# -*- coding: binary -*- # # This handles gem requirements for bundled installer environments # module Msf module Env class Gemcache @@msfbase = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..')) @@gembase = ::File.join(@@msfbase, "lib/gemcache") @@gemarch = ( RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ ? 'win32' : ( RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /x86_64.*linux/ ? 'linux64' : (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /i\d86.*linux/ ? 'linux32' : 'unknown') ) ) @@rubvers = '1.9.1' def self.configure return if not ::File.exist?(@@gembase) # The gemcache directory is a modified version of the output created by # $ bundle install --path=lib/gemcache from within the Pro environment ::Dir["#{@@gembase}/ruby/#{@@rubvers}/gems/*/lib"].each { |lib| $:.unshift(lib) } if ENV['MSF_BUNDLE_BINARY_GEMS'].to_s.downcase =~ /^[yt1]/ ::Dir["#{@@gembase}/ruby/#{@@rubvers}/arch/#{@@gemarch}/*/lib"].each { |lib| $:.unshift(lib) } end # Handle a specific corner case where SVN was used to update, but the installer is generation-1 # This will provide updated binary gems for older installation environments, which is required # for framework-trunk to continue working after the ActiveRecord 3 upgrade. if ::File.exists?( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "..", "properties.ini") ) and # Installer ::File.directory?( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "..", "apps", "pro") ) and # Confirmed ::File.exists?( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "..", "apps", "pro", "ui", "script", "console") ) # Rails2 artifact # Load the arch-old gem directories before the system paths to get an updated pg gem ::Dir["#{@@gembase}/ruby/#{@@rubvers}/arch-old/#{@@gemarch}/*/lib"].each { |lib| $:.unshift(lib) } # Patch up the gem command to always return true for certain gems ::Object.class_eval %q| def gem(*args) return true if [ 'pg' # Bypass a gem() version call in ActiveRecord ].include?(args[0]) super(*args) end | end end end end end Msf::Env::Gemcache.configure