Tod Beardsley 17ddbccc34
Remove the broken lorcon module set
None of the lorcon / lorcon2 modules have been functional for a long
time, due to the lack of a "Lorcon" gem. It's unclear where it went.

I'm happy to include it and get these working again, but until someone
comes up with some functional code (hint: 'gem install' doesn't work) I
don't see any reason to keep shipping these.

Is there some trick people are doing to make these work? As far as I can
see, they are broken by default.

msf auxiliary(wifun) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/dos/wifi/wifun):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   CHANNEL    11               yes       The initial channel
   DRIVER     autodetect       yes       The name of the wireless driver
for lorcon
   INTERFACE  wlan0            yes       The name of the wireless

msf auxiliary(wifun) > run

[*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: cannot load such file --
[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available
[-] Call stack:
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
2014-04-07 16:37:10 -05:00
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