## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Auxiliary::UDPScanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH Information Discovery', 'Description' => 'Discover information from UPnP-enabled systems', 'Author' => [ 'todb', 'hdm'], # Original scanner module and vuln info reporter, respectively 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(1900), OptBool.new('REPORT_LOCATION', [true, 'This determines whether to report the UPnP endpoint service advertised by SSDP', false ]) ], self.class) end def rport datastore['RPORT'] end def setup super @msearch_probe = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host:\r\n" + "ST:upnp:rootdevice\r\n" + "Man:\"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" + "MX:3\r\n" + "\r\n" end def scanner_prescan(batch) print_status("Sending UPnP SSDP probes to #{batch[0]}->#{batch[-1]} (#{batch.length} hosts)") @results = {} end def scan_host(ip) vprint_status "#{ip}:#{rport} - SSDP - sending M-SEARCH probe" scanner_send(@msearch_probe, ip, datastore['RPORT']) end def scanner_postscan(batch) print_status "No SSDP endpoints found." if @results.empty? @results.each_pair do |skey,res| sinfo = res[:service] next unless sinfo bits = [] [ :server, :location, :usn ].each do |k| bits << res[:info][k] if res[:info][k] end desc = bits.join(" | ") sinfo[:info] = desc res[:vulns] = [] if res[:info][:server].to_s =~ /MiniUPnPd\/1\.0([\.\,\-\~\s]|$)/mi res[:vulns] << { :name => "MiniUPnPd ProcessSSDPRequest() Out of Bounds Memory Access Denial of Service", :refs => [ 'CVE-2013-0229' ] } end if res[:info][:server].to_s =~ /MiniUPnPd\/1\.[0-3]([\.\,\-\~\s]|$)/mi res[:vulns] << { :name => "MiniUPnPd ExecuteSoapAction memcpy() Remote Code Execution", :refs => [ 'CVE-2013-0230' ], :port => res[:info][:ssdp_port] || 80, :proto => 'tcp' } end if res[:info][:server].to_s =~ /Intel SDK for UPnP devices.*|Portable SDK for UPnP devices(\/?\s*$|\/1\.([0-5]\..*|8\.0.*|(6\.[0-9]|6\.1[0-7])([\.\,\-\~\s]|$)))/mi res[:vulns] << { :name => "Portable SDK for UPnP Devices unique_service_name() Remote Code Execution", :refs => [ 'CVE-2012-5958', 'CVE-2012-5959' ] } end if res[:vulns].length > 0 vrefs = [] res[:vulns].each do |v| v[:refs].each do |r| vrefs << r end end print_good("#{skey} SSDP #{desc} | vulns:#{res[:vulns].count} (#{vrefs.join(", ")})") else print_status("#{skey} SSDP #{desc}") end report_service( sinfo ) res[:vulns].each do |v| report_vuln( :host => sinfo[:host], :port => v[:port] || sinfo[:port], :proto => v[:proto] || 'udp', :name => v[:name], :info => res[:info][:server], :refs => v[:refs] ) end if res[:info][:ssdp_host] report_service( :host => res[:info][:ssdp_host], :port => res[:info][:ssdp_port], :proto => 'tcp', :name => 'upnp', :info => res[:info][:location].to_s ) if datastore['REPORT_LOCATION'] end end end def scanner_process(data, shost, sport) skey = "#{shost}:#{datastore['RPORT']}" @results[skey] ||= { :info => { }, :service => { :host => shost, :port => datastore['RPORT'], :proto => 'udp', :name => 'ssdp' } } if data =~ /^Server:[\s]*(.*)/i @results[skey][:info][:server] = $1.strip end ssdp_host = nil ssdp_port = 80 location_string = '' if data =~ /^Location:[\s]*(.*)/i location_string = $1 @results[skey][:info][:location] = $1.strip if location_string[/(https?):\x2f\x2f([^\x5c\x2f]+)/] ssdp_host,ssdp_port = $2.split(":") if $2.respond_to?(:split) if ssdp_port.nil? ssdp_port = ($1 == "http" ? 80 : 443) end if ssdp_host and ssdp_port @results[skey][:info][:ssdp_host] = ssdp_host @results[skey][:info][:ssdp_port] = ssdp_port.to_i end end end if data =~ /^USN:[\s]*(.*)/i @results[skey][:info][:usn] = $1.strip end end end