
333 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: binary -*-
require 'msf/core'
require 'fastlib'
require 'pathname'
# Define used for a place-holder module that is used to indicate that the
# module has not yet been demand-loaded. Soon to go away.
Msf::SymbolicModule = '__SYMBOLIC__'
# A module set contains zero or more named module classes of an arbitrary
# type.
class Msf::ModuleSet < Hash
include Msf::Framework::Offspring
# Wrapper that detects if a symbolic module is in use. If it is, it creates an instance to demand load the module
# and then returns the now-loaded class afterwords.
# @param [String] name the module reference name
# @return [Msf::Module] instance of the of the Msf::Module subclass with the given reference name
def [](name)
if (super == Msf::SymbolicModule)
# Create an instance of the supplied module by its name
# @param name [String] The module reference name.
# @return [Msf::Module,nil] Instance of the named module or nil if it
# could not be created.
def create(name)
klass = fetch(name, nil)
instance = nil
# If there is no module associated with this class, then try to demand
# load it.
if klass.nil? or klass == Msf::SymbolicModule
framework.modules.load_cached_module(module_type, name)
klass = fetch(name, nil)
# If the klass is valid for this name, try to create it
unless klass.nil? or klass == Msf::SymbolicModule
instance =
# Notify any general subscribers of the creation event
if instance
return instance
# Overrides the builtin 'each' operator to avoid the following exception on Ruby 1.9.2+
# "can't add a new key into hash during iteration"
# @yield [module_reference_name, module]
# @yieldparam [String] module_reference_name the name of the module.
# @yieldparam [Class] module The module class: a subclass of Msf::Module.
# @return [void]
def each(&block)
list = []
self.keys.sort.each do |sidx|
list << [sidx, self[sidx]]
# Enumerates each module class in the set.
# @param opts (see #each_module_list)
# @yield (see #each_module_list)
# @yieldparam (see #each_module_list)
# @return (see #each_module_list)
def each_module(opts = {}, &block)
self.mod_sorted = self.sort
each_module_list(mod_sorted, opts, &block)
# Custom each_module filtering if an advanced set supports doing extended filtering.
# @param opts (see #each_module_list)
# @param [String] name the module reference name
# @param [Array<String, Class>] entry pair of the module reference name and the module class.
# @return [false] if the module should not be filtered; it should be yielded by {#each_module_list}.
# @return [true] if the module should be filtered; it should not be yielded by {#each_module_list}.
def each_module_filter(opts, name, entry)
return false
# Enumerates each module class in the set based on their relative ranking to one another. Modules that are ranked
# higher are shown first.
# @param opts (see #each_module_list)
# @yield (see #each_module_list)
# @yieldparam (see #each_module_list)
# @return (see #each_module_list)
def each_module_ranked(opts = {}, &block)
self.mod_ranked = rank_modules
each_module_list(mod_ranked, opts, &block)
# Forces all modules in this set to be loaded.
# @return [void]
def force_load_set
each_module { |name, mod| }
# Initializes a module set that will contain modules of a specific type and expose the mechanism necessary to create
# instances of them.
# @param [String] type The type of modules cached by this {Msf::ModuleSet}.
def initialize(type = nil)
# Defaults
self.ambiguous_module_reference_name_set =
# Hashes that convey the supported architectures and platforms for a
# given module
self.architectures_by_module = {}
self.platforms_by_module = {}
self.mod_sorted = nil
self.mod_ranked = nil
self.mod_extensions = []
# Arguments
self.module_type = type
# @!attribute [r] module_type
# The type of modules stored by this {Msf::ModuleSet}.
# @return [String] type of modules
attr_reader :module_type
# Gives the module set an opportunity to handle a module reload event
# @param [Class] mod the module class: a subclass of Msf::Module
# @return [void]
def on_module_reload(mod)
# Dummy placeholder to recalculate aliases and other fun things.
# @return [void]
def recalculate
# Checks to see if the supplied module name is valid.
# @return [true] if the module can be {#create created} and cached.
# @return [false] otherwise
def valid?(name)
(self[name]) ? true : false
# Adds a module with a the supplied name.
# @param [Class] mod The module class: a subclass of Msf::Module.
# @param [String] name The module reference name
# @param [Hash{String => Object}] modinfo optional module information
# @return [Class] The mod parameter modified to have {Msf::Module#framework}, {Msf::Module#refname},
# {Msf::Module#file_path}, and {Msf::Module#orig_cls} set.
def add_module(mod, name, modinfo = nil)
# Set the module's name so that it can be referenced when
# instances are created.
mod.framework = framework
mod.refname = name
mod.file_path = ((modinfo and modinfo['files']) ? modinfo['files'][0] : nil)
mod.orig_cls = mod
# don't want to trigger a create, so use fetch
cached_module = self.fetch(name, nil)
if (cached_module and cached_module != Msf::SymbolicModule)
# TODO this isn't terribly helpful since the refnames will always match, that's why they are ambiguous.
wlog("The module #{mod.refname} is ambiguous with #{self[name].refname}.")
self[name] = mod
# Load all modules that are marked as being symbolic.
# @return [void]
def demand_load_modules
found_symbolics = false
# Pre-scan the module list for any symbolic modules
self.each_pair { |name, mod|
if (mod == Msf::SymbolicModule)
found_symbolics = true
mod = create(name)
next if (mod.nil?)
# If we found any symbolic modules, then recalculate.
if (found_symbolics)
# Enumerates the modules in the supplied array with possible limiting factors.
# @param [Array<Array<String, Class>>] ary Array of module reference name and module class pairs
# @param [Hash{String => Object}] opts
# @option opts [Array<String>] 'Arch' List of 1 or more architectures that the module must support. The module need
# only support one of the architectures in the array to be included, not all architectures.
# @option opts [Array<String>] 'Platform' List of 1 or more platforms that the module must support. The module need
# only support one of the platforms in the array to be include, not all platforms.
# @yield [module_reference_name, module]
# @yieldparam [String] module_reference_name the name of module
# @yieldparam [Class] module The module class: a subclass of {Msf::Module}.
# @return [void]
def each_module_list(ary, opts, &block)
ary.each { |entry|
name, mod = entry
# Skip any lingering symbolic modules.
next if (mod == Msf::SymbolicModule)
# Filter out incompatible architectures
if (opts['Arch'])
if (!architectures_by_module[mod])
architectures_by_module[mod] =
next if ((architectures_by_module[mod] & opts['Arch']).empty? == true)
# Filter out incompatible platforms
if (opts['Platform'])
if (!platforms_by_module[mod])
platforms_by_module[mod] =
next if ((platforms_by_module[mod] & opts['Platform']).empty? == true)
# Custom filtering
next if (each_module_filter(opts, name, entry) == true), mod)
# @!attribute [rw] ambiguous_module_reference_name_set
# Set of module reference names that are ambiguous because two or more paths have modules with the same reference
# name
# @return [Set<String>] set of module reference names loaded from multiple paths.
attr_accessor :ambiguous_module_reference_name_set
# @!attribute [rw] architectures_by_module
# Maps a module to the list of architectures it supports.
# @return [Hash{Class => Array<String>}] Maps module class to Array of architecture Strings.
attr_accessor :architectures_by_module
attr_accessor :mod_extensions
# @!attribute [rw] platforms_by_module
# Maps a module to the list of platforms it supports.
# @return [Hash{Class => Array<String>}] Maps module class to Array of platform Strings.
attr_accessor :platforms_by_module
# @!attribute [rw] mod_ranked
# Array of module names and module classes ordered by their Rank with the higher Ranks first.
# @return (see #rank_modules)
attr_accessor :mod_ranked
# @!attribute [rw] mod_sorted
# Array of module names and module classes ordered by their names.
# @return [Array<Array<String, Class>>] Array of arrays where the inner array is a pair of the module reference
# name and the module class.
attr_accessor :mod_sorted
# @!attribute [w] module_type
# The type of modules stored by this {Msf::ModuleSet}.
# @return [String] type of modules
attr_writer :module_type
# Ranks modules based on their constant rank value, if they have one. Modules without a Rank are treated as if they
# had {Msf::NormalRanking} for Rank.
# @return [Array<Array<String, Class>>] Array of arrays where the inner array is a pair of the module reference name
# and the module class.
def rank_modules
self.mod_ranked = self.sort { |a, b|
a_name, a_mod = a
b_name, b_mod = b
# Dynamically loads the module if needed
a_mod = create(a_name) if a_mod == Msf::SymbolicModule
b_mod = create(b_name) if b_mod == Msf::SymbolicModule
# Extract the ranking between the two modules
a_rank = a_mod.const_defined?('Rank') ? a_mod.const_get('Rank') : Msf::NormalRanking
b_rank = b_mod.const_defined?('Rank') ? b_mod.const_get('Rank') : Msf::NormalRanking
# Compare their relevant rankings. Since we want highest to lowest,
# we compare b_rank to a_rank in terms of higher/lower precedence
b_rank <=> a_rank