require 'swagger/blocks' module HostApiDoc include Swagger::Blocks HOST_DESC = 'The IP address of the host.' HOST_EXAMPLE = '' MAC_DESC = 'MAC Address of the host' MAC_EXAMPLE = 'AA:BB:CC:11:22:33' COMM_DESC = 'Unused attribute.' NAME_DESC = 'Hostname of the host.' NAME_EXAMPLE = 'domain_controller' STATE_DESC = 'The last seen connectivity state of this host.' OS_NAME_DESC = 'The name of the operating system.' OS_NAME_EXAMPLE = "'Windows XP', 'Ubuntu', or 'Mac OS X'" OS_FLAVOR_DESC = 'The flavor of operating system.' OS_FLAVOR_EXAMPLE = "'Enterprise', 'Pro', or 'Home'" OS_SP_DESC = 'The service pack version the operating system is running.' OS_SP_EXAMPLE = "'SP2'" OS_LANG_DESC = 'The language the operating system is using.' OS_LANG_EXAMPLE = "'English', 'French', or 'en-US'" OS_FAMILY_DESC = 'The major family the operating system belongs to.' OS_FAMILY_EXAMPLE = "'Windows', 'Linux', or 'OS X'" ARCH_DESC = 'The architecture of the host\'s CPU OR the programming language for virtual machine programming language like Ruby, PHP, and Java.' DETECTED_ARCH_DESC = 'The architecture of the host\'s CPU as detected by `Recog`. If arch is not \'unknown\', this is undefined.' PURPOSE_DESC = 'The main function of the host.' INFO_DESC = 'Customizable information about the host.' COMMENTS_DESC = 'A place for storing notes or findings about the host.' SCOPE_DESC = 'Interface identifier for link-local IPv6.' VIRTUAL_HOST_DESC = 'The name of the virtualization software.' VIRTUAL_HOST_EXAMPLE = "'VMWare', 'QEMU', 'Xen', or 'Docker'" NOTE_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated notes.' VULN_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated vulns.' SERVICE_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated services.' HOST_DETAIL_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated host details.' EXPLOIT_ATTEMPT_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated exploit attempts.' CRED_COUNT_DESC = 'Cached count of the number of associated creds.' STATE_ENUM = [ 'alive', 'down', 'unknown' ] ARCH_ENUM = [ 'armbe', 'armle', 'cbea', 'cbea64', 'cmd', 'java', 'mips', 'mipsbe', 'mipsle', 'php', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'ruby', 'sparc', 'tty', 'x64', 'x86', 'x86_64', '', 'Unknown' ] # Swagger documentation for Host model swagger_schema :Host do key :required, [:address, :name] property :id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: RootApiDoc::ID_DESC property :address, type: :string, description: HOST_DESC, example: HOST_EXAMPLE property :mac, type: :string, description: MAC_DESC, example: MAC_EXAMPLE property :comm, type: :string, description: COMM_DESC property :name, type: :string, description: NAME_DESC, example: NAME_EXAMPLE property :state, type: :string, description: STATE_DESC, enum: STATE_ENUM property :os_name, type: :string, description: OS_NAME_DESC, example: OS_NAME_EXAMPLE property :os_flavor, type: :string, description: OS_FLAVOR_DESC, example: OS_FLAVOR_EXAMPLE property :os_sp, type: :string, description: OS_SP_DESC, example: OS_SP_EXAMPLE property :os_lang, type: :string, description: OS_LANG_DESC, example: OS_LANG_EXAMPLE property :os_family, type: :string, description: OS_FAMILY_DESC, example: OS_FAMILY_EXAMPLE property :arch, type: :string, description: ARCH_DESC, enum: ARCH_ENUM property :detected_arch, type: :string, description: DETECTED_ARCH_DESC property :workspace_id, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: RootApiDoc::WORKSPACE_ID_DESC property :purpose, type: :string, description: PURPOSE_DESC property :info, type: :string, description: INFO_DESC property :comments, type: :string, description: COMMENTS_DESC property :scope, type: :string, description: SCOPE_DESC property :virtual_host, type: :string, description: VIRTUAL_HOST_DESC, example: VIRTUAL_HOST_EXAMPLE property :note_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: NOTE_COUNT_DESC property :vuln_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: VULN_COUNT_DESC property :service_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: SERVICE_COUNT_DESC property :host_detail_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: HOST_DETAIL_COUNT_DESC property :exploit_attempt_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: EXPLOIT_ATTEMPT_COUNT_DESC property :cred_count, type: :integer, format: :int32, description: CRED_COUNT_DESC property :created_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::CREATED_AT_DESC property :updated_at, type: :string, format: :date_time, description: RootApiDoc::UPDATED_AT_DESC end swagger_path '/api/v1/hosts' do # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/hosts GET operation :get do key :description, 'Return hosts that are stored in the database.' key :tags, [ 'host' ] parameter :workspace parameter :non_dead parameter :address response 200 do key :description, 'Returns host data.' schema do property :data do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Host end end end end response 401 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401 schema do key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel end end response 500 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500 schema do key :'$ref', :ErrorModel end end end # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/hosts POST operation :post do key :description, 'Create a host.' key :tags, [ 'host' ] parameter do key :in, :body key :name, :body key :description, 'The attributes to assign to the host.' key :required, true schema do property :workspace, type: :string, required: true, description: RootApiDoc::WORKSPACE_POST_EXAMPLE property :host, type: :string, format: :ipv4, required: true, description: HOST_DESC, example: HOST_EXAMPLE property :mac, type: :string, description: MAC_DESC, example: MAC_EXAMPLE property :name, type: :string, description: NAME_DESC, example: NAME_EXAMPLE property :os_name, type: :string, description: OS_NAME_DESC, example: OS_NAME_EXAMPLE property :os_flavor, type: :string, description: OS_FLAVOR_DESC, example: OS_FLAVOR_EXAMPLE property :os_sp, type: :string, description: OS_SP_DESC, example: OS_SP_EXAMPLE property :os_lang, type: :string, description: OS_LANG_DESC, example: OS_LANG_EXAMPLE property :purpose, type: :string, description: PURPOSE_DESC property :info, type: :string, description: INFO_DESC property :comments, type: :string, description: COMMENTS_DESC property :scope, type: :string, description: SCOPE_DESC property :virtual_host, type: :string, description: VIRTUAL_HOST_DESC, example: VIRTUAL_HOST_EXAMPLE # Possible values paired down from rex-arch/lib/rex/arch.rb property :arch do key :type, :string key :description, ARCH_DESC key :enum, ARCH_ENUM end property :state do key :type, :string key :description, STATE_DESC key :enum, STATE_ENUM end end end response 200 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_200 schema do property :data do key :'$ref', :Host end end end response 401 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401 schema do key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel end end response 500 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500 schema do key :'$ref', :ErrorModel end end end # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/hosts/ DELETE operation :delete do key :description, 'Delete the specified hosts.' key :tags, [ 'host' ] parameter :delete_opts response 200 do key :description, 'Returns an array containing the successfully deleted hosts.' schema do property :data do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :Host end end end end response 401 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401 schema do key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel end end response 500 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500 schema do key :'$ref', :ErrorModel end end end end swagger_path '/api/v1/hosts/{id}' do # Swagger documentation for api/v1/hosts/:id GET operation :get do key :description, 'Return specific host that is stored in the database.' key :tags, [ 'host' ] parameter do key :name, :id key :in, :path key :description, 'ID of host to retrieve.' key :required, true key :type, :integer key :format, :int32 end response 200 do key :description, 'Returns host data.' schema do property :data do key :'$ref', :Host end end end response 401 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401 schema do key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel end end response 500 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500 schema do key :'$ref', :ErrorModel end end end # Swagger documentation for /api/v1/hosts/:id PUT operation :put do key :description, 'Update the attributes an existing host.' key :tags, [ 'host' ] parameter :update_id parameter do key :in, :body key :name, :body key :description, 'The updated attributes to overwrite to the host' key :required, true schema do key :'$ref', :Host end end response 200 do key :description, 'Returns host data.' schema do property :data do key :'$ref', :Host end end end response 401 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_401 schema do key :'$ref', :AuthErrorModel end end response 500 do key :description, RootApiDoc::DEFAULT_RESPONSE_500 schema do key :'$ref', :ErrorModel end end end end end