
127 lines
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require 'msf/base'
module Msf
module Simple
# A simplified exploit wrapper.
module Exploit
include Module
# Wraps the exploitation process in a simple single method. The options
# hash can have the following values passed in it:
# Encoder
# The encoder module that should be used.
# Payload
# The payload module name that should be used.
# Target
# The selected target index.
# Nop
# The NOP generator that should be used in preference.
# OptionStr
# A string of comma separated option values that should be imported into
# the datastore.
# LocalInput
# The local input handle that data can be read in from.
# LocalOutput
# The local output through which data can be displayed.
# RunAsJob
# Whether or not the exploit should be run in the context of a background
# job.
def self.exploit_simple(exploit, opts)
# Make sure parameters are valid.
if (opts['Payload'] == nil)
raise MissingPayloadError,
"You must specify a payload.", caller
# Start it up
driver =
# Initialize the driver instance
driver.exploit = exploit
driver.payload = exploit.framework.modules.create(opts['Payload'])
# Set the force wait for session flag if the caller requested force
# blocking. This is so that passive exploits can be blocked on from
# things like the cli.
driver.force_wait_for_session = true if (opts['ForceBlocking'] == true)
# Was the payload valid?
if (driver.payload == nil)
raise MissingPayloadError,
"You specified an invalid payload: #{opts['Payload']}", caller
# Use the supplied encoder, if any. If one was not specified, then
# nil will be assigned causing the exploit to default to picking the
# best encoder.
exploit.datastore['ENCODER'] = opts['Encoder']
# Force the payload to share the exploit's datastore
# If we still have no target index, try to use the datastore's index
target_idx = opts['Target'] || exploit.default_target
# Convert it to an integer if it's valid
if (target_idx)
target_idx = target_idx.to_i
if (target_idx == nil or target_idx < 0)
raise MissingTargetError,
"You must select a target.", caller
driver.target_idx = target_idx
# Set the payload and exploit's subscriber values
driver.exploit.init_ui(opts['LocalInput'], opts['LocalOutput'])
driver.payload.init_ui(opts['LocalInput'], opts['LocalOutput'])
if (opts['RunAsJob'])
driver.use_job = true
# Let's rock this party
session =
return session
# Calls the class method.
def exploit_simple(opts)
Msf::Simple::Exploit.exploit_simple(self, opts)