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require 'swagger/blocks'
module ModuleSearchApiDoc
include Swagger::Blocks
APP_DESC = 'Filter modules that are client or server attacks. (Accepts strings \'client\' or \'server\').'
ARCH_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching architecture.'
AUTHOR_DESC = 'Filter modules written by a matching author.'
AUTHORS_DESC = 'Alias for \'author\'.'
BID_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching Bugtraq ID.'
CVE_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching CVE ID.'
EDB_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching Exploit-DB ID.'
DESCRIPTION_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching description.'
DISCLOSURE_DATE_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching disclosure date.'
DATE_DESC = 'Alias for \'disclosure_date\'.'
FULL_NAME_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching full name.'
IS_CLIENT_DESC = 'Filter modules that are client attacks. (Accepts strings \'true\' or \'false\').'
IS_SERVER_DESC = 'Filter modules that are server attacks. (Accepts strings \'true\' or \'false\').'
IS_INSTALL_PATH_DESC = 'Filter modules that by value of \'is_install_path\'. (Accepts strings \'true\' or \'false\').'
MOD_TIME_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching modification time.'
NAME_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching descriptive name.'
PATH_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching path name.'
PLATFORM_DESC = 'Filter modules affecting a matching platform, arch, or target.'
OS_DESC = 'Alias for \'platform\'.'
PORT_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching port.'
RPORT_DESC = 'Alias for \'port\'.'
RANK_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching rank. Accepts numeric values with optional comparison operators (ex: 200, gt500, lte300).'
REFERENCE_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching reference (CVE, BID, EDB, etc.).'
REFERENCES_DESC = 'Alias for \'reference\'.'
REF_NAME_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching ref_name.'
REF_DESC = 'Alias for \'ref_name\'.'
TARGET_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching target.'
TARGETS_DESC = 'Alias for \'target\'.'
TEXT_DESC = 'Filter modules matching any one of name, full name, description, reference, author, or targets.'
TYPE_DESC = 'Filter modules with a matching type (exploit, auxiliary, payload, etc.).'
FIELDS_DESC = 'Provide a comma-delimited list of metadata fields you would like to return. If left blank, all fields will be returned. Valid field names are: \'name\', \'full_name\', \'fullname\', \'arch\', \'author\', \'author\', \'description\', \'disclosure_date\', \'cve\', \'edb\', \'bid\', \'mod_time\', \'is_client\', \'is_server\', \'is_install_path\', \'os\', \'platform\', \'reference\', \'references\', \'ref_name\', \'ref\', \'path\', \'port\', \'rport\', \'rank\', \'type\', \'target\', \'targets\''
NAME_EXAMPLE = 'MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption'
FULL_NAME_EXAMPLE = 'exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue'
DISCLOSURE_DATE_EXAMPLE = '2017-03-14T00:00:00.000-05:00'
TYPE_EXAMPLE = 'exploit'
DESCRIPTION_EXAMPLE = 'This module is a port of the Equation Group ETERNALBLUE exploit, part of\n the FuzzBunch toolkit released by Shadow Brokers.\n\n There is a buffer overflow memmove operation in Srv!SrvOs2FeaToNt. The size\n is calculated in Srv!SrvOs2FeaListSizeToNt, with mathematical error where a\n DWORD is subtracted into a WORD. The kernel pool is groomed so that overflow\n is well laid-out to overwrite an SMBv1 buffer. Actual RIP hijack is later\n completed in srvnet!SrvNetWskReceiveComplete.\n\n This exploit, like the original may not trigger 100% of the time, and should be\n run continuously until triggered. It seems like the pool will get hot streaks\n and need a cool down period before the shells rain in again.\n\n The module will attempt to use Anonymous login, by default, to authenticate to perform the\n exploit. If the user supplies credentials in the SMBUser, SMBPass, and SMBDomain options it will use\n those instead.\n\n On some systems, this module may cause system instability and crashes, such as a BSOD or\n a reboot. This may be more likely with some payloads.'
'Sean Dillon <sean.dillon@risksense.com>',
'Dylan Davis <dylan.davis@risksense.com>',
'Equation Group',
'Shadow Brokers',
MOD_TIME_EXAMPLE = '2018-07-10T17:39:42.000-05:00'
REF_NAME_EXAMPLE = 'windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue'
PATH_EXAMPLE = '/modules/exploits/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue.rb'
'Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 (x64) All Service Packs'
# Swagger documentation for Module Search model
swagger_schema :Module do
property :name, type: :string, description: NAME_DESC, example: NAME_EXAMPLE
property :full_name, type: :string, description: FULL_NAME_DESC, example: FULL_NAME_EXAMPLE
property :disclosure_date, type: :string, description: DISCLOSURE_DATE_EXAMPLE, example: DISCLOSURE_DATE_EXAMPLE
property :rank, type: :integer, description: RANK_DESC, example: RANK_EXAMPLE
property :type, type: :string, description: TYPE_DESC, example: TYPE_EXAMPLE, enum: TYPE_ENUM
property :description, type: :string, description: DESCRIPTION_DESC, example: DESCRIPTION_EXAMPLE
property :author, description: AUTHOR_DESC, example: AUTHOR_EXAMPLE, type: :array do items type: :string end
property :references, description: REFERENCE_DESC, example: REFERENCES_EXAMPLE, type: :array do items type: :string end
property :is_client, type: :boolean, description: IS_CLIENT_DESC, example: IS_CLIENT_EXAMPLE
property :is_server, type: :boolean, description: IS_SERVER_DESC, example: IS_SERVER_EXAMPLE
property :platform, type: :string, description: PLATFORM_DESC, example: PLATFORM_EXAMPLE
property :arch, type: :string, description: ARCH_DESC, example: ARCH_EXAMPLE
property :rport, type: :string, description: PORT_DESC, example: RPORT_EXAMPLE
property :mod_time, type: :string, description: MOD_TIME_DESC, example: MOD_TIME_EXAMPLE
property :ref_name, type: :string, description: REF_NAME_DESC, example: REF_NAME_EXAMPLE
property :path, type: :string, description: PATH_DESC, example: PATH_EXAMPLE
property :is_install_path, type: :boolean, description: IS_INSTALL_PATH_DESC, example: IS_INSTALL_PATH_EXAMPLE
property :targets, description: TARGET_DESC, example: TARGETS_EXAMPLE, type: :array do items type: :string end
swagger_path '/api/v1/modules' do
# Swagger documentation for /api/v1/modules GET
operation :get do
key :description, 'Search Metasploit modules using keyword filters.'
key :tags, [ 'module' ]
parameters = {
:app => APP_DESC,
:arch => ARCH_DESC,
:author => AUTHOR_DESC,
:bid => BID_DESC,
:cve => CVE_DESC,
:edb => EDB_DESC,
:description => DESCRIPTION_DESC,
:disclosure_date => DISCLOSURE_DATE_DESC,
:date => DATE_DESC,
:full_name => FULL_NAME_DESC,
:is_client => IS_CLIENT_DESC,
:is_server => IS_SERVER_DESC,
:is_install_path => IS_INSTALL_PATH_DESC,
:mod_time => MOD_TIME_DESC,
:name => NAME_DESC,
:path => PATH_DESC,
:platform => PLATFORM_DESC,
:os => OS_DESC,
:port => PORT_DESC,
:rport => RPORT_DESC,
:rank => RANK_DESC,
:reference => REFERENCE_DESC,
:references => REFERENCES_DESC,
:ref_name => REF_NAME_DESC,
:ref => REF_DESC,
:text => TEXT_DESC,
:target => TARGET_DESC,
:targets => TARGETS_DESC,
:type => TYPE_DESC,
:fields => FIELDS_DESC
parameters.each do | param_key, param_desc |
parameter do
key :in, :query
key :name, param_key
key :required, false
key :description, param_desc
response 200 do
key :description, 'Returns modules matching keywords with appropriate metadata.'
schema do
property :data do
key :type, :array
items do
key :'$ref', :Module
response 401 do
key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401
schema do
key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel
response 500 do
key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500
schema do
key :'$ref', :ErrorModel