
432 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: binary -*-
require 'msf/core'
require 'msf/core/module_manager'
module Msf
# This class is a special case of the generic module set class because
# payloads are generated in terms of combinations between various
# components, such as a stager and a stage. As such, the payload set
# needs to be built on the fly and cannot be simply matched one-to-one
# with a payload module. Yeah, the term module is kind of overloaded
# here, but eat it!
class PayloadSet < ModuleSet
# Creates an instance of a payload set which is just a specialized module
# set class that has custom handling for payloads.
def initialize
# A hash of each of the payload types that holds an array
# for all of the associated modules
self.payload_type_modules = {}
# Initialize the hash entry for each type to an empty list
].each { |type|
self.payload_type_modules[type] = {}
# Initialize hashes for each of the stages and singles. Stagers
# never exist independent. The stages hash will have entries that
# point to another hash that point to the per-stager implementation
# payload class. For instance:
# ['windows/shell']['reverse_tcp']
# Singles will simply point to the single payload class.
self.stages = {} = {}
# Hash that caches the sizes of payloads
self.sizes = {}
# Single instance cache of modules for use with doing quick referencing
# of attributes that would require an instance.
self._instances = {}
# Initializes an empty blob cache
@blob_cache = {}
# Performs custom filtering during each_module enumeration. This allows us
# to filter out certain stagers as necessary.
def each_module_filter(opts, name, mod)
return false
# This method builds the hash of alias names based on all the permutations
# of singles, stagers, and stages.
def recalculate
old_keys = self.keys
new_keys = []
# Recalculate single payloads
_singles.each_pair { |name, op|
mod, handler = op
# Build the payload dupe using the determined handler
# and module
p = build_payload(handler, mod)
# Add it to the set
add_single(p, name, op[5])
new_keys.push name
# Cache the payload's size
sizes[name] = p.cached_size ||
# Don't cache generic payload sizes.
rescue NoCompatiblePayloadError
# Recalculate staged payloads
_stagers.each_pair { |stager_name, op|
stager_mod, handler, stager_platform, stager_arch, stager_inst = op
# Walk the array of stages
_stages.each_pair { |stage_name, ip|
stage_mod, _, stage_platform, stage_arch, stage_inst = ip
# No intersection between platforms on the payloads?
if ((stager_platform) and
(stage_platform) and
(stager_platform & stage_platform).empty?)
dlog("Stager #{stager_name} and stage #{stage_name} have incompatible platforms: #{stager_platform.names} - #{stage_platform.names}", 'core', LEV_2)
# No intersection between architectures on the payloads?
if ((stager_arch) and
(stage_arch) and
((stager_arch & stage_arch).empty?))
dlog("Stager #{stager_name} and stage #{stage_name} have incompatible architectures: #{stager_arch.join} - #{stage_arch.join}", 'core', LEV_2)
# If the stage has a convention, make sure it's compatible with
# the stager's
if ((stage_inst) and (stage_inst.compatible?(stager_inst) == false))
dlog("Stager #{stager_name} and stage #{stage_name} are incompatible.", 'core', LEV_2)
# Build the payload dupe using the handler, stager,
# and stage
p = build_payload(handler, stager_mod, stage_mod)
# If the stager has an alias for the handler type (such as is the
# case for ordinal based stagers), use it in preference of the
# handler's actual type.
if (stager_mod.respond_to?('handler_type_alias') == true)
handler_type = stager_mod.handler_type_alias
handler_type = handler.handler_type
# Associate the name as a combination of the stager and stage
combined = stage_name
# If a valid handler exists for this stager, then combine it
combined += '/' + handler_type
# Sets the modules derived name
p.refname = combined
# Add the stage
add_stage(p, combined, stage_name, handler_type, {
'files' => op[5]['files'] + ip[5]['files'],
'paths' => op[5]['paths'] + ip[5]['paths'],
'type' => op[5]['type']})
new_keys.push combined
# Cache the payload's size
sizes[combined] = p.cached_size ||
# Blow away anything that was cached but didn't exist during the
# recalculation
self.delete_if do |k, v|
next if v == SymbolicModule
!!(old_keys.include?(k) and not new_keys.include?(k))
# This method is called when a new payload module class is loaded up. For
# the payload set we simply create an instance of the class and do some
# magic to figure out if it's a single, stager, or stage. Depending on
# which it is, we add it to the appropriate list.
# @param payload_module [::Module] The module name.
# @param reference_name [String] The module reference name.
# @param modinfo [Hash{String => Array}] additional information about the
# module.
# @option modinfo [Array<String>] 'files' List of paths to the ruby source
# files where +class_or_module+ is defined.
# @option modinfo [Array<String>] 'paths' List of module reference names.
# @option modinfo [String] 'type' The module type, should match positional
# +type+ argument.
# @return [void]
def add_module(payload_module, reference_name, modinfo={})
if (md = reference_name.match(/^(singles|stagers|stages)#{File::SEPARATOR}(.*)$/))
ptype = md[1]
reference_name = md[2]
# Duplicate the Payload base class and extend it with the module
# class that is passed in. This allows us to inspect the actual
# module to see what type it is, and to grab other information for
# our own evil purposes.
instance = build_payload(payload_module).new
# Create an array of information about this payload module
pinfo =
# Use the module's preferred alias if it has one
reference_name = instance.alias if (instance.alias)
# Store the module and alias name for this payload. We
# also convey other information about the module, such as
# the platforms and architectures it supports
payload_type_modules[instance.payload_type][reference_name] = pinfo
# Looks for a payload that matches the specified requirements and
# returns an instance of that payload.
def find_payload(platform, arch, handler, session, payload_type)
# Pre-filter based on platform and architecture.
'Platform' => platform,
'Arch' => arch) { |name, mod|
p =
# We can't substitute one generic with another one.
next if (p.kind_of?(Msf::Payload::Generic))
# Check to see if the handler classes match.
next if (handler and not p.handler_klass.ancestors.include?(handler))
# Check to see if the session classes match.
next if (session and p.session and not p.session.ancestors.include?(session))
# Check for matching payload types
next if (payload_type and p.payload_type != payload_type)
return p
return nil
# Looks for a payload from a given set that matches the specified requirements and
# returns an instance of that payload.
def find_payload_from_set(set, platform, arch, handler, session, payload_type)
set.each do |name, mod|
p =
# We can't substitute one generic with another one.
next if (p.kind_of?(Msf::Payload::Generic))
# Check to see if the handler classes match.
next if (handler and p.handler_klass != handler)
# Check to see if the session classes match.
next if (session and p.session != session)
# Check for matching payload types
next if (payload_type and p.payload_type != payload_type)
return p
return nil
# This method adds a single payload to the set and adds it to the singles
# hash.
def add_single(p, name, modinfo)
p.framework = framework
p.refname = name
p.file_path = modinfo['files'][0]
# Associate this class with the single payload's name
self[name] = p
# Add the singles hash
singles[name] = p
dlog("Built single payload #{name}.", 'core', LEV_2)
# This method adds a stage payload to the set and adds it to the stages
# hash using the supplied handler type.
def add_stage(p, full_name, stage_name, handler_type, modinfo)
p.framework = framework
p.refname = full_name
p.file_path = modinfo['files'][0]
# Associate this stage's full name with the payload class in the set
self[full_name] = p
# Create the hash entry for this stage and then create
# the associated entry for the handler type
stages[stage_name] = {} if (!stages[stage_name])
# Add it to this stage's stager hash
stages[stage_name][handler_type] = p
dlog("Built staged payload #{full_name}.", 'core', LEV_2)
# Returns a single read-only instance of the supplied payload name such
# that specific attributes, like compatibility, can be evaluated. The
# payload instance returned should NOT be used for anything other than
# reading.
def instance(name)
if (self._instances[name] == nil)
self._instances[name] = create(name)
# Returns the hash of payload stagers that have been loaded.
def stagers
# When a payload module is reloaded, the blob cache entry associated with
# it must be removed (if one exists)
def on_module_reload(mod)
@blob_cache.each_key do |key|
if key.start_with? mod.refname
# Adds a blob to the blob cache so that the payload does not have to be
# recompiled in the future
def add_blob_cache(key, blob, offsets)
@blob_cache[key] = [ blob, offsets ]
# Checks to see if a payload has a blob cache entry. If it does, the blob
# is returned to the caller.
def check_blob_cache(key)
# Flushes all entries from the blob cache
def flush_blob_cache
# The list of stages that have been loaded.
attr_reader :stages
# The list of singles that have been loaded.
attr_reader :singles
# The sizes of all the built payloads thus far.
attr_reader :sizes
# Return the hash of single payloads
def _singles
return payload_type_modules[Payload::Type::Single] || {}
# Return the hash of stager payloads
def _stagers
return payload_type_modules[Payload::Type::Stager] || {}
# Return the hash of stage payloads
def _stages
return payload_type_modules[Payload::Type::Stage] || {}
# Builds a duplicate, extended version of the Payload base
# class using the supplied modules.
def build_payload(*modules)
klass =
# Remove nil modules
# Include the modules supplied to us with the mad skillz
# spoonfu style
return klass
attr_accessor :payload_type_modules # :nodoc:
attr_writer :stages, :singles, :sizes # :nodoc:
attr_accessor :_instances # :nodoc: