#!/usr/bin/ruby $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..')) require 'rex/test' require 'rex/proto/smb' require 'rex/proto/dcerpc' require 'rex/socket' class Rex::Proto::SMB::SimpleClient::UnitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase Klass = Rex::Proto::SMB::SimpleClient # Alias over the Rex DCERPC protocol modules DCERPCPacket = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Packet DCERPCClient = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Client DCERPCResponse = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Response DCERPCUUID = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID XCEPT = Rex::Proto::SMB::Exceptions FILE_CREATE = 0x10 FILE_TRUNC = 0x02 FILE_OPEN = 0x01 def test_smb_open_share user = 'SMBTest' pass = 'SMBTest' share = 'C$' write_data = ('A' * (1024 * 8)) filename = 'smb_tester.txt' begin timeout($_REX_TEST_TIMEOUT) { s = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => $_REX_TEST_SMB_HOST, 'PeerPort' => 445 ) c = Klass.new(s, true) c.client.evasion_level = 0 begin c.login('*SMBSERVER', user, pass) rescue XCEPT::LoginError flunk('login failure') end c.connect(share) f = c.open(filename, 'rwct') f << write_data f.close f = c.open(filename, 'ro') d = f.read() f.close c.delete(filename) c.disconnect(share) s.close } rescue Timeout::Error flunk('timeout') end end def test_smb_dcerpc begin timeout($_REX_TEST_TIMEOUT) { s = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => $_REX_TEST_SMB_HOST, 'PeerPort' => 445 ) c = Klass.new(s, true) c.client.evasion_level = 0 user = '' pass = '' begin c.login('*SMBSERVER', user, pass) rescue XCEPT::LoginError flunk('login failure') end c.connect('IPC$') f = c.create_pipe('\BROWSER') bind, ctx = DCERPCPacket.make_bind_fake_multi( '4b324fc8-1670-01d3-1278-5a47bf6ee188', '3.0', 10, 4 ) # Evasion techniques: # 1) Write the bind out a few bytes at a time with a random offset # 2) Read the response back a few bytes at a time with a random offset # Write the bind request out in random chunk sizes while (bind.length > 0) f.write( bind.slice!(0, (rand(20)+5)), rand(1024)+1 ) end d = '' # Read the response back a few bytes a time begin while(true) t = (f.read((rand(20)+5), rand(1024)+1)) last if ! t.length d << t end rescue XCEPT::NoReply end r = DCERPCResponse.new(d) assert_equal(r.type, 12) assert_equal(r.ack_result[ctx-0], 0) assert_equal(r.ack_result[ctx-1], 2) s.close } rescue Timeout::Error flunk('timeout') end end end