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require 'rex/socket'
# This class represents the set of parameters that are used to create
# a socket, whether it be a server or client socket.
class Rex::Socket::Parameters
# Factory
# Creates an instance of the Parameters class using the supplied hash.
def self.from_hash(hash)
# Constructor
# Initializes the attributes from the supplied hash. The following hash
# keys can be specified.
# PeerHost / PeerAddr
# The remote host to connect to.
# PeerPort
# The remote port to connect to.
# LocalHost / LocalAddr
# The local host to communicate from, if any.
# LocalPort
# The local port to communicate from, if any.
# Bare
# Create a bare socket.
# Server
# Whether or not this should be a server.
# Whether or not SSL should be used.
# Comm
# The underlying Comm class to use to create the socket for this parameter
# set.
# Context
# A context hash that can allow users of this parameter class instance to
# determine who is responsible for requesting that a socket be created.
# Retries
# The number of times a connection should be retryed.
# Timeout
# The number of seconds before a connection should time out
def initialize(hash)
if (hash['PeerHost'])
self.peerhost = hash['PeerHost']
elsif (hash['PeerAddr'])
self.peerhost = hash['PeerHost']
self.peerhost = nil
if (hash['LocalHost'])
self.localhost = hash['LocalHost']
elsif (hash['LocalAddr'])
self.localhost = hash['LocalAddr']
self.localhost = ''
if (hash['PeerPort'])
self.peerport = hash['PeerPort'].to_i
self.peerport = 0
if (hash['LocalPort'])
self.localport = hash['LocalPort'].to_i
self.localport = 0
if (hash['Bare'])
self.bare = hash['Bare']
self.bare = false
if (hash['SSL'] and hash['SSL'].to_s =~ /^(t|y|1)/i)
self.ssl = true
self.ssl = false
if hash['Proxies']
self.proxies = hash['Proxies'].split('-').map{|a| a.strip}.map{|a| a.split(':').map{|b| b.strip}}
# The protocol this socket will be using
if (hash['Proto'])
self.proto = hash['Proto'].downcase
self.proto = 'tcp'
# Whether or not the socket should be a server
self.server = hash['Server'] || false
# The communication subsystem to use to create the socket
self.comm = hash['Comm']
# The context that was passed in, if any.
self.context = hash['Context'] || {}
# If no comm was supplied, try to use the comm that is best fit to
# handle the provided host based on the current routing table.
if (self.comm == nil and hash['PeerHost'])
self.comm = Rex::Socket::SwitchBoard.best_comm(hash['PeerHost'])
# If we still haven't found a comm, we default to the local comm.
self.comm = Rex::Socket::Comm::Local if (self.comm == nil)
# The number of connection retries to make (client only)
self.retries = hash['Retries'] || 0
# The number of seconds before a connect attempt times out (client only)
self.timeout = hash['Timeout'] || 5
# Whether to force IPv6 addressing
self.v6 = hash['IPv6'] || false
# Conditionals
# Returns true if this represents parameters for a server.
def server?
return (server == true)
# Returns true if this represents parameters for a client.
def client?
return (server == false)
# Returns true if the protocol for the parameters is TCP.
def tcp?
return (proto == 'tcp')
# Returns true if the protocol for the parameters is UDP.
def udp?
return (proto == 'udp')
# Returns true if the protocol for the parameters is IP.
def ip?
return (proto == 'ip')
# Returns true if the socket is a bare socket that does not inherit from
# any extended Rex classes.
def bare?
return (bare == true)
# Returns true if SSL has been requested.
def ssl?
return ssl
# Returns true if IPv6 has been enabled
def v6?
return v6
# Attributes
# The remote host information, equivalent to the PeerHost parameter hash
# key.
attr_accessor :peerhost
# The remote port. Equivalent to the PeerPort parameter hash key.
attr_accessor :peerport
# The local host. Equivalent to the LocalHost parameter hash key.
attr_accessor :localhost
# The local port. Equivalent to the LocalPort parameter hash key.
attr_accessor :localport
# The protocol to to use, such as TCP. Equivalent to the Proto parameter
# hash key.
attr_accessor :proto
# Whether or not this is a server. Equivalent to the Server parameter hash
# key.
attr_accessor :server
# The Comm class that should be used to create the underlying socket.
attr_accessor :comm
# The context hash that was passed in to the structure.
attr_accessor :context
# The number of attempts that should be made.
attr_accessor :retries
# The number of seconds before a connection attempt should time out.
attr_accessor :timeout
# Whether or not this is a bare (non-extended) socket instance that should
# be created.
attr_accessor :bare
# Whether or not SSL should be used to wrap the connection.
attr_accessor :ssl
# Whether we should use IPv6
attr_accessor :v6
attr_accessor :proxies
# Synonyms
alias peeraddr peerhost
alias localaddr localhost