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Feature: Launching `msfconsole`
Scenario: Starting `msfconsole` without a database.yml
Given I run `msfconsole` interactively
And I wait for stdout to contain "Free Metasploit Pro trial:"
When I type "db_status"
And I type "exit"
Then the output should contain "[*] postgresql selected, no connection"
Scenario: Starting `msfconsole` with an invalid database.yml
Given a file named "database.yml" with:
development: &pgsql
adapter: postgresql
database: metasploit_framework_development
username: postgres
port: 6543
pool: 5
timeout: 5
<<: *pgsql
<<: *pgsql
database: metasploit_framework_test
Given I run `msfconsole -y database.yml` interactively
And I wait for stdout to contain "Free Metasploit Pro trial:"
When I type "db_status"
And I type "exit"
Then the output should contain "[-] Failed to connect to the database: could not connect to server"
Then the output should contain "[*] postgresql selected, no connection"
Scenario: Starting `msfconsole` with a valid database.yml
Given I run `msfconsole` interactively
And I wait for stdout to contain "Free Metasploit Pro trial:"
When I type "db_status"
And I type "exit"
Then the output should contain "[*] postgresql connected to metasploit_framework_test"