
135 lines
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== 0.16.0, release 2012-08-14
* Add enum to string arguments
== 0.15.4, release 2012-06-29
* Fix regression when destination root contains reserved regexp characters
== 0.15.3, release 2012-06-18
* Support strict_args_position! for backwards compatibility
* Escape Dir glob characters in paths
== 0.15.2, released 2012-05-07
* Added print_in_columns
* Exposed terminal_width as a public API
== 0.15.1, release 2012-05-06
* Fix Ruby 1.8 truncation bug with unicode chars
* Fix shell delegate methods to pass their block
* Don't output trailing spaces when printing the last column in a table
== 0.15, released 2012-04-29
* Alias method_options to options
* Refactor say to allow multiple colors
* Exposed error as a public API
* Exposed file_collision as a public API
* Exposed print_wrapped as a public API
* Exposed set_color as a public API
* Fix number-formatting bugs in print_table
* Fix "indent" typo in print_table
* Fix Errno::EPIPE when piping tasks to `head`
* More friendly error messages
== 0.14, released 2010-07-25
* Added CreateLink class and #link_file method
* Made Thor::Actions#run use system as default method for system calls
* Allow use of private methods from superclass as tasks
* Added mute(&block) method which allows to run block without any output
* Removed config[:pretend]
* Enabled underscores for command line switches
* Added Thor::Base.basename which is used by both Thor.banner and Thor::Group.banner
* Deprecated invoke() without arguments
* Added :only and :except to check_unknown_options
== 0.13, released 2010-02-03
* Added :lazy_default which is only triggered if a switch is given
* Added Thor::Shell::HTML
* Added subcommands
* Decoupled Thor::Group and Thor, so it's easier to vendor
* Added check_unknown_options! in case you want error messages to be raised in valid switches
* run(command) should return the results of command
== 0.12, released 2010-01-02
* Methods generated by attr_* are automatically not marked as tasks
* inject_into_file does not add the same content twice, unless :force is set
* Removed rr in favor to rspec mock framework
* Improved output for thor -T
* [#7] Do not force white color on status
* [#8] Yield a block with the filename on directory
== 0.11, released 2009-07-01
* Added a rake compatibility layer. It allows you to use spec and rdoc tasks on
Thor classes.
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: aliases are not generated automatically anymore
since it may cause wrong behavior in the invocation system.
* thor help now show information about any class/task. All those calls are
thor help describe
thor help describe:amazing
Or even with default namespaces:
thor help :spec
* Thor::Runner now invokes the default task if none is supplied:
thor describe # invokes the default task, usually help
* Thor::Runner now works with mappings:
thor describe -h
* Added some documentation and code refactoring.
== 0.9.8, released 2008-10-20
* Fixed some tiny issues that were introduced lately.
== 0.9.7, released 2008-10-13
* Setting global method options on the initialize method works as expected:
All other tasks will accept these global options in addition to their own.
* Added 'group' notion to Thor task sets (class Thor); by default all tasks
are in the 'standard' group. Running 'thor -T' will only show the standard
tasks - adding --all will show all tasks. You can also filter on a specific
group using the --group option: thor -T --group advanced
== 0.9.6, released 2008-09-13
* Generic improvements
== 0.9.5, released 2008-08-27
* Improve Windows compatibility
* Update (incorrect) README and task.thor sample file
* Options hash is now frozen (once returned)
* Allow magic predicates on options object. For instance: `options.force?`
* Add support for :numeric type
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Refactor Thor::Options. You cannot access shorthand forms in options hash anymore (for instance, options[:f])
* Allow specifying optional args with default values: method_options(:user => "mislav")
* Don't write options for nil or false values. This allows, for example, turning color off when running specs.
* Exit with the status of the spec command to help CI stuff out some.
== 0.9.4, released 2008-08-13
* Try to add Windows compatibility.
* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: options hash is now accessed as a property in your class and is not passed as last argument anymore
* Allow options at the beginning of the argument list as well as the end.
* Make options available with symbol keys in addition to string keys.
* Allow true to be passed to Thor#method_options to denote a boolean option.
* If loading a thor file fails, don't give up, just print a warning and keep going.
* Make sure that we re-raise errors if they happened further down the pipe than we care about.
* Only delete the old file on updating when the installation of the new one is a success
* Make it Ruby 1.8.5 compatible.
* Don't raise an error if a boolean switch is defined multiple times.
* Thor::Options now doesn't parse through things that look like options but aren't.
* Add URI detection to install task, and make sure we don't append ".thor" to URIs
* Add rake2thor to the gem binfiles.
* Make sure local Thorfiles override system-wide ones.