
153 lines
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h1. Changelog
h2. 0.5.0
* "Extract Backend::ActiveRecord to a separate gem": (see "i18n-active_record":
* "Improve exception handling": (deprectates I18n.default_exception_handler)
* "Change MissingTranslationData message to 'translation missing:'":
* "Expose MissingTranslationsData#keys method":
* "Improve Cascade#lookup (add default options)":
* "Finally remove deprecated interpolation syntax":
h2. 0.4.2 (2010-10-26)
* "Improve UTF8 handling":
* "Expose I18n::VERSION":
* "Better deprecation output":
h2. 0.4.1 (2010-06-05)
* "Fix interpolation failure on Ruby 1.9":
h2. 0.4.0 (2010-05-27)
* "The localization proc also receives the object as option":
h2. 0.4.0.beta1 (2010-05-03)
* "Renamed Fast backend to Memoize backend":
* "Deprecate {{}} as interpolation syntax":
* "Allow nil translation to be stored again":
h2. 0.4.0.beta (2010-04-30)
* "Added a KeyValue backend":
* "Added transliteration support":
* "Create Flatten backend module to aid handling flatten translations":
* "Decouple the external separator (used when storing translations) from the internal separator in Fast and ActiveRecord backends":
h2. 0.3.7 (2010-04-17)
* "Speed up I18n.normalize_keys by caching reused normalizations and producing less garbage":
h2. 0.3.6 (2010-03-23)
* "Move gettext po parser to lib":
* "Move I18n configuration to I18n.config":
h2. 0.3.5 (2010-02-26)
* "Delegate I18n.normalize_translation_keys to I18n.normalize_keys and deprecate
the former":
h2. 0.3.4 (2010-02-25)
* "Rename I18n.normalize_translation_keys to I18n.normalize_keys and finally make it public":
* "Added CLDR supoprt":
h2. 0.3.3 (2009-12-29)
* "Use lib/i18n/version":
* "Added a benchmark suite":
* "Ensure links can be handled recursively":
* "Make sure we can lookup false values as translation data":
* "Added Fast backend module":
* "Added InterpolationCompiler backend module":
h2. 0.3.2 (2009-12-12)
* "Added Cascade backend":
h2. 0.3.1 (2009-12-11)
* "Add PoParser to gemspec":
* "Enable custom separators for ActiveRecord backend":
* "Pass interpolation values to interpolation procs":
* "Fix that ngettext supports keys with dots":
h2. 0.3.0 (2009-11-30)
* "Gettext backend and helpers":
* "Metadata module":
* "Basic ActiveRecord backend":
* "Set encoding to UTF8 for all files":
* "Chain backend":
* "Backend/cache implementation":
* "Pluralization module":
* "add and adapt Globalize2 fallback implementation":
* "move Simple backend implementation to a Base backend class and extend Simple from Base.":
h2. 0.2.0 (2009-07-12)
* "Allow using Ruby 1.9 syntax for string interpolation (API addition)":
* "Allow configuring the default scope separator, allow to pass a custom scope separator(API addition)": (e.g. I18n.t(:'foo|bar', :separator => '|')
* "Pass :format option to #translate for #localize more useful lambda support":
* "Refactor Simple backend #resolve to #default and #resolve for more consistency. Now allows to pass lambdas as defaults and re-resolve Symbols":
* "Add lambda support to #translate (API addition)":
* "Add lambda support to #localize (API addition)":
h2. 0.1.3 (2009-02-27)
* "Remove unnecessary string encoding handling in the i18n simple backend which made the backend break on Ruby 1.9":
h2. 0.1.2 (2009-01-09)
* "added #available_locales (returns an array of locales for which translations are available)":
* "flatten load_path before using it so that a nested array of paths won't throw up":
h2. 0.1.1 (2008-11-20)
* "Use :'en' as a default locale (in favor of :'en-US')":
* "Add #reload! to Simple backend":
h2. 0.1.0 (2008-10-25)
* "Fix Simple backend to distinguish false from nil values":
* "Add #load_path to public api, add initialize to simple backend and remove #load_translations from public api":
* "Speed up Backend::Simple#interpolate":
* "Remove #populate and #store_translations from public API":
* "Use :other instead of :many as a plural key":
* "Use a class instead of a module for Simple backend":
* "Make Simple backend #interpolate deal with non-ASCII string encodings":
* "Fix default arrays of non-existant keys returning the default array":
h2. Initial implementation (June/July 2008)
Initial implementation by "Sven Fuchs": based on previous discussion/consensus of the rails-i18n team (alphabetical order) and many others:
* "Matt Aimonetti":
* "Sven Fuchs":
* "Joshua Harvey":
* "Saimon Moore":
* "Stephan Soller":
h2. More information
* "Homepage":
* "Wiki":
* "Mailinglist":
* "About the project/history":
* "Initial API Intro":