#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Web Crawler. # # Author: et [at] metasploit.com 2010 # # # openssl before rubygems mac os require 'openssl' require 'rubygems' require 'rinda/tuplespace' require 'uri' begin require 'sqlite3' rescue LoadError puts "Error: sqlite3-ruby not found" end msfbase = File.symlink?(__FILE__) ? File.readlink(__FILE__) : __FILE__ $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', 'lib')) require 'rex' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/base' # Sleep time (secs) between requests $sleeptime = 0 # Timeout for loop ending $taketimeout = 15 # Read timeout (-1 forever) $readtimeout = -1 # Directory containing crawler modules $crawlermodulesdir = File.join(File.dirname(msfbase),"..", "data", "msfcrawler") # Database $dbpathmsf = File.join(Msf::Config.get_config_root, 'sqlite3.db') # Store in database? $dbs = false # Thread number $threadnum = 1 # Dont crawl $dontcrawl = ".exe,.zip,.tar,.bz2,.run,.asc,.gz," # Use proxy $useproxy = false # Proxy host $proxyhost = '' # Proxy Port $proxyport = 8080 # Cookie Jar $cookiejar = {} class HttpCrawler attr_accessor :ctarget, :cport, :cinipath, :cssl, :proxyhost, :proxyport, :useproxy def initialize(target,port,inipath,ssl,proxyhost,proxyport,useproxy) self.ctarget = target self.cport = port self.cssl = ssl self.useproxy = useproxy self.proxyhost = proxyhost self.proxyport = proxyport self.cinipath = (inipath.nil? or inipath.empty?) ? '/' : inipath inireq = { 'rhost' => self.ctarget, 'rport' => self.cport, 'uri' => self.cinipath, 'method' => 'GET', 'ctype' => 'text/plain', 'ssl' => self.cssl, 'query' => nil } @NotViewedQueue = Rinda::TupleSpace.new @ViewedQueue = Hash.new insertnewpath(inireq) puts "Loading modules: #{$crawlermodulesdir}" load_modules puts "OK" end def reqtemplate(target,port,ssl) hreq = { 'rhost' => target, 'rport' => port, 'uri' => nil, 'method' => nil, 'ctype' => nil, 'ssl' => ssl, 'query' => nil } return hreq end def storedb(hashreq,response,dbpath) db = SQLite3::Database.new(dbpath) #db = Mysql.new("", username, password, databasename) until !db.transaction_active? puts "Waiting for db" #wait end #puts "db: #{db.transaction_active?}" db.transaction db.execute( "insert into wmap_requests values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", nil, hashreq['rhost'], hashreq['rhost'], hashreq['rhost'], hashreq['rport'].to_i, hashreq['ssl'], hashreq['method'], SQLite3::Blob.new(hashreq['uri']), SQLite3::Blob.new("a"), SQLite3::Blob.new("b"), SQLite3::Blob.new("c"), "200", SQLite3::Blob.new("d"), SQLite3::Blob.new("e"), Time.new ) db.commit db.close end def run i, a = 0, [] begin loop do reqfilter = reqtemplate(self.ctarget,self.cport,self.cssl) hashreq = @NotViewedQueue.take(reqfilter, $taketimeout) if !@ViewedQueue.include?(hashsig(hashreq)) @ViewedQueue[hashsig(hashreq)] = Time.now if !File.extname(hashreq['uri']).empty? and $dontcrawl.include? File.extname(hashreq['uri']) puts "URI not crawled #{hashreq['uri']}" else #### if i <= $threadnum a.push(Thread.new { #### prx = nil if self.useproxy prx = "HTTP:"+self.proxyhost.to_s+":"+self.proxyport.to_s end c = Rex::Proto::Http::Client.new( self.ctarget, self.cport.to_i, {}, self.cssl, nil, prx ) sendreq(c,hashreq) #### }) i += 1 else sleep(0.01) and a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? i = 0 end #### end else #puts "#{hashreq} already visited at #{@ViewedQueue[hashsig(hashreq)]}" end end rescue Rinda::RequestExpiredError puts "END." return end end # # Modified version of load_protocols from psnuffle by Max Moser # def load_modules base = $crawlermodulesdir if (not File.directory?(base)) raise RuntimeError,"The Crawler modules parameter is set to an invalid directory" end @crawlermodules = {} cmodules = Dir.new(base).entries.grep(/\.rb$/).sort cmodules.each do |n| f = File.join(base, n) m = ::Module.new begin m.module_eval(File.read(f, File.size(f))) m.constants.grep(/^Crawler(.*)/) do cmod = $1 klass = m.const_get("Crawler#{cmod}") @crawlermodules[cmod.downcase] = klass.new(self) puts("Loaded crawler module #{cmod} from #{f}...") end rescue ::Exception => e puts("Crawler module #{n} failed to load: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end end end def sendreq(nclient,reqopts={}) #puts reqopts puts ">> #{reqopts['uri']}" if reqopts['query'] puts ">>> #{reqopts['query']}" end begin r = nclient.request_raw(reqopts) resp = nclient.send_recv(r, $readtimeout) while(resp and resp.code == 100) resp = nclient.reread_response(resp, $readtimeout) end if resp # # Quickfix for bug packet.rb to_s line: 190 # In case modules or crawler calls to_s on de-chunked responses # resp.transfer_chunked = false if resp['Set-Cookie'] #puts "Set Cookie: #{resp['Set-Cookie']}" #puts "Storing in cookie jar for host:port #{reqopts['rhost']}:#{reqopts['rport']}" #$cookiejar["#{reqopts['rhost']}:#{reqopts['rport']}"] = resp['Set-Cookie'] end #puts ("#{resp.to_s}") #puts "resp code #{resp.code}" if $dbs #store db storedb(reqopts,resp,$dbpathmsf) end case resp.code when 200 @crawlermodules.each_key do |k| @crawlermodules[k].parse(reqopts,resp) end when 301..302 puts "(#{resp.code}) Redirection to: #{resp['Location']}" puts urltohash(resp['Location']) insertnewpath(urltohash(resp['Location'])) when 404 puts "Invalid link (404) #{reqopts['uri']}" else puts "Unhandled #{resp.code}" end else puts "No response" end sleep($sleeptime) #rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout #rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE rescue "ERROR" end end # # Add new path (uri) to test non-viewed queue # def insertnewpath(hashreq) if hashreq['rhost'] == self.ctarget and hashreq['rport'] == self.cport if !@ViewedQueue.include?(hashsig(hashreq)) if @NotViewedQueue.read_all(hashreq).size > 0 #puts "Already in queue to be viewed" else #puts "Inserted: #{hashreq['uri']}" @NotViewedQueue.write(hashreq) end else #puts "#{hashreq} already visited at #{@ViewedQueue[hashsig(hashreq)]}" end end end # # Build a new hash for a local path # def urltohash(url) uri = URI.parse(url) tssl = (uri.scheme == "https") ? true : false if (uri.host.nil? or uri.host.empty?) uritargethost = self.ctarget uritargetport = self.cport uritargetssl = self.cssl else uritargethost = uri.host uritargetport = uri.port uritargetssl = tssl end hashreq = { 'rhost' => uritargethost, 'rport' => uritargetport, 'uri' => uri.path, 'method' => 'GET', 'ctype' => 'text/plain', 'ssl' => uritargetssl, 'query' => uri.query } #puts hashreq return hashreq end def hashsig(hashreq) hashreq.to_s end end class BaseParser attr_accessor :crawler def initialize(c) self.crawler = c end def parse(request,result) nil end # # Add new path (uri) to test hash queue # def insertnewpath(hashreq) self.crawler.insertnewpath(hashreq) end def hashsig(hashreq) self.crawler.hashsig(hashreq) end def targetssl self.crawler.cssl end def targetport self.crawler.cport end def targethost self.crawler.ctarget end def targetinipath self.crawler.cinipath end end trap("INT") { exit() } $args = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-t" => [ true, "Target URI" ], "-d" => [ false, "Enable database" ], "-u" => [ true, "Use proxy"], "-x" => [ true, "Proxy host" ], "-p" => [ true, "Proxy port" ], "-h" => [ false, "Display this help information"] ) if ARGV.length < 1 puts("\n" + " Usage: #{$0} \n" + $args.usage) exit end turl = nil $args.parse(ARGV) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-d" $dbs = true when "-t" $crun = true turl = val when "-u" $useproxy = true when "-x" $proxyhost = val when "-p" $proxyposrt = val when "-h" puts("\n" + " Usage: #{$0} \n" + $args.usage) exit end } if $crun uri = URI.parse(turl) tssl = (uri.scheme == "https") ? true : false if (uri.host.nil? or uri.host.empty?) puts "Error: target http(s)://target/path" exit end if $useproxy puts "Using proxy: #{$proxyhost}:#{$proxyport}" end mc = HttpCrawler.new(uri.host,uri.port,uri.path,tssl,$proxyhost, $proxyport, $useproxy) if $dbs puts "Database: #{$dbpathmsf}" else puts "[DATABASE DISABLED]" end puts "Target: #{mc.ctarget} Port: #{mc.cport} Path: #{mc.cinipath} SSL: #{mc.cssl}" mc.run end