/wpspin.gif", "/wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/default/ui.css" ] Headers = [ "Content-type: text/plain" ] Cert { Cert = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ domain_name }}/cert.pem" Key = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ domain_name }}/privkey.pem" } Response { Headers = [ "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8", "X-Frame-Options: DENY", "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=1209600", "Server: nginx", "Host-header: WordPress.com" ] } } } - name: Create systemd service file for Havoc copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/havoc.service content: | [Unit] Description=Havoc Teamserver After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=root WorkingDirectory=/opt/Havoc ExecStart=/opt/Havoc/havoc server --profile profiles/havoc.yaotl -v Restart=on-failure RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target - name: Reload systemd to apply changes command: systemctl daemon-reload - name: Enable Havoc service to start on boot systemd: name: havoc enabled: yes state: started - name: Start Havoc service systemd: name: havoc state: started