129 lines
4.4 KiB
129 lines
4.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite
# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT
# Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory
# this sample shows how to compile an executable file from source
# use --exe PE to compile a PE/ELF/MachO etc
# use --cpu MIPS/--16/--be to change the CPU
# the arg is a source file (c or asm) (some arch may not yet support C compiling)
# defaults to encoding a shellcode, use --exe to override (or the scripts samples/{elf,pe}encode)
# to compile a shellcode to a cstring, use --cstring
require 'metasm'
require 'optparse'
$opts ||= {}
$opts = {
:execlass => Metasm::Shellcode,
:cpu => Metasm::Ia32.new,
:exetype => :bin,
:macros => {}
OptionParser.new { |opt|
opt.on('-o file', 'output filename') { |f| $opts[:outfilename] = f }
opt.on('-f') { $opts[:overwrite_outfile] = true }
opt.on('--c', 'parse source as a C file') { $opts[:srctype] = 'c' }
opt.on('--asm', 'parse asm as an ASM file') { $opts[:srctype] = 'asm' }
opt.on('--stdin', 'parse source on stdin') { ARGV << '-' }
opt.on('-v', '-W', 'verbose') { $VERBOSE=true }
opt.on('-d', 'debug') { $DEBUG=$VERBOSE=true }
opt.on('-D var=val', 'define a preprocessor macro') { |v| v0, v1 = v.split('=', 2) ; $opts[:macros][v0] = v1 }
opt.on('--cstring', 'encode output as a C string') { $opts[:to_string] = :c }
opt.on('--jsstring', 'encode output as a js string') { $opts[:to_string] = :js }
opt.on('--string', 'encode output as a string to stdout') { $opts[:to_string] = :inspect }
opt.on('--varname name', 'the variable name for string output') { |v| $opts[:varname] = v }
opt.on('-e class', '--exe class', 'use a specific ExeFormat class') { |c| $opts[:execlass] = Metasm.const_get(c) }
opt.on('--cpu cpu', 'use a specific CPU class') { |c| $opts[:cpu] = Metasm.const_get(c).new }
# must come after --cpu in commandline
opt.on('--16', 'set cpu in 16bit mode') { $opts[:cpu].size = 16 }
opt.on('--le', 'set cpu in little-endian mode') { $opts[:cpu].endianness = :little }
opt.on('--be', 'set cpu in big-endian mode') { $opts[:cpu].endianness = :big }
opt.on('--fno-pic', 'generate position-dependant code') { $opts[:cpu].generate_PIC = false }
opt.on('--shared', 'generate shared library') { $opts[:exetype] = :lib }
opt.on('--ruby-module-hack', 'use the dynldr module hack to use any ruby lib available for ruby symbols') { $opts[:dldrhack] = true }
src = $opts[:macros].map { |k, v| "#define #{k} #{v}\n" }.join
if file = ARGV.shift
$opts[:srctype] ||= 'c' if file =~ /\.c$/
if file == '-'
src << $stdin.read
src << File.read(file)
$opts[:srctype] ||= $opts[:srctype_data]
src << DATA.read # the text after __END__ in this file
if $opts[:outfilename] and not $opts[:overwrite_outfile] and File.exist?($opts[:outfilename])
abort "Error: target file exists !"
if $opts[:srctype] == 'c'
exe = $opts[:execlass].compile_c($opts[:cpu], src, file)
exe = $opts[:execlass].assemble($opts[:cpu], src, file)
if $opts[:to_string]
str = exe.encode_string
$opts[:varname] ||= File.basename(file.to_s)[/^\w+/] || 'sc' # derive varname from filename
case $opts[:to_string]
when :inspect
str = "#{$opts[:varname]} = #{str.inspect}"
when :c
str = ["unsigned char #{$opts[:varname]}[#{str.length}] = "] + str.scan(/.{1,19}/m).map { |l|
'"' + l.unpack('C*').map { |c| '\\x%02x' % c }.join + '"'
str.last << ?;
when :js
str << 0 if str.length & 1 != 0
str = ["#{$opts[:varname]} = "] + str.scan(/.{2,20}/m).map { |l|
'"' + l.unpack($opts[:cpu].endianness == :little ? 'v*' : 'n*').map { |c| '%%u%04x' % c }.join + '"+'
str.last[-1] = ?;
if of = $opts[:outfilename]
abort "Error: target file #{of.inspect} exists !" if File.exists? of and not $opts[:overwrite_outfile]
File.open(of, 'w') { |fd| fd.puts str }
puts "saved to file #{of.inspect}"
puts str
of = $opts[:outfilename] ||= 'a.out'
abort "Error: target file #{of.inspect} exists !" if File.exists? of and not $opts[:overwrite_outfile]
Metasm::DynLdr.compile_binary_module_hack(exe) if $opts[:dldrhack]
exe.encode_file(of, $opts[:exetype])
puts "saved to file #{of.inspect}"
#include <asm/unistd.h>
jmp getip
mov eax, __NR_write
mov ebx, 1
pop ecx
mov edx, strend-str
int 80h
mov eax, __NR_exit
mov ebx, 1
int 80h
call gotip
str db "Hello, world!", 0xa