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333 lines
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=[ WMAP v0.2 ET LoWNOISE et[]metasploit.com
"Metasploit goes Web" ,H D Moore.
=[ Intro.
WMAP is a general purpose web application scanning framework for
Metasploit 3. The architechture is simple and its simplicity is what makes
it powerfull. It's a different approach compared to other open source
alternatives and commercial scanners, as WMAP is not build around any browser
or spider for data capture and manipulation.
=[ How it works.
In the WMAP design, the attack proxy acts as a data gathering tool. All
traffic between the client(s) (i.e. favorite browser and/or spider) will be
stored in the MSF database. (See figure.)
| ^
| |
[MSF 3 - WMAP MODULES] -----+
WMAP is a Metasploit plugin and will interact with the database, reading all
gathered traffic, processing it and launching the different tests
implemented as modules. As WMAP Modules are MSF Modules they can be easily
implemented, and can be run manually from the command line or automatically
via WMAP.
As you may see this simple architecture allows you to have different
distributed clients and even different proxies all storing data to the
central repository. Remember everything is based on Metasploit, the test
modules are implemented as auxiliary modules and they can interact with any
other MSF component including the database, exploits and plugins.
=[ WMAP Modules.
The test modules implemented at this time are basic and will improve over
time not only in quality and quantity, so you are more than welcome to
submit new modules.
Each module has a WMAP type, this determine when the module is launched and
to a certain degree, the minimum type of information it requires to be
executed. The best way to develop a new test for WMAP, is to use already
implemented modules as a base and then develop a normal MSF module that can
be run manually from the command line. To enable a module to be run
automatically via WMAP just include the mixin that determine the type
of the module.
include Auxiliary::WMAPScanFile
The following are the types of modules implemented at this time and they are
listed in the order WMAP runs them:
WMAPScanServer - Run once against the target Web Server
WMAPScanDir - Runs for every directory found in the target
WMAPScanFile - Runs for every file found in the target
WMAPScanUniqueQuery - Runs for every unique query found in each request to the
WMAPScanQuery - Runs for every query found in each request to the target
WMAPScanBody - Runs for every Body found in each request to the target
WMAPScanHeaders - Runs for every Header found in each request to the target
WMAPScanGeneric - Modules to be run after all tests complete. Good place to
perform passive analysis of responses, analysis of test
results to launch other modules (i.e. exploits).
=[ Reporting.
Each module is capable of storing reporting information.
Reporting key concepts:
+ Reporting is used to gather and store data
+ Bye bye to useless risk levels
+ Data is not only findings (i.e vulnerabilities) but also any relevant
data (i.e. Database name from a SQL injection)
+ Data is available to other modules so reporting becomes a method to
share information
+ Data has context and that context is preserved.
+ Context is preserved by having a tree structure in the Report database
+ Every report entry has a parent_id the top parent_id is 0 and only used
to create a report entry (this allows for the storage of multiple reports)
+ The report table is basically a type,name,value database.
+ This schema allows the storage of data/vulnerabilities with any classification/naming
convention. (very useful to store vulnerabilities discovered in year 2060).
So how it works:
When q module is executed (using WMAP 'wmap_run -e' or standalone):
WMAP creates a new report entry, then in each module when something is found or
something needs to be reported the module should implement the following lines:
if (vulnerability is found)
print_status("FOUND BLAH BLAH BLAH")
rep_id = wmap_base_report_id(
vuln_id = wmap_report(rep_id,'VULNERABILITY','SQL_INJECTION',url_path,"A SQL injection
vulnerability was found in the following URL in the parameter 'test'")
NOTE: wmap_report() returns the id of this entry
wmap_report(vuln_id,'SQL_INJECTION','PARAMETER',parameter,"Notes balh blah")
wmap_report(vuln_id,'SQL_INJECTION','TYPE','String',"Notes 2 balh blah")
If you are connected to a database (db_connect) then reporting is active and every module executed will
store its results for reporting. Even if you define a RHOSTS range then the results auto-magically will
be organized per host,port as wmap_base_report_id() returns the last available report for the specified
host,port,ssl target.
Anything can be represented and reported and other modules will have access to this information to do
whatever they want.
To view available reports use the 'wmap_reports' command:
msf > load db_sqlite3
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_sqlite3
msf > load db_wmap
[*] =[ WMAP v0.2 - ET LoWNOISE
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_wmap
msf > db_connect
[*] Successfully connected to the database
[*] File: /Users/et/.msf3/sqlite3.db
msf > wmap_reports -p
[*] Id. Created Target (host,port,ssl)
1. Wed Oct 22 23:22:16 -0500 2008 XX.XXX.XXX.XXX,80,0
[*] Done.
msf > wmap_reports -s 1
WMAP REPORT: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX,80,0 Metasploit WMAP Report [Wed Oct 22 23:22:16 -0500 2008]
WEB_SERVER TYPE: Apache [Wed Oct 22 23:22:16 -0500 2008]
VULNERABILITY SQL_INJECTION: /test.asp SQL injection found. [Wed Oct 22 23:22:31 -0500 2008]
SQL_INJECTION PARAMETER: id [Wed Oct 22 23:22:31 -0500 2008]
SQL_INJECTION TYPE: String [Wed Oct 22 23:22:31 -0500 2008]
[*] Done.
=[ Simple example.
The following are the basic steps for testing a web server/app using WMAP:
1. Mentally choose a target ...;
2. Launch a wmap enabled attack proxy;
NOTE: Eventually WMAP will include its own attack proxy code and spider
and at this time WMAP integrates very well with lcamtuf's ratproxy
(via a patch located in the /external/ratproxy directory).
ratproxy (ratproxy_wmap.diff applied) basic example:
$ ./ratproxy -v /Users/et/.msf3/ -b sqlite3.db
ratproxy version 1.51-beta by <lcamtuf@google.com>
[*] Proxy configured successfully. Have fun, and please do not be evil.
[+] Accepting connections on port 8080/tcp (local only)...
NOTE: If you want to use a different database than the default MSF database
or was destroyed. You have to create again the database with the 'db_create'
command. 'db_create <path/database>':
msf > db_create /dir/target_test.db
[*] Creating a new database instance...
[*] Successfully connected to the database
[*] File: /dir/target_test.db
3. Browse the target by running your favorite spider/crawler/browser etc.
NOTE: Dont forget to configure the proxy;
4. In Metasploit load the db_<database> plugin;
$ ./msfconsole
| | _) |
__ `__ \ _ \ __| _` | __| __ \ | _ \ | __|
| | | __/ | ( |\__ \ | | | ( | | |
_| _| _|\___|\__|\__,_|____/ .__/ _|\___/ _|\__|
=[ msf v3.2-release
+ -- --=[ 304 exploits - 172 payloads
+ -- --=[ 20 encoders - 6 nops
=[ 74 aux
msf > load db_sqlite3
msf > load db_wmap
[*] =[ WMAP v0.2 - ET LoWNOISE
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_wmap
5. Connect to the WMAP database;
msf > db_connect
[*] Successfully connected to the database
[*] File: /users/et/.msf3/sqlite3.db
msf > wmap_targets -r
[*] Reloading targets...
[*] Added. metasploit.com 80 0
[*] Added. target.com 80 0
[*] Added. framework.metasploit.com 80 0
[*] Added. www.uninformed.org 80 0
6. View available targets;
msf > wmap_targets -p
[*] Id. Host Port SSL
[*] 1. metasploit.com 80
[*] 2. target.com 80
[*] 3. framework.metasploit.com 80
[*] 4. www.uninformed.org 80
[*] Done.
7. Select target (i.e. select target.com);
msf > wmap_targets -s 2
msf > wmap_targets -p
[*] Id. Host Port SSL
[*] 1. metasploit.com 80
[*] => 2. target.com 80
[*] 3. framework.metasploit.com 80
[*] 4. www.uninformed.org 80
[*] Done.
8. View target website structure;
msf > wmap_website
[*] Website structure
[*] target.com:80 SSL:0
+------ index.asp
| images
| +------ logo.gif
+------ login.asp
| menu
| +------ menu.asp
| +------ logout.asp
| +------ help.asp
[*] Done.
9. List loaded modules;
msf > wmap_run -t
[*] Loaded auxiliary/scanner/http/wmap_vhost_scanner ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/scanner/http/frontpage_login ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/scanner/http/version ...
[*] Loaded auxiliary/scanner/http/wmap_blind_sql_query ...
[*] Analysis completed in 3.1337145306448364 seconds.
[*] Done.
10. If a test module requires a specific parameter to be set
or you want to modify the value of a predefined variable,
this can be done with the 'setg' command.
msf > setg DOMAIN targetco.com
DOMAIN => targetco.com
msf > setg EXT .asp
EXT => .asp
11. Test the target;
msf > wmap_run -e
[*] Launching auxiliary/scanner/http/wmap_vhost_scanner WMAP_SERVER against
[*] Sending request with random domain rGvsV.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found admin.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found services.targetco.com
[*] Vhost found webmail.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found console.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found apps.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found mail.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found intranet.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found intra.targetco.com
[*] NOT Found corporate.targetco.com
[*] Launching auxiliary/scanner/http/frontpage WMAP_SERVER against
[*] http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 is running Apache
[*] FrontPage not found on [302 Object Moved]
[*] Done.
=[ TODO.
This is first release version of WMAP and as you know, the Metasploit project
welcomes feedback, comments, ideas, patches, module, etc. This TODO list is
more of a placeholder of the things you may see in the near future.
- Add more commands
- Add more types of reports (PDF, XML, etc.)
- Develop more modules
- Create more module types to perform tasks like response analysis
- Support other databases (only sqlite3 supported at this time)
- Develop plugins for more proxies
- Develop WMAP Proxy
- Develop WMAP Spider
- Include you idea here.
=[ EOF. ET LoWNOISE et[]metasploit.com 2008.