
385 lines
16 KiB

require 'net/ssh/buffer'
require 'net/ssh/known_hosts'
require 'net/ssh/loggable'
require 'net/ssh/transport/cipher_factory'
require 'net/ssh/transport/constants'
require 'net/ssh/transport/hmac'
require 'net/ssh/transport/kex'
require 'net/ssh/transport/server_version'
module Net; module SSH; module Transport
# Implements the higher-level logic behind an SSH key-exchange. It handles
# both the initial exchange, as well as subsequent re-exchanges (as needed).
# It also encapsulates the negotiation of the algorithms, and provides a
# single point of access to the negotiated algorithms.
# You will never instantiate or reference this directly. It is used
# internally by the transport layer.
class Algorithms
include Constants, Loggable
# Define the default algorithms, in order of preference, supported by
# Net::SSH.
:host_key => %w(ssh-rsa ssh-dss),
:kex => %w(diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
:encryption => %w(aes128-cbc 3des-cbc blowfish-cbc cast128-cbc
aes192-cbc aes256-cbc
idea-cbc none arcfour128 arcfour256),
:hmac => %w(hmac-sha1 hmac-md5 hmac-sha1-96 hmac-md5-96 none),
:compression => %w(none zlib),
:language => %w()
# The underlying transport layer session that supports this object
attr_reader :session
# The hash of options used to initialize this object
attr_reader :options
# The kex algorithm to use settled on between the client and server.
attr_reader :kex
# The type of host key that will be used for this session.
attr_reader :host_key
# The type of the cipher to use to encrypt packets sent from the client to
# the server.
attr_reader :encryption_client
# The type of the cipher to use to decrypt packets arriving from the server.
attr_reader :encryption_server
# The type of HMAC to use to sign packets sent by the client.
attr_reader :hmac_client
# The type of HMAC to use to validate packets arriving from the server.
attr_reader :hmac_server
# The type of compression to use to compress packets being sent by the client.
attr_reader :compression_client
# The type of compression to use to decompress packets arriving from the server.
attr_reader :compression_server
# The language that will be used in messages sent by the client.
attr_reader :language_client
# The language that will be used in messages sent from the server.
attr_reader :language_server
# The hash of algorithms preferred by the client, which will be told to
# the server during algorithm negotiation.
attr_reader :algorithms
# The session-id for this session, as decided during the initial key exchange.
attr_reader :session_id
# Returns true if the given packet can be processed during a key-exchange.
def self.allowed_packet?(packet)
( 1.. 4).include?(packet.type) ||
( 6..19).include?(packet.type) ||
# Instantiates a new Algorithms object, and prepares the hash of preferred
# algorithms based on the options parameter and the ALGORITHMS constant.
def initialize(session, options={})
@session = session
@logger = session.logger
@options = options
@algorithms = {}
@pending = @initialized = false
@client_packet = @server_packet = nil
# Request a rekey operation. This will return immediately, and does not
# actually perform the rekey operation. It does cause the session to change
# state, however--until the key exchange finishes, no new packets will be
# processed.
def rekey!
@client_packet = @server_packet = nil
@initialized = false
# Called by the transport layer when a KEXINIT packet is recieved, indicating
# that the server wants to exchange keys. This can be spontaneous, or it
# can be in response to a client-initiated rekey request (see #rekey!). Either
# way, this will block until the key exchange completes.
def accept_kexinit(packet)
info { "got KEXINIT from server" }
@server_data = parse_server_algorithm_packet(packet)
@server_packet = @server_data[:raw]
if !pending?
# A convenience method for accessing the list of preferred types for a
# specific algorithm (see #algorithms).
def [](key)
# Returns +true+ if a key-exchange is pending. This will be true from the
# moment either the client or server requests the key exchange, until the
# exchange completes. While an exchange is pending, only a limited number
# of packets are allowed, so event processing essentially stops during this
# period.
def pending?
# Returns true if no exchange is pending, and otherwise returns true or
# false depending on whether the given packet is of a type that is allowed
# during a key exchange.
def allow?(packet)
!pending? || Algorithms.allowed_packet?(packet)
# Returns true if the algorithms have been negotiated at all.
def initialized?
# Sends a KEXINIT packet to the server. If a server KEXINIT has already
# been received, this will then invoke #proceed! to proceed with the key
# exchange, otherwise it returns immediately (but sets the object to the
# pending state).
def send_kexinit
info { "sending KEXINIT" }
@pending = true
packet = build_client_algorithm_packet
@client_packet = packet.to_s
proceed! if @server_packet
# After both client and server have sent their KEXINIT packets, this
# will do the algorithm negotiation and key exchange. Once both finish,
# the object leaves the pending state and the method returns.
def proceed!
info { "negotiating algorithms" }
@pending = false
# Prepares the list of preferred algorithms, based on the options hash
# that was given when the object was constructed, and the ALGORITHMS
# constant. Also, when determining the host_key type to use, the known
# hosts files are examined to see if the host has ever sent a host_key
# before, and if so, that key type is used as the preferred type for
# communicating with this server.
def prepare_preferred_algorithms!
options[:compression] = %w( zlib) if options[:compression] == true
ALGORITHMS.each do |algorithm, list|
algorithms[algorithm] = list.dup
# apply the preferred algorithm order, if any
if options[algorithm]
algorithms[algorithm] = Array(options[algorithm]).compact.uniq
invalid = algorithms[algorithm].detect { |name| !ALGORITHMS[algorithm].include?(name) }
raise NotImplementedError, "unsupported #{algorithm} algorithm: `#{invalid}'" if invalid
# make sure all of our supported algorithms are tacked onto the
# end, so that if the user tries to give a list of which none are
# supported, we can still proceed.
list.each { |name| algorithms[algorithm] << name unless algorithms[algorithm].include?(name) }
# for convention, make sure our list has the same keys as the server
# list
algorithms[:encryption_client ] = algorithms[:encryption_server ] = algorithms[:encryption]
algorithms[:hmac_client ] = algorithms[:hmac_server ] = algorithms[:hmac]
algorithms[:compression_client] = algorithms[:compression_server] = algorithms[:compression]
algorithms[:language_client ] = algorithms[:language_server ] = algorithms[:language]
if !options.key?(:host_key) and options[:config]
# make sure the host keys are specified in preference order, where any
# existing known key for the host has preference.
existing_keys = KnownHosts.search_for(options[:host_key_alias] || session.host_as_string, options)
host_keys = { |key| key.ssh_type }.uniq
algorithms[:host_key].each do |name|
host_keys << name unless host_keys.include?(name)
algorithms[:host_key] = host_keys
# Parses a KEXINIT packet from the server.
def parse_server_algorithm_packet(packet)
data = { :raw => packet.content } # skip the cookie value
data[:kex] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:host_key] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:encryption_client] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:encryption_server] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:hmac_client] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:hmac_server] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:compression_client] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:compression_server] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:language_client] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
data[:language_server] = packet.read_string.split(/,/)
# TODO: if first_kex_packet_follows, we need to try to skip the
# actual kexinit stuff and try to guess what the server is doing...
# need to read more about this scenario.
first_kex_packet_follows = packet.read_bool
return data
# Given the #algorithms map of preferred algorithm types, this constructs
# a KEXINIT packet to send to the server. It does not actually send it,
# it simply builds the packet and returns it.
def build_client_algorithm_packet
kex = algorithms[:kex ].join(",")
host_key = algorithms[:host_key ].join(",")
encryption = algorithms[:encryption ].join(",")
hmac = algorithms[:hmac ].join(",")
compression = algorithms[:compression].join(",")
language = algorithms[:language ].join(",")
Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:byte, KEXINIT,
:long, [rand(0xFFFFFFFF), rand(0xFFFFFFFF), rand(0xFFFFFFFF), rand(0xFFFFFFFF)],
:string, [kex, host_key, encryption, encryption, hmac, hmac],
:string, [compression, compression, language, language],
:bool, false, :long, 0)
# Given the parsed server KEX packet, and the client's preferred algorithm
# lists in #algorithms, determine which preferred algorithms each has
# in common and set those as the selected algorithms. If, for any algorithm,
# no type can be settled on, an exception is raised.
def negotiate_algorithms
@kex = negotiate(:kex)
@host_key = negotiate(:host_key)
@encryption_client = negotiate(:encryption_client)
@encryption_server = negotiate(:encryption_server)
@hmac_client = negotiate(:hmac_client)
@hmac_server = negotiate(:hmac_server)
@compression_client = negotiate(:compression_client)
@compression_server = negotiate(:compression_server)
@language_client = negotiate(:language_client) rescue ""
@language_server = negotiate(:language_server) rescue ""
debug do
"negotiated:\n" +
[:kex, :host_key, :encryption_server, :encryption_client, :hmac_client, :hmac_server, :compression_client, :compression_server, :language_client, :language_server].map do |key|
"* #{key}: #{instance_variable_get("@#{key}")}"
# Negotiates a single algorithm based on the preferences reported by the
# server and those set by the client. This is called by
# #negotiate_algorithms.
def negotiate(algorithm)
match = self[algorithm].find { |item| @server_data[algorithm].include?(item) }
if match.nil?
raise Net::SSH::Exception, "could not settle on #{algorithm} algorithm"
return match
# Considers the sizes of the keys and block-sizes for the selected ciphers,
# and the lengths of the hmacs, and returns the largest as the byte requirement
# for the key-exchange algorithm.
def kex_byte_requirement
sizes = [8] # require at least 8 bytes
sizes << HMAC.key_length(hmac_client)
sizes << HMAC.key_length(hmac_server)
# Instantiates one of the Transport::Kex classes (based on the negotiated
# kex algorithm), and uses it to exchange keys. Then, the ciphers and
# HMACs are initialized and fed to the transport layer, to be used in
# further communication with the server.
def exchange_keys
debug { "exchanging keys" }
algorithm = Kex::MAP[kex].new(self, session,
:client_version_string => Net::SSH::Transport::ServerVersion::PROTO_VERSION,
:server_version_string => session.server_version.version,
:server_algorithm_packet => @server_packet,
:client_algorithm_packet => @client_packet,
:need_bytes => kex_byte_requirement,
:logger => logger)
result = algorithm.exchange_keys
secret = result[:shared_secret].to_ssh
hash = result[:session_id]
digester = result[:hashing_algorithm]
@session_id ||= hash
key = { |salt| digester.digest(secret + hash + salt + @session_id) }
iv_client = key["A"]
iv_server = key["B"]
key_client = key["C"]
key_server = key["D"]
mac_key_client = key["E"]
mac_key_server = key["F"]
parameters = { :iv => iv_client, :key => key_client, :shared => secret,
:hash => hash, :digester => digester }
cipher_client = CipherFactory.get(encryption_client, parameters.merge(:encrypt => true))
cipher_server = CipherFactory.get(encryption_server, parameters.merge(:iv => iv_server, :key => key_server, :decrypt => true))
mac_client = HMAC.get(hmac_client, mac_key_client)
mac_server = HMAC.get(hmac_server, mac_key_server)
session.configure_client :cipher => cipher_client, :hmac => mac_client,
:compression => normalize_compression_name(compression_client),
:compression_level => options[:compression_level],
:rekey_limit => options[:rekey_limit],
:max_packets => options[:rekey_packet_limit],
:max_blocks => options[:rekey_blocks_limit]
session.configure_server :cipher => cipher_server, :hmac => mac_server,
:compression => normalize_compression_name(compression_server),
:rekey_limit => options[:rekey_limit],
:max_packets => options[:rekey_packet_limit],
:max_blocks => options[:rekey_blocks_limit]
@initialized = true
# Given the SSH name for some compression algorithm, return a normalized
# name as a symbol.
def normalize_compression_name(name)
case name
when "none" then false
when "zlib" then :standard
when "" then :delayed
else raise ArgumentError, "unknown compression type `#{name}'"
end; end; end