#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Check the commit history of a module or tree of modules. # and sort by number of commits. # # Usage: tools/module_commits.rb [module dir | module fname] require 'find' class GitLogLine < Struct.new(:date, :hash, :author, :message) end class CommitHistory < Struct.new(:fname, :total, :authors) end msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end dir = ARGV[0] || File.join(msfbase, "modules", "exploits") raise ArgumentError, "Need a filename or directory" unless (dir and File.readable? dir) def check_commit_history(fname) git_cmd = `git log --pretty=format:"%ad %h '%aN' %f" --date=short --date-order #{fname}` commit_history = [] commits_by_author = {} git_cmd.each_line do |line| parsed_line = line.match(/^([^\s+]+)\s(.{7,})\s'(.*)'\s(.*)[\r\n]*$/) commit_history << GitLogLine.new(*parsed_line[1,4]) end commit_history.each do |logline| commits_by_author[logline.author] ||= [] commits_by_author[logline.author] << logline.message end puts "Commits for #{fname} #{commit_history.size}" puts "-" * 72 commits_by_author.sort_by {|k,v| v.size}.reverse.each do |k,v| puts "%-25s %3d" % [k,v.size] end this_module = CommitHistory.new(fname,commit_history.size,commits_by_author) return this_module end @module_stats = [] Find.find(dir) do |fname| next unless fname =~ /rb$/ @module_stats << check_commit_history(fname) end puts "=" * 72 puts "Sorted modules by commit counts" @module_stats.sort_by {|m| m.total }.reverse.each do |m| puts "%-60s %d" % [m.fname, m.total] end