#include #include #include "byakugan.h" #include "tenketsu.h" #include "heapStructs.h" #define BUFSIZE 4096 // UNDOCUMENTED FUNCTIONS TO ADD // // RtlAllocateMemoryBlockLookaside // RtlFreeMemoryBlockLookaside // // RtlCreateMemoryBlockLookaside // RtlDestroyMemoryBlockLookaside // // RtlExtendMemoryBlockLookaside // RtlResetMemoryBlockLookaside PCSTR undocdFunc[] = { "ntdll!RtlpCoalesceFreeBlocks", NULL }; ULONG undocdAddr[sizeof (undocdFunc)+1]; struct HeapState heapModel; BOOLEAN running = FALSE; // Two things that fucking rock? Bunnies and Jaguars. Werd. int hookRtlHeap(BYTE type, char *fileName) { HRESULT Status; HANDLE process; DWORD pid; HANDLE processHandle = 0; HANDLE threadHandle = 0; LPVOID stringAddress = NULL; LPCSTR dllName = "C:\\windbg\\injectsu.dll"; ULONG64 funcAddr64; ULONG *funcAddr, i; heapModel.state = heapModel.state ^ type; if (running) { dprintf("[Byakugan] Hooks are already injected.\n"); return (0); } running = TRUE; dprintf("[Byakugan] Beginning data gathering thread... "); if(tenkListener()) { dprintf("\n[Byakugan] Failed to create heap info back channel :(\n"); VirtualFreeEx(processHandle, stringAddress, strlen(dllName), MEM_DECOMMIT); CloseHandle(processHandle); return (-1); } dprintf("Success!\n[Byakugan] Injecting Tenketsu Heap Monitoring DLL... "); Status = g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentProcessSystemId(&pid); if (Status != S_OK) return (-1); if(!(processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid))){ dprintf("\n[Byakugan] Unable to OpenProcess().\n"); return (-1); } if(!(stringAddress = VirtualAllocEx(processHandle, NULL, strlen(dllName), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE))){ printf("\n[Byakugan] VirtualAllocEx() failed.\n"); CloseHandle(processHandle); return (-1); } if(!WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, (LPVOID)stringAddress, dllName, strlen(dllName), NULL)){ dprintf("\n[Byakugan] WriteProcessMemory() failed.\n"); VirtualFreeEx(processHandle, stringAddress, strlen(dllName), MEM_DECOMMIT); CloseHandle(processHandle); return (-1); } dprintf("Success!\n"); // Resolve undocumented functions! i = 0; g_ExtSymbols->Reload("/f ntdll.dll"); dprintf("[Byakugan] Resolving undocumented Heap functions...\n"); while (undocdFunc[i] != NULL) { if (g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetByName(undocdFunc[i], &funcAddr64) == E_FAIL) funcAddr64 = NULL; funcAddr = (ULONG *) &funcAddr64; if (*funcAddr != NULL) dprintf("[T] Resolved undocumented function '%s' @ 0x%08x.\n", undocdFunc[i], *funcAddr); else dprintf("[T] Unable to resolve undocumented function '%s' :(\n", undocdFunc[i]); undocdAddr[i] = *funcAddr; i++; } undocdAddr[i] = NULL; if(!(threadHandle = CreateRemoteThread(processHandle, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA"), \ (LPVOID)stringAddress, 0, NULL))){ dprintf("\n[Byakugan] CreateRemoteThread() failed.\n"); VirtualFreeEx(processHandle, stringAddress, strlen(dllName), MEM_DECOMMIT); CloseHandle(processHandle); return (-1); } CloseHandle(threadHandle); CloseHandle(processHandle); // Set up the log file if (type == 2) { heapModel.hLogFile = CreateFileA(fileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (!heapModel.hLogFile) { dprintf("[T] Unable to open file \"%s\" for writing. :(\n"); } } return (0); } int tenkListener(void) { BOOL fConnected; DWORD dwThreadId; HANDLE hPipe, hThread; LPTSTR lpszPipename = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\tenketsu"); hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( lpszPipename, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, BUFSIZE, BUFSIZE, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, NULL); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dprintf("[Byakugan] CreateNamedPipe() failed.\n"); return (-1); } hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, tenkBackChannel, (LPVOID) hPipe, 0, &dwThreadId); if (hThread == NULL) { dprintf("[Byakugan] CreateThread() failed.\n"); return (-1); } CloseHandle(hThread); return (0); } DWORD WINAPI tenkBackChannel(LPVOID lpvParam) { HANDLE hPipe; TCHAR buf[BUFSIZE+1]; ULONG bytesRead, bytesWritten; BOOL fSuccess; ULONG64 funcAddr64; ULONG *funcAddr, i; struct AllocateStruct *aStruct = (struct AllocateStruct *)buf; struct ReallocateStruct *rStruct = (struct ReallocateStruct *)buf; struct FreeStruct *fStruct = (struct FreeStruct *)buf; struct CreateStruct *cStruct = (struct CreateStruct *)buf; struct DestroyStruct *dStruct = (struct DestroyStruct *)buf; struct CoalesceStruct *cfbStruct = (struct CoalesceStruct *)buf; hPipe = (HANDLE) lpvParam; dprintf("[Byakugan] Waiting for named pipe connection...\n"); for(;!ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL) == TRUE;) { dprintf("[B] waiting for connection...\n"); } dprintf("[Byakugan] Connected to back channel. :)\n"); // Load addresses from symbols if possible for undoumented interfaces i = 0; while (undocdFunc[i] != NULL) { dprintf("[T] Sending address of %s\n", undocdFunc[i]); fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, &(undocdAddr[i]), sizeof(ULONG), &bytesWritten, NULL); if (!fSuccess || bytesWritten != sizeof(ULONG)) dprintf("[T] Failed to send address of %s\n", undocdFunc[i]); i++; } //FlushFileBuffers(hPipe); dprintf("[T] Sent addresses of %d undocumented functions.\n", i); initializeHeapModel(&heapModel); #undef THREEDHEAPFU_ENABLED //Place this in setup.bat #if 0 //#ifdef THREEDHEAPFU_ENABLED //Create a heap event proxy, play these back out to 3dheapfu LPTSTR lpszProxyPipename = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\tenketsuProxy"); BOOL fProxySuccess; DWORD dwProxyMode = PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE; ULONG bytesProxyWritten; static BOOL fDontAttemptProxyWrite = false; HANDLE hProxyPipe = CreateFile(lpszProxyPipename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hProxyPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) dprintf("hProxyPipe == invalid handle\n"); else dprintf("hProxyPipe == good\n"); SetNamedPipeHandleState(hProxyPipe, &dwProxyMode, NULL, NULL); //? #endif while (1) { fSuccess = ReadFile( hPipe, buf, BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR), &bytesRead, NULL); if (!fSuccess || bytesRead == 0) { dprintf("[Byakugan] ReadFile failed, or read 0 bytes.\n"); continue; } #if 0 //#ifdef THREEDHEAPFU_ENABLED //dprintf("jc: receieved an event of size %d. Forwarding on to ProxyPipe\n", bytesRead); //WriteFile(hPipe, &freeinfo, sizeof(struct FreeStruct), &bytesWritten, NULL); if (!fDontAttemptProxyWrite) { fProxySuccess = WriteFile(hProxyPipe, buf, bytesRead, &bytesProxyWritten, NULL); if (bytesRead != bytesProxyWritten) { dprintf("Partial write to proxy on last event! ;(\n"); dprintf("event size was %d. wrote %d\n", bytesRead, bytesProxyWritten); dprintf("Disabling message proxying until explicitly enabled.\n"); fDontAttemptProxyWrite = true; } } #endif switch ( *((BYTE *) buf) ) { case ALLOCATESTRUCT: //dprintf("[T] New Chunk @ 0x%08x\n", aStruct->ret); //dprintf("Heap: 0x%08x\tFlags: 0x%08x\tSize: 0x%08x\n\n", // aStruct->heapHandle, aStruct->flags, aStruct->size); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapAllocate(&heapModel, aStruct); if (heapModel.state & LOG) logAllocate(&heapModel, aStruct); break; case REALLOCATESTRUCT: //dprintf("[T] Realloc'd Chunk @ 0x%08x\n", rStruct->ret); //dprintf("Heap: 0x%08x\tFlags: 0x%08x\tSize: 0x%08x\n", // rStruct->heapHandle, rStruct->flags, rStruct->size); //if (rStruct->ret != (PVOID) rStruct->memoryPointer) // dprintf("Replaces chunk @ 0x%08x\n", rStruct->memoryPointer); //dprintf("\n"); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapReallocate(&heapModel, rStruct); if (heapModel.state & LOG) logReallocate(&heapModel, rStruct); break; case FREESTRUCT: //dprintf("[T] Free'd Chunk @ 0x%08x\n", fStruct->memoryPointer); //dprintf("Heap: 0x%08x\tFlags: 0x%08x\n\n", fStruct->heapHandle, fStruct->flags); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapFree(&heapModel, fStruct); if (heapModel.state & LOG) logFree(&heapModel, fStruct); break; case CREATESTRUCT: dprintf("[T] New Heap: 0x%08x\n", cStruct->ret); dprintf("Base: 0x%08x\tReserve: 0x%08x\tFlags: 0x%08x\n", cStruct->base, cStruct->reserve, cStruct->flags); //dprintf("Commit: 0x%08x\tLock: 0x%08x\n\n", cStruct->commit, cStruct->lock); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapCreate(&heapModel, cStruct); break; case DESTROYSTRUCT: dprintf("[T] Heap Destroyed: 0x%08x\n\n", dStruct->heapHandle); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapDestroy(&heapModel, dStruct); break; case COALESCESTRUCT: //dprintf("[T] Free Block Consolidation (returned 0x%08x)\n", cfbStruct->ret); //dprintf("Heap: 0x%08x\tArg2: 0x%08x\tArg3: 0x%08x\tArg4: 0x%08x\n\n", // cfbStruct->heapHandle, cfbStruct->arg2, cfbStruct->arg3, cfbStruct->arg4); if (heapModel.state & MODEL) heapCoalesce(&heapModel, cfbStruct); break; default: dprintf("[Byakugan] Tenketsu: Unrecognized data was returned.\n"); } } return (0); } void tenkHelp() { dprintf(HELPSTRING); dprintf("Tenketsu Commands:\n"); dprintf("\tmodel\t- Load tenketsu heap visualization libraries and begin modeling\n"); dprintf("\tlog\t- Load tenketsu heap visualization libraries and begin logging\n"); dprintf("\tlistHeaps\t- List all currently tracked heaps and their information\n"); dprintf("\tlistChunks \t- List all chunks associated with a givend heap\n"); dprintf("\tvalidate - check the chunk chain and find corrupted chunk headers\n"); } void tenkListHeaps() { struct HPool *curHeap; ULONG i; dprintf("[T] Currently tracking %d heaps:\n", heapModel.numHeaps); for (i = 0; i < heapModel.numHeaps; i++) { curHeap = &(heapModel.heaps[i]); if (curHeap->inUse == FALSE) continue; dprintf("\tBase: 0x%08x\tNumber of Chunks: %d\n", curHeap->base, curHeap->numChunks); dprintf("\tFlags: 0x%08x\tReserve: 0x%08x\n", curHeap->flags, curHeap->reserve, curHeap->commit); dprintf("\tLock: 0x%08x\n\n", curHeap->lock); } } void tenkValidate(PVOID heapHandle) { struct HPool *heap; struct DestroyStruct dStruct; struct HeapChunk *curChunk; ULONG chunkPtr; ULONG i, nextIndex; BOOL screwed = FALSE; heap = getHeap(&heapModel, heapHandle); i = heap->inUseHead; while (i != NULLNODE) { if (CHUNK(i).free) { // CHUNK(i).nextInUse must be equal to the next ptr if(!ReadMemory((ULONG64)(CHUNK(i).addr)+4, (PVOID) &chunkPtr, 4, NULL)) { dprintf("[T] Unable to read memory at address 0x%08x\n!"); return; } // Find next free chunk - continue if there are no more nextIndex = CHUNK(i).nextInUse; while (nextIndex != NULLNODE && !(CHUNK(nextIndex).free)) nextIndex = CHUNK(nextIndex).nextInUse; if (nextIndex == NULLNODE) { i = CHUNK(i).nextInUse; continue; } // Validate next free chunk if (CHUNK(nextIndex).addr != (PVOID) chunkPtr) { dprintf("[T] Corruped next pointer for chunk at 0x%08x\n", CHUNK(i).addr); dprintf(">\tGot: 0x%08x\tExpected: 0x%08x\n", chunkPtr, CHUNK(nextIndex).addr); screwed = TRUE; } // next free chunk prev, must equal CHUNK(i).addr if(!ReadMemory((ULONG64)CHUNK(nextIndex).addr, (PVOID) &chunkPtr, 4, NULL)) { dprintf("[T] Unable to read memory at address 0x%08x\n!"); return; } if ((PVOID) chunkPtr != CHUNK(i).addr) { dprintf("[T] Corruped prev pointer for chunk at 0x%08x\n", CHUNK(nextIndex).addr); dprintf(">\tGot: 0x%08x\tExpected: 0x%08x\n", chunkPtr, CHUNK(i).addr); screwed = TRUE; } } else { } i = CHUNK(i).nextInUse; } dprintf("[T] Validation complete: "); if (!screwed) dprintf("all known free chunks are correct\n"); else dprintf("errors found\n"); } void tenkListChunks(PVOID heapHandle) { struct HPool *heap; struct DestroyStruct dStruct; struct HeapChunk *curChunk; ULONG i; heap = getHeap(&heapModel, heapHandle); dprintf("[T] Currently tracking %d chunks for heap 0x%08x\n", heap->numChunks, heap->base); i = heap->inUseHead; while (i != NULLNODE) { if (CHUNK(i).inUse) { dprintf("\tAddress: 0x%08x\tSize: 0x%08x", CHUNK(i).addr, CHUNK(i).size); dprintf("\tFlags: 0x%08x\t%s\n\n", CHUNK(i).flags, (CHUNK(i).free)?"FREE'D":"IN USE"); } i = CHUNK(i).nextInUse; } if (heap->numChunks == 0) { dStruct.heapHandle = heap->base; heapDestroy(&heapModel, &dStruct); } }