#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## # # This script cracks HMAC SHA1 hashes. It is strangely necessary as existing tools # have issues with binary salt values and extremely large salt values. The primary # goal of this tool is to handle IPMI 2.0 HMAC SHA1 hashes. # # Support for this format is being added to both hashcat and jtr, hopefully # making this code obsolete. # msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', '..', 'lib'))) require 'msfenv' $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'rex' require 'openssl' def usage $stderr.puts("\nUsage: #{$0} hashes.txt \n") $stderr.puts("The format of hash file is ::\n\n") exit end hash_inp = ARGV.shift || usage() word_inp = ARGV.shift || usage() usage if [hash_inp, word_inp].include?("-h") or [hash_inp, word_inp].include?("--help") hash_fd = ::File.open(hash_inp, "rb") word_fd = $stdin if word_inp != "-" word_fd = ::File.open(word_inp, "rb") end hashes = [] hash_fd.each_line do |line| next unless line.strip.length > 0 h_id, h_salt, h_hash = line.unpack("C*").pack("C*").strip.split(':', 3) unless h_id and h_salt and h_hash $stderr.puts "[-] Invalid hash entry, missing field: #{line}" next end unless h_salt =~ /^[a-f0-9]+$/i $stderr.puts "[-] Invalid hash entry, salt must be in hex: #{line}" next end hashes << [h_id, [h_salt].pack("H*"), [h_hash].pack("H*") ] end hash_fd.close stime = Time.now.to_f count = 0 cracked = 0 word_fd.each_line do |line| # Preferable to strip so we can test passwords made of whitespace (or null) line = line.unpack("C*").pack("C*").sub(/\r?\n?$/, '') hashes.each do |hinfo| if OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', line.to_s, hinfo[1]) == hinfo[2] $stdout.puts [ hinfo[0], hinfo[1].unpack("H*").first, hinfo[2].unpack("H*").first, line.to_s ].join(":") $stdout.flush hinfo[3] = true cracked += 1 end count += 1 if count % 2500000 == 0 $stderr.puts "[*] Found #{cracked} passwords with #{hashes.length} left (#{(count / (Time.now.to_f - stime)).to_i}/s)" end end hashes.delete_if {|e| e[3] } break if hashes.length == 0 end word_fd.close $stderr.puts "[*] Cracked #{cracked} passwords with #{hashes.length} left (#{(count / (Time.now.to_f - stime)).to_i}/s)"