require 'spec_helper' load Metasploit::Framework.root.join('tools/exploit/virustotal.rb').to_path require 'msfenv' require 'msf/base' require 'digest/sha2' RSpec.describe VirusTotalUtility do context "Classes" do let(:api_key) do 'FAKE_API_KEY' end let(:filename) do 'MALWARE.EXE' end let(:malware_data) do 'DATA' end describe VirusTotalUtility::ToolConfig do context "Class methods" do let(:tool_config) do end context ".Initializer" do it "should init the config file path as Metasploit's default config path" do expect(tool_config.instance_variable_get(:@config_file)).to eq(Msf::Config.config_file) end it "should init the group name as 'VirusTotal'" do expect(tool_config.instance_variable_get(:@group_name)).to eq('VirusTotal') end end end end describe VirusTotalUtility::VirusTotal do context "Class methods" do let(:malware_sha256) do Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(malware_data) end let(:sample) do { 'filename' => filename, 'data' => malware_data, 'sha256' => malware_sha256 } end let(:boundary) do 'THEREAREMANYLIKEITBUTTHISISMYDATA' end let(:scan_sample_opts) do opts = { 'boundary' => boundary, 'api_key' => api_key, 'filename' => filename, 'data' => malware_data } return opts end let(:retrieve_report_opts) do opts = { 'uri' => '/vtapi/v2/file/report', 'method' => 'POST', 'vhost' => '', 'vars_post' => { 'apikey' => api_key, 'resource' => malware_sha256 } } return opts end let(:vt) do file = double(File, read: malware_data) allow(File).to receive(:open).with(filename, 'rb') {|&block| block.yield file}{'api_key'=>api_key, 'sample'=>filename}) end context ".Initializer" do it "should have an API key" do expect(vt.instance_variable_get(:@api_key)).to eq(api_key) end it "should have a checksum for the malware sample" do expect(vt.instance_variable_get(:@sample_info)['sha256']).to eq(malware_sha256) end end context "._load_sample" do it "should contain sample info including data, filename, and sha256" do expect(vt.send(:_load_sample, filename)).to eq(sample) end end context ".scan_sample" do it "should return with data" do expect(vt).to receive(:_execute_request).and_return('') expect(vt.scan_sample).to eq('') end end context ".retrieve_report" do it "should return with data" do expect(vt).to receive(:_execute_request).and_return('') expect(vt.retrieve_report).to eq('') end end context "._execute_request" do it "should return status code 204" do res = double(Rex::Proto::Http::Response) expect(res).to receive(:code).and_return(204) expect(vt).to receive(:send_request_cgi).with(scan_sample_opts).and_return(res) expect { vt.send(:_execute_request, scan_sample_opts) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should return status code 403" do res = double(Rex::Proto::Http::Response) expect(res).to receive(:code).and_return(403) expect(vt).to receive(:send_request_cgi).with(scan_sample_opts).and_return(res) expect { vt.send(:_execute_request, scan_sample_opts) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "._create_upload_data" do let(:form_opts) do { 'boundary' => boundary, 'api_key' => api_key, 'filename' => filename, 'data' => malware_data } end before(:example) do @upload_data = vt.send(:_create_upload_data, form_opts) end it "should create form-data with a boundary" do expect(@upload_data).to match(/#{boundary}/) end it "should create form-data with the API key" do expect(@upload_data).to match(/#{api_key}/) end it "should create form-data with the malware filename" do expect(@upload_data).to match(/#{filename}/) end it "should create form-data with the malware data" do expect(@upload_data).to match(/#{malware_data}/) end end end end describe VirusTotalUtility::Driver do before do $stdin ="Y\n") end after do $stdin = STDIN end let(:driver) do argv = "-k #{api_key} -f #{filename}".split options = { 'samples' => filename, 'api_key' => api_key, 'delay' => 60 } expect(VirusTotalUtility::OptsConsole).to receive(:parse).with(anything).and_return(options) tool_config = instance_double( VirusTotalUtility::ToolConfig, has_privacy_waiver?: true, load_api_key: api_key, save_api_key: nil, save_privacy_waiver: nil ) expect(VirusTotalUtility::ToolConfig).to receive(:new).and_return(tool_config) d = nil get_stdout { d = } d end context ".Class methods" do context ".initialize" do it "should return a Driver object" do expect(driver.class).to eq(VirusTotalUtility::Driver) end end context ".ask_privacy" do it "should have a link of VirusTotal's terms of service" do tos = '' out = get_stdout { driver.ack_privacy } expect(out).to match(/#{tos}/) end end context ".generate_report" do it "should show a report" do res = { "scans" => { "Bkav" => { "detected" => false, "version" => "", "result" => nil, "update" => "20140107" } }, "response_code" => 1 } out = get_stdout { driver.generate_report(res, filename) } expect(out).to match(/#{res['scans']['Bkav']['version']}/) end end end end end end