\documentclass{report} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[colorlinks,urlcolor=blue,linkcolor=black,citecolor=blue]{hyperref} \begin{document} \title{Metasploit 3.0 Developer's Guide} \author{skape} \begin{titlepage} \begin{center} \huge{{Metasploit 3.0 Developer's Guide}} \\[150mm] \rule{10cm}{1pt} \\[8mm] \small\bf{skape} \\ \small\bf{mmiller@hick.org} \\[4mm] \textit{Last modified: \small{11/24/2003}} \end{center} \end{titlepage} \tableofcontents \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{8pt} \chapter{Introduction} \par The Metasploit framework is an open-source exploitation framework that is designed to provide security researches and pen-testers with a uniform model that allows for the rapid development of exploits, payloads, encoders, NOP generators, and reconnaissance tools. The framework provides exploit writers with the ability to re-use large chunks of code that would otherwise have to be copied or re-implemented on a per-exploit basis. To help further this cause, the Metasploit staff is proud to present the next major evolution of the exploitation framework: version 3.0. \par The 3.0 version of the framework is a re-factoring of the 2.x branch which has been written entirely in Ruby. The primary goal of the 3.0 branch is to make the framework easy to use and extend from a programmatic aspect. This goal encompasses not only the development of framework modules, such as exploits, but also to the development of third party tools and plugins that can be used to increase the functionality of the entire suite. By developing an easy to use framework at a programmatic level, it follows that exploits and other extensions should be easier to understand and implement than those provided in earlier versions of the framework. \par This document will provide the reader with an explanation of the design goals, methodologies, and implementation details of the 3.0 version of the framework. Henceforth, the 3.0 version of the framework will simply be referred to as \textit{the framework}. \section{Why Ruby?} \par During the development of the framework, the one recurring question that the Metasploit staff was continually asked was why Ruby was selected as the programming language. To avoid having to answer this question on an individual basis, the authors have opted for explaining their reasons in this document. \par The Ruby programming language was selected over other choices, such as python, perl, and C++ for quite a few reasons. The first, and primary, reason that Ruby was selected was because it's a language that the Metasploit staff enjoyed writing in. After spending time analyzing other languages and factoring in past experiences, the Ruby programming language was found to offer both a simple and powerful approach to an interpreted language. The degree of introspection and the object-oriented aspects provided by Ruby were something that fit very nicely with some of the requirements of the framework. The framework's need for automated class construction code re-use was a key factor in the decision making process, and it was one of the things that perl was not very well suited to offer. On top of this, the syntax is incredibly simplistic and provides the same level of language features that other more accepted languages have, like perl. \par The second reason Ruby was selected was because of its platform independent support for threading. While a number of limitations have been encountered during the development of the framework under this model, the Metasploit staff has observed a marked performance and usability improvement over the 2.x branch. Future versions of Ruby (the 1.9 series) will back the existing threading API with native threads for the operating system the interpreter is compiled against which will solve a number of existing issues with the current implementation, such as permitting the use of blocking operations. In the meantime, the existing threading model has been found to be far superior to a forking model, especially on platforms that lack a native fork implementation like Windows. \par Another reason that Ruby was selected was because of the supported existence of a native interpreter for the Windows platform. While perl has a cygwin version and an ActiveState version, both are plagued by usability problems. The fact that the Ruby interpreter can be compiled and executed natively on Windows drastically improves performance. Furthermore, the interpreter is also very small and can be easily modified in the event that there is a bug. \par The Python programming language was also a language candidate. The reason the Metasploit staff opted for Ruby instead of Python was for a few different reasons. The primary reason is a general distaste for some of the syntactical annoyances forced by Python, such as block-indention. While many would argue the benefits of such an approach, some members of the Metasploit staff find it to be an unnecessary restriction. Other issues with Python center around limitations in parent class method calling and backward compatibility of interpreters. \par The C/C++ programming languages were also very seriously considered, but in the end it was obvious that attempting to deploy a portable and usable framework in a non-interpreted language was something that would not be feasible. Furthermore, the development time-line for this language selection would most likely be much longer. \par Even though the 2.x branch of the framework has been quite successful, the Metasploit staff encountered a number of limitations and annoyances with perl's object-oriented programming model, or lack thereof. The fact that the perl interpreter is part of the default install on many distributions is not something that the Metasploit staff felt was worth detouring the language selection. \chapter{Architecture and Design} \par The framework was designed to be as modular as possible as to encourage the re-use of code across various projects. The most fundamental piece of the architecture is the \textit{Rex} library which is short for the \texttt{Ruby Extension Library}\footnote{This library has many similarities to the 2.x Pex library}. Some of the components provided by Rex are a wrapper socket subsystem, implementations of protocol clients and servers, a logging subsystem, exploitation utility classes, and a number of other useful classes. Rex itself is designed to have no dependencies other than what comes with the default Ruby install. In the event that a Rex class depends on something that is not included in the default install, the failure to find such a dependency should not lead to the inability to use Rex. \par The framework itself is broken down into a few different pieces, the most low-level being the \textit{framework core}. The framework core is responsible for implementing all of the required interfaces that allow for interacting with exploit modules, sessions, and plugins. This core library is extended by the \textit{framework base} which is designed to provide simpler wrapper routines for dealing with the framework core as well as providing utility classes for dealing with different aspects of the framework, such as serializing module state to different output formats. Finally, the base library is extended by the \textit{framework ui} which implements support for the different types of user interfaces to the framework itself, such as the command console and the web interface. \par Separate from the framework are the modules and plugins that it's designed to support. A framework module is defined as being one of an exploit, payload, encoder, NOP generator, or recon tool. These modules have a well-defined structure and interface for being loaded into the framework. A framework plugin is very loosely defined as something that extends the functionality of the framework or augments an existing feature to make it act in a different manner. Plugins can add new commands to user interfaces, log all network traffic, or perform whatever other action might be useful. \par Figure \ref{fig-arch-pkg} illustrates the framework's inter-package dependencies. The following sections will elaborate on each of the packages described above and the various important subsystems found within each package. Full documentation of the classes and APIs mentioned in this document can be found in the auto-generated API level documentation found on the Metasploit website. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=4in,width=4in]{dev_guide_arch_packages} \caption{Framework 3.0 package dependencies} \label{fig-arch-pkg} \end{center} \end{figure} \section{Rex} \par The \textit{Rex} library is a collection of classes and modules that may be useful to more than one project. The most useful classes provided by the library are documented in the following subsections. \subsection{Assembly} \par When writing exploits it is often necessary to have to generate assembly instructions on the fly with variable operands, such as immediate values, registers, and so on. To support this requirement, the Rex library provides classes under the \texttt{Rex::Arch} namespace that implement architecture-dependent opcode generation routines as well as other architecture-specific methods, like integer packing. \subsubsection{Integer packing} \par Packing an integer depends on the byte-ordering of the target architecture, whether it be big endian or little endian. The \texttt{Rex::Arch.pack\_addr} method supports packing an integer using the supplied architecture type (\texttt{ARCH\_XXX}) as an indication of which byte-ordering to use. \subsubsection{Stack pointer adjustment} \par Some exploits require that the stack pointer be adjusted prior to the execution of a payload that modifies the stack in order to prevent corruption of the payload itself. To support this, the \texttt{Rex::Arch.adjust\_stack\_pointer} method provides a way to generate the opcodes that lead to adjusting the stack pointer of a given architecture by the supplied adjustment value. The adjustment value can be positive or negative. \subsubsection{Architecture-specific opcode generation} \par Each architecture that currently has support for dynamically generating instruction opcodes has a class under the \texttt{Rex::Arch} namespace, such as \texttt{Rex::Arch::X86}. The x86 class has support for generating \texttt{jmp}, \texttt{call}, \texttt{push}, \texttt{mov}, \texttt{add}, and \texttt{sub} instructions. \subsection{Encoding} \par Encoding buffers using algorithms like XOR can sometimes be useful outside the context of an exploit. For that reason, the Rex library provides a basic set of classes that implement different types of XOR encoders, such as variable length key XOR encoders and additive feedback XOR encoders. These classes are used by the framework to implement different types of basic encoders that can be used by encoder modules. The classes for encoding buffers can be found in the \texttt{Rex::Encoding} namespace. \subsection{Exploitation} \par Often times vulnerabilities will share a common attack vector or will require a specific order of operations in order to achieve the end-goal of code execution. To assist in that matter, the Rex library has a set of classes that implement some of the common necessities that exploits have. \subsubsection{Egghunter} \par In some cases the exploitation of a vulnerability may be limited by the amount of payload space that exists in the area of the overflow. This can sometimes prevent normal methods of exploitation from being possible due to the inability to fit a standard payload in the amount of room that is available. To solve this problem, an exploit writer can make use of an \textit{egghunting} payload that searches the target process' address space for an egg that is prefixed to a larger payload. This requires that an attacker have the ability to stick the larger payload somewhere else in memory prior to exploitation. In the event that an egghunter is necessary, the \texttt{Rex::Exploitation::Egghunter} class can be used. \subsubsection{SEH record generation} \par One attack vector that is particularly common on the Windows platform is what is referred to as an SEH overwrite. When this occurs, an SEH registration record is overwritten on the stack with user-controlled data. To leverage this, the handler address of the registration record is point to an address that will either directly or indirectly lead to control of execution flow. To make this work, most attackers will point the handler address at the location of a \texttt{pop/pop/ret} instruction set somewhere in the address space. This action returns four bytes before the location of the handler address on the stack. In most cases, attackers will set two of the four bytes to be equivalent a short jump instruction that hops over the handler address and into the payload controlled by the attacker. \par While the common approach works fine, there is plenty of room for improvement. The \texttt{Rex::Exploitation::Seh} class provides support for generating the normal (static) SEH registration record via the \texttt{generate\_static\_seh\_record} method. However, it also supports the generation of a dynamic registration record that has a random short jump length and random padding between the end of the registration record and the actual payload. This can be used to make the exploit harder to signature in an IDS environment. The generation of a dynamic registration record is provided by \texttt{generate\_dynamic\_seh\_record}. Both methods are by the \texttt{generate\_seh\_record} method that decides which of the two methods to use based on evasion levels. \subsection{Logging} \par The Rex library provides support for the basic logging of strings to arbitrary log sinks, such as a flat file or a database. The logging interface is exposed to programmers through a set of globally-defined methods: \texttt{dlog}, \texttt{ilog}, \texttt{wlog}, \texttt{elog}, and \texttt{rlog}. These methods represent debug logging, information logging, warning logging, error logging, and raw logging respectively. Each method can be passed a log message, a log source (the name of the component or package that the message came from), and a log level which is a number between zero and three. Log sources can be registered on the fly by \texttt{register\_log\_source} and their log level can be set by \texttt{set\_log\_level}. \par The log levels are meant to make it easy to hide verbose log messages when they are not necessary. The use of the three log levels is defined below: \subsubsection{LEV\_0 - Default} This log level is the default log level if none is specified. It should be used when a log message should always be displayed when logging is enabled. Very few log messages should occur at this level aside from necessary information logging and error/warning logging. Debug logging at level zero is not advised. \subsubsection{LEV\_1 - Extra} This log level should be used when extra information may be needed to understand the cause of an error or warning message or to get debugging information that might give clues as to why something is happening. This log level should be used only when information may be useful to understanding the behavior of something at a basic level. This log level should not be used in an exhaustively verbose fashion. \subsubsection{LEV\_2 - Verbose} This log level should be used when verbose information may be needed to analyze the behavior of the framework. This should be the default log level for all detailed information not falling into LEV\_0 or LEV\_1. It is recommended that this log level be used by default if you are unsure. \subsubsection{LEV\_3 - Insanity} This log level should contain very verbose information about the behavior of the framework, such as detailed information about variable states at certain phases including, but not limited to, loop iterations, function calls, and so on. This log level will rarely be displayed, but when it is the information provided should make it easy to analyze any problem. \subsection{Post-exploitation} \par The rex library provides client-side implementations for some advanced post-exploitation, such as DispatchNinja and Meterpreter. These two post-exploitation client interfaces are designed to be usable outside of the context of an exploit. The \texttt{Rex::Post} namespace provides a set of classes at its root that are meant to act as a generalized interface to remote systems via the post-exploitation clients, if supported. These classes allow programmers to write automated tools that can operate upon remote machines in a platform-independent manner. While it's true that platforms may lack analogous feature sets for some actions, the majority of the common set of actions will have functional equivalents. \subsection{Protocols} \par Support for some of the more common protocols, such as HTTP and SMB, is included in the rex library to help support the development of protocol-specific exploits and to allow for ease of use in other projects. Each protocol implementation exists under the \texttt{Rex::Proto} namespace. \subsubsection{DCERC} \par The rex library supports a fairly robust implementation of a subset of the DCERPC feature-set and includes support for doing invasive actions such as multi-context bind and packet fragmentation. The classes that support the DCERPC client interface can be found in the \texttt{Rex::Proto::DCERPC} namespace. \subsubsection{HTTP} \par Minimal support for an HTTP client and server are provided in the rex library. While similar protocol class implementations are provided both in webrick and in other areas of the ruby default standard library set, it was deemed that the current implementations were not well suited for general purpose use due to the existence of blocking request parsing and other such things. The rex-provided HTTP library also provides classes for parsing HTTP requests and responses. The HTTP protocol classes can be found under the \texttt{Rex::Proto::Http} namespace. \subsubsection{SMB} \par Robust support for the SMB protocol is provided by the classes in the \texttt{Rex::Proto::SMB} namespace. These classes support connecting to SMB servers and performing logins and other SMB-exposed actions like transacting a named pipe and performing other specific commands. The SMB classes are particularly useful for exploits that require communicating with an SMB server. \subsection{Services} \par One of the limitations identified in the 2.x branch of the framework was that it was not possible to share listeners on the local machine when attempting to perform two different exploits that both needed to listen on the same port. To solve this problem, the 3.0 version of the framework provides the concept of \textit{services} which are registered listeners that are initialized once and then subsequently shared by future requests to allocate the same service. This makes it possible to do things like have two exploits waiting for an HTTP request on port 80 without having any sort of specific conflicts. This is especially useful because it makes it possible to not have to worry about firewall restrictions on outbound ports that would normally only permit connections to port 80, thus making it possible to try multiple client-side exploits against a host with all the different exploit instances listening on the same port for requests. \par Aside from the sharing of HTTP-like services, the service subsystem also provides a way to relay connections from a local TCP port to an already existing stream. This support is offered through the \texttt{Rex::Services::LocalRelay} class. \subsection{Sockets} \par One of the most important features of the rex library is the set of classes that wrapper sockets. The socket subsystem provides an interface for creating sockets of a given protocol using what is referred to as a \texttt{Comm} factory class. The purpose of the Comm factory class is to make the underlying transport and classes used to establish the connection for a given socket opaque. This makes it possible for socket connections to be established using the local socket facilities as well as by using some sort of tunneled socket proxying system as is the case with Meterpreter connection pivoting. \par Sockets are created using the socket \texttt{Parameter} class which is initialized either directly or through the use of a hash. The hash initialization of the Parameters class is much the same as perl's socket initialization. The hash attributes supported by the Parameter class are documented in the constructor of the Parameter class. \par There are a few different ways to create sockets. The first way is to simply call \texttt{Rex::Socket.create} with a hash that will be used to create a socket of the appropriate type using the supplied or default Comm factory class. A second approach that can be used is to call the \texttt{Rex::Socket::create\_param} method which takes an initialized Parameter instance as an argument. The remaining approaches involve using protocol-specific factory methods, such as \texttt{create\_tcp}, \texttt{create\_tcp\_server}, and \texttt{create\_udp}. All three of these methods take a hash as a parameter that is translated into a Parameter instance and passed on for actual creation. \par All sockets have five major attributes that are shared in common, though some may not always be initialized. The first attributes provide information about the remote host and port and are exposed through the \texttt{peerhost} and \texttt{peerport} attributes, respectively. The second attributes provide information the local host and port and are exposed through the \texttt{localhost} and \texttt{localport} attributes, respectively. Finally, every socket has a hash of contextual information that was used during it's creation which is exposed through the \texttt{context} attribute. While most exploits will have an empty hash, some exploits may have a hash that contains state information that can be used to track the originator of the socket. The framework makes use of this feature to associate sockets with framework, exploit, and payload instances. \subsubsection{Comm classes} \par The \texttt{Comm} interface used in the library has one simple method called \texttt{create} which takes a \texttt{Parameter} instance. The purpose of this factory approach is to provide a location and transport independent way of creating compatible socket object instances using a generalized factory method. For connections being established directly from the local box, the \texttt{Rex::Socket::Comm::Local} class is used. For connections be established through another machine, a medium specific Comm factory is used, such as the Meterpreter Comm class. \par The \texttt{Comm} interface also supports registered event notification handlers for when certain things occur, like prior to and after the creation of a new socket. This can be used by external projects to augment the feature set of a socket or to change its default behavior. \subsubsection{TCP sockets} \par TCP sockets in the Rex library are implemented as a mixin, \texttt{Rex::Socket::Tcp}, that extends the built-in ruby Socket base class when the local Comm factory is used. This mixin also includes the \texttt{Rex::IO::Stream} and \texttt{Rex::Socket} mixins. For TCP servers, the \texttt{Rex::Socket::TcpServer} class should be used. \subsubsection{SSL sockets} \par SSL sockets are implemented on top of the normal Rex TCP socket mixin and makes use of the OpenSSL Ruby support. The module used for SSL TCP sockets is \texttt{Rex::Socket::SslTcp}. \subsubsection{Switch board routing table} \par One of the advancements in the 3.0 version of the framework is the concept of a local routing table that controls which Comm factory is used for a particular route. The reason this is useful is for scenarios where a box is compromised that straddles an internal network that can't be directly reached. By adjusting the switch board routing table to point the local subnet through a Meterpreter Comm running the host that straddles the network, it is possible to force the socket library to automatically use the Meterpreter Comm factory when anything tries to communicate with hosts on the local subnet. This support is implemented through the \texttt{Rex::Socket::SwitchBoard} class. \subsubsection{Subnet walking} \par The \texttt{Rex::Socket::SubnetWalker} class provides a way of enumerating all the IP addresses in a subnet as described by a subnet address and a netmask. \subsection{Synchronization} \par Due to the use of multi-threading, the Rex library provides extra classes that don't exist by default in the Ruby standard library. These classes provide extra synchronization primitives. \subsubsection{Notification events} \par While Ruby does have the concept of \texttt{ConditionVariable}'s, it lacks the complete concept of notification events. Notification events are used extensively on platforms like Windows. These events can be waited on and signaled, either permanently or temporarily. Please refer to Microsoft's online documentation for more information. This support is provided by the \texttt{Rex::Sync::Event} class. \subsubsection{Reader/Writer locks} \par A common threading primitive is the reader/writer lock. Reader/writer locks are used to make it possible for multiple threads to be reading a resource concurrently while only permitting exclusive access to one thread when write operations are necessary. This primitive is especially useful for resources that are not updated very often as it can drastically reduce lock contentions. While it may be overkill to have such a synchronization primitive in the library, it's still cool. \par The reader/writer lock implementation is provided by the \texttt{Rex::ReadWriteLock} class. To lock the resource for read, the \texttt{lock\_read} method can be used. To lock the resource for write access, the \texttt{lock\_write} method can be used. \subsubsection{Reference counting} \par In some cases it is necessary to reference count an instance in a synchronized fashion so that it is not cleaned up or destroyed until the last reference is gone. For this purpose, the \texttt{Rex::Ref} class can be used with the \texttt{refinit} method for initializing references to 1 and the \texttt{ref} and \texttt{deref} methods that do what their names imply. When the reference count drops to zero, the \texttt{cleanup} method is called on the object instance to give it a chance to restore things back to normal. \subsubsection{Thread-safe operations} \par Some of the built-in functions in Ruby are not thread safe in that they can block other ruby threads from being scheduled in certain conditions. To solve this problem, the functions that have issues have been wrappered with implementations that ensure that not all ruby threads will block. The specific methods that required change were \texttt{select} and \texttt{sleep}. \section{Framework Core} \par The framework core implements the set of classes that provide an interface to framework modules and plugins. The core portion of the framework is designed by used in an instance-based approach. This means that the entire framework state can be contained within one class instance thereby allowing programmers to have multiple concurrent and separate framework instances in use at the same time rather than forcing everything to share one singleton instance. \par The current major version of the framework core can be accessed through \texttt{Msf::Framework::Major} and the minor version can be accessed through \texttt{Msf::Framework::Minor}. A combined version of these two version numbers can be accessed through \texttt{Msf::Framework::Version} or \texttt{framework.version} on an instance level. The current revision of the framework core interface can be accessed through \\\texttt{Msf::Framework::Revision}. \par The framework core is accessed through an instance of the \texttt{Msf::Framework} class. Creating an instance of the framework is illustrated in figure \ref{fig-code-framework-create}. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} framework = Msf::Framework.new \end{verbatim} \caption{Creating an instance of the framework} \label{fig-code-framework-create} \end{figure} \par The framework instance itself is nothing more than a way of connecting the different critical subsystems of the framework core, such as module management, session management, event dispatching, and so on. The manner of using these subsystems will be described in the following subsections. \subsection{DataStore} \par Each framework instance has an instance of the \texttt{Msf::DataStore} class that can be accessed via \texttt{framework.datastore}. The purpose of the datastore in the 3.0 version of the framework is to act as a replacement for the concept of the environment in the 2.x branch. The datastore is simply a hash of values that may be used either by modules or by the framework itself to reference programmer or user controlled values. Interacting with the datastore is illustrated in figure \ref{fig-code-framework-datastore}. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} framework.datastore['foo'] = 'bar' if (framework.datastore['foo'] == 'bar') puts "'foo' is 'bar'" end \end{verbatim} \caption{Creating an instance of the framework} \label{fig-code-framework-datastore} \end{figure} \par Modules will inherit values from the framework's global datastore if they are not found in the module's localized datastore. This aspect will be discussed in more detail in chapter \ref{framework-modules}. \subsection{Event Notifications} \par One of the major goals with the 3.0 version of the framework was to provide developers with a useful event notification system that would allow them to perform arbitrary actions when certain framework events occurred. To support this, each framework instance can have event handlers registered through the \texttt{framework.events} attribute which is an instance of the \texttt{Msf::EventDispatcher} class. \par The \texttt{EventDispatcher} class supports registering events for a few basic different categories. These categories will be discussed individually. One of the nice aspects of the event-driven framework is that modules can automatically indicate their interest in being registered for event handler notifications by simply implementing the event subscriber mixins subscribed below. When a module is loaded into the framework, it will automatically detect that it includes one or more of the subscriber interfaces and automatically register the module with the appropriate event notifiers. This makes it possible for modules to take certain actions when specific events occur. \subsubsection{Exploit events} \par Event subscribers can be registered to be notified when events regarding exploitation occur. To register an exploit event subscriber, a call should be made to \texttt{framework.events.register\_exploit\_subscriber}. This method should be passed an instance of an object that includes the \texttt{Msf::ExploitEvent} mixin. The type of event that this subscriber will be notified of is when an exploit succeeds. In the event that an exploit succeeds, the subscriber's \texttt{on\_exploit\_success} method will be called with the exploit instance that succeeded and the session instance that it created. \par To remove an event subscriber, a call should be made to\\ \texttt{framework.events.remove\_exploit\_subscriber} passing the object instance that was used to add the subscriber in the first place. \subsubsection{General framework events} \par To receive event notifications about internal framework events, a general event subscriber can be registered through the \texttt{framework.events.register\_general\_subscriber} method. This method takes an instance of an object that includes the \texttt{Msf::GeneralEventSubscriber} mixin. When a module is loaded into the framework instance, the \texttt{on\_module\_load\_proc} will be called if it is non-nil and will be passed the reference name and class associated with the newly loaded module. When a module instance is created, the \texttt{on\_module\_created\_proc} will be called if it's non-nil and will be passed the newly created module instance. \par To remove an event subscriber, a call should be made to\\ \texttt{framework.events.remove\_general\_subscriber} passing the object instance that was used to add the subscriber in the first place. \subsubsection{Recon events} \par To receive notifications about reconnaissance events, such as when a new host or service is detected, a recon event subscriber can be registered through the \texttt{framework.events.add\_recon\_subscriber} method. This method takes an instance of an object that implements one or both of the \texttt{Msf::ReconEvent::HostSubscriber} or \texttt{Msf::ReconEvent::ServiceSubscriber} mixins. When a new host is detected or an attribute of a host has changed, a call will be made to the event subscriber's \texttt{on\_host\_changed} method assuming it implements the \texttt{Msf::ReconEvent::HostSubscriber} mixin. When a new service is detected or an attribute of a service has changed, a call will be made to the event subscriber's \texttt{on\_service\_changed} method assuming it implements the \texttt{Msf::ReconEvent::ServiceSubscriber} mixin. \par To remove an event subscriber, a call should be made to\\ \texttt{framework.events.remove\_recon\_subscriber} passing the object instance that was used to add the subscriber in the first place. \subsubsection{Session events} \par To receive notifications about events pertaining to sessions, a session event subscriber can be registered through the \texttt{framework.events.add\_session\_subscriber} method. This method takes an instance of an object that implements the \texttt{Msf::SessionEvent} mixin. When a new session is opened, the framework will call into the subscriber's \texttt{on\_session\_open} method with the session instance that has just been opened as the first argument. When a session terminates, the framework will call into the subscriber's \texttt{on\_session\_close} method with the session instance that is being closed. \par To remove an event subscriber, a call should be made to\\ \texttt{framework.events.remove\_session\_subscriber} passing the object instance that was used to add the subscriber in the first place. \subsection{Framework Managers} \par The framework core itself is composed of a few different managers that are responsible for some of the basic aspects of the framework, such as module and plugin management. These managers will be described individually. \subsubsection{Module management} \par The module management aspect of the framework is one of its most integral parts. The \texttt{Msf::ModuleManager} class is responsible for providing the interface for loading modules and for acting as a factory for module instance creation. The module manager itself can be accessed through the \texttt{framework.modules} attribute. The loading of modules is accomplished by adding a search path to the module manager by making a call to the \texttt{add\_module\_path} method. This method will automatically load all of the modules found within the supplied directory\footnote{The module path must conform to the standard module directory layout, with the base directory structure appearing similar to the \texttt{modules} sub-directory in the framework distribution}. \par Modules are symbolically identified by what is referred to as a \textit{reference name}. The reference name takes a form that is similar to a directory path and is partially controlled by the filesystem path that the module is loaded from. An example of a reference name would be an exploit labeled \texttt{windows/ftp/wsftpd}. This would mean that the exploit was loaded from \texttt{exploits/windows/ftp/wsftpd.rb}. It is important to note that module's must retain a namespace hierarchy that mirrors the path in which they are located. For instance, the example described previously would have the class declared as \texttt{Msf::Exploits::Windows::Ftp::Wsftpd}. This is necessary so that the framework's module manager knows what namespace to look in to see what class was added after loading the file. The reference name of a module can be accessed through the \texttt{refname} attribute on both the class of the module and its instances. \par In order to help solve the potential for module name ambiguities across module types, modules can also be referenced by what is called a \textit{full reference name}. This name is the same as the reference name of the module but is prefixed with the module's type. For instance, the exploit \texttt{windows/ftp/wsftpd} would become \texttt{exploit/windows/ftp/wsftpd}. The full reference named can be accessed through the \texttt{fullname} attribute on both the class of the module and its instances. \par In order to make the module manager easy to use, each different module type is broken down into a more basic class called a module set which is implemented by the \texttt{Msf::ModuleSet} class. The purpose of a module set is to act as a localized factory for each different module type (exploit, encoder, nop, etc). Each module type-specific module set can be accessed through either \texttt{framework.type} or \texttt{framework.modules.type}. For example, if one wanted to enumerate exploit modules, they would use the \texttt{framework.exploits} method to get access to the exploit module set. \par Module sets are implemented in the form of a hash that associates the reference names of modules with their underlying classes. To create an instance of a module, a call is made to the module set's \texttt{create} method passing the reference name of the module that should be instantiated. For example, to create an instance of an exploit named \texttt{windows/ftp/wsftpd}, a call would be made as shown in figure \ref{fig-code-framework-modcreate} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} framework.exploits.create('windows/ftp/wsftpd') \end{verbatim} \caption{Creating an instance of a framework module} \label{fig-code-framework-modcreate} \end{figure} \par The table shown in figure \ref{fig-table-modulsets} shows the relation between module types and framework module set accessors. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Module Type} & \textbf{Accessor} \\ \hline MODULE\_ENCODER & framework.encoders \\ MODULE\_EXPLOIT & framework.exploits \\ MODULE\_NOP & framework.nops \\ MODULE\_RECON & framework.recon \\ MODULE\_PAYLOAD & framework.payloads \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Module types and their framework accessors} \label{fig-table-modulsets} \end{center} \end{figure} \par To reload the contents of a module, a call can be issued to \texttt{reload\_module} passing the module instance that should be reloaded. This will lead to the framework re-reading the contents of the module's underlying file path and automatically creating a new instance of the module. \subsubsection{Plugin management} \subsubsection{Recon management} \section{Framework Base} \subsection{Configuration} \subsection{Logging} \subsection{Serialization} \subsection{Simplified Framework} \section{Framework Ui} \subsection{Console} \subsection{Web} \chapter{Framework Modules} \label{framework-modules} \section{Encoder} \section{Exploit} \subsection{Stances} \subsection{Types} \subsection{Mixins} \section{Nop} \section{Payload} \subsection{Single} \subsection{Stage} \subsection{Stager} \section{Recon} \subsection{Discovery} \subsection{Analyzer} \chapter{Framework Plugins} \section{User-interface Plugins} \chapter{Methodologies} \section{Writing an Exploit} \chapter{Conclusion} \end{document}