#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # $Id$ # # This user interface allows users to interact with the framework through a # command line interface (CLI) rather than having to use a prompting console # or web-based interface. # # $Revision$ # msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), 'lib'))) require 'fastlib' require 'msfenv' $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'rex' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/base' Indent = ' ' def usage (str = nil, extra = nil) tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Usage: #{$0} [mode]", 'Indent' => 4, 'Columns' => ['Mode', 'Description'] ) tbl << ['(H)elp', "You're looking at it baby!"] tbl << ['(S)ummary', 'Show information about this module'] tbl << ['(O)ptions', 'Show available options for this module'] tbl << ['(A)dvanced', 'Show available advanced options for this module'] tbl << ['(I)DS Evasion', 'Show available ids evasion options for this module'] tbl << ['(P)ayloads', 'Show available payloads for this module'] tbl << ['(T)argets', 'Show available targets for this exploit module'] tbl << ['(AC)tions', 'Show available actions for this auxiliary module'] tbl << ['(C)heck', 'Run the check routine of the selected module'] tbl << ['(E)xecute', 'Execute the selected module'] $stdout.puts "Error: #{str}\n\n" if str $stdout.puts tbl.to_s + "\n" $stdout.puts extra + "\n" if extra exit end # Handle the help option before loading modules exploit_name = ARGV.shift exploit = nil module_class = "exploit" if(exploit_name == "-h") usage() end # Initialize the simplified framework instance. $stderr.puts "[*] Please wait while we load the module tree..." $framework = Msf::Simple::Framework.create if ($framework.modules.failed.length > 0) print("Warning: The following modules could not be loaded!\n\n") $framework.modules.failed.each_pair do |file, err| print("\t#{file}: #{err}\n\n") end end if (not exploit_name) ext = '' tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => 'Exploits', 'Indent' => 4, 'Columns' => [ 'Name', 'Description' ]) $framework.exploits.each_module { |name, mod| tbl << [ 'exploit/' + name, mod.new.name ] } ext << tbl.to_s + "\n" tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => 'Auxiliary', 'Indent' => 4, 'Columns' => [ 'Name', 'Description' ]) $framework.auxiliary.each_module { |name, mod| tbl << [ 'auxiliary/' + name, mod.new.name ] } ext << tbl.to_s + "\n" usage(nil, ext) end # Process special var/val pairs... Msf::Ui::Common.process_cli_arguments($framework, ARGV) # Determine what type of module it is case exploit_name when /exploit\/(.*)/ exploit = $framework.exploits.create($1) module_class = 'exploit' when /auxiliary\/(.*)/ exploit = $framework.auxiliary.create($1) module_class = 'auxiliary' else exploit = $framework.exploits.create(exploit_name) if exploit == nil # Try falling back on aux modules exploit = $framework.auxiliary.create(exploit_name) module_class = 'auxiliary' end end if (exploit == nil) usage("Invalid module: #{exploit_name}") end exploit.init_ui( Rex::Ui::Text::Input::Stdio.new, Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Stdio.new ) # Evalulate the command (default to "help") mode = ARGV.pop || 'h' # Import options exploit.datastore.import_options_from_s(ARGV.join('_|_'), '_|_') # Initialize associated modules payload = nil encoder = nil nop = nil if (exploit.datastore['PAYLOAD']) payload = $framework.payloads.create(exploit.datastore['PAYLOAD']) if (payload != nil) payload.datastore.import_options_from_s(ARGV.join('_|_'), '_|_') end end if (exploit.datastore['ENCODER']) encoder = $framework.encoders.create(exploit.datastore['ENCODER']) if (encoder != nil) encoder.datastore.import_options_from_s(ARGV.join('_|_'), '_|_') end end if (exploit.datastore['NOP']) nop = $framework.nops.create(exploit.datastore['NOP']) if (nop != nil) nop.datastore.import_options_from_s(ARGV.join('_|_'), '_|_') end end case mode.downcase when 'h' usage when "s" $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(exploit, Indent)) $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(payload, Indent)) if payload $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(encoder, Indent)) if encoder $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_module(nop, Indent)) if nop when "o" $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_options(exploit, Indent)) $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_options(payload, Indent)) if payload $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_options(encoder, Indent)) if encoder $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_options(nop, Indent)) if nop when "a" $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_advanced_options(exploit, Indent)) $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_advanced_options(payload, Indent)) if payload $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_advanced_options(encoder, Indent)) if encoder $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_advanced_options(nop, Indent)) if nop when "i" $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_evasion_options(exploit, Indent)) $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_evasion_options(payload, Indent)) if payload $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_evasion_options(encoder, Indent)) if encoder $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_evasion_options(nop, Indent)) if nop when "p" if (module_class == 'exploit') $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_compatible_payloads(exploit, Indent, "Compatible payloads")) else $stdout.puts("\nError: This type of module does not support payloads") end when "t" if (module_class == 'exploit') $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_exploit_targets(exploit, Indent)) else $stdout.puts("\nError: This type of module does not support targets") end when "ac" if (module_class == 'auxiliary') $stdout.puts("\n" + Msf::Serializer::ReadableText.dump_auxiliary_actions(exploit, Indent)) else $stdout.puts("\nError: This type of module does not support actions") end when "c" if (module_class == 'exploit') begin if (code = exploit.check_simple( 'LocalInput' => Rex::Ui::Text::Input::Stdio.new, 'LocalOutput' => Rex::Ui::Text::Output::Stdio.new)) stat = (code == Msf::Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable) ? '[+]' : '[*]' $stdout.puts("#{stat} #{code[1]}") else $stderr.puts("Check failed: The state could not be determined.") end rescue $stderr.puts("Check failed: #{$!}") end else $stdout.puts("\nError: This type of module does not support the check feature") end when "e" con = Msf::Ui::Console::Driver.new( Msf::Ui::Console::Driver::DefaultPrompt, Msf::Ui::Console::Driver::DefaultPromptChar, { 'Framework' => $framework } ) con.run_single("use #{module_class}/#{exploit.refname}") ARGV.each do |arg| k,v = arg.split("=", 2) con.run_single("set #{k} #{v}") end con.run_single("exploit") # If we have sessions or jobs, keep running if $framework.sessions.length > 0 or $framework.jobs.length > 0 con.run else con.run_single("quit") end else usage("Invalid mode #{mode}") end $stdout.puts