# Author: LMH # Description: The exploit controller of msfweb v.3. Handles views, listing # and other actions related to exploit modules. Code and processing goes here. # Instance variables, final values, etc, go into views. class ExploitsController < ApplicationController layout 'windows' def list end def view @tmod = get_view_for_module("exploit", params[:refname]) unless @tmod render_text "Unknown module specified." end end def config # Retrieve object to module with the given refname @tmod = get_view_for_module("exploit", params[:refname]) unless @tmod render_text "Unknown module specified." end # Get target, using index given in 'target' parameter @target = @tmod.targets[params[:target].to_i] unless @target render_text "Unknown target specified." end @tmod.datastore['TARGET'] = params[:target].to_i @cur_step = nil if params[:step] @cur_step = params[:step] end if (params[:payload]) if (params[:payload] =~ /^\d+$/ ) @payload_ref = @tmod.compatible_payloads[params[:payload].to_i] else @tmod.compatible_payloads.each_with_index do |ref, i| if(ref[0] == params[:payload]) @payload_ref = ref end end end end if @cur_step == "exploit" # Always show the option page after an exploit is launched @cur_step = "config" unless @payload_ref render_text "Unknown payload specified or not supported." end @payload_name, @payload_class = @payload_ref @payload_inst = @payload_class.new # Create a new console driver instance @cid = $msfweb.create_console() @con = $msfweb.consoles[@cid] # Use the selected module @con.execute("use exploit/#{@tmod.refname}") # Configure the target and payload @exploit = @con.active_module @exploit.datastore['PAYLOAD'] = @payload_name @exploit.datastore['TARGET'] = params[:target].to_i # Configure the selected options params.each_key do |k| eopt = k.to_s.match(/^eopt_/) ? true : false popt = k.to_s.match(/^popt_/) ? true : false name = k.to_s.gsub(/^.opt_/, '') if (eopt or popt) if (params[k] and params[k].to_s.length > 0) @exploit.datastore[name] = params[k].to_s end end end # Validate the exploit and payload options @payload_inst.share_datastore(@exploit.datastore) begin @exploit.options.validate(@exploit.datastore) @payload_inst.options.validate(@payload_inst.datastore) @con.write("exploit\n") @exploit_console = @cid rescue ::Exception => e $msfweb.destroy_console(@cid) @exploit_error = e.to_s end end if @cur_step == "config" unless @payload_ref render_text "Unknown payload specified or not supported." end @payload_name, @payload_class = @payload_ref @payload_inst = @payload_class.new else @payloads = @tmod.compatible_payloads end end end